A 7-Day Workweek Could Soon Be Legal in Wisconsin

Wisconsin’s GOP is trying to nix an existing law that requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period. Currently, for an employee to skip his or her weekly day off, an employer has to get approval from the state’s Department of Workforce Development. The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce association—a staunch advocate of the bill—suggests that the step is onerous and unnecessary, since the department has approved 733 such requests over the past five years, a number they imply means that the department is rubber-stamping the requests. Supporters also suggest that the plan ultimately helps employees who want to work more hours.
Will Wisconsin Have 7-Day Workweeks - The Atlantic

Yep. The GOP is awesome.

This is good news.

Employers and employees don't need government intervention to come to an agreement.

Unless, of course, employers and employees are stupid or incompetent..
Conservatives want almost everyone to work more, and work harder, and enjoy life less.

Almost. The exceptions conservatives make are for conservatives.

And get paid less.
Oh for sure....
Genius....Guess who is responsible for any falling avg wages? YOU and anyone else who supports Obama and his open border amnesty campaign....Yeah...In case you did not wish to admit it, your illegal buddies charging across the border will work for a lot less money.
So don't go bitching about working for less money when it is your side that is allowing it to happen.
Why do you hate working people? Sometimes it's nice to get in a few extra hours to buy the finer things in life.

Why do you insist on returning to a feudal society?

Why do you insist on holding people down, Ive worked many 80 hour weeks, you know what it got me, more money.

Yep, this looks fantastical. It hits factories and retail. Further, it's also going to gut the "living wage" law and take out the the process of taking your case to the Department of Workforce Development.

Budget amendment would allow 7-day workweeks

Moving the goal post already I see, the thread is on the 7 day week. But tell me, exactly what is a living wage in WI?

It's Wisconsin- which has in the last five years become synonymous with screwing the workers. It's ongoing. In fact, the article that I linked to also covers on demand work.Clearly you ignored that and/or the fact that it effects retail.

"Living wage" means compensation for labor paid, whether by time, piecework, or otherwise, sufficient to enable the employee receiving the compensation to maintain himself or herself under conditions consistent with his or her welfare."

Walker and Republicans have decided to strike that language to minimum wage which would end two lawsuits AND get rid of the process to contest it. You know, to take it to an outside force to analyze it.

But, do go on about your glory days.
Living wage.....Yeah right.....Ask 100 people and you'll get 100 different answers.....
tell me....In what way are workers in Wisconsin getting screwed?
This ought to be good
for the ignorant

this law only affects jobs that have seasonal surges

like christmas, yaknow when tons of people order tons of useless shit...

If the crap you buy doesn't get to the stores the next person can't buy it.

No company can or will attempt for make anyone work 7 days a week year around b/c they wouldn't be able to hire anyone.

this is just more ignorant leftist crying over nothing, well, the lose of government tyranny hurts you pussies, but suck it up

Because you say so. Because every company is on the up and up.
Ruh roh..Here we go...Every employer exists for the sole purpose of screwing their workers....
Same old pro union bullshit....
Construction workers do 7 12's all the time....................Stop your whining............

Are they forced to, Dottie?
No. But if they want to have money when work is slow or non existent, they work as much as they can and hopefully put some away for the lean times.
This even includes union workers...Who BTW have more down time than non union workers doing the same type work....
That applies to the construction trades across the board.
Construction workers do 7 12's all the time....................Stop your whining............

Are they forced to, Dottie?
What's this dottie shit...........

If the job is scheduled for 7 12s in the construction field..............such as shut downs..........and you don't show up you'll be replaced............................

Current policy if you go on a shutdown now, where I work, is the 14th day off...........required..............company policy not State policy.............but it's not standard or across the board in the industry..............................when these plants shut down..........they need them back as soon as possible and they work 24 hours a day........7 days a week until it's back on line............

It's standard in the construction field.........

