97% of climatologists believe in man-made global warming

jreeves, you don't care about evidence.

Melting glaciers, melting ice caps, and rising temperatures....

There is plenty of evidence.

More ice cover in 2009, colder temperatures with an increase in CO2 emmissions in 2008 and 2009....you are right there is plenty of evidence.

Btw....why can't you eliminate your 1.5 billion tons of CO2 emmissions? What a joke you are calling for major policy changes, yet you can't eliminate your personal 1.5 billion carbon emmissions. LOL
One thing I keep forgetting ... colder temps doesn't always mean more ice, it means an increased chance of ice. Two things can decrease the amount of water that will freeze, salt and movement. Temperature changes in either direction can decrease oceanic ice, so using polar caps as a measurement only shows a change, not which way. It's still junk science.
Finally ... after a strange snow storm in December (unseasonably cold) we get our normally scheduled snow ... so, it's warmer how?
Eleven of the warmest years in 150 years in the last 13 years, but it is getting colder? Lordy, lordy:cuckoo:

And global warming is a lie and a conspriracy involving all the scientific societies on earth, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major universities. Talk about a tenuous grip on reality. You people take the cake.
Let's review shall we....

Glaciers in retreat....


The Polar Ice Cap melting....

NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007

Antarctic warming.....

Science News / Antarctica Is Getting Warmer Too

CO2 increased by 40%....

The Rise of CO2 & Warming

Every major scientific group on the planet in agreement about the cause.....

BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change -- Oreskes 306 (5702): 1686 -- Science
Antarctic warming.....

Science News / Antarctica Is Getting Warmer Too

This study you cite is a perfect example of how this GW story is spun in the face of contradicting facts.

That study has already been disproven - it was based upon faulty data.

» Snow Job in Antarctica SOS Forests

You have a young gentleman go down on a GW finding mission paid for by GW funding. The data is compiled incorrectly to come up with a pre-determined conclusion. The paper, due to its pro GW stance, is widely published.

The facts that dismiss this paper are then ignored or given scant attention, thus the lie becomes the reality.

This scenario has been played out time and time again.

GW is BIG BUSINESS, and as such, the very corporations that so many liberals state they are against, are actually the ones now forwarding the GW agenda. You are being played as pawns in the game of profits, the monkey to the grinder.

As more and more in the scientific community bravely stand against this abomination to science though, the more difficult this ruse becomes, despite the acidic combination of corporate greed and human arrogance that we are the controlling factor behind earth's vast climate.

An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change - Times Online
Eleven of the warmest years in 150 years in the last 13 years, but it is getting colder? Lordy, lordy:cuckoo:

And global warming is a lie and a conspriracy involving all the scientific societies on earth, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major universities. Talk about a tenuous grip on reality. You people take the cake.

What part of the books are being cooked by people chasing $$$$ and control don't you get? NASA has already been busted on several occasions re-writing history to arrive at just the statistics you cite. Then they pump it into the echo chamber so that willing stooges will repeat it until it becomes "truth".
Eleven of the warmest years in 150 years in the last 13 years, but it is getting colder? Lordy, lordy:cuckoo:

And global warming is a lie and a conspriracy involving all the scientific societies on earth, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major universities. Talk about a tenuous grip on reality. You people take the cake.

What part of the books are being cooked by people chasing $$$$ and control don't you get? NASA has already been busted on several occasions re-writing history to arrive at just the statistics you cite. Then they pump it into the echo chamber so that willing stooges will repeat it until it becomes "truth".

Global Warlarmists were the first ones to cry conspiracy when they were proven wrong, so of course they'd ignore the fact that their savior (Gore) was the one to actually start a conspiracy ... to make money.
Rocks, Chris, I use to be like you. I use to believe in the junk science, until I learned the real science and facts about it. Guess what, you've been conned and are still falling for it. It's more adult to admit you were fooled than it is to stick to the myth.
Again, thank you, JR, you have definately given me more information concerning how wrong in the past that Lindzen has proven to be. Lindzen predicted in 2004 that there would be 20 years of global cooling. Twenty percent of that period is now past, and it has been very warm.
2008 Global Temperature Ties As Eighth Warmest On Record

New global temperature record expected in the next 1-2 years

"2008 was the coolest year since 2000 but still ranks in the top 10 warmest since 1880."

Nothing about that refutes Lindzen's prediction. Besides, the point is that the impression Oreskes created was false. There were dissenting opinions in he published literature during 1993 - 2003.
Arctic sea ice during the 2007 melt season plummeted to the lowest levels since satellite measurements began in 1979. The average sea ice extent for the month of September was 4.28 million square kilometers (1.65 million square miles), the lowest September on record, shattering the previous record for the month, set in 2005, by 23 percent (see Figure 1). At the end of the melt season, September 2007 sea ice was 39 percent below the long-term average from 1979 to 2000 (see Figure 2). If ship and aircraft records from before the satellite era are taken into account, sea ice may have fallen by as much as 50 percent from the 1950s. The September rate of sea ice decline since 1979 is now approximately 10 percent per decade, or 72,000 square kilometers (28,000 square miles) per year (see Figure 3).

NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007
XINING, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists said Wednesday glaciers that serve as water sources on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau are melting at a "worrisome speed," having receded 196 square km over the past nearly 40 years.

The decline is equal to about one-fourth of the area of New York City.

Xin Yuanhong, senior engineer in charge of a three-year field study of glaciers in the region, said glaciers at the headwaters of the Yangtze, China's longest river, cover 1,051 square km, down from 1,247 square km in 1971.

