A $1,251,360.00 Watch.....Now I can tell time and tell who is below me

What is your point?

The wealthy have always squandered massive amounts of money on useless shit that is not worth anything other than showing how much cash they have to burn. Nothing new here.

So you understand the concept but don't understand the point...............hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

So, if you desire one so bad. Earn enough money to BUY one. It really is that simple. Just think, Kim Kardashian has no skills that anyone can think of other than an ability to film a sex tape, and look where she is now.

It really is that simple. Instead of whining and moping DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Your post is more epic than I could have fished you out of.

Someone with no skills can get that watch yet some American families can't make a house payment. I'm glad you opened that door kiddo.

I don't need that watch. My family does just fine.

I love that you don't understand the point, as always. :tank::up_yours:

The point is you whine incessantly about those who have more than you. That's it. You're a one trick pony. The reality of horology is if it weren't for rich people (who in one case have actually funded a school to keep the skills alive) all there would be are cheap battery powered watches. It is simply too expensive for the vast majority of people to buy a high quality mechanical watch/chronograph. Thus, were it not for rich people supporting the craftsmen who make them, those people would be out of a job and those highly specialized and technical skills would be lost.

That's the reality of those expensive watches but you're too fucking stupid to look past the end of your pointy nose and see what the back story is. You simply don't care about the back story because your petty jealousy doesn't allow you to see.

You're like the imbeciles vandalizing the Buddhist statuary in Afghanistan because it offended your sensibilities. Ignoring the fact that you have the sensibilities of a barbarian.
get back to me on price gouging

totally stupid and 100% liberal as always. The pure beauty of capitalism is that if a company tries price gouging or even raising prices above cost they immediately inspire and create competition!

Imagine, a liberal is too stupid to undertsand these basics. Anti Party is among the most ignorant of liberals.
translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to defend what I said.
Translation..."I only see what I want to see".

Try this...I'm only going to do one so pay attention;
David Donnelly, who spearheaded the clean elections effort in Massachusetts, remembers Brown as a reliable supporter of clean elections: "Over those years, Scott Brown was not only a consistent vote, but a consistently outspoken supporter of the clean-elections program." In a June 2001 letter to the editor in the Boston Globe, an activist with Common Cause, the good government group, hailed Brown's support for clean elections as "not only courageous, but gutsy and heroic."

When Brown ran for state Senate in 2004, he billed himself as "the person that bucks the system often." He frequently mentioned his support for clean elections as evidence of his reformer bona fides. "As a state representative," he said then, "I fought House Speaker Thomas Finneran's pay raise bill and supported the voters' will on Clean Elections." Brown won the special election and served in the state Senate from 2004 to 2010.

In 2010, Brown ran for the US Senate seat that had been held by Ted Kennedy for 46 years. Most people remember his ubiquitous pickup truck, the one he drove everywhere and used to burnish his regular-guy image. What's less remembered is how Brown again bragged about his support of campaign finance reform on his way to becoming a US senator.

Here's what Brown told NPR the day after his upset win over Democrat Martha Coakley:

Maybe there's a new breed of Republican coming to Washington. You know, I've always been that way. I always—I mean, you remember, I supported clean elections. I'm a self-imposed term limits person. I believe very, very strongly that we are there to serve the people.

That reformer approach vanished as soon as Brown joined the Senate Republican caucus.

In the summer of 2010, Senate Democrats heavily lobbied Brown to be the decisive 60th vote on the DISCLOSE Act, a bill that would beef up disclosure of spending on elections by dark-money nonprofit groups, including Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and David Koch's Americans for Prosperity. But Brown instead joined the Republican filibuster that killed the bill. In an op-ed explaining his vote, Brown said the bill was an election year ploy that exempted labor unions, which traditionally back Democrats, from some disclosure requirements. (In fact, the bill applied the same requirements to corporations and unions, and the AFL-CIO opposed it.) But he praised the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law as "an honest attempt to reform campaign finance" and wrote that genuine reform "would include increased transparency, accountability, and would provide a level playing field to everyone." This gave some reformers hope that Brown might support a whittled-down version of the bill.