Again, cry me a river.
The cell tower industry works this way. My brother in law used to work for a cell tower company. They typically worked 7-10 days on followed by 3-5 days off. .
Heck there are firefighters and police officers that work 7 days on 3 days off. And rotate shifts.
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
Same old "unions are my God" bullshit.....Isn't time for your union coffee break?
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
Same reason why libs despise right to work laws. They do not want the workers to have a choice as to their desire to join or not to join a labor collective.
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Can you be more specific?
What legal rights are employees in At Will states are being denied?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.
if you get fired you can claim UE under many situations

if you just quit, well tough shit for not finding another job before you quit
Why is labor as the least wealthy under our form of Capitalism but not Socialism, denied and disparaged equal application of the law regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation on that same, at-will basis in any at-will employment State?
The answer is 54.
Too bad the question did not ask that.
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants

Thanks for saying that because you have made my point. Increasing the work week does not give the laborer the choice of working 7 days--he is forced to or fired(He can refuse to quit, Horty. What will the employer do then? Fire the worker). Also note, that depending on skill, he will find other employers trying to exercise the 7 day week--so he has to leave the state if he wants a 5 day week.

No choice--thank you Big Government Republican for sticking your nose into a 'problem' that does not exist!

I seriously doubt many employers would want this law passed since they are able to accommodate without it for decades. So I think the law is really pro-capitalist/anti-corporatist bullshit. The corporatist entities involved(employers, laborer) are not clamoring for this. It is the ideological capitalists that are.
You clearly dont know what you are talking about.
The Big Government is the one that mandated 6 day work weeks to begin with. Other states have no such requirement. Do you think everyone in those other states is working 7 days a week?

The state of WI is trying to pass a 7 day work week. That is the issue.

If you wish to work 7 days, then that issue should be between you and your employer. I think people can work 7 days in a row in many states if the employer allows it. I doubt everyone wants to work 6 or 7 days in a row, which is why I am against a 7 day work week.

Sorry hero, that's a lie. WI already allows someone working 7 days, you only need to get an okie dokie from a bureaucrat who have consistently approved those requests. This just drops the requirement to go to the bureaucrat in the first place. There is no mandated 7 day work week.
Wisconsin’s GOP is trying to nix an existing law that requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period. Currently, for an employee to skip his or her weekly day off, an employer has to get approval from the state’s Department of Workforce Development. The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce association—a staunch advocate of the bill—suggests that the step is onerous and unnecessary, since the department has approved 733 such requests over the past five years, a number they imply means that the department is rubber-stamping the requests. Supporters also suggest that the plan ultimately helps employees who want to work more hours.
Will Wisconsin Have 7-Day Workweeks - The Atlantic

Yep. The GOP is awesome.


Yes, comrade, the bourgeoisie is oppressing the proletariat.

So why don't workers who don't like their hours just get a different job?

Isn't that the whole point, Kaz? Screw everybody as hard as you can get rid of channels to rectify a situation and then sit back and discuss choice? I'm almost excited that we can have the feudal society that you crave.

I don't know what you're smoking, but that's some pretty good shit based on how stoned you are. I support capitalism where we all get to make our own choices. You support big government and removal of choice, which is exactly what this is. This is all you, sweet heart. You're just tripping, girlfriend

Yes, Kaz. It just so happens then your brand of capitalism is like walking down the grocery aisle and believing that because all of the different "brands" signal choice when in reality 90% are owned by one company. The illusion of choice.
Yep, this looks fantastical. It hits factories and retail. Further, it's also going to gut the "living wage" law and take out the the process of taking your case to the Department of Workforce Development.

Budget amendment would allow 7-day workweeks

Moving the goal post already I see, the thread is on the 7 day week. But tell me, exactly what is a living wage in WI?

It's Wisconsin- which has in the last five years become synonymous with screwing the workers. It's ongoing. In fact, the article that I linked to also covers on demand work.Clearly you ignored that and/or the fact that it effects retail.

"Living wage" means compensation for labor paid, whether by time, piecework, or otherwise, sufficient to enable the employee receiving the compensation to maintain himself or herself under conditions consistent with his or her welfare."

Walker and Republicans have decided to strike that language to minimum wage which would end two lawsuits AND get rid of the process to contest it. You know, to take it to an outside force to analyze it.

But, do go on about your glory days.

Great abstract definition, now give me a number. In other words answer the freaking question, here it is again just in case your dementia doesn't allow you to remember. "exactly what is a living wage in WI?"

It is abstract and that's why there is a process in place so that it can be challenged.

A process to challenge what, you have yet to define what "it" is. Come on is "it" $1.00 or $500.00 an hour? You freaking commies like to throw out the abstract terms like "living wage" and "fair share" but you refuse to tie them to anything in reality. Care to try again?

