9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

The Christian Right seems to have claimed the high ground on this issue, and have labeled those that disagree with them as being perverted, anti-American, godless homo lovers.

I guess that those of us who are designated as such have no choice but to be content that the law is firmly, and solidly on our side of the issue, and that we have won. It's a tough pill to swallow, but we must just grit our teeth and try not to let it spoil our victory. So try to keep a stiff upper lip, and don't rain on the parade of the RW. They have lost the battle, and the war, and are probably going to be a little cross for a while. They will get over it in a generation or two.
If my religion says "do no partake in gay marriage" and you pass a law that says I must, you have interfered with my practice of my religion.
And as soon as a law is passed that says you, as an individual (not to be confused with business operators, which conduct business under an entirely separate set of regulations, and expectations than private citizens), have to take part in a gay wedding, I will be right by your side fighting that injustice. However, since no such law exists, your point is kinda moot, don't ya think?
Sadly... being strong believers in natural law and impeccable purveyors of sound reasoning, the framers did not set protections for mouthy pervs to force their own debauched sexual needs upon the culture at large.

But IF THEY HAD! ... MAN! ... THAT would have been a great point!

Most of them also didn't think blacks were fully human. Or women were equal.

So there's that.

Oh golly... Isn't that brilliant? Just LOOK at how it deflects and conflates the circumstances of that day with those of modern times.

Of course, what they DID do was to proclaim their own recognition of the laws of nature, wherein they observed that ALL MEN are created equal... thus ALL MEN, (which would include black men) were rightfully entitled to pursue the fulfillment of their lives, which inevitably lead to black men, MOST OF WHOM WERE FREE MEN IN THAT DAY... and otherwise perfectly capable of exercising their God-given rights, some of whom rejected their responsibilities and OWNED OTHER BLACK MEN as LIVESTOCK.

So spare us the false indignation of that absurd deflection... it won't sell here scout.
Atheism a theology? Ha.
You didn't know that? You don't know what a theology is? Lemme help you with that. A theology is a a system of religious beliefs or ideas. "I believe that there is no God" - atheism is as much a theological statement as "I believe there is a God" - Theism.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Well, bog is of course assuming that a system of religious beliefs must be complex and profound.

When such is not the case... Atheism, better expressed as A-theism, merely conveys a lack of interest in the subject of a deity... in terms of religion, that's their system.
Actually that's not what atheism is; you are describing agnositcism, an entirely different theological position.

Much the same for the A-gnostic, which were the original Christian fundies, but had little time for other or as they considered them, lessor 'sects' of Christianity. And as with the apolitical, and the asexual... they simply have no concern for the subject.
You're joking right?!?! You seriously do not know the different between atheism, and agnosticism? Okay. It is not my job to educate the theologically challenged. Tell you what. Come talk to me when you have a basic understanding of theology beyond your preacher's sermons, and we'll talk.
If my religion says "do no partake in gay marriage" and you pass a law that says I must, you have interfered with my practice of my religion.
And as soon as a law is passed that says you, as an individual (not to be confused with business operators, which conduct business under an entirely separate set of regulations, and expectations than private citizens), have to take part in a gay wedding, I will be right by your side fighting that injustice. However, since no such law exists, your point is kinda moot, don't ya think?
Houston. I stand with the Pastors, they are in the right. The mayor is wrong.
If my religion says "do no partake in gay marriage" and you pass a law that says I must, you have interfered with my practice of my religion.
And as soon as a law is passed that says you, as an individual (not to be confused with business operators, which conduct business under an entirely separate set of regulations, and expectations than private citizens), have to take part in a gay wedding, I will be right by your side fighting that injustice. However, since no such law exists, your point is kinda moot, don't ya think?

There is no potential for justice wherein a Business, which is owned and operated by individuals, is treated with ANY distinction from the laws and foundational principles upon which those laws rest, which govern the individual.