But no. Brown later opposed two newer, slimmer versions of the DISCLOSE Act andrefused to cosponsor a national clean-elections bill similar to the measure he had backed in Massachusetts. (A spokeswoman for Brown's campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)

Brown has gone on to accept millions from the interests most opposed to campaign finance reform. In 2011, he was caught on camera practically begging David Koch, the billionaire industrialist, for campaign cash. "Your support during the [2010] election, it meant a ton," Brown told Koch. "It made a difference, and I can certainly use it again." In his 2012 race against Warren, he benefited from a super-PACfunded largely by energy magnate Bill Koch, the youngest Koch brother and also a billionaire, and casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson's Las Vegas Sands company. And though he agreed that year to the "People's Pledge"—a pact intended to keep outside spending out of the campaign—Brown refused to make the same pledge in his current campaign against Shaheen.

dear, I asked for most bought off politician in America and horrible affects therefrom. What is the horrible affect here? Do you even see one?? Imagine, that is your best example? See why we say liberalism is based in pure stupidity??
What you mean is that you don't have the wit to see the negative result of ensuring that politicians CAN be bought?

dear you said there were huge consequences of bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Brown( your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
It tells me that you have to have the most basic principles explained to you in single syllables.
Or maybe that 'reasoning' is not your forte.
dear you said there were huge consequences from bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Scott Brown (your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
Translation..."I only see what I want to see".

Try this...I'm only going to do one so pay attention;

dear, I asked for most bought off politician in America and horrible affects therefrom. What is the horrible affect here? Do you even see one?? Imagine, that is your best example? See why we say liberalism is based in pure stupidity??
What you mean is that you don't have the wit to see the negative result of ensuring that politicians CAN be bought?

dear you said there were huge consequences of bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Brown( your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
It tells me that you have to have the most basic principles explained to you in single syllables.
Or maybe that 'reasoning' is not your forte.
dear you said there were huge consequences from bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Scott Brown (your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
Try reading my link dear.
dear, I asked for most bought off politician in America and horrible affects therefrom. What is the horrible affect here? Do you even see one?? Imagine, that is your best example? See why we say liberalism is based in pure stupidity??
What you mean is that you don't have the wit to see the negative result of ensuring that politicians CAN be bought?

dear you said there were huge consequences of bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Brown( your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
It tells me that you have to have the most basic principles explained to you in single syllables.
Or maybe that 'reasoning' is not your forte.
dear you said there were huge consequences from bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Scott Brown (your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
Try reading my link dear.
dear you said there were huge consequences from bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Scott Brown (your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
What you mean is that you don't have the wit to see the negative result of ensuring that politicians CAN be bought?

dear you said there were huge consequences of bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Brown( your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
It tells me that you have to have the most basic principles explained to you in single syllables.
Or maybe that 'reasoning' is not your forte.
dear you said there were huge consequences from bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Scott Brown (your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
Try reading my link dear.
dear you said there were huge consequences from bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Scott Brown (your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
Try reading the link dear, and use some reasoning...or ask someone to help.
What is your point?

The wealthy have always squandered massive amounts of money on useless shit that is not worth anything other than showing how much cash they have to burn. Nothing new here.

So you understand the concept but don't understand the point...............hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

So, if you desire one so bad. Earn enough money to BUY one. It really is that simple. Just think, Kim Kardashian has no skills that anyone can think of other than an ability to film a sex tape, and look where she is now.

It really is that simple. Instead of whining and moping DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Your post is more epic than I could have fished you out of.

Someone with no skills can get that watch yet some American families can't make a house payment. I'm glad you opened that door kiddo.

I don't need that watch. My family does just fine.

I love that you don't understand the point, as always. :tank::up_yours:

The point is you whine incessantly about those who have more than you. That's it. You're a one trick pony. The reality of horology is if it weren't for rich people (who in one case have actually funded a school to keep the skills alive) all there would be are cheap battery powered watches. It is simply too expensive for the vast majority of people to buy a high quality mechanical watch/chronograph. Thus, were it not for rich people supporting the craftsmen who make them, those people would be out of a job and those highly specialized and technical skills would be lost.

That's the reality of those expensive watches but you're too fucking stupid to look past the end of your pointy nose and see what the back story is. You simply don't care about the back story because your petty jealousy doesn't allow you to see.

