A $1,251,360.00 Watch.....Now I can tell time and tell who is below me

At this point we have all seen MOD Westwall state some certainly alarming things.

I would like to point out that he is not the average gun owner, he's the problem gun owner. We do not believe in using guns to force opinions. We do not believe in taking land with gun force. We do not believe in slavery.

Well, at least a lot of us gun owners.......So please don't profile us with this bigot idiot.
No, classic liberalism is LIBERTY FROM GOVERNMENT.

You do understand that America was founded on Government............correct kiddo?

America was founded on the principle that the individual, and their rights, were more important than the government. That's why this country was founded as a Constitutional Republic instead of a Democracy. Kiddo.

The writing that protected those rights was GOVERNMENT.............kiddo.....................You know, that thing you hate...

It was a Republic until the majority of America didn't agree African Slavery. The proper procedure by law would have been to amend the Constitution, but the Slave states wouldn't agree. Let's just say most of America didn't want OPPRESSION and killed more of the ones that did.................................................................MESSAGE...

Today we see a mix of State power vs. Federal. You seem to be stuck in a pre-Civil War time frame because you saw now WORDS that described the change in GOVERNMENT, YOU KNOW, THAT THING YOU HATE.

You think State Government should have the power. I think EVERY AMERICAN should have a vote. THAT is the difference.

No, the thing that protects those rights, rights that would otherwise be taken away by government, kiddo, is the right of the individuals to be ARMED. Any government that attempts to remove any of those inalienable rights must first contend with a population that can remove it from power. That is the intent of the 2nd Amendment. The ability to remove an illegitimate government.

"No, the thing that protects those rights, rights that would otherwise be taken away by government, kiddo, is the right of the individuals to be ARMED."

So you are saying that VOTES and Common sense doesn't matter. You have to have a gun to force your perspective............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I know your position. Guns only come into play LAST RESORT, not first resort kid. You are ignorant of politics and history.

I know you think today's America is the last resort the founders spoke of. But you also note that you don't research Left wing perspectives.....

You are a scared to death coward American who is unable to think, research or even process what you hear. You have your gun out because you are SCARED.

You are the beating chest America hates. Start thinking instead of using FORCE and WEAPONS to FORCE a perspective. Start reading. Start learning about at least ONE other party than your own! You can't hide behind your gun to force opinions forever coward.

I have guns and want to protect them in a knowledgeable way. You have guns and want to shoot to protect them, ANOTHER DIFFERENCE!

You are an advocate for pure democracy in your less progressive mode. Correct? In other words everyone gets a vote and their vote matters. The problem with pure democracy is it is simple mob rule. The Founders recognized that fact and wrote our Constitution based on that knowledge. I started as a communist idiot. My grandfather was a high ranker in the American Communist Party in the 1920's and 30's. I learned the truth about communism from him. I then changed to a pure anarchist when I was your age after I had learned a bit and travelled the world.

After I had read more, and lived more I changed into a rational anarchist. I support the maximum amount of rights and responsibilities for the individual. I realize however, that some people can't take care of themselves and so it is a societal contract that those who can't help themselves, be helped by those who can. That's what makes us human. I can care less about some lazy fool who can work, but chooses not too. They can starve for all I care. I do care about those who are old or infirm, or were born with a deficiency. Those I will happily help.

I am far from scared to death. I've been in so many different situations where I could have died that it doesn't effect me in the slightest. Most recently I was about one minute from death according to my doctors, and on more than one occasion while lying I have had "moments". I still fly. So no. I am not scared of anything.
At this point we have all seen MOD Westwall state some certainly alarming things.

I would like to point out that he is not the average gun owner, he's the problem gun owner. We do not believe in using guns to force opinions. We do not believe in taking land with gun force. We do not believe in slavery.

Well, at least a lot of us gun owners.......So please don't profile us with this bigot idiot.

Now you're simply lying. Where have I ever asserted that I wanted to do any of those things? Please post a link to them. When you can't, retract your lie.
You do understand that America was founded on Government............correct kiddo?

America was founded on the principle that the individual, and their rights, were more important than the government. That's why this country was founded as a Constitutional Republic instead of a Democracy. Kiddo.

The writing that protected those rights was GOVERNMENT.............kiddo.....................You know, that thing you hate...

It was a Republic until the majority of America didn't agree African Slavery. The proper procedure by law would have been to amend the Constitution, but the Slave states wouldn't agree. Let's just say most of America didn't want OPPRESSION and killed more of the ones that did.................................................................MESSAGE...

Today we see a mix of State power vs. Federal. You seem to be stuck in a pre-Civil War time frame because you saw now WORDS that described the change in GOVERNMENT, YOU KNOW, THAT THING YOU HATE.