I have owned and operated many businesses in my time and at NO TIME have I ever treated a person differently, when I do BUSINESS with them, than I would them as a person.

This notion is found in Socialist sectors and is by every sense, a ludicrous rationalization. Tell me I have to do something in business which runs against my beliefs and you where you choose to enforce such you will send good men to their graves that day.

But that's only because I am an American, thus I instinctively understand what rights are, from where they come and the sacred responsibilities I must bear to sustain them.
The Christian Right seems to have claimed the high ground on this issue, and have labeled those that disagree with them as being perverted, anti-American, godless homo lovers.

I guess that those of us who are designated as such have no choice but to be content that the law is firmly, and solidly on our side of the issue, and that we have won. It's a tough pill to swallow, but we must just grit our teeth and try not to let it spoil our victory. So try to keep a stiff upper lip, and don't rain on the parade of the RW. They have lost the battle, and the war, and are probably going to be a little cross for a while. They will get over it in a generation or two.
They are as cranky as the segregationists were in the mid to late 60s.
Congratulations to Arizona for joining the long list of states who recognize gay marriages

Arizona has no recognized that sexual abnormality is normal.

But how cool is it that a "Democrat" is here to CELEBRATE the irrational judicial edict, which OVERTURNS: THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

For those not paying attention, what you see in the above 'celebration', is yet another glaring demonstration, producing more PROOF of the Deceit which the Left FRAUDULENTLY advances as a means to influence THE IGNORANT!

The pithy expression of which is:

Deceit, FRAUD, Ignorance = Socialism.
You people keep talking about the "Will of the people" as if that somehow invalidates the Constitution. Did you guys all take the same civics class that skips Constitutional Authority, or something?

Isn't it adorable to hear a Leftist invoke some distance between themselves and the 'Will of DUH PEOPLES!'... which is of course the most sacred of all Leftist pretenses: DEMOCRACY!

This character is a little shy of the notion at the moment given the bludgeoning it took in another thread, wherein it held up the "31states which now accept Gay-Marriage", as a means to imply support by a popular majority... which was suppose to send the opposition to its heals... because, like I noted "duh will of duh PEOPLES" is held MOST SACRED, above ALL other (the rest of it) Leftist farces... Sadly someone pointed out (Hey kids... yes... it was ME!) that 31 states do NOT 'now' support gay marriage, that 5 Socialist insurgents on the Federal Court support the means of the sexually abnormal to pretend to be married, OVERTURNING the 'WILL OF DUH PEOPLES!'.

It's CLASSIC two-faced treachery... and I frankly can't get my fill of IT!
You know we're not a pure democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic.....right?
Actually that's not what atheism is; you are describing agnositcism, an entirely different theological position.


Much the same for the A-gnostic, which were the original Christian fundies, but had little time for other or as they considered them, lessor 'sects' of Christianity. And as with the apolitical, and the asexual... they simply have no concern for the subject.
You're joking right?!?! You seriously do not know the different between atheism, and agnosticism? Okay. It is not my job to educate the theologically challenged. Tell you what. Come talk to me when you have a basic understanding of theology beyond your preacher's sermons, and we'll talk.[/QUOTE]

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Congratulations to Arizona for joining the long list of states who recognize gay marriages

Arizona has no recognized that sexual abnormality is normal.

But how cool is it that a "Democrat" is here to CELEBRATE the irrational judicial edict, which OVERTURNS: THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

For those not paying attention, what you see in the above 'celebration', is yet another glaring demonstration, producing more PROOF of the Deceit which the Left FRAUDULENTLY advances as a means to influence THE IGNORANT!

The pithy expression of which is:

Deceit, FRAUD, Ignorance = Socialism.
You people keep talking about the "Will of the people" as if that somehow invalidates the Constitution. Did you guys all take the same civics class that skips Constitutional Authority, or something?

