A $1,251,360.00 Watch.....Now I can tell time and tell who is below me

The Unionization of the workers is going to happen again. I can guarantee you that right now.

Of course, the Corporations that actually treat their workers well won't see much activity.

Union Membership was only lower at 1 point in history, right before the Great Depression. And workers wags were only near as low as they are now in one time period. The Great Depression............
Unions are not going to save a workforce that is no longer necessary.

You are looking to the past to solve problems in the future - a past based on an economy of industry that is never going to return.

That is a cold hard fact. People are not going to suddenly start unionizing like before. Not going to happen because the union is not the answer here. It is quite possible that an entirely different economic system is the answer, I don't know, but I do know that trying to use an industrial age solution in an information age world simply will not work.

If a workforce is no longer necessary, we will become a Communist Country.
You kids do understand "Communism" is when there is an over abundance of goods creating no necessity for workers.

You kids understand there is an over abundance of food, clothing, housing and healthcare?

Restricting these over abundances with extreme tone only pushes for Socialism or Communism. Capitalism HAS to react or it will die. We can't keep treating people this way.
Did you forget you were the employee and I was the employer? Common mistake. I'll let you off with a warning because I'm "fair" like that.

I've seen Tea Party idiots try to act like they are businesses owners for a VERY long time. They rarely do. They just want less taxation and repeat what their idiot media wants them to repeat.

I'm guessing you are poor as hell and think that your boss will pay you more if they just had to pay less taxes lol.

You clearly aren't smart enough to own a business.
Since 50% of the work force is employed by small businesses which are small due to less money and tighter budgets .....cought cough... yes I am saying that in a lot of cases. Not all though as I proved a few posts above.

^ Proof you know nothing about the topic.

The Monopolizing Corporations own the majority of workers..............not "small business".............

I'm guessing you see a local BRANCH as it's own entity lol.

I see your trying to marginalize small businesses because it goes completely against your stance in this thread. I'm going to be very direct with you how many millions of people in the usa work for small businesses. Looking for a number. I'll help you out.. it's in the tens of millions.

I owned a small business for many years. I can tell you do not.

Large corporations are Monopolizing America and squeezing out small business. You can be small business, but you will never get large. And eventually you will get squeezed out if you are not pro-active on the topic.

I see you don't know the number of small business employee's asking me to do your own homework. I can watch you backtrack on your facts all night long.

But we are here due to the OP.

You stated you wanted this superficial watch.
Anybody reading our back and forth on this topic can tell a couple things,

1 - there are good and bad business owners.
2 - employees don't care about business decisions and take less pay "personally" which as I pointed out leaves room for error on their end.
3 - employees do have the power, but fail to capitalize on it time and time again. Must not be that hurtful...
4 - that you haven't owned a business in your life and the fact that you can't look at ghis objectionably screams this. You are viewed as an employee.
5 - yout just got schooled by the same poster in back to back nights.

Thank you come again.
Yes. Employees can ask for it like that or quit. Employers can't control that "personal" decision can they? But the employees can, right?

You see where this is going, right? I'm making reality very easy to grasp here.

They can demand a fair wage if they unite and fight together. We are certainly seeing the rich unite.

It's proactive to walk into your bosses office and ask for a raise certainly. However, if you don't get it don't miss work protesting or you will be fired.

Wake me up when mass quittings happen.
You know nothing about Unionization or Employment or Politics at this point.

Unions don't "mass quit" idiot.

Not all corporations are involved with unions. Business 101. Politics 101 is unions are becoming extenct. Aren't they?

Unions are getting smaller. But once the education gets out that the boss is keeping your paycheck and making you get welfare to get by, many MANY people will focus on demanding their pay once again.

If Bernie Sanders runs for President, this will happen VERY soon.
You have now officially been exposed. I did my job in record timing.
I've seen Tea Party idiots try to act like they are businesses owners for a VERY long time. They rarely do. They just want less taxation and repeat what their idiot media wants them to repeat.

I'm guessing you are poor as hell and think that your boss will pay you more if they just had to pay less taxes lol.

You clearly aren't smart enough to own a business.
Since 50% of the work force is employed by small businesses which are small due to less money and tighter budgets .....cought cough... yes I am saying that in a lot of cases. Not all though as I proved a few posts above.

^ Proof you know nothing about the topic.

The Monopolizing Corporations own the majority of workers..............not "small business".............

