9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

Yes, I know you have no use for facts or logic, but they exist nonetheless.
Where did I say that 3/4th of the people have to vote for an amendment.....link my comment about that.....if you have time.

You sack of shit, that is clearly what you were getting at. Can't you just be honest about ANYTHING? I mean seriously, just one damn time say "yes that is what I meant"

I seriously would like to know, are you gay as a result of your dishonesty, or did being gay lead to being dishonest as a matter of course?

Either way you're a piece of shit.
This is what I said:

They live in this little fantasy bubble world where 3/4ths of the people in the U.S. hate gays and want to fight gay marriage like they do.

Where is it where I referred to that 3/4ths of the people are needed to pass an amendment in that comment?

You aren't very good at this, are you?

Shut up Pete, you have no business being in an adult discussion. You CLEARLY thought 3/4 of the people had to approve of a Constitutional Amendment, why you can't just say "oh I made a mistake" and move on is just sad.
It seems you should take your own advice. You accused me of talking about an amendment when that was not even the topic of my post.....would you like me to quote myself again so you can show me where I'm even talking about amendments?

They live in this little fantasy bubble world where 3/4ths of the people in the U.S. hate gays and want to fight gay marriage like they do.

^where's the amendment reference in that post, TrainedSeal?
No one is interested in your personal story either, which is why you've made up this Walter Mitty existence of being a lesbian retired Naval Aviator who now owns an unspecified business.

WTF....a retired Naval Aviator? Fill me in.

LOL read this thread


I've NEVER seen someone so thoroughly outed as a fraud and a liar in my life. How Pete has the nerve to return here ish just beyond me.
I still own you. :lol:

LOL if you owned everyone who knew what a liar you are you would have an army of thousands. I mean seriously, there couldn't possibly be anyone in this world who thinks you're an honest person at this point. Africans over in the deepest part of the jungle if asked would say "that Pete him big liah"
I own so much inside your head. :lol: I can be gone for days and you can't stop talking about me anyways......:lol: How sad it must be for you that I can control you so completely. :D
No one is interested in your personal story either, which is why you've made up this Walter Mitty existence of being a lesbian retired Naval Aviator who now owns an unspecified business.

WTF....a retired Naval Aviator? Fill me in.

LOL read this thread


I've NEVER seen someone so thoroughly outed as a fraud and a liar in my life. How Pete has the nerve to return here ish just beyond me.
I still own you. :lol:

LOL if you owned everyone who knew what a liar you are you would have an army of thousands. I mean seriously, there couldn't possibly be anyone in this world who thinks you're an honest person at this point. Africans over in the deepest part of the jungle if asked would say "that Pete him big liah"
I own so much inside your head. :lol: I can be gone for days and you can't stop talking about me anyways......:lol: How sad it must be for you that I can control you so completely. :D

What can I say, I find you to be a compelling, yet repulsive case study of everything that is wrong with humanity today. I mean you honestly don't have one single redeeming quality that anyone on this board could see.

I mean you're such a shitty person that you have created this persona where you admit that you had to have acted dishonorably in order to have had the career that you claimed you had. That's pathetic Pete.

You're so fucking pathetic that even on an anonymous message board when you have CLEARLY made an error, you can't just say "oops, I was wrong" when it's quite clear to everyone reading this thread that you WERE wrong.

Grow up Pete.
I mean
WTF....a retired Naval Aviator? Fill me in.

LOL read this thread


I've NEVER seen someone so thoroughly outed as a fraud and a liar in my life. How Pete has the nerve to return here ish just beyond me.
I still own you. :lol:

LOL if you owned everyone who knew what a liar you are you would have an army of thousands. I mean seriously, there couldn't possibly be anyone in this world who thinks you're an honest person at this point. Africans over in the deepest part of the jungle if asked would say "that Pete him big liah"
I own so much inside your head. :lol: I can be gone for days and you can't stop talking about me anyways......:lol: How sad it must be for you that I can control you so completely. :D

What can I say, I find you to be a compelling, yet repulsive case study of everything that is wrong with humanity today. I mean you honestly don't have one single redeeming quality that anyone on this board could see.

I mean you're such a shitty person that you have created this persona where you admit that you had to have acted dishonorably in order to have had the career that you claimed you had. That's pathetic Pete.

You're so fucking pathetic that even on an anonymous message board when you have CLEARLY made an error, you can't just say "oops, I was wrong" when it's quite clear to everyone reading this thread that you WERE wrong.

Grow up Pete.
I mean

You'd think you'd take your own advice, TrainedSeal. :D
What about heteros who have any kind of sex besides missionary position....are they satan spawned too?