Isn't it adorable to hear a Leftist invoke some distance between themselves and the 'Will of DUH PEOPLES!'... which is of course the most sacred of all Leftist pretenses: DEMOCRACY!

This character is a little shy of the notion at the moment given the bludgeoning it took in another thread, wherein it held up the "31states which now accept Gay-Marriage", as a means to imply support by a popular majority... which was suppose to send the opposition to its heals... because, like I noted "duh will of duh PEOPLES" is held MOST SACRED, above ALL other (the rest of it) Leftist farces... Sadly someone pointed out (Hey kids... yes... it was ME!) that 31 states do NOT 'now' support gay marriage, that 5 Socialist insurgents on the Federal Court support the means of the sexually abnormal to pretend to be married, OVERTURNING the 'WILL OF DUH PEOPLES!'.

It's CLASSIC two-faced treachery... and I frankly can't get my fill of IT!
Actually, the contention has been that Marriage Equality will lose in the end, and the fact that it is now the standard in 31 of 50 states, that claim seems to be a bit...unrealistic. You should know that there is a difference between democracy, and tyranny of the masses. What you support is the latter - simply because the mass wants it, does not make it Constitutionally valid. Nice try at trying to equate the deprivation of people's Constitutional rights by mass approval with democracy, though.
Congratulations to Arizona for joining the long list of states who recognize gay marriages

Arizona has no recognized that sexual abnormality is normal.

But how cool is it that a "Democrat" is here to CELEBRATE the irrational judicial edict, which OVERTURNS: THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

For those not paying attention, what you see in the above 'celebration', is yet another glaring demonstration, producing more PROOF of the Deceit which the Left FRAUDULENTLY advances as a means to influence THE IGNORANT!

The pithy expression of which is:

Deceit, FRAUD, Ignorance = Socialism.
You people keep talking about the "Will of the people" as if that somehow invalidates the Constitution. Did you guys all take the same civics class that skips Constitutional Authority, or something?

Isn't it adorable to hear a Leftist invoke some distance between themselves and the 'Will of DUH PEOPLES!'... which is of course the most sacred of all Leftist pretenses: DEMOCRACY!

This character is a little shy of the notion at the moment given the bludgeoning it took in another thread, wherein it held up the "31states which now accept Gay-Marriage", as a means to imply support by a popular majority... which was suppose to send the opposition to its heals... because, like I noted "duh will of duh PEOPLES" is held MOST SACRED, above ALL other (the rest of it) Leftist farces... Sadly someone pointed out (Hey kids... yes... it was ME!) that 31 states do NOT 'now' support gay marriage, that 5 Socialist insurgents on the Federal Court support the means of the sexually abnormal to pretend to be married, OVERTURNING the 'WILL OF DUH PEOPLES!'.

It's CLASSIC two-faced treachery... and I frankly can't get my fill of IT!
You know we're not a pure democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic.....right?

"We" are not anything. I am an American, who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America and, YOU are a proponent of Foreign Ideas which as hostile TO THOSE AMERICAN PRINCIPLES.

We are at BEST, both citizens of the United States, which is not in ANY WAY, 'pure' or otherwise a democracy... .

As such was openly and specifically rejected by the Framers of the United States, most famously be Madison in Federalist 10.

(Now kids be honest... these poor wretches on now SO TWISTED by their own inconsistencies that THEY ARE NOW TURNING UPON THEIR OWN SACRED TENETS! Be honest, when the brown clown was elected, WHO AMONG YOU would believe that in only 6 short years, absurdly unapologetic Leftists would be declaring the US A Constitutional Republic?

ROFLMNAO! Their would-be reality is truly coming unglued. LOL! I LOVE IT!
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Sadly... being strong believers in natural law and impeccable purveyors of sound reasoning, the framers did not set protections for mouthy pervs to force their own debauched sexual needs upon the culture at large.

But IF THEY HAD! ... MAN! ... THAT would have been a great point!

Most of them also didn't think blacks were fully human. Or women were equal.