Where'd ya go princess, did you run out of deflection and platitudes?
Can you be more specific?
What legal rights are employees in At Will states are being denied?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.
if you get fired you can claim UE under many situations

if you just quit, well tough shit for not finding another job before you quit
Why is labor as the least wealthy under our form of Capitalism but not Socialism, denied and disparaged equal application of the law regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation on that same, at-will basis in any at-will employment State?
b/c you are making shit up about socialism

In out country you can quit anytime you like w/o warning.
You can be fired for any reason w/o warning, but, there's a chance you still make money.

the power is in the hands of labor

so stop making shit up and lay off the dope
because, I am not the one who is full of fallacy.
yea, yea ya are

you're a deluded millennial that's pissed that he can't actually work 10 hours a week and live in a nice place, with a nice are and all the best of everything

sorry, but ya have to work
for the ignorant

this law only affects jobs that have seasonal surges

like christmas, yaknow when tons of people order tons of useless shit...

If the crap you buy doesn't get to the stores the next person can't buy it.

No company can or will attempt for make anyone work 7 days a week year around b/c they wouldn't be able to hire anyone.

this is just more ignorant leftist crying over nothing, well, the lose of government tyranny hurts you pussies, but suck it up

Because you say so. Because every company is on the up and up.
Ruh roh..Here we go...Every employer exists for the sole purpose of screwing their workers....
Same old pro union bullshit....
it's not even pro union

it's delusional

you have to be deluded to think a company can make you work 365
Wisconsin’s GOP is trying to nix an existing law that requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period. Currently, for an employee to skip his or her weekly day off, an employer has to get approval from the state’s Department of Workforce Development. The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce association—a staunch advocate of the bill—suggests that the step is onerous and unnecessary, since the department has approved 733 such requests over the past five years, a number they imply means that the department is rubber-stamping the requests. Supporters also suggest that the plan ultimately helps employees who want to work more hours.
Will Wisconsin Have 7-Day Workweeks - The Atlantic

Yep. The GOP is awesome.


Yes, comrade, the bourgeoisie is oppressing the proletariat.

So why don't workers who don't like their hours just get a different job?

Isn't that the whole point, Kaz? Screw everybody as hard as you can get rid of channels to rectify a situation and then sit back and discuss choice? I'm almost excited that we can have the feudal society that you crave.

I don't know what you're smoking, but that's some pretty good shit based on how stoned you are. I support capitalism where we all get to make our own choices. You support big government and removal of choice, which is exactly what this is. This is all you, sweet heart. You're just tripping, girlfriend

Yes, Kaz. It just so happens then your brand of capitalism is like walking down the grocery aisle and believing that because all of the different "brands" signal choice when in reality 90% are owned by one company. The illusion of choice.
Yep, this looks fantastical. It hits factories and retail. Further, it's also going to gut the "living wage" law and take out the the process of taking your case to the Department of Workforce Development.

Budget amendment would allow 7-day workweeks

Moving the goal post already I see, the thread is on the 7 day week. But tell me, exactly what is a living wage in WI?

It's Wisconsin- which has in the last five years become synonymous with screwing the workers. It's ongoing. In fact, the article that I linked to also covers on demand work.Clearly you ignored that and/or the fact that it effects retail.

"Living wage" means compensation for labor paid, whether by time, piecework, or otherwise, sufficient to enable the employee receiving the compensation to maintain himself or herself under conditions consistent with his or her welfare."

Walker and Republicans have decided to strike that language to minimum wage which would end two lawsuits AND get rid of the process to contest it. You know, to take it to an outside force to analyze it.

But, do go on about your glory days.

Great abstract definition, now give me a number. In other words answer the freaking question, here it is again just in case your dementia doesn't allow you to remember. "exactly what is a living wage in WI?"

It is abstract and that's why there is a process in place so that it can be challenged.

A process to challenge what, you have yet to define what "it" is. Come on is "it" $1.00 or $500.00 an hour? You freaking commies like to throw out the abstract terms like "living wage" and "fair share" but you refuse to tie them to anything in reality. Care to try again?

You dork. It's a legal term that has been used for over 100 years in Wisconsin and works so that it can be adjusted over time. It absolutely should be based on the job. That said, it needs to be high enough to keep people off of public aid.
for the ignorant

this law only affects jobs that have seasonal surges

like christmas, yaknow when tons of people order tons of useless shit...

If the crap you buy doesn't get to the stores the next person can't buy it.

