97,000,000 Eligible Voters Did Not Vote in 2016 Election

Newsflash. Stormy sued Trump. Do you know how that worked out? Stormy's lawyer went to jail and she had to pay Trumps legal fees

When Donald Trump became U.S President in 2016, Stormy Daniels knew what happened in 2006.

The same story must be for all those managers, employees, executives in all those companies, their college days, late night parties, busy work schedule, travelling for many days.
Newsflash. Stormy sued Trump. Do you know how that worked out? Stormy's lawyer went to jail and she had to pay Trumps legal fees

When Donald Trump became U.S President in 2016, Stormy Daniels knew what took place in 2006.

The same story must be all those managers, employees, executives in all those companies, their college days, late night parties, busy work schedule, travelling for many days.

I'll ask again.
Are you impaired in some way?
I'm gonna make a wild guess and assume it's a mental thing.
I think U.S military, American police, federal police ( who get $10,000/month) do not like your Playboy president. Things can go really bad.

What the fuck is a Chin Swee

I think there is some swee dripping from your chin.

Are you jealous? I love my Playboy president

I think U.S military, American police, federal police ( who get $10,000/month) do not like your Playboy president. Things can go really bad.
Good grief! Please troll elsewhere..or at least endeavor to be entertaining. no one here cares what you think...not even those who hate Trump.
So, all those voted that the system wasn't worth participating in. That's a very interesting commentary on what the duopoly party has to offer.
Also, Trump was not elected to do or be anything other than not Hillary.

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