So there's that.

Oh golly... Isn't that brilliant? Just LOOK at how it deflects and conflates the circumstances of that day with those of modern times.

Of course, what they DID do was to proclaim their own recognition of the laws of nature, wherein they observed that ALL MEN are created equal... thus ALL MEN, (which would include black men) were rightfully entitled to pursue the fulfillment of their lives, which inevitably lead to black men, MOST OF WHOM WERE FREE MEN IN THAT DAY... and otherwise perfectly capable of exercising their God-given rights, some of whom rejected their responsibilities and OWNED OTHER BLACK MEN as LIVESTOCK.

So spare us the false indignation of that absurd deflection... it won't sell here scout.


You may not know this, s0n, but Glen Beck University isn't a real university.

By 1776, approximately 8 percent of African Americans were free.

Free Blacks in the South- Slavery in the U.S.
Congratulations to Arizona for joining the long list of states who recognize gay marriages

Arizona has no recognized that sexual abnormality is normal.

But how cool is it that a "Democrat" is here to CELEBRATE the irrational judicial edict, which OVERTURNS: THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

For those not paying attention, what you see in the above 'celebration', is yet another glaring demonstration, producing more PROOF of the Deceit which the Left FRAUDULENTLY advances as a means to influence THE IGNORANT!

The pithy expression of which is:

Deceit, FRAUD, Ignorance = Socialism.
You people keep talking about the "Will of the people" as if that somehow invalidates the Constitution. Did you guys all take the same civics class that skips Constitutional Authority, or something?

Isn't it adorable to hear a Leftist invoke some distance between themselves and the 'Will of DUH PEOPLES!'... which is of course the most sacred of all Leftist pretenses: DEMOCRACY!

This character is a little shy of the notion at the moment given the bludgeoning it took in another thread, wherein it held up the "31states which now accept Gay-Marriage", as a means to imply support by a popular majority... which was suppose to send the opposition to its heals... because, like I noted "duh will of duh PEOPLES" is held MOST SACRED, above ALL other (the rest of it) Leftist farces... Sadly someone pointed out (Hey kids... yes... it was ME!) that 31 states do NOT 'now' support gay marriage, that 5 Socialist insurgents on the Federal Court support the means of the sexually abnormal to pretend to be married, OVERTURNING the 'WILL OF DUH PEOPLES!'.

It's CLASSIC two-faced treachery... and I frankly can't get my fill of IT!
Actually, the contention has been that Marriage Equality will lose in the end, and the fact that it is now the standard in 31 of 50 states, that claim seems to be a bit...unrealistic. You should know that there is a difference between democracy, and tyranny of the masses. What you support is the latter - simply because the mass wants it, does not make it Constitutionally valid. Nice try at trying to equate the deprivation of people's Constitutional rights by mass approval with democracy, though.

There is no such thing as "Marriage Equality". Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man. There is no potential for a contest of any other form of marriage as no other form of marriage is possible, because MARRIAGE MEANS: THE JOINING OF ONE MAN AND ONE WO-MAN!

Simple stuff. And it doesn't get complex, just because you people can't understand it.
Sadly... being strong believers in natural law and impeccable purveyors of sound reasoning, the framers did not set protections for mouthy pervs to force their own debauched sexual needs upon the culture at large.

But IF THEY HAD! ... MAN! ... THAT would have been a great point!

Most of them also didn't think blacks were fully human. Or women were equal.

So there's that.

Oh golly... Isn't that brilliant? Just LOOK at how it deflects and conflates the circumstances of that day with those of modern times.

Of course, what they DID do was to proclaim their own recognition of the laws of nature, wherein they observed that ALL MEN are created equal... thus ALL MEN, (which would include black men) were rightfully entitled to pursue the fulfillment of their lives, which inevitably lead to black men, MOST OF WHOM WERE FREE MEN IN THAT DAY... and otherwise perfectly capable of exercising their God-given rights, some of whom rejected their responsibilities and OWNED OTHER BLACK MEN as LIVESTOCK.

