9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.

Do you know what it takes to pass an amendment to the constitution?

It takes two thirds of both the House of Reps and two thirds of the Senate to pass it. Then the president must sign it.

Even then it's not an amendment.

It must go to the states to be ratified. Three quarters of the states must ratify it for it to become an amendment to the constitution. Which means that 37 of the 50 states must ratify it.

Good luck with that.
They live in this little fantasy bubble world where 3/4ths of the people in the U.S. hate gays and want to fight gay marriage like they do.
Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.

Do you know what it takes to pass an amendment to the constitution?

It takes two thirds of both the House of Reps and two thirds of the Senate to pass it. Then the president must sign it.

Even then it's not an amendment.

It must go to the states to be ratified. Three quarters of the states must ratify it for it to become an amendment to the constitution. Which means that 37 of the 50 states must ratify it.

Well, that's ONE way an Amendment can be passed.

PS dumb dumb the POTUS has NO role in passing a Constitutional Amendment in either case, and it is NOT sent to the White House for a signature.
Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.

Do you know what it takes to pass an amendment to the constitution?

It takes two thirds of both the House of Reps and two thirds of the Senate to pass it. Then the president must sign it.

Even then it's not an amendment.

It must go to the states to be ratified. Three quarters of the states must ratify it for it to become an amendment to the constitution. Which means that 37 of the 50 states must ratify it.

Good luck with that.
They live in this little fantasy bubble world where 3/4ths of the people in the U.S. hate gays and want to fight gay marriage like they do.

3/4 of the states have to ratify an amendment , not 3/4 of the people you bubblehead
Which you have every right to contend, in your personal life. However, you have absolutely no authority, under the Constitution, to use that as justification for legislation.


Well that's true. And luckily no one has done so.

What we HAVE done is to look at the scientific facts... and have concluded from those facts that homosexuality deviates from the sexual norm and as such represents a deviant sexuality, not at all distinct from other perversions which deviate from sexual normality... and having witnessed the behavior of such individuals we find that the subjects obsess upon their sexuality to the extent that they literally define themselves by their sexual lifestyle. That the obsession represents an inordinate pre-occupation with such and given their tendency to reject rules and regulations, mores and taboos, we find such people unbalanced and as such that they represent a threat to the culture, with nature itself having set against them among the most deadly viruses ever encountered, which to this day, has no cure, despite billions of dollars spent in pursuit of just such a cure, around the world... with very talented, highly motivated teams of hundreds of individuals animated by little else for decades.

Now, if NATURE wants you people gone THAT BAD, there's a problem.

And frankly who can blame it? Look at the results of allowing Homosexuals to participate in a given endeavor... look at the catastrophe they produce. To find such, one need look no farther than the Catholic Church's experience. An experience that the advocacy to normalize sexual Abnormality fiercely attempted to infect the Boy Scouts of America with....

But at the end of the day, it is evil. And it has grown to the Old Testament scale in this our Modern world and we will see now, first hand, how nature (God) deals with such evil.

Last I heard, he's tossed EBOLA on the fire and, that should change things up.

And THAT friends is "CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEB IN!", right there.
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Yes, I know you have no use for facts or logic, but they exist nonetheless.
Where did I say that 3/4th of the people have to vote for an amendment.....link my comment about that.....if you have time.

You sack of shit, that is clearly what you were getting at. Can't you just be honest about ANYTHING? I mean seriously, just one damn time say "yes that is what I meant"

I seriously would like to know, are you gay as a result of your dishonesty, or did being gay lead to being dishonest as a matter of course?

Either way you're a piece of shit.
Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.

Do you know what it takes to pass an amendment to the constitution?

It takes two thirds of both the House of Reps and two thirds of the Senate to pass it. Then the president must sign it.

Even then it's not an amendment.

It must go to the states to be ratified. Three quarters of the states must ratify it for it to become an amendment to the constitution. Which means that 37 of the 50 states must ratify it.

Well, that's ONE way an Amendment can be passed.

PS dumb dumb the POTUS has NO role in passing a Constitutional Amendment in either case, and it is NOT sent to the White House for a signature.

The only other way to amend the constitution is with a constitutional convention.

But hey, when you can get two thirds of the states, which is 33 of the states, to petition the congress for a constitutional convention let me know.

Here's a hint, it's never been done. All the amendments to our constitution have been achieved through the congress. The way I described in the post you replied to.
Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.

Do you know what it takes to pass an amendment to the constitution?

It takes two thirds of both the House of Reps and two thirds of the Senate to pass it. Then the president must sign it.

Even then it's not an amendment.

It must go to the states to be ratified. Three quarters of the states must ratify it for it to become an amendment to the constitution. Which means that 37 of the 50 states must ratify it.

Good luck with that.

Three quarters of the states? MAN... THAT is alot? What is that like 31 States?

WOW! It's a good thing you people haven't done anything to undermine the means of the majorities in 31 states to exercise their right to govern themselves... Because otherwise it would be HARD AS HELL to get 31 states to agree on ANYTHING!






(Let that one soak for a little bit kids... it'll come to 'em)
Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.

Do you know what it takes to pass an amendment to the constitution?

