9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

This is way more comprehensive than expected. As a musician, am I now forced to play Stairway To Heaven or Free Bird or else face a lawsuit? Will there be a gov decree mandating that?
If you own a business that provides such music for events, do you think you are legally allowed to refuse service due to the customer's race? religion? physical/mental capacity? In many states, the answer is no.
None of those are tantamount to nor have anything to do with homo sex.
Why do you focus on homo sex? Are we supposed to focus on hetero sex?
Homo sex is the crux of the issue. Hetero sex actually creates people. Major distinctions.
Hetero sex was created by God, homosexual sex is satan spawned.
Which you have every right to contend, in your personal life. However, you have absolutely no authority, under the Constitution, to use that as justification for legislation.

It appears to me that there are a lot of people on this thread that think of "gay" as being sort of like Ebola. If it gets too close, it might be contagious. I have noticed over the years that this attitude seems to be strongest among those that portray themselves to be "macho" men (as well as religious nuts). One can not help but wonder if their self image is threatened by gays. To counteract that, I suggest that they double their time at the gym, but to stay out of the communal shower.

Does that mean you might be a closet hetero?
None of those are tantamount to nor have anything to do with homo sex.
Why do you focus on homo sex? Are we supposed to focus on hetero sex?
Homo sex is the crux of the issue. Hetero sex actually creates people. Major distinctions.
Hetero sex was created by God, homosexual sex is satan spawned.
Bullshit. What about heteros who have any kind of sex besides missionary position....are they satan spawned too?
Sex with any other but your wife or husband is a sin. Gays can't marry so therefore sex between gays is a sin, per God.
And? Since this is a discussion about the Constitutionality of same sex marriage, what does your personal religious opinion have to do with anything?
What about heteros who have any kind of sex besides missionary position....are they satan spawned too?

You got the whole playbook memorized don't ya......I expect it's because you have to defend your perversion so often. In truth, like I've said several times already, I don't care who has sex with whom as long as they are of age, willing, and not drunk or stoned. This thread is about the 9th Circuit overturning our VOTE on the matter of them trying to destroy the concept of marriage....that's it. The rest of your atheist bullshit is about you, not us.
Exactly. The 9th circuit was wrong to overthrow the will of the voters in 08.
Actually, not only was the 9th circuit not wrong, it was doing the job that the Constitution set out for the Judicial Branch.
What I'm seeing is a childish hissy fit.

First that he can't discriminate against homosexuals anymore.

Second that I pointed out how wrong he was to state no christian church would accept homosexuality or perform a gay wedding.

So he's having a very bad hissy fit and doesn't even bother to think about anything he posts. Which is the reason why we see such illogical and stupid posts from him.

He's also embarrassed that a woman shredded his post and showed how ignorant he is.
Post wasn't shredded and I am not ignorant. And also God is God even if you foolishly deny him, good luck with that.
But what about our gods? You know...all the rest of the people (the majority) of the World?
One true God, the God of the Bile. The other so called gods are mans imagination.

So much for respecting our constitution and freedom of religion.

Since you won't I will.

I won't be like you and I won't demean any religion. You're free to worship the lint in your belly button for all I care. Just don't force it on me.

How would you like it if I stated that your god is a fake god made up in your own imagination? How would you like it if I said your faith isn't real and means nothing? How would you like it if I forced my faith on you?

You and people like you have so much hate for our nation, constitution and way of life. What makes America so special and as you people insist " exceptional" is the fact that we have freedom and equality for everyone. Not just a few. Not just those who believe in a certain god. Everyone.

It's obvious to me you hate our nation and our way of life. If you hate America so much why do you stay? Seriously here. Why waste your time trying to change a nation when there are already so many out there that are just what you're looking for. Vatican City. Iran, Russia, North Korea all discriminate homosexual people. Well the catholic church is now rethinking their position on homosexuality so they may have to be removed from that list soon. Vatican City and Iran have theocracies that force religion on the nation. I'm sure you would be very happy in one of those nations.