So spare us the false indignation of that absurd deflection... it won't sell here scout.


You may not know this, s0n, but Glen Beck University isn't a real university.

By 1776, approximately 8 percent of African Americans were free.

Free Blacks in the South- Slavery in the U.S.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

I admire your humility to open with such, but in reality, it's all ya really had.
If my religion says "do no partake in gay marriage" and you pass a law that says I must, you have interfered with my practice of my religion.
And as soon as a law is passed that says you, as an individual (not to be confused with business operators, which conduct business under an entirely separate set of regulations, and expectations than private citizens), have to take part in a gay wedding, I will be right by your side fighting that injustice. However, since no such law exists, your point is kinda moot, don't ya think?
Houston. I stand with the Pastors, they are in the right. The mayor is wrong.
No they aren't. As soon as those pastors in Houston started using the religious pulpit as a political stumping post, they lost the right to hide behind "religious freedom". Sorry, your religious freedom ends at the political arena. Besides Houston isn't about trying to "force pastors to partake in gay marriage"; it is a case of subpoenaing speeches in which they made political speeches against the cities non-discrimination laws during their sermons. Laws that have no effect on Churches or pastors. As I said, your pastor's "religious freedom of expression" ends at the political arena.

You really need to pay attention.
Sadly... being strong believers in natural law and impeccable purveyors of sound reasoning, the framers did not set protections for mouthy pervs to force their own debauched sexual needs upon the culture at large.

But IF THEY HAD! ... MAN! ... THAT would have been a great point!

Most of them also didn't think blacks were fully human. Or women were equal.

So there's that.

Oh golly... Isn't that brilliant? Just LOOK at how it deflects and conflates the circumstances of that day with those of modern times.

Of course, what they DID do was to proclaim their own recognition of the laws of nature, wherein they observed that ALL MEN are created equal... thus ALL MEN, (which would include black men) were rightfully entitled to pursue the fulfillment of their lives, which inevitably lead to black men, MOST OF WHOM WERE FREE MEN IN THAT DAY... and otherwise perfectly capable of exercising their God-given rights, some of whom rejected their responsibilities and OWNED OTHER BLACK MEN as LIVESTOCK.

So spare us the false indignation of that absurd deflection... it won't sell here scout.


You may not know this, s0n, but Glen Beck University isn't a real university.

By 1776, approximately 8 percent of African Americans were free.

Free Blacks in the South- Slavery in the U.S.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

I admire your humility to open with such, but in reality, it's all ya really had.

Holy crap.

Pubes, is that you?
There is no such thing as "Marriage Equality". Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man. There is no potential for a contest of any other form of marriage as no other form of marriage is possible, because MARRIAGE MEANS: THE JOINING OF ONE MAN AND ONE WO-MAN!

Simple stuff. And it doesn't get complex, just because you people can't understand it.
Yes, simple, as in silly, stupid, shallow, and illiterate. marriage carried no such verbiage until 1996, when same-sex couples were discovered getting married, and Right-Wing moralists started shitting themselves, and rushed to their state capitols to change the definitions in the laws. Now that the courts have all been ruling that those changes were neither legal, nor valid, same-sex marriages are once again becoming legally accepted much to the chagrin of the Right-Wing moralists. Well, sucks to be you.
The Christian Right seems to have claimed the high ground on this issue, and have labeled those that disagree with them as being perverted, anti-American, godless homo lovers.

False. Americans ARE THE HIGH GROUND, because Americans recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the principles of nature which govern human behavior. Those who advocate to normalize sexual abnormality have IDENTIFIED THEMSELVES as proponents of the normalization of sexual perversions, by promoting the normalization of sexual behavior which deviates from the biological design intrinsic to human sexuality. Merely noting those otherwise incontestable facts, does not induce a slander, as you so ignorantly project.

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