You're like the imbeciles vandalizing the Buddhist statuary in Afghanistan because it offended your sensibilities. Ignoring the fact that you have the sensibilities of a barbarian.

"The point is you whine incessantly about those who have more than you. That's it. You're a one trick pony."

And once again you don't even come near comprehending the point of the OP, yet somehow you are a MOD? How much did that cost you? Paying for forum power..

Let me ask you this. WHO HAS MORE;

A child with a 1% doctor or lawyer father who is always at work providing a financial future for them?
A child with a father that spends a majority of his time engaging with them?

WHO HAS MORE kiddo? Research says..............doctors and lawyers have the worst family lives..............Care to guess why? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT AT HOME WORKING ON THEIR FAMILY, THEY ARE WORKING ON THEIR $.

Welcome to the topic kiddo :boohoo:

Let me edit that...........I have more than every Right Winger I know in real life. My house is bigger, my kids are smarter, my cars are new, I have a boat. Most Right Wingers I know are poor as hell and blame the taxation system.
Last edited:
What is your point?

The wealthy have always squandered massive amounts of money on useless shit that is not worth anything other than showing how much cash they have to burn. Nothing new here.

So you understand the concept but don't understand the point...............hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

So, if you desire one so bad. Earn enough money to BUY one. It really is that simple. Just think, Kim Kardashian has no skills that anyone can think of other than an ability to film a sex tape, and look where she is now.

It really is that simple. Instead of whining and moping DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Your post is more epic than I could have fished you out of.

Someone with no skills can get that watch yet some American families can't make a house payment. I'm glad you opened that door kiddo.

I don't need that watch. My family does just fine.

I love that you don't understand the point, as always. :tank::up_yours:

The point is you whine incessantly about those who have more than you. That's it. You're a one trick pony. The reality of horology is if it weren't for rich people (who in one case have actually funded a school to keep the skills alive) all there would be are cheap battery powered watches. It is simply too expensive for the vast majority of people to buy a high quality mechanical watch/chronograph. Thus, were it not for rich people supporting the craftsmen who make them, those people would be out of a job and those highly specialized and technical skills would be lost.

That's the reality of those expensive watches but you're too fucking stupid to look past the end of your pointy nose and see what the back story is. You simply don't care about the back story because your petty jealousy doesn't allow you to see.

You're like the imbeciles vandalizing the Buddhist statuary in Afghanistan because it offended your sensibilities. Ignoring the fact that you have the sensibilities of a barbarian.

Also, you fell right into place by not knowing what COULD be done with that money. Feed people or get something shiny. Clothe people or get something shiny. Give some people shelter or get something shiny............

It's called investment.

No one will remember you if you buy that watch. Everyone will remember you if you are a good human...
get back to me on price gouging

totally stupid and 100% liberal as always. The pure beauty of capitalism is that if a company tries price gouging or even raising prices above cost they immediately inspire and create competition!

Imagine, a liberal is too stupid to undertsand these basics. Anti Party is among the most ignorant of liberals.

So what happened to Wal-Mart's competitors there kiddo LOL. This isn't that hard to see. America ignored the anti-trust laws and we get today.

I'm guessing you can't even tell me what the biggest price gouge in America is..................................................................................If you actually look it up, you will notice your own flaws on your perspective.
What is your point?

The wealthy have always squandered massive amounts of money on useless shit that is not worth anything other than showing how much cash they have to burn. Nothing new here.

So you understand the concept but don't understand the point...............hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

So, if you desire one so bad. Earn enough money to BUY one. It really is that simple. Just think, Kim Kardashian has no skills that anyone can think of other than an ability to film a sex tape, and look where she is now.

It really is that simple. Instead of whining and moping DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Your post is more epic than I could have fished you out of.

Someone with no skills can get that watch yet some American families can't make a house payment. I'm glad you opened that door kiddo.

I don't need that watch. My family does just fine.

I love that you don't understand the point, as always. :tank::up_yours:

The point is you whine incessantly about those who have more than you. That's it. You're a one trick pony. The reality of horology is if it weren't for rich people (who in one case have actually funded a school to keep the skills alive) all there would be are cheap battery powered watches. It is simply too expensive for the vast majority of people to buy a high quality mechanical watch/chronograph. Thus, were it not for rich people supporting the craftsmen who make them, those people would be out of a job and those highly specialized and technical skills would be lost.