How you could POSSIBLY utter that statement while at the same time arguing that a gay has a right to force a christian to do business with them is beyond me.

Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

Huge difference here sparky.

Those homosexuals weren't denying anyone their right to disagree with gay marriage. Those homosexuals weren't trying to force those christians to not believe in their god. Those homosexuals weren't demeaning their christian god nor were they trying to force that christian to believe what the homosexuals believe.

All the homosexuals were doing was trying to conduct business with them. Just as that business owner conducts business with every other person in America.

When a person gets that business license they agree to follow the laws for business of that state. They're given license to conduct business with the public. There are no exceptions for religion or homosexuality.

What makes that business different from any other business in that state? The rest of the businesses follow the law.

I think it's disgusting that you're using religion to excuse someone violating our laws and our constitution.
Why do you focus on homo sex? Are we supposed to focus on hetero sex?
Homo sex is the crux of the issue. Hetero sex actually creates people. Major distinctions.
Hetero sex was created by God, homosexual sex is satan spawned.
Bullshit. What about heteros who have any kind of sex besides missionary position....are they satan spawned too?
Sex with any other but your wife or husband is a sin. Gays can't marry so therefore sex between gays is a sin, per God.
And? Since this is a discussion about the Constitutionality of same sex marriage, what does your personal religious opinion have to do with anything?
Apparently AmericanFirst is actually not.
It appears to me that there are a lot of people on this thread that think of "gay" as being sort of like Ebola. If it gets too close, it might be contagious. I have noticed over the years that this attitude seems to be strongest among those that portray themselves to be "macho" men (as well as religious nuts). One can not help but wonder if their self image is threatened by gays. To counteract that, I suggest that they double their time at the gym, but to stay out of the communal shower.

Does that mean you might be a closet hetero?
It means you are a closet homo. No one really cares though. Just admit it.
They look very happy together. They sure don't need the likes of you, do they? :D

I hope they are happy together....nobody should walk through the world alone just because they'er hideously ugly and mentally ill. But can they get "married" in Arizona after WE VOTED NO? We'll see.
Post wasn't shredded and I am not ignorant. And also God is God even if you foolishly deny him, good luck with that.
But what about our gods? You know...all the rest of the people (the majority) of the World?
One true God, the God of the Bile. The other so called gods are mans imagination.

So much for respecting our constitution and freedom of religion.

Since you won't I will.

I won't be like you and I won't demean any religion. You're free to worship the lint in your belly button for all I care. Just don't force it on me.

How would you like it if I stated that your god is a fake god made up in your own imagination? How would you like it if I said your faith isn't real and means nothing? How would you like it if I forced my faith on you?

You and people like you have so much hate for our nation, constitution and way of life. What makes America so special and as you people insist " exceptional" is the fact that we have freedom and equality for everyone. Not just a few. Not just those who believe in a certain god. Everyone.

It's obvious to me you hate our nation and our way of life. If you hate America so much why do you stay? Seriously here. Why waste your time trying to change a nation when there are already so many out there that are just what you're looking for. Vatican City. Iran, Russia, North Korea all discriminate homosexual people. Well the catholic church is now rethinking their position on homosexuality so they may have to be removed from that list soon. Vatican City and Iran have theocracies that force religion on the nation. I'm sure you would be very happy in one of those nations.

How you could POSSIBLY utter that statement while at the same time arguing that a gay has a right to force a christian to do business with them is beyond me.

Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

Huge difference here sparky.

Those homosexuals weren't denying anyone their right to disagree with gay marriage. Those homosexuals weren't trying to force those christians to not believe in their god. Those homosexuals weren't demeaning their christian god nor were they trying to force that christian to believe what the homosexuals believe.

All the homosexuals were doing was trying to conduct business with them. Just as that business owner conducts business with every other person in America.

When a person gets that business license they agree to follow the laws for business of that state. They're given license to conduct business with the public. There are no exceptions for religion or homosexuality.