I'm guessing you see a local BRANCH as it's own entity lol.

I see your trying to marginalize small businesses because it goes completely against your stance in this thread. I'm going to be very direct with you how many millions of people in the usa work for small businesses. Looking for a number. I'll help you out.. it's in the tens of millions.

I owned a small business for many years. I can tell you do not.

Large corporations are Monopolizing America and squeezing out small business. You can be small business, but you will never get large. And eventually you will get squeezed out if you are not pro-active on the topic.

I see you don't know the number of small business employee's asking me to do your own homework. I can watch you backtrack on your facts all night long.

But we are here due to the OP.

You stated you wanted this superficial watch.
Anybody reading our back and forth on this topic can tell a couple things,

1 - there are good and bad business owners.
2 - employees don't care about business decisions and take less pay "personally" which as I pointed out leaves room for error on their end.
3 - employees do have the power, but fail to capitalize on it time and time again. Must not be that hurtful...
4 - that you haven't owned a business in your life and the fact that you can't look at ghis objectionably screams this. You are viewed as an employee.
5 - yout just got schooled by the same poster in back to back nights.

Thank you come again.

I'm not sure what has more irony here............

The fact that you learned most of what you posted in my posts..............

Or you finished with "Thank you come again"........A fast food "goodbye"..................I wanted to call it earlier. I had someone else on this forum talk the exact same way as you. He ended up being a waiter mad about his low wages. I could almost spot you as a McDonalds Manager right off the bat.

I knew you didn't own anything, you could tell from the start.

McDonalds though LOL.

I'll see you next topic kiddo. Keep posing as a rich person kiddo!
I have no doubt you got your local McDonalds out of debt . This does not make you a business owner kid lol (You understand small business will fail with the amount of debt you talked about, only large corporations can thrive in that massive amount of debt)

It wasn't hard to profile you.
The Unionization of the workers is going to happen again. I can guarantee you that right now.

Of course, the Corporations that actually treat their workers well won't see much activity.

Union Membership was only lower at 1 point in history, right before the Great Depression. And workers wags were only near as low as they are now in one time period. The Great Depression............
Case closed. I win.

^You won what? You haven't won a single part of the entire debate................. YOu solidified yourself as a Superficial business owning idiot that would rather buy a SHINY watch than pay the workers well.

Lol. I run an office of 1099 independent contractors. They are doing very well with my inventory I provide them. I have 1 employee and he loves his job. Just had dinner with him and his wife the other night. I payed of course.

Looking to hire. Need another executive. Sometime late next year. W-2 employee.
Going to bed. Can't believe this tool stated nothing for PAGES yet I kept talking.

This idiots best post was "The workers always lose".

The Unionization of the workers is going to happen again. I can guarantee you that right now.

Of course, the Corporations that actually treat their workers well won't see much activity.

Union Membership was only lower at 1 point in history, right before the Great Depression. And workers wags were only near as low as they are now in one time period. The Great Depression............
Case closed. I win.

^You won what? You haven't won a single part of the entire debate................. YOu solidified yourself as a Superficial business owning idiot that would rather buy a SHINY watch than pay the workers well.

Lol. I run an office of 1099 independent contractors. They are doing very well with my inventory I provide them. I have 1 employee and he loves his job. Just had dinner with him and his wife the other night. I payed of course.

Looking to hire. Need another executive. Sometime late next year. W-2 employee.
^tool post #9842 " I have 1 employee and he loves his job."

I'm guessing this kid is the employee and he works for a sales Corporation that makes them think they are all "independent contractors" lol.

Is it Aflac? Is it Schwans? lol.........jeez.......really going to bed this time. Ear to ear here.....ear to ear.
Since 50% of the work force is employed by small businesses which are small due to less money and tighter budgets .....cought cough... yes I am saying that in a lot of cases. Not all though as I proved a few posts above.

^ Proof you know nothing about the topic.

The Monopolizing Corporations own the majority of workers..............not "small business".............

I'm guessing you see a local BRANCH as it's own entity lol.

I see your trying to marginalize small businesses because it goes completely against your stance in this thread. I'm going to be very direct with you how many millions of people in the usa work for small businesses. Looking for a number. I'll help you out.. it's in the tens of millions.

I owned a small business for many years. I can tell you do not.

Large corporations are Monopolizing America and squeezing out small business. You can be small business, but you will never get large. And eventually you will get squeezed out if you are not pro-active on the topic.