That's the reality of those expensive watches but you're too fucking stupid to look past the end of your pointy nose and see what the back story is. You simply don't care about the back story because your petty jealousy doesn't allow you to see.

You're like the imbeciles vandalizing the Buddhist statuary in Afghanistan because it offended your sensibilities. Ignoring the fact that you have the sensibilities of a barbarian.

"The point is you whine incessantly about those who have more than you. That's it. You're a one trick pony."

And once again you don't even come near comprehending the point of the OP, yet somehow you are a MOD? How much did that cost you? Paying for forum power..

Let me ask you this. WHO HAS MORE;

A child with a 1% doctor or lawyer father who is always at work providing a financial future for them?
A child with a father that spends a majority of his time engaging with them?

WHO HAS MORE kiddo? Research says..............doctors and lawyers have the worst family lives..............Care to guess why? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT AT HOME WORKING ON THEIR FAMILY, THEY ARE WORKING ON THEIR $.

Welcome to the topic kiddo :boohoo:

Let me edit that...........I have more than every Right Winger I know in real life. My house is bigger, my kids are smarter, my cars are new, I have a boat. Most Right Wingers I know are poor as hell and blame the taxation system.

No, it's you who don't get it clown. It DOESN'T MATTER WHO HAS MORE! Get it? Life is not "fair". Life is life and as a human being it is your job to live the best life that YOU can. There are loads of douchebags out there with more money than me. So what. I have a great life. I have a wonderful, smart wife. I have a smart little child. I have enough money to send her to private school, pay our bills and take vacations when we feel like it.

I was born poor, far poorer than you, and I went to school and worked hard and I'm the only member of my family with an advanced degree. I'm worth probably more than all of my siblings combined and it doesn't bug them in the slightest. They understand that when they were out partying, I was studying. That when they were screwing around I was working. They understand that I worked very hard, early, so that I can take it easy now.

You whiney sniveling little shits annoy the hell out of me. You don't work and you expect me to take care of you. Fuck you. Grow up and get a pair.
What is your point?

The wealthy have always squandered massive amounts of money on useless shit that is not worth anything other than showing how much cash they have to burn. Nothing new here.

So you understand the concept but don't understand the point...............hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

So, if you desire one so bad. Earn enough money to BUY one. It really is that simple. Just think, Kim Kardashian has no skills that anyone can think of other than an ability to film a sex tape, and look where she is now.

It really is that simple. Instead of whining and moping DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Your post is more epic than I could have fished you out of.

Someone with no skills can get that watch yet some American families can't make a house payment. I'm glad you opened that door kiddo.

I don't need that watch. My family does just fine.

I love that you don't understand the point, as always. :tank::up_yours:

The point is you whine incessantly about those who have more than you. That's it. You're a one trick pony. The reality of horology is if it weren't for rich people (who in one case have actually funded a school to keep the skills alive) all there would be are cheap battery powered watches. It is simply too expensive for the vast majority of people to buy a high quality mechanical watch/chronograph. Thus, were it not for rich people supporting the craftsmen who make them, those people would be out of a job and those highly specialized and technical skills would be lost.

That's the reality of those expensive watches but you're too fucking stupid to look past the end of your pointy nose and see what the back story is. You simply don't care about the back story because your petty jealousy doesn't allow you to see.

You're like the imbeciles vandalizing the Buddhist statuary in Afghanistan because it offended your sensibilities. Ignoring the fact that you have the sensibilities of a barbarian.

Also, you fell right into place by not knowing what COULD be done with that money. Feed people or get something shiny. Clothe people or get something shiny. Give some people shelter or get something shiny............

It's called investment.

No one will remember you if you buy that watch. Everyone will remember you if you are a good human...

No. It's you who don't seem to get it. I know far more what could be done with all of that money. I have been where there is real poverty. I KNOW what it means to be hungry. You've probably never been hungry in your miserable little life. I also know that the people who buy those watches generally do more good with their money than you ever will. A good friend of mine passed away a few years ago who was very, very wealthy. The usual trolls, like you, posted the usual whiney stuff in the comments section of the story describing his life and death.