What makes that business different from any other business in that state? The rest of the businesses follow the law.

I think it's disgusting that you're using religion to excuse someone violating our laws and our constitution.

What a load of horse manure.
If my religion says "do no partake in gay marriage" and you pass a law that says I must, you have interfered with my practice of my religion.

Or , are you now saying I can practice my religion, I just can't go into business if I wish to do so?

Either way it's stupid.

By the way little lib. as a business owner, I CAN discriminate. As long as it isn't against certain government protected reasons. That means the law is not applied to all evenly, which makes it bad law.
Atheism a theology? Ha.
You didn't know that? You don't know what a theology is? Lemme help you with that. A theology is a a system of religious beliefs or ideas. "I believe that there is no God" - atheism is as much a theological statement as "I believe there is a God" - Theism.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Well, bog is of course assuming that a system of religious beliefs must be complex and profound.

When such is not the case... Atheism, better expressed as A-theism, merely conveys a lack of interest in the subject of a deity... in terms of religion, that's their system.

Much the same for the A-gnostic, which were the original Christian fundies, but had little time for other or as they considered them, lessor 'sects' of Christianity. And as with the apolitical, and the asexual... they simply have no concern for the subject.

Today, as in every other day before, ya don't hear a peep out of the atheists... because, again if ya weren't paying attention, they don't care. What we never STOP hearing from however is the new-kids-in-evil-block... the ANTI-Theists. And this site is LOOooaded with this sub-creatures.

Without exception the Anti-Theist is a sociopath, suffering from exceedingly low intellectual means and to prove it, without exception, your anti-theist will be a PROUD member of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality and is likely among the more perverse degenerates in the room.

And on a personal note I LOVE THESE PEOPLE! Well... I love humiliating them... call it a character deficiency, I'm perfectly fine with it, but when I find one in person, without exception to this point, they leave crying, be they male of female and in two classic examples, they left bleeding, with the last one headin' to the pokey.

They are without fail... HYSTERICAL true-believers of the absolutely CLUELESS variety and they will bite on everything ya throw out there.

And before ya ask, I don't mind putting that out in public, because... THEY CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES, it won't matter. Oh sure maybe for a moment or even in the grips of their most profound discipline they will resist with the apparent will power of granite... but then... they cave and come rushin' in and it is all over before they know it, at which time they flee the discussion and begin to construct the pretensive rationalization (I'm talking stark, clinical delusion here...) that 'it never happened.

And yes... they're a fanatical cult, and yes, anti-theism is a religion and yes... THEY are their own God and yes... their god SUCKS! So they're pissed that Christians get to have a perfect God and they can't stop themselves from chronically showing us just how pissed they are.
They look very happy together. They sure don't need the likes of you, do they? :D

I hope they are happy together....nobody should walk through the world alone just because they'er hideously ugly and mentally ill. But can they get "married" in Arizona after WE VOTED NO? We'll see.
Well, we're really not that interested in your personal story.
They look very happy together. They sure don't need the likes of you, do they? :D

I hope they are happy together....nobody should walk through the world alone just because they'er hideously ugly and mentally ill. But can they get "married" in Arizona after WE VOTED NO? We'll see.
Well, we're really not that interested in your personal story.

No one is interested in your personal story either, which is why you've made up this Walter Mitty existence of being a lesbian retired Naval Aviator who now owns an unspecified business.
Ex Post Facto
There's precedent.

Possession of fully automatic firearms being one; one day they were legal, the next day they were not.

Same could happen with a well written amendment.

Of course, if we ever get a Congress with the balls to allow the people to make this decision, we will probably already have a SCOTUS that knows calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.

Do you know what it takes to pass an amendment to the constitution?

It takes two thirds of both the House of Reps and two thirds of the Senate to pass it. Then the president must sign it.

Even then it's not an amendment.

It must go to the states to be ratified. Three quarters of the states must ratify it for it to become an amendment to the constitution. Which means that 37 of the 50 states must ratify it.

Good luck with that.

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