A 45 million year record of Arctic sea temperatures and ice melt

Of course it makes a difference.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Greenhouse Gas Emissions (in million metric tons, 2019 data):*​

  1. China — 9,877
  2. United States — 4,745
  3. India — 2,310
  4. Russia — 1,640
  5. Japan — 1,056
  6. Germany — 644
  7. South Korea — 586
  8. Iran — 583
  9. Canada — 571
  10. Saudi Arabia — 495
Really, no use in talking with the dumb fucks on this board. They know everything by way of knowing nothing at all. Facts and evidence are irrelevant to them. They are weak and fearful assholes that are afraid of reality and have to live in their alternative universe.
Nothing special about me, bro.

Go be happy.
I'm driving to Florida this Thursday. God how much gas am I going to use getting there and back. I guess like Gore, I can't be an environmentalist if I'm doing this right? LOL

Anyways, I will go be happy I promise. It's cold AF here in MI.
They were talking about how the young vote votes Democratic. It's the fucks like you who are Republicans. You thought you were set for life until Bidenflation. LOL. Now your money isn't worth as much. And Russia has tanked your stocks.

Being a part of the investor class, you're hurting right now. And inflation is fucking you too. LOL.
That’s nice. I couldn’t be happier for you to believe that. :)
I'm driving to Florida this Thursday. God how much gas am I going to use getting there and back. I guess like Gore, I can't be an environmentalist if I'm doing this right? LOL

Anyways, I will go be happy I promise. It's cold AF here in MI.
Going to get colder too.
Did you actually read your own reference. The production of CO2 which led to a mass extinction of life in the oceans was at that time. Read the temps in my reference …..many times what it is today..
(Extreme climate change suffocated nearly all ocean life 250 million years ago)

Your own reference is a model for what is happening now where we are producing CO2 at a rate much faster then the volcanoes did then.
Read your own ending summary ! Geesus. From your article…the climate was so warm, it made species all over the planet extinct
The new estimates of CO2 emissions are crucial for determining the relationship between CO2 and climate," said climate researcher Appy Sluijs, also of Utrecht University and a co-author of the study. "Our new information from the deep Earth is independent of, and confirms existing data on, atmospheric CO2 levels as determined from fossils."

One of the researchers' goals is to understand the strong link between climate and volcanic CO2 emissions, and apply it to future climate-change predictions.

"As this study researched how much CO2 was emitted through time, we are now able to zoom into the most interesting time intervals," Sluijs said. "This will eventually lead to long-term predictions of future climate change."

"We are now producing more CO2 than all volcanoes on Earth," van der Meer added. "We will affect climate in ways that are unprecedented and unnatural. The question is how much climate will change. We can now answer this for the past and apply [it] to the future by extrapolation."

charts relating CO2 and temperatures
I see no temps for 250 million years ago.
I do see in your link where CO2 levels were at 9000 farther back and temps weren’t much higher than today.

Thanks for proving nature causes CO2 levels to rise and fall, and the impact on temps is minimal.

Your Cult is exposed yet again.
Geesus..this is easy. I can give you many more that all say the same thing. Mass extinctions 250 million years ago due to the heat from a warming planet from CO2 emissions from volcanic eruptions…..and we are now producing more CO2 at a faster rate.

Are you serious? Your link reads like a third grader wrote it.

I particularly like this part: “As the story goes…..”

How sciencey. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Are you serious? Your link reads like a third grader wrote it.

I particularly like this part: “As the story goes…..”

How sciencey. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Probably because it’s addressed to a third grader; you.
Oh, you don’t doubt that CO2 does coincide with global warming that occurred 250 million years ago and today, you’re now just throwing more shit against the wall.
see no temps for 250 million years ago.
That’s because you can’t read…..
60 C in tropic ocean areas which is over 100 F for you illiterates. So now your retort is to not read stuff that isn’t Fix News. .
It is going to be damn cold here in Central Florida over Christmas. Damn cold.

It is common for Christmas in Florida to be in the 70s and even low 80s is not unheard of. However, this Christmas they are predicting to hardly get out of the 40s and near freezing at night, which is very rare.

It is going to be brutal elsewhere in the US.

Global warming my ass. CO2 isn't doing a very good job of keeping things warm, is it?
Not being bright is a curse isn’t it. Do you know the difference between climate and weather…..nope.
Not being bright is a curse isn’t it. Do you know the difference between climate and weather…..nope.
What I do know, you moron, is that you stupid Moon Bats idiots dismiss weather whenever it doesn't support your silly ass AGW scam.

If you are freezing you ass off because of an Arctic blast of cold air you probably don't give a shit if it is climate or weather.
You are lying again.
I know you don’t know the difference between F and C temps.
but it rose 20 degrees F to near 90 degrees in tropic ocean waters or more then 60 C (. Celsius) .

Still can’t read ?

“Ultimately, the vastly warmer ocean temperatures, which likely climbed by 20 degrees Fahrenheit or more near the surface, left vast swaths of the ocean with little oxygen. New research, published Thursday in the journal Science, illustrates that this doomed the critters swimming therein. “

"It basically caused life to suffocate," Curtis Deutsch, a University of Washington oceanographer and study coauthor, said in an interview.

What I do know, you moron, is that you stupid Moon Bats idiots dismiss weather whenever it doesn't support your silly ass AGW scam.

If you are freezing you ass off because of an Arctic blast of cold air you probably don't give a shit if it is climate or weather.
I know you’re trying to say something, but you just sound stupid.
Are you serious? Your link reads like a third grader wrote it.

I particularly like this part: “As the story goes…..”

How sciencey. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It’s hilarious that your own article was a support and illustration of MAN MADE climate change.

Geesus, you’re so infantile it’s pathetic. All you do is run around picking out statements out of context from science articles that DEBUNK your whole stupid ideas.
You never verified your assertion with a reference. It’s just made up shit. I don’t answer made up shit.
I'm done with your nonsense as it seems your play here is to mouth off things were "made up shit". Why don't you then post unmade up shit that proves warming and sea level rise. I'll wait.

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