The funny part was a whole host of regular people pointed out to the morons, like you, that he was responsible for a good proportion of the public open space in the Bay Area. One guy felt it important enough that he had funded huge tracts to be set aside for the PUBLIC.

What the fuck have you ever done but whine and snivel and beg your betters for handouts. YOU are a slave pal. You are an angry little slave who will live a miserable life and no doubt die a miserable death.
So what happened to Wal-Mart's competitors there kiddo LOL.

one cant imagine anything dumber than using Walmart as an example of price gouging. What on earth makes you so stupid and liberal?

Walmart has razor thin profit margins because of its low low prices and is locked in a life and death competition with Amazon as bricks and morter changes to on-line and then on-line mobile. And of course that is not to mention all the other bricks and morter, online and mobile competitors.

Sears was once thought to be invincible as well as 1000's of other retailers. NOw do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Last edited:
I'm guessing you can't even tell me what the biggest price gouge in America is..................................................................................If you actually look it up, you will notice your own flaws on your perspective.

too100% stupid and liberal as always! Where there is a lack competition like in the old USSR and here where govt prevents capitalist competition you sometimes find some make huge profits. The solution is to impliment Republican capitalist competition which naturally drives profits toward 0%.

Does the liberal understand?
I'm guessing you can't even tell me what the biggest price gouge in America is..................................................................................If you actually look it up, you will notice your own flaws on your perspective.

too100% stupid and liberal as always! Where there is a lack competition like in the old USSR and here where govt prevents capitalist competition you sometimes find some make huge profits. The solution is to impliment Republican capitalist competition which naturally drives profits toward 0%.

Does the liberal understand?

He's not a liberal. He's a progressive totalitarian supporter. The two philosophies are completely different.
dear you said there were huge consequences of bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Brown( your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
It tells me that you have to have the most basic principles explained to you in single syllables.
Or maybe that 'reasoning' is not your forte.
dear you said there were huge consequences from bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Scott Brown (your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
Try reading my link dear.
dear you said there were huge consequences from bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Scott Brown (your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
Try reading the link dear, and use some reasoning...or ask someone to help.

dear you said there were huge consequences from bought politicians . I asked for the consequence in the case of Scott Brown (your best example) and you could not answer. What does that tell you about the IQ of liberals?
He's not a liberal. He's a progressive totalitarian supporter. The two philosophies are completely different.

they are not different since they both involve concentrating more and power in central govt. When the concentration does not work their solution is more concentration leading to some form of progressive libcommienazism.

Do you understand now?
I'm guessing you can't even tell me what the biggest price gouge in America is..................................................................................If you actually look it up, you will notice your own flaws on your perspective.

too100% stupid and liberal as always! Where there is a lack competition like in the old USSR and here where govt prevents capitalist competition you sometimes find some make huge profits. The solution is to impliment Republican capitalist competition which naturally drives profits toward 0%.

Does the liberal understand?

He's not a liberal. He's a progressive totalitarian supporter. The two philosophies are completely different.

By basic definition the definitions are similar. By understanding what my stance is, nothing near it. You need to learn the terms "Liberal" and "Progressive" and see what they actually mean. If you think Progress is a bad thing, then you are everything wrong with every 3rd world Country on earth............get it yet?
So you understand the concept but don't understand the point...............hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

So, if you desire one so bad. Earn enough money to BUY one. It really is that simple. Just think, Kim Kardashian has no skills that anyone can think of other than an ability to film a sex tape, and look where she is now.

It really is that simple. Instead of whining and moping DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Your post is more epic than I could have fished you out of.

Someone with no skills can get that watch yet some American families can't make a house payment. I'm glad you opened that door kiddo.

I don't need that watch. My family does just fine.

I love that you don't understand the point, as always. :tank::up_yours:

The point is you whine incessantly about those who have more than you. That's it. You're a one trick pony. The reality of horology is if it weren't for rich people (who in one case have actually funded a school to keep the skills alive) all there would be are cheap battery powered watches. It is simply too expensive for the vast majority of people to buy a high quality mechanical watch/chronograph. Thus, were it not for rich people supporting the craftsmen who make them, those people would be out of a job and those highly specialized and technical skills would be lost.