This thread is about the 9th Circuit overturning our VOTE on the matter of them trying to destroy the concept of marriage....that's it.
And, as has been pointed out, repeatedly, Judicial review of legislation - whether passed by congress, or by referendum - is the purpose of the Judicial Branch. So what you are angry about is the 9th Circuit doing what the Constitution says the 9th Circuit is supposed to do.

So, your pint is what, exactly? That you don't like the Constitution when it prevents you from being able to deprive people you don't like of their rights?
What about heteros who have any kind of sex besides missionary position....are they satan spawned too?

You got the whole playbook memorized don't ya......I expect it's because you have to defend your perversion so often. In truth, like I've said several times already, I don't care who has sex with whom as long as they are of age, willing, and not drunk or stoned. This thread is about the 9th Circuit overturning our VOTE on the matter of them trying to destroy the concept of marriage....that's it. The rest of your atheist bullshit is about you, not us.
So...you don't think a federal court has the power of Judicial Review?
Not when it overthrows the will of the majority.
So the "will of the majority" is not subject to the Constitution? That is really your contention?
Congratulations to Arizona for joining the long list of states who recognize gay marriages

Arizona has no recognized that sexual abnormality is normal.

But how cool is it that a "Democrat" is here to CELEBRATE the irrational judicial edict, which OVERTURNS: THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

For those not paying attention, what you see in the above 'celebration', is yet another glaring demonstration, producing more PROOF of the Deceit which the Left FRAUDULENTLY advances as a means to influence THE IGNORANT!

The pithy expression of which is:

Deceit, FRAUD, Ignorance = Socialism.
You people keep talking about the "Will of the people" as if that somehow invalidates the Constitution. Did you guys all take the same civics class that skips Constitutional Authority, or something?
What about heteros who have any kind of sex besides missionary position....are they satan spawned too?

You got the whole playbook memorized don't ya......I expect it's because you have to defend your perversion so often. In truth, like I've said several times already, I don't care who has sex with whom as long as they are of age, willing, and not drunk or stoned. This thread is about the 9th Circuit overturning our VOTE on the matter of them trying to destroy the concept of marriage....that's it. The rest of your atheist bullshit is about you, not us.
So...you don't think a federal court has the power of Judicial Review?
Not when it overthrows the will of the majority.
So the "will of the majority" is not subject to the Constitution? That is really your contention?
Until they end up in the minority on such a vote, I'd wager.
Dont be mad I busted you lying again fake marine.

C'mon faux willie....you claimed you had the LINK....so where is it?

Or admit you're a lying sack of shit and leave this board forever....

Your choice.
I just posted the link fake marine. You said you grew up in Detroit but you are trying to claim Arizona. I think you are pissed because I got you banned under your alias Traintime. People that run around with 2 usernames have no credibility. Anyone curious just do a search on the liars escapades under Traintime.

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And in the married bedroom. :D
married man to woman
In my case....married woman to woman. :D

A woman cannot marry a woman.

You see scamp, marriage is defined, by the natural design of the species, as the joining of one man and one woman.

At best what you have is a room-mate contract. While legally binding, it is in no way relevant to marriage, and this without regard to the presense by the advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality, to the contrary.
It's happening all over, and there's nothing you can do about it. How helpless does that make you feel right now?

Completely incorrect. An amendment to the COTUS could be passed.

You're absolutely right. However, sans a Constitutional amendment to the constitution of the UNITED STATES, guess how much weight any state law - even a state Constitutional amendment - carries in relation to rights guaranteed under the Federal Constitution?

See that is the problem with your little "will of the people: argument. You want to make state laws that transgress the United States Constitution, without, first, amending the United States Constitution to allow for the suspension of those rights.

Ya did it backwards. Go ahead, and propose that amendment. By the way, you would actually need two. Because first you would have to pass an amendment that repeals, or limits the 14th.

Good luck with that. Lemme know how that works out for ya.
Congratulations to Arizona for joining the long list of states who recognize gay marriages

Arizona has no recognized that sexual abnormality is normal.

But how cool is it that a "Democrat" is here to CELEBRATE the irrational judicial edict, which OVERTURNS: THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

For those not paying attention, what you see in the above 'celebration', is yet another glaring demonstration, producing more PROOF of the Deceit which the Left FRAUDULENTLY advances as a means to influence THE IGNORANT!

The pithy expression of which is:

Deceit, FRAUD, Ignorance = Socialism.
You people keep talking about the "Will of the people" as if that somehow invalidates the Constitution. Did you guys all take the same civics class that skips Constitutional Authority, or something?

