A 45 million year record of Arctic sea temperatures and ice melt

And you can’t tell where the maximum rate of change is occurring. Amazing. This is HS math.
Wow….nothing there. Just more babble
. Am waiting for any accredited university in the world that denies AGW. Still waiting.
Can you show us by how much temperature increases when CO2 increases from 280 to 420PPM? Is it 6F, 2F, 1F, .0000002F

relationship be
Can you show us by how much temperature increases when CO2 increases from 280 to 420PPM? Is it 6F, 2F, 1F, .0000002F?
That question is uninformed. Go ahead, come up with a chart that prophets anything differently.,
Why, nothing is happening that says catastrophe. I’m waiting on you to post where. But listen and watch

Wow….nothing there. Just more babble
. Am waiting for any accredited university in the world that denies AGW. Still waiting.
I thought you wanted math? No when a master is shown huh?
I’m still waiting for YOUR graph of temperatures that shows anything except AGW. Just one, find one, anywhere…still waiting.

We've run the 280 vs 420PPM CO2 countless times and show no temperature increase out to three decimal places. Your theory fails
We've run the 280 vs 420PPM CO2 countless times and show no temperature increase out to three decimal places. Your theory fails

Its not a theory dufus, its a relationship. Try real hard not to be so obviously illiterate.
We've run the 280 vs 420PPM CO2 countless times and show no temperature increase out to three decimal places. Your theory fails


It failed back in the Medieval Warming Period when CO2 levels were lower than they are now but yet the earth was warmer. It also happened a couple of thousand years ago during Roman times.

Then there was the time when the earth was a snowball and CO2 levels were ten times what they are now.

Atmospheric CO2 is only a greenhouse gas in the stupid computer models of the environmental wackos.
Why, nothing is happening that says catastrophe. I’m waiting on you to post where. But listen and watch

Dr Patrick Moore isn’t a university. He isn’t nasa, he isn’t the military, the US govt of any climate agency in the world.
You have a problem reading ?

It failed back in the Medieval Warming Period when CO2 levels were lower than they are now but yet the earth was warmer. It also happened a couple of thousand years ago during Roman times.

Then there was the time when the earth was a snowball and CO2 levels were ten times what they are now.

Atmospheric CO2 is only a greenhouse gas in the stupid computer models of the environmental wackos.
Where is the graph showing it ?

It failed back in the Medieval Warming Period when CO2 levels were lower than they are now but yet the earth was warmer. It also happened a couple of thousand years ago during Roman times.

Then there was the time when the earth was a snowball and CO2 levels were ten times what they are now.

Atmospheric CO2 is only a greenhouse gas in the stupid computer models of the environmental wackos.
Name the research facility source.
Well where do we start.

In the past, the Supreme Court has recognized that the Clean Air Act gives the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to address heat-trapping gas pollution. But this week, Republican state officials and members of Congress are asking the Court to gut the Clean Air Act, throwing families under the bus at the behest of coal company executives.

Republicans have shamelessly become the party of polluters, putting the profits of oil, gas, and coal CEOs above the health of the folks who sent them to Congress. Through dubious legal arguments in an amicus filed in West Virginia v. EPA, Republicans essentially are asking the Supreme Court to let coal companies pollute without limits. And if they are successful, they will pass on the costs of that pollution to American families. By pushing the Court to side with coal companies, Republicans also are brazenly trying to make an end run around Congress, asking the judicial branch to dismantle legislation that they have been unable to weaken through the legislative branch. The fact is the Clean Air Act was passed and amended by lawmakers of both parties — and it was reaffirmed on a bipartisan basis last summer, through a vote to strengthen safeguards against methane pollution.

Time and time again, Republicans have claimed that it is impossible to keep our economy growing while cleaning up the air we breathe and addressing climate change. But this argument does not hold water. In the five decades after the Clean Air Act was passed, the United States reduced the combined emissions of the six most common pollutants by nearly three-fourths — all while continuing to lead the world economy and meeting the energy needs of Americans.

The Republican argument also belies the fact that inaction is becoming costlier every year. Four decades ago, the United States experienced, on average, less than three so-called billion-dollar disasters a year. That means that between 1980 and 1989, the United States spent a combined $190 billion addressing the damages caused by climate-fueled disasters. Those days are long gone. Just last year, Americans faced 20 climate disasters — and communities faced a whopping $145 billion in damages in a single year. We know what’s fueling these disasters: heat-trapping gases are making heat waves more intense, strengthening monster storms, and putting lives at risk. This is not the time to kneecap our ability to keep these gases in check and reduce global temperatures.

Republicans don’t have a plan to reduce pollution. If it was up to them, America would go back to the days when polluters wrote their own rules and recklessly endangered the health of the American people. They also have no plans to lower the cost of energy, or to do the work needed to urgently solve the climate crisis. Democrats do. In fact, our Democratic majority in the House of Representatives already passed important provisions to reduce air pollution and electric bills through the Build Back Better Act. These include converting 60,000 diesel school buses and more than 100,000 postal trucks to clean electric vehicles; banning new drilling in the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Eastern Gulf of Mexico; and upgrading living conditions in public housing to lower costs and make life better for more than 800,000 Americans.

We need every single tool in the toolbox to solve the climate crisis — especially the Clean Air Act. The Supreme Court must dismiss this bad-faith attempt to gut one of our keystone environmental safeguards, and Republicans need to stop playing politics with the health of American families.
What claptrap.

Got anything remotely connected to reality, Simp?

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