That's the reality of those expensive watches but you're too fucking stupid to look past the end of your pointy nose and see what the back story is. You simply don't care about the back story because your petty jealousy doesn't allow you to see.

You're like the imbeciles vandalizing the Buddhist statuary in Afghanistan because it offended your sensibilities. Ignoring the fact that you have the sensibilities of a barbarian.

Also, you fell right into place by not knowing what COULD be done with that money. Feed people or get something shiny. Clothe people or get something shiny. Give some people shelter or get something shiny............

It's called investment.

No one will remember you if you buy that watch. Everyone will remember you if you are a good human...

No. It's you who don't seem to get it. I know far more what could be done with all of that money. I have been where there is real poverty. I KNOW what it means to be hungry. You've probably never been hungry in your miserable little life. I also know that the people who buy those watches generally do more good with their money than you ever will. A good friend of mine passed away a few years ago who was very, very wealthy. The usual trolls, like you, posted the usual whiney stuff in the comments section of the story describing his life and death.

The funny part was a whole host of regular people pointed out to the morons, like you, that he was responsible for a good proportion of the public open space in the Bay Area. One guy felt it important enough that he had funded huge tracts to be set aside for the PUBLIC.

What the fuck have you ever done but whine and snivel and beg your betters for handouts. YOU are a slave pal. You are an angry little slave who will live a miserable life and no doubt die a miserable death.

"No. It's you who don't seem to get it. I know far more what could be done with all of that money"

So now you are contradicting your previous and current statements.

You state you have a friend that passed away and he was responsible for public space in Bay Area's.....That's Liberal in your own definition. I think I'm understanding you now though. You think it takes a powerful person to make a certain area free when I hold the stance it was free when the Indians were here. Politics does that to the smallest of brains though, creates bias and the inability to think.

We live in America. We took the land. Get knowledge, get informed, get educated. We did NOT discover America!!!

I don't want the watch! Even if I was super rich I wouldn't want it! I'm simply well off and watching people LIKE YOU admit you are poor and blaming taxation. Fox News and other Right Wing media has convinced you that you would be just fine if taxation wasn't so high. Yet taxation is in the Constitution and a part of the plan for America so maybe you need to find the difference between necessary taxation and unnecessary taxation! (that is for all parties.)

Poor morons like you always look at your paycheck and think how much you could have had without taxation. People like me do just fine. I understand the bad spending and fight it. You simply fight all spending instead of bad spending. That's the difference. WELCOME TO POLITICS.

I'm not a progressive, I'm anti-party (HENCE THE NAME!). Read a bill! Inform yourself on all parties! Only then will you know what I do. The Right Wing has created drones like you to fight anyone that disagree's in an American political system based on OPINION!.

I fight for my own opinion, you call me a totalitarian like a tool for a party. Do you fight for your own opinion? Or are you one of the millions that justify other opinions because of the "greater good"?
He's not a liberal. He's a progressive totalitarian supporter. The two philosophies are completely different.

they are not different since they both involve concentrating more and power in central govt. When the concentration does not work their solution is more concentration leading to some form of progressive libcommienazism.

Do you understand now?

No, classic liberalism is LIBERTY FROM GOVERNMENT.
I'm guessing you can't even tell me what the biggest price gouge in America is..................................................................................If you actually look it up, you will notice your own flaws on your perspective.

too100% stupid and liberal as always! Where there is a lack competition like in the old USSR and here where govt prevents capitalist competition you sometimes find some make huge profits. The solution is to impliment Republican capitalist competition which naturally drives profits toward 0%.

Does the liberal understand?

He's not a liberal. He's a progressive totalitarian supporter. The two philosophies are completely different.

By basic definition the definitions are similar. By understanding what my stance is, nothing near it. You need to learn the terms "Liberal" and "Progressive" and see what they actually mean. If you think Progress is a bad thing, then you are everything wrong with every 3rd world Country on earth............get it yet?

No, they're not. Liberalism is freedom from government oppression. Progressivism is the enactment of government control. Usually some form of totalitarianism.

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