9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

Exactly. The 9th circuit was wrong to overthrow the will of the voters in 08.
You a Constitutional Law expert? On what Constitutional grounds can Prop H8 be upheld?
Will of the people not the minority crybabies.
So you believe that the majority has the constitutional right to vote away the rights of the minority in this country?

Of course they do Commander. Ever hear of the 18th Amendment?

You're conflating 'rights' with special privilege. The Marriage Standard applies equally to everyone. The Sexually Abnormal are not be discriminated against. The suggestion that they are is absurd on its face.

But we'll work all this out, when the Left is kicked to the political curb. So don't sweat it.
What is the "special privilege" of which you speak?
A choice to be gay is not the same as race or religious beliefs. Gay is a sex choice that should be left in the bedroom. Plain and simple.
And in the married bedroom. :D
married man to woman
In my case....married woman to woman. :D

A woman cannot marry a woman.

You see scamp, marriage is defined, by the natural design of the species, as the joining of one man and one woman.

At best what you have is a room-mate contract. While legally binding, it is in no way relevant to marriage, and this without regard to the presense by the advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality, to the contrary.
It's happening all over, and there's nothing you can do about it. How helpless does that make you feel right now?

"IT" is not happening anywhere.

You're speaking of Legal Incorporation of roommate contracts. They've been around since contracts... all that's changed is that the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is pretending that such represents marriage.

Sadly for the cult of sexual deviancy, Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Once the Ideological Left has been kicked to the curb, we will cleanse the judiciary of leftist insurgents and rework the US Constitution to state in certain terms, that homosexuals are no suitable candidates for marriage, except where they apply for such with a person of the distinct gender.

But we will of course provide them with the means to continue to cohabit with one another, while enjoying the benefit of structured articles of incorporations and modified version of such agreements which provide them with certain economic advantages over the pervs who choose to not obligate themselves to the liabilities inherent in such agreements.

So I wouldn't worry your soft little head over it.
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Ex Post Facto

Incorrect. Ex Post Facto would only apply if the law were passed and you were prosecuted for having committed it BEFORE the law was passed.

However, if an Amendment were passed making marriage strictly between a man and a woman, there is no criminal element involved. Your marriage simply wouldn't be recognized by the government.
What is the "special privilege" of which you speak?

OH! Thats the means to marry people of the same gender... when the standards defining marriage require such is limited purely to the natural design of the species, requiring the joining of distinct genders, along with the demand that others accept one's behavior, while simultaneously demanding that one will not be forced to demand the behavior of others.

Let's see if this helps:

Special: designed or organized for a particular person, for a subjective purpose.

Ya see, no homosexual has EVER been denied a license to marry in the US, where that sexually abnormal individual applied with a person of the distinct gender, as nature requires in the standards it created for marriage.

The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality has decided that because of their Abnormal, thus SPECIAL circumstances, the standard of marriage should be stripped to naught, to accommodate THEM.

(The entire movement promoting the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality is based upon deceit, and the execution of such is wholly fraudulent, and that is sorta how we can know that it rests upon EVIL... thus it's a really bad idea to comply with it. I mean given that evil's product line is limited to chaos, calamity and catastrophe, it's a sure bet that this particular example of it, won't produce anything else.)

Anything gettin' through here?
Just for yucks and grins.....if an anti-gay marriage amendment was passed...what would happen to all those legal gay marriages that have happened up to that point? Hmmm?
They would be null and void if the amendment said so, or, allowed to stand until death or divorce, if it was written that way.
I think an amendment defining marriage as one man one woman would pass.
I don't think it is needed; who actually gives a fuck if gays marry. I'm not going peeking in their windows.
Just for yucks and grins.....if an anti-gay marriage amendment was passed...what would happen to all those legal gay marriages that have happened up to that point? Hmmm?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man. There are no 'gay-marriages'.

You're speaking of legally defined room-mates... . And they'd still be legally defined room-mates within the terms of their respective agreements.

However in the case of those who are leaning in the strict pretense of marriage, there would be no legal status of any kind for those particular sexual deviants, once the pretense of such would-be laws is formally erased.