Isn't it adorable to hear a Leftist invoke some distance between themselves and the 'Will of DUH PEOPLES!'... which is of course the most sacred of all Leftist pretenses: DEMOCRACY!

This character is a little shy of the notion at the moment given the bludgeoning it took in another thread, wherein it held up the "31states which now accept Gay-Marriage", as a means to imply support by a popular majority... which was suppose to send the opposition to its heals... because, like I noted "duh will of duh PEOPLES" is held MOST SACRED, above ALL other (the rest of it) Leftist farces... Sadly someone pointed out (Hey kids... yes... it was ME!) that 31 states do NOT 'now' support gay marriage, that 5 Socialist insurgents on the Federal Court support the means of the sexually abnormal to pretend to be married, OVERTURNING the 'WILL OF DUH PEOPLES!'.

It's CLASSIC two-faced treachery... and I frankly can't get my fill of IT!
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married man to woman
In my case....married woman to woman. :D

A woman cannot marry a woman.

You see scamp, marriage is defined, by the natural design of the species, as the joining of one man and one woman.

At best what you have is a room-mate contract. While legally binding, it is in no way relevant to marriage, and this without regard to the presense by the advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality, to the contrary.
It's happening all over, and there's nothing you can do about it. How helpless does that make you feel right now?

Completely incorrect. An amendment to the COTUS could be passed.

You're absolutely right. However, sans a Constitutional amendment to the constitution of the UNITED STATES, guess how much weight any state law - even a state Constitutional amendment - carries in relation to rights guaranteed under the Federal Constitution?

See that is the problem with your little "will of the people: argument. You want to make state laws that transgress the United States Constitution, without, first, amending the United States Constitution to allow for the suspension of those rights.

Ya did it backwards. Go ahead, and propose that amendment. By the way, you would actually need two. Because first you would have to pass an amendment that repeals, or limits the 14th.

Good luck with that. Lemme know how that works out for ya.

Huh... if ONLY the US Constitution provided protections for sexual deviants to force others to set aside their responsibilities to defend their own means to defend their OWN RIGHTS!

Sadly... being strong believers in natural law and impeccable purveyors of sound reasoning, the framers did not set protections for mouthy pervs to force their own debauched sexual needs upon the culture at large.

But IF THEY HAD! ... MAN! ... THAT would have been a great point!
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In my case....married woman to woman. :D

A woman cannot marry a woman.

You see scamp, marriage is defined, by the natural design of the species, as the joining of one man and one woman.

At best what you have is a room-mate contract. While legally binding, it is in no way relevant to marriage, and this without regard to the presense by the advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality, to the contrary.
It's happening all over, and there's nothing you can do about it. How helpless does that make you feel right now?

Completely incorrect. An amendment to the COTUS could be passed.

You're absolutely right. However, sans a Constitutional amendment to the constitution of the UNITED STATES, guess how much weight any state law - even a state Constitutional amendment - carries in relation to rights guaranteed under the Federal Constitution?

See that is the problem with your little "will of the people: argument. You want to make state laws that transgress the United States Constitution, without, first, amending the United States Constitution to allow for the suspension of those rights.

Ya did it backwards. Go ahead, and propose that amendment. By the way, you would actually need two. Because first you would have to pass an amendment that repeals, or limits the 14th.

Good luck with that. Lemme know how that works out for ya.

Please show where at ANY point I supported a state law against gay marriage, I'm firmly opposed to such. I merely argue from a technical standpoint that a Constitutional Amendment certainly COULD make gay marriage illegal.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Now , we KNOW that it wouldn't have to be repealed , despite your claims, to make way for an Amendment making gay marriage illegal, because it was not repealed to make DRINKING illegal, when the 18th was passed. So that little argument is DENIED.
Sadly... being strong believers in natural law and impeccable purveyors of sound reasoning, the framers did not set protections for mouthy pervs to force their own debauched sexual needs upon the culture at large.

But IF THEY HAD! ... MAN! ... THAT would have been a great point!

Most of them also didn't think blacks were fully human. Or women were equal.

So there's that.
Sadly... being strong believers in natural law and impeccable purveyors of sound reasoning, the framers did not set protections for mouthy pervs to force their own debauched sexual needs upon the culture at large.

But IF THEY HAD! ... MAN! ... THAT would have been a great point!

Most of them also didn't think blacks were fully human. Or women were equal.

So there's that.

Proves they weren't perfect. Doesn't prove a damn thing about gay "marriage" either way

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