"The reduction means more than 989 million cubic meters of water melted away," said Xin, whose team surveyed the glaciers between June 2005 and August 2008. That much water would fill Beijing's largest reservoir.

Melting glaciers on China's Qinghai-Tibet plateau water source "worrisome"_English_Xinhua
Last edited:
ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) — The world's glaciers thinned by an average of almost 29 inches (74 centimeters) in 2007, indicating that they are melting twice as fast this decade as during the 1980s and 1990s, Swiss scientists said Thursday.

The World Glacier Monitoring Service in Zurich regularly measures 80 glaciers around the globe.

It found that some Alpine glaciers lost as much as 10 feet (3 meters) of ice cover, while coastal glaciers in Norway actually thickened in 2007.

The rate of decline was less than in 2006, according to Michael Zemp, one of the scientists involved.

But 2007 was the sixth year this decade that the glaciers lost on average more than 20 inches (50 centimeters) thickness.

"This means that the rate of melting during the 1980s and 1990s has more than doubled," Zemp said.

The Associated Press: Swiss scientists say world's glaciers melting fast
Arctic sea ice during the 2007 melt season plummeted to the lowest levels since satellite measurements began in 1979. The average sea ice extent for the month of September was 4.28 million square kilometers (1.65 million square miles), the lowest September on record, shattering the previous record for the month, set in 2005, by 23 percent (see Figure 1). At the end of the melt season, September 2007 sea ice was 39 percent below the long-term average from 1979 to 2000 (see Figure 2). If ship and aircraft records from before the satellite era are taken into account, sea ice may have fallen by as much as 50 percent from the 1950s. The September rate of sea ice decline since 1979 is now approximately 10 percent per decade, or 72,000 square kilometers (28,000 square miles) per year (see Figure 3).

NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007

WOW! based on that, i'd have to say it's time to panic. i mean, the lowest in 30 YEARS, almost! since the earth is roughly 6 billion years old, that's a sample size of what-almost .0000005%?

how could we have doubted with methodology like that?


How old is that article?

All the graphs end in 1990!

The point, Chris, is that Dr. Oreskes' article has been used to create the impression that there was no dissent from the "consensus" view in published literature during 1993 - 2003. It's a false impression.

Here is a statement by Oreskes on what the "consensus" she referred to is:

"There is a scientific consensus on the fact that Earth's climate is heating up and human activities are part of the reason."

Then she wrote:

"There have been arguments to the contrary, but they are not to be found in scientific literature, which is where scientific debates are properly adjudicated. "

That was based on her assessment of papers published "between 1993 and 2003.

You can see those statements at Undeniable Global Warming (washingtonpost.com) .

Yet here is a paper by Richard Lindzen published in a peer reviewed journal in 1994:


If you go to page 7 of the pdf document or page 131 of the journal, you will see this statement:

"What we see in the past record is most consistent with an equilibrium response to a doubling of about 1.3 C - assuming that all of the observed warming was due to increasing CO2. However, there is nothing in the record that can be distinguished from the natural variability of the climate.

The point is that the Oreskes "study" was crap. You can argue about whether or not published articles dissenting from the "consensus" view as she defined it or valid but you can not argue that they are abesent from the world of published peer reviewed articles. It is very easy to find published peer reviewed papers that dissent from the "consensus" as she defined it. The tragedy is that her "study" became popularized and accepted as meaningful when it was total junk.
Arctic sea ice during the 2007 melt season plummeted to the lowest levels since satellite measurements began in 1979. The average sea ice extent for the month of September was 4.28 million square kilometers (1.65 million square miles), the lowest September on record, shattering the previous record for the month, set in 2005, by 23 percent (see Figure 1). At the end of the melt season, September 2007 sea ice was 39 percent below the long-term average from 1979 to 2000 (see Figure 2). If ship and aircraft records from before the satellite era are taken into account, sea ice may have fallen by as much as 50 percent from the 1950s. The September rate of sea ice decline since 1979 is now approximately 10 percent per decade, or 72,000 square kilometers (28,000 square miles) per year (see Figure 3).

NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007

WOW! based on that, i'd have to say it's time to panic. i mean, the lowest in 30 YEARS, almost! since the earth is roughly 6 billion years old, that's a sample size of what-almost .0000005%?

how could we have doubted with methodology like that?



The September rate of sea ice decline since 1979 is now approximately 10 percent per decade, or 72,000 square kilometers (28,000 square miles) per year (see Figure 3).
Arctic sea ice during the 2007 melt season plummeted to the lowest levels since satellite measurements began in 1979. The average sea ice extent for the month of September was 4.28 million square kilometers (1.65 million square miles), the lowest September on record, shattering the previous record for the month, set in 2005, by 23 percent (see Figure 1). At the end of the melt season, September 2007 sea ice was 39 percent below the long-term average from 1979 to 2000 (see Figure 2). If ship and aircraft records from before the satellite era are taken into account, sea ice may have fallen by as much as 50 percent from the 1950s. The September rate of sea ice decline since 1979 is now approximately 10 percent per decade, or 72,000 square kilometers (28,000 square miles) per year (see Figure 3).

NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007

WOW! based on that, i'd have to say it's time to panic. i mean, the lowest in 30 YEARS, almost! since the earth is roughly 6 billion years old, that's a sample size of what-almost .0000005%?

how could we have doubted with methodology like that?



The September rate of sea ice decline since 1979 is now approximately 10 percent per decade, or 72,000 square kilometers (28,000 square miles) per year (see Figure 3).

for almost three whole decades out of 600,000,000 decades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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