I see you don't know the number of small business employee's asking me to do your own homework. I can watch you backtrack on your facts all night long.

But we are here due to the OP.

You stated you wanted this superficial watch.
Anybody reading our back and forth on this topic can tell a couple things,

1 - there are good and bad business owners.
2 - employees don't care about business decisions and take less pay "personally" which as I pointed out leaves room for error on their end.
3 - employees do have the power, but fail to capitalize on it time and time again. Must not be that hurtful...
4 - that you haven't owned a business in your life and the fact that you can't look at ghis objectionably screams this. You are viewed as an employee.
5 - yout just got schooled by the same poster in back to back nights.

Thank you come again.

I'm not sure what has more irony here............

The fact that you learned most of what you posted in my posts..............

Or you finished with "Thank you come again"........A fast food "goodbye"..................I wanted to call it earlier. I had someone else on this forum talk the exact same way as you. He ended up being a waiter mad about his low wages. I could almost spot you as a McDonalds Manager right off the bat.

I knew you didn't own anything, you could tell from the start.

McDonalds though LOL.

I'll see you next topic kiddo. Keep posing as a rich person kiddo!
That was sarcasm. Learn it. I called you an employee. You work at mcdonalds. See the connection.. Lol wow.
That's why it's better to be selfemployed. You know.. the owner. It's a matter of leverage. Owners job is always safe.

Also better to work for me. If you saw my gifts at years end you'd say wtf! I have a restaurant booked every December for a new years party. Open bar and high class food. Everybody in my office gets thousands in free stuff.[/QUOTE]
The Unionization of the workers is going to happen again. I can guarantee you that right now.

Of course, the Corporations that actually treat their workers well won't see much activity.

Union Membership was only lower at 1 point in history, right before the Great Depression. And workers wags were only near as low as they are now in one time period. The Great Depression............
Case closed. I win.

^You won what? You haven't won a single part of the entire debate................. YOu solidified yourself as a Superficial business owning idiot that would rather buy a SHINY watch than pay the workers well.

Lol. I run an office of 1099 independent contractors. They are doing very well with my inventory I provide them. I have 1 employee and he loves his job. Just had dinner with him and his wife the other night. I payed of course.

Looking to hire. Need another executive. Sometime late next year. W-2 employee.
^tool post #9842 " I have 1 employee and he loves his job."

I'm guessing this kid is the employee and he works for a sales Corporation that makes them think they are all "independent contractors" lol.

Is it Aflac? Is it Schwans? lol.........jeez.......really going to bed this time. Ear to ear here.....ear to ear.

They file 1040 tax form and get 1099 forms from me by February. I'll send oUT 35 this feb. Yes sales.
I have no doubt you got your local McDonalds out of debt . This does not make you a business owner kid lol (You understand small business will fail with the amount of debt you talked about, only large corporations can thrive in that massive amount of debt)

It wasn't hard to profile you.

Lots of money to be made in my business if you are good with money and sales and have savings. Every one of my 1099 forms that I send out will be over 100000.
Going to bed. Can't believe this tool stated nothing for PAGES yet I kept talking.

This idiots best post was "The workers always lose".


I'm was trYing to get you to take the emotion out of it. Workers pay is strictly a "business" decision from the top. Not personal. Only employees take it personally which you clearly were and hence why I called you an employee. Oh and yes I had some fun wit you while doing it. :)
All those hard years of work sucking up to dad probably look like "work" to you.

Funny you mentioned that but I've reached a level my father never reached in my business and the only reason why he has a million net worth at age 53 is because I gave it to him and told him to retire and have somebody else manage the money because he lost everything due to mismanagement. I saved him and my mother.

Oh the story's from business owners you never hear...

Funny how you think you EARNED all of your money when you openly admit you were born into it.

I understand your perspective, because I sympathize with all perspectives. You think that because you made a decision in the family business, you earned enough money to buy that watch through HARD WORK.

You have exposed the gap the Right has been missing. Thanks :)

What he has exposed is your inability to spot a line of shit when you see it. Even though you run one many times yourself. He can't even spell jeopardy correctly much less add. Yet you cannot help but keep arguing with him.
If you are actually a business owner..........(not)..........then you will be good at math.

How many of these can you buy for the same price as that watch?

Rifton Adaptive tricycle large Rifton tricycle

What makes you a better person? Owning "shiny things" or helping other people? lol
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