You think State Government should have the power. I think EVERY AMERICAN should have a vote. THAT is the difference.

No, the thing that protects those rights, rights that would otherwise be taken away by government, kiddo, is the right of the individuals to be ARMED. Any government that attempts to remove any of those inalienable rights must first contend with a population that can remove it from power. That is the intent of the 2nd Amendment. The ability to remove an illegitimate government.

"No, the thing that protects those rights, rights that would otherwise be taken away by government, kiddo, is the right of the individuals to be ARMED."

So you are saying that VOTES and Common sense doesn't matter. You have to have a gun to force your perspective............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I know your position. Guns only come into play LAST RESORT, not first resort kid. You are ignorant of politics and history.

I know you think today's America is the last resort the founders spoke of. But you also note that you don't research Left wing perspectives.....

You are a scared to death coward American who is unable to think, research or even process what you hear. You have your gun out because you are SCARED.

You are the beating chest America hates. Start thinking instead of using FORCE and WEAPONS to FORCE a perspective. Start reading. Start learning about at least ONE other party than your own! You can't hide behind your gun to force opinions forever coward.

I have guns and want to protect them in a knowledgeable way. You have guns and want to shoot to protect them, ANOTHER DIFFERENCE!

You are an advocate for pure democracy in your less progressive mode. Correct? In other words everyone gets a vote and their vote matters. The problem with pure democracy is it is simple mob rule. The Founders recognized that fact and wrote our Constitution based on that knowledge. I started as a communist idiot. My grandfather was a high ranker in the American Communist Party in the 1920's and 30's. I learned the truth about communism from him. I then changed to a pure anarchist when I was your age after I had learned a bit and travelled the world.

After I had read more, and lived more I changed into a rational anarchist. I support the maximum amount of rights and responsibilities for the individual. I realize however, that some people can't take care of themselves and so it is a societal contract that those who can't help themselves, be helped by those who can. That's what makes us human. I can care less about some lazy fool who can work, but chooses not too. They can starve for all I care. I do care about those who are old or infirm, or were born with a deficiency. Those I will happily help.

I am far from scared to death. I've been in so many different situations where I could have died that it doesn't effect me in the slightest. Most recently I was about one minute from death according to my doctors, and on more than one occasion while lying I have had "moments". I still fly. So no. I am not scared of anything.

"The problem with pure democracy is it is simple mob rule. The Founders recognized that fact and wrote our Constitution based on that knowledge. I started as a communist idiot. My grandfather was a high ranker in the American Communist Party in the 1920's and 30's. I learned

^He had a Communist family member so has problems with individual opinions LOL...........so ignorant.

You go onto say you are a Nihilist but became a someone civil Nihilist bla bla bla. You sound like a basic biker. You want nihilism and Libery. But you don't seem to know when certain Liberties infringe the Liberties of others. That's COMPLEX Liberty. That's the separation of the Libertarian party and the others. Libertarians only fixate on SELF Liberties and never on Complex Liberties. That would be hard to think about :beer:
At this point we have all seen MOD Westwall state some certainly alarming things.

I would like to point out that he is not the average gun owner, he's the problem gun owner. We do not believe in using guns to force opinions. We do not believe in taking land with gun force. We do not believe in slavery.

Well, at least a lot of us gun owners.......So please don't profile us with this bigot idiot.

Now you're simply lying. Where have I ever asserted that I wanted to do any of those things? Please post a link to them. When you can't, retract your lie.

The people know how to read. I fished you into all of those positions and you bit, hook......line.......and sinker.

Tommorow morning you might take time out of your day of not working to read back on the discussion. You will see your true self.

YOU mad enough to be in a hospital with a heart attack "next do death" for a reason my friend.
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Westwall imagine this.

Imagine I know your position. Imagine I took weeks/months to know everything about it. Imagine I spent just as much time learning about everyone elses positions. Federalist, anti-Federalist, Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, Libertarian, Green, and Constitutionalists...

Once you learn all parties, you will be considered an outsider to all of the ones you don't CONFORM to. Welcome to brainwashing.

"Liberal and Conservative aren't parties". Just concepts used in the brainwash.

You are clearly a Libertarian with a side of Tea Party. Your nihilism is funny because you want to shoot everything that keeps you from being a criminal. Basically an oxymoron.
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America was founded on the principle that the individual, and their rights, were more important than the government. That's why this country was founded as a Constitutional Republic instead of a Democracy. Kiddo.

The writing that protected those rights was GOVERNMENT.............kiddo.....................You know, that thing you hate...

It was a Republic until the majority of America didn't agree African Slavery. The proper procedure by law would have been to amend the Constitution, but the Slave states wouldn't agree. Let's just say most of America didn't want OPPRESSION and killed more of the ones that did.................................................................MESSAGE...