No company can or will attempt for make anyone work 7 days a week year around b/c they wouldn't be able to hire anyone.

this is just more ignorant leftist crying over nothing, well, the lose of government tyranny hurts you pussies, but suck it up

Because you say so. Because every company is on the up and up.
how dumb are you?

no really, how dumb do you have to be to think that a company that made people work 365 days a year could keep a single person?

It boggles the mind just trying to fathom how dumb you have to be.

Well, apparently not as fucking stupid as you are. I never said that people would be forced to work 7 days a week 365 days a year. Now put your crack pipe down and step away from the computer.
Stop with the wanna be Boy Scout integrity bullshit.

I have no idea what the fuck that is even supposed to mean.

You know damn well that running for long stretches becomes the norm when a position or several are eliminated with zero intention of bringing them back.

Yes, you're right. But that most often applies to salaried positions which are exempt from these type of limitations. It's not you on the line who gets worked to death because positions are eliminated. It's me who ends up having to pull the extra weight of managing two departments and filling in to work line shifts, ballooning my load from 40 hours to 70 hours a week, all for no extra pay.

And when that becomes the norm all the way across the board then there really is no other choice. It's simply eat more shit.


You really think that businesses want to pay 16 hours of overtime to each employee week after week, into perpetuity? Of course not. It's absurd to even suggest it.
What I'm getting from this thread, a shining example of right wing "intelligence"
Fucking loons in here. (This applies to more then the living wage in wisconsin, although the argument for removing that is laughable, if you support it, or walker, you're stupid.)
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants

Thanks for saying that because you have made my point. Increasing the work week does not give the laborer the choice of working 7 days--he is forced to or fired(He can refuse to quit, Horty. What will the employer do then? Fire the worker). Also note, that depending on skill, he will find other employers trying to exercise the 7 day week--so he has to leave the state if he wants a 5 day week.

No choice--thank you Big Government Republican for sticking your nose into a 'problem' that does not exist!

I seriously doubt many employers would want this law passed since they are able to accommodate without it for decades. So I think the law is really pro-capitalist/anti-corporatist bullshit. The corporatist entities involved(employers, laborer) are not clamoring for this. It is the ideological capitalists that are.
You clearly dont know what you are talking about.
The Big Government is the one that mandated 6 day work weeks to begin with. Other states have no such requirement. Do you think everyone in those other states is working 7 days a week?

The state of WI is trying to pass a 7 day work week. That is the issue.

If you wish to work 7 days, then that issue should be between you and your employer. I think people can work 7 days in a row in many states if the employer allows it. I doubt everyone wants to work 6 or 7 days in a row, which is why I am against a 7 day work week.
They're currently mandating a 5 day work week.
They're repealing that mandate.
Not mandating a 7 day work week

No. They aren't mandating a 5 day work week.

requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period.
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants

Thanks for saying that because you have made my point. Increasing the work week does not give the laborer the choice of working 7 days--he is forced to or fired(He can refuse to quit, Horty. What will the employer do then? Fire the worker). Also note, that depending on skill, he will find other employers trying to exercise the 7 day week--so he has to leave the state if he wants a 5 day week.

No choice--thank you Big Government Republican for sticking your nose into a 'problem' that does not exist!

I seriously doubt many employers would want this law passed since they are able to accommodate without it for decades. So I think the law is really pro-capitalist/anti-corporatist bullshit. The corporatist entities involved(employers, laborer) are not clamoring for this. It is the ideological capitalists that are.
You clearly dont know what you are talking about.
The Big Government is the one that mandated 6 day work weeks to begin with. Other states have no such requirement. Do you think everyone in those other states is working 7 days a week?

The state of WI is trying to pass a 7 day work week. That is the issue.

If you wish to work 7 days, then that issue should be between you and your employer. I think people can work 7 days in a row in many states if the employer allows it. I doubt everyone wants to work 6 or 7 days in a row, which is why I am against a 7 day work week.
They're currently mandating a 5 day work week.
They're repealing that mandate.
Not mandating a 7 day work week

No. They aren't mandating a 5 day work week.

requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period.
That;s just common sense, with that in mind, what kind of fucking reason does anyone have for wanting to get rid of that? Sure, they can argue they hardly do it anyway, but the problem is, some employers will do it to employees who have no interest, and I seriously doubt any retail/manufacturing employee doesn't want atleast 24 hours off in a 7 day week.

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