96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???

I'll state it again.....That 96% of naive idiots that voted for Trump are STILL as dumb as they were 6 months ago....Wait until Trump screws them royally with HC and tax breaks for his crooked cabinet members and himself...........
Maybe then they'll wake up...LOL

And you still sit on the sidelines where you will be for a long long very long time.

Get used to it.

You lost.

Suck on it.
Yes, the latest ABC/Wash. Post poll yields that 96% "amazing" datum that Trump voters are still sticking with the orange charlatan......

Now, what would an objective viewer conclude from such a high ranking?

1. Loyalty is non-discerning?
2. Trump voters refuse to admit reality?
3. Trump voters were dumb 6 months ago and are STILL dumb?

Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office ( , making American great, defeating ISIS, a Mexican paid-for wall, ban immigrants, tax reform, health care, working tirelessly in the oval office, infrastructure funding, etc.) ONLY two have been fulfilled......

a. Trump did get Gorsuch a SCOTUS seat; of course, given the right wing majority in congress and the nuclear option factor, Trump could have nominated a first-year law student and managed to get him or her seated....

b. Trump has drastically improved his golf game.......

(I'd go with number 3 above.....LOL)

I'm always amazed at morons who question Trump supporters after voting for a candidate like Hillary with 30 years of corruption under her girdle. Go look in the mirror.
I'm always amazed at morons who question Trump supporters after voting for a candidate like Hillary with 30 years of corruption under her girdle. Go look in the mirror.

Is your nose orange from all that Trump ass licking?
96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???

YES! and 100% of them say never Hillary! :badgrin:
Meh.....its still early!!!! Trump voters and the GOP congress will turn on Trump!
If the GOP were any less supportive of The Donald they would hog tie him and drag him out of the Oval Office. All Trump has are the people that voted for him. And that is all he needs. He has democrats republicans libertarians northerners southerners westerners and some on the east coast. He won with us and he will win with us again.
Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office...ONLY two have been fulfilled......

b. Trump has drastically improved his golf game.......
That's not even a promise he made, you dimwit. You're actually crediting him for "keeping promises" that he never made. That's literally how stupid you are. :laugh:
Yes, the latest ABC/Wash. Post poll yields that 96% "amazing" datum that Trump voters are still sticking with the orange charlatan......
Why wouldn't they? He's had the most impressive first 100 days in office of any president in the modern era. I actually regret not supporting him! I feel like a fool for bashing him during the primary. He's delivered on every promise he's made except for two trivial promises:
  1. Releasing his taxes
  2. Not playing golf
Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office...ONLY two have been fulfilled......
You're confused as always, Nathalie. There are only two promises he has failed to fulfill (releasing his taxes and not playing golf). He has delivered on every other promise, big time! No politician has ever kept their word (up to this point) like President Trump has.
  • He promised to kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership - he did.
  • He promised to approve the Keystone Pipeline - he did.
  • He promised to secure the border - he did.
  • He promised to create jobs - he did.
  • He promised to renegotiate trade agreements in favor of the U.S. - he did.
  • He promised to return power to the states - he did.
  • He promised to cut the national debt - he did ($67 billion already).
  • He promised to roll back regulations - he did.
  • He promised to eliminate Barack Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders - he did.
  • He promised to appoint a true constitutionalist to the Supreme Court - he did.
All that in under 100 days and while the Dumbocrats were doing everything in their power to obstruct his efforts.

Now, what would an objective witness conclude from such an idiotic post as yours?
  1. You are ignorant
  2. You are uninformed
  3. You are a pathological liar
  4. You are a fragile snowflake who can't accept not having her way
  5. You can't accept the fact that the American people reject your bat-shit crazy ideology
He promised to create jobs - he did.

Well, I HAVE to agree with you on that above one......

His whole freaking family now works at the WH............LOL





It's so funny to see you laugh at your own stuff.

Nobody else does.

If they are laughing, it is at you.

There are going to be thousands of new Border Patrol agents. I am not happy about more federal employees....so I think we should scrap the beyond worthless Dept of Poor Education as an offset.

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