So, if you and your 'most special friend' have not filed formal articles of incorporation yet, you would be wise to do so, before the rush.
Just for yucks and grins.....if an anti-gay marriage amendment was passed...what would happen to all those legal gay marriages that have happened up to that point? Hmmm?
They would be null and void if the amendment said so, or, allowed to stand until death or divorce, if it was written that way.
I think an amendment defining marriage as one man one woman would pass.
I don't think it is needed; who actually gives a fuck if gays marry. I'm not going peeking in their windows.
Uh no. You don't know the COnstitution very well....look up in Article I about Ex Post Facto laws. :D
Just for yucks and grins.....if an anti-gay marriage amendment was passed...what would happen to all those legal gay marriages that have happened up to that point? Hmmm?
They would be null and void if the amendment said so, or, allowed to stand until death or divorce, if it was written that way.
I think an amendment defining marriage as one man one woman would pass.
I don't think it is needed; who actually gives a fuck if gays marry. I'm not going peeking in their windows.

I agree, there is no such thing as 'gay-marriage', so who gives a dam' if they pretend, as long as they know that their pretense is a delusional sham.

I say let'em be... just when they demand that they're married, shut them down by simply pointing out that marriage is the joining of a man and a woman.

I'm doing that already, so there's nothing else that needs to be done, really.
All lesbians are either butch or bunny....one plays the girl, the other plays the guy....guess who's which with these two freaks? :lol:

Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.
It appears to me that there are a lot of people on this thread that think of "gay" as being sort of like Ebola. If it gets too close, it might be contagious. I have noticed over the years that this attitude seems to be strongest among those that portray themselves to be "macho" men (as well as religious nuts). One can not help but wonder if their self image is threatened by gays. To counteract that, I suggest that they double their time at the gym, but to stay out of the communal shower.
Just for yucks and grins.....if an anti-gay marriage amendment was passed...what would happen to all those legal gay marriages that have happened up to that point? Hmmm?
They would be null and void if the amendment said so, or, allowed to stand until death or divorce, if it was written that way.
I think an amendment defining marriage as one man one woman would pass.
I don't think it is needed; who actually gives a fuck if gays marry. I'm not going peeking in their windows.
Agreed on all counts
Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.

well, not quite. Any privately owned automatic firearms prior to the ban were grandfathered in. Not illegal.
It appears to me that there are a lot of people on this thread that think of "gay" as being sort of like Ebola. If it gets too close, it might be contagious. I have noticed over the years that this attitude seems to be strongest among those that portray themselves to be "macho" men (as well as religious nuts). One can not help but wonder if their self image is threatened by gays. To counteract that, I suggest that they double their time at the gym, but to stay out of the communal shower.

"Gay" is a fraudulent euphemism which was designed to deceive the ignorant into the understanding that sexually abnormal people are innocuous, jovial folks which in no way represent a threat to them, their children, or their culture.

The term was converted from its historic reference meaning: boisterous expressive happiness, sportive merriment, etc... to its current fraudulence, falsely defining that which has no kinship with the words actual meaning. This on the premise that social mores and taboos which forbid the behavior were set upon society by an overbearing paternal oligarchy, rooted in religious bigotry, which otherwise had no historical relevance to any otherwise unenviable experiences relevant to the cultural acceptance of sexual abnormality.

Of course, that there exist no viable, thriving, sustainable cultures presently existing anywhere on earth which so accept the sexually abnormal, with every example of such cultures which presently DO, being in their death throes... all historic examples of such cultures are EXTINCT!

This should be a clue... and IS, to all but the thoroughly delusional.

The only other noteworthy point to be made about the post to which I am responding is how delightfully feckless it is as it DEFINES the origins of the addled notion: Homophobe.

It would be HYSTERICAL if it weren't so tragically inept.
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This pussy fake marine does nothing but lie. First he claims he is from Detroit now he is trying to claim Arizona?

This wigger piece of shit doesn't know the difference between his ass and his mouth....where's that LINK, boy?
Right here you lying POS.

White man gets 17 years for shooting super-drunk black breaking into his house at 4 AM Page 23 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I grew up in Detroit so maybe I can help SS with some of this.

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