Today we see a mix of State power vs. Federal. You seem to be stuck in a pre-Civil War time frame because you saw now WORDS that described the change in GOVERNMENT, YOU KNOW, THAT THING YOU HATE.

You think State Government should have the power. I think EVERY AMERICAN should have a vote. THAT is the difference.

No, the thing that protects those rights, rights that would otherwise be taken away by government, kiddo, is the right of the individuals to be ARMED. Any government that attempts to remove any of those inalienable rights must first contend with a population that can remove it from power. That is the intent of the 2nd Amendment. The ability to remove an illegitimate government.

"No, the thing that protects those rights, rights that would otherwise be taken away by government, kiddo, is the right of the individuals to be ARMED."

So you are saying that VOTES and Common sense doesn't matter. You have to have a gun to force your perspective............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I know your position. Guns only come into play LAST RESORT, not first resort kid. You are ignorant of politics and history.

I know you think today's America is the last resort the founders spoke of. But you also note that you don't research Left wing perspectives.....

You are a scared to death coward American who is unable to think, research or even process what you hear. You have your gun out because you are SCARED.

You are the beating chest America hates. Start thinking instead of using FORCE and WEAPONS to FORCE a perspective. Start reading. Start learning about at least ONE other party than your own! You can't hide behind your gun to force opinions forever coward.

I have guns and want to protect them in a knowledgeable way. You have guns and want to shoot to protect them, ANOTHER DIFFERENCE!

You are an advocate for pure democracy in your less progressive mode. Correct? In other words everyone gets a vote and their vote matters. The problem with pure democracy is it is simple mob rule. The Founders recognized that fact and wrote our Constitution based on that knowledge. I started as a communist idiot. My grandfather was a high ranker in the American Communist Party in the 1920's and 30's. I learned the truth about communism from him. I then changed to a pure anarchist when I was your age after I had learned a bit and travelled the world.

After I had read more, and lived more I changed into a rational anarchist. I support the maximum amount of rights and responsibilities for the individual. I realize however, that some people can't take care of themselves and so it is a societal contract that those who can't help themselves, be helped by those who can. That's what makes us human. I can care less about some lazy fool who can work, but chooses not too. They can starve for all I care. I do care about those who are old or infirm, or were born with a deficiency. Those I will happily help.

I am far from scared to death. I've been in so many different situations where I could have died that it doesn't effect me in the slightest. Most recently I was about one minute from death according to my doctors, and on more than one occasion while lying I have had "moments". I still fly. So no. I am not scared of anything.

"The problem with pure democracy is it is simple mob rule. The Founders recognized that fact and wrote our Constitution based on that knowledge. I started as a communist idiot. My grandfather was a high ranker in the American Communist Party in the 1920's and 30's. I learned

^He had a Communist family member so has problems with individual opinions LOL...........so ignorant.

You go onto say you are a Nihilist but became a someone civil Nihilist bla bla bla. You sound like a basic biker. You want nihilism and Libery. But you don't seem to know when certain Liberties infringe the Liberties of others. That's COMPLEX Liberty. That's the separation of the Libertarian party and the others. Libertarians only fixate on SELF Liberties and never on Complex Liberties. That would be hard to think about :beer:

I'll let the author take the credit.

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." Thomas Jefferson

Democracy is nothing more than mob rule... Thomas Jefferson s Monticello
At this point we have all seen MOD Westwall state some certainly alarming things.

I would like to point out that he is not the average gun owner, he's the problem gun owner. We do not believe in using guns to force opinions. We do not believe in taking land with gun force. We do not believe in slavery.

Well, at least a lot of us gun owners.......So please don't profile us with this bigot idiot.

Now you're simply lying. Where have I ever asserted that I wanted to do any of those things? Please post a link to them. When you can't, retract your lie.

The people know how to read. I fished you into all of those positions and you bit, hook......line.......and sinker.

Tommorow morning you might take time out of your day of not working to read back on the discussion. You will see your true self.

YOU mad enough to be in a hospital with a heart attack "next do death" for a reason my friend.

No the heart condition is do to age. Nothing else. I'm just an old fart. But one who has done more, and seen more than you ever will. You didn't fish me into anything you silly person. You're not capable of anything even remotely that clever. You are long on arrogance and real short on everything else. A typical college student.
Westwall imagine this.

Imagine I know your position. Imagine I took weeks/months to know everything about it. Imagine I spent just as much time learning about everyone elses positions. Federalist, anti-Federalist, Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, Libertarian, Green, and Constitutionalists...

Once you learn all parties, you will be considered an outsider to all of the ones you don't CONFORM to. Welcome to brainwashing.