It takes two thirds of both the House of Reps and two thirds of the Senate to pass it. Then the president must sign it.

Even then it's not an amendment.

It must go to the states to be ratified. Three quarters of the states must ratify it for it to become an amendment to the constitution. Which means that 37 of the 50 states must ratify it.

Well, that's ONE way an Amendment can be passed.

PS dumb dumb the POTUS has NO role in passing a Constitutional Amendment in either case, and it is NOT sent to the White House for a signature.

The only other way to amend the constitution is with a constitutional convention.

But hey, when you can get two thirds of the states, which is 33 of the states, to petition the congress for a constitutional convention let me know.

Here's a hint, it's never been done. All the amendments to our constitution have been achieved through the congress. The way I described in the post you replied to.

Psst... Mark Levin Show educate yourself.

Yes, I know you have no use for facts or logic, but they exist nonetheless.
Where did I say that 3/4th of the people have to vote for an amendment.....link my comment about that.....if you have time.

You sack of shit, that is clearly what you were getting at. Can't you just be honest about ANYTHING? I mean seriously, just one damn time say "yes that is what I meant"

I seriously would like to know, are you gay as a result of your dishonesty, or did being gay lead to being dishonest as a matter of course?

Either way you're a piece of shit.
This is what I said:

They live in this little fantasy bubble world where 3/4ths of the people in the U.S. hate gays and want to fight gay marriage like they do.

Where is it where I referred to that 3/4ths of the people are needed to pass an amendment in that comment?

You aren't very good at this, are you?
No one is interested in your personal story either, which is why you've made up this Walter Mitty existence of being a lesbian retired Naval Aviator who now owns an unspecified business.

WTF....a retired Naval Aviator? Fill me in.

LOL read this thread


I've NEVER seen someone so thoroughly outed as a fraud and a liar in my life. How Pete has the nerve to return here is just beyond me.

Yes, I know you have no use for facts or logic, but they exist nonetheless.
Where did I say that 3/4th of the people have to vote for an amendment.....link my comment about that.....if you have time.

You sack of shit, that is clearly what you were getting at. Can't you just be honest about ANYTHING? I mean seriously, just one damn time say "yes that is what I meant"

I seriously would like to know, are you gay as a result of your dishonesty, or did being gay lead to being dishonest as a matter of course?

Either way you're a piece of shit.
When you have to be rude and resort to personal insults, you've already failed. But that's not surprising now, is it?
No one is interested in your personal story either, which is why you've made up this Walter Mitty existence of being a lesbian retired Naval Aviator who now owns an unspecified business.

WTF....a retired Naval Aviator? Fill me in.

LOL read this thread


I've NEVER seen someone so thoroughly outed as a fraud and a liar in my life. How Pete has the nerve to return here is just beyond me.
I still own you. :lol:

Yes, I know you have no use for facts or logic, but they exist nonetheless.
Where did I say that 3/4th of the people have to vote for an amendment.....link my comment about that.....if you have time.

You sack of shit, that is clearly what you were getting at. Can't you just be honest about ANYTHING? I mean seriously, just one damn time say "yes that is what I meant"

I seriously would like to know, are you gay as a result of your dishonesty, or did being gay lead to being dishonest as a matter of course?

Either way you're a piece of shit.
This is what I said:

They live in this little fantasy bubble world where 3/4ths of the people in the U.S. hate gays and want to fight gay marriage like they do.

Where is it where I referred to that 3/4ths of the people are needed to pass an amendment in that comment?

You aren't very good at this, are you?

Shut up Pete, you have no business being in an adult discussion. You CLEARLY thought 3/4 of the people had to approve of a Constitutional Amendment, why you can't just say "oh I made a mistake" and move on is just sad.
Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.

Do you know what it takes to pass an amendment to the constitution?

It takes two thirds of both the House of Reps and two thirds of the Senate to pass it. Then the president must sign it.

Even then it's not an amendment.

It must go to the states to be ratified. Three quarters of the states must ratify it for it to become an amendment to the constitution. Which means that 37 of the 50 states must ratify it.

Well, that's ONE way an Amendment can be passed.

PS dumb dumb the POTUS has NO role in passing a Constitutional Amendment in either case, and it is NOT sent to the White House for a signature.

The only other way to amend the constitution is with a constitutional convention.

But hey, when you can get two thirds of the states, which is 33 of the states, to petition the congress for a constitutional convention let me know.

Here's a hint, it's never been done. All the amendments to our constitution have been achieved through the congress. The way I described in the post you replied to.

Psst... Mark Levin Show educate yourself.
Mark Levin. :rofl:
No one is interested in your personal story either, which is why you've made up this Walter Mitty existence of being a lesbian retired Naval Aviator who now owns an unspecified business.

WTF....a retired Naval Aviator? Fill me in.

LOL read this thread


I've NEVER seen someone so thoroughly outed as a fraud and a liar in my life. How Pete has the nerve to return here ish just beyond me.
I still own you. :lol:

LOL if you owned everyone who knew what a liar you are you would have an army of thousands. I mean seriously, there couldn't possibly be anyone in this world who thinks you're an honest person at this point. Africans over in the deepest part of the jungle if asked would say "that Pete him big liah"

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