"Liberal and Conservative aren't parties". Just concepts used in the brainwash.

You are clearly a Libertarian with a side of Tea Party. Your nihilism is funny because you want to shoot everything that keeps you from being a criminal. Basically an oxymoron.

What's funny is you accuse me of being a nihilist when that is the furthest from the truth. I am a classic liberal. That is one of the oldest political philosophies in the USA. You really are a clueless silly person. I would stay up and banter with you but it is late and I have to get up early. Good night.
Have you ever even thought about learning the Left wing stance?.

how stupid can you be. The left wing stance is a braindead belief in more and more welfare entitlements and more and more magical regulation based on an IQ too low to understand capitalism.
Here is what progressives from the 1930's and 40's had to say about fascism....

yes progressives are typical lib commies. Do you know George Phillips who posts here. He says Chris Hedges is a good liberal. Turns out he an open communist. What a surprise.
You do understand that America was founded on Government............correct kiddo?

100% stupid and liberal as always. When Jefferson said:
"We can no longer say there is nothing new under the sun". he was talking about America being new not becuase it was founded on govt, like all countries in human history, but because it was founded on a govt that was primarily designed to keep govt very very small since large liberal govt had been the source of evil in human history!!

Do you have the IQ to understand?
At this point we have all seen MOD Westwall state some certainly alarming things.

I would like to point out that he is not the average gun owner, he's the problem gun owner. We do not believe in using guns to force opinions. We do not believe in taking land with gun force. We do not believe in slavery.

Well, at least a lot of us gun owners.......So please don't profile us with this bigot idiot.

Now you're simply lying. Where have I ever asserted that I wanted to do any of those things? Please post a link to them. When you can't, retract your lie.

The people know how to read. I fished you into all of those positions and you bit, hook......line.......and sinker.

Tommorow morning you might take time out of your day of not working to read back on the discussion. You will see your true self.

YOU mad enough to be in a hospital with a heart attack "next do death" for a reason my friend.

No the heart condition is do to age. Nothing else. I'm just an old fart. But one who has done more, and seen more than you ever will. You didn't fish me into anything you silly person. You're not capable of anything even remotely that clever. You are long on arrogance and real short on everything else. A typical college student.

I'll note that he never mentioned it was a heart condition. I simply knew it was due to being an information collectivist. He simply stated he was close to death.

Collecting information is what is important here. Watching you scramble never knowing what party I am and never knowing basic politics is always fun. If you ever take time to research all parties and respect them all, you will POSSIBLY get on my level.
Have you ever even thought about learning the Left wing stance?.

how stupid can you be. The left wing stance is a braindead belief in more and more welfare entitlements and more and more magical regulation based on an IQ too low to understand capitalism.

I know what Fox News says and you small brains repeat..........

Welfare was voted for by the people. Welfare fraud was NOT. Learn the difference kid.
You do understand that America was founded on Government............correct kiddo?

100% stupid and liberal as always. When Jefferson said:
"We can no longer say there is nothing new under the sun". he was talking about America being new not becuase it was founded on govt, like all countries in human history, but because it was founded on a govt that was primarily designed to keep govt very very small since large liberal govt had been the source of evil in human history!!

Do you have the IQ to understand?

So you think Jefferson alone created America LOL.........It's no wonder why you all fall for anything........."If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything". So sad that the very people who use all of these standards, these references, these guidelines are the very ones that compromise them.
Westwall imagine this.

Imagine I know your position. Imagine I took weeks/months to know everything about it. Imagine I spent just as much time learning about everyone elses positions. Federalist, anti-Federalist, Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, Libertarian, Green, and Constitutionalists...

Once you learn all parties, you will be considered an outsider to all of the ones you don't CONFORM to. Welcome to brainwashing.

"Liberal and Conservative aren't parties". Just concepts used in the brainwash.

You are clearly a Libertarian with a side of Tea Party. Your nihilism is funny because you want to shoot everything that keeps you from being a criminal. Basically an oxymoron.

What's funny is you accuse me of being a nihilist when that is the furthest from the truth. I am a classic liberal. That is one of the oldest political philosophies in the USA. You really are a clueless silly person. I would stay up and banter with you but it is late and I have to get up early. Good night.

How much stupider can this conversation get?

You said "I became an anarchist" then attack me when I mentioned I noted you as a nihilist years ago. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE TERMS YOU ARE USING MEAN?
So you think Jefferson alone created America LOL.

I didn't say that you idiot liberal!! Jefferson was not even at Constitutional Convention, but the founders there created a govt that was very very vey new in that it created a very very very limited govt because throughout human history big liberal govt had been the source of all the slaughter that had characterized human history.

Do you understand now??

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