A 7-Day Workweek Could Soon Be Legal in Wisconsin

Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Can you be more specific?
What legal rights are employees in At Will states are being denied?
Forgetit. You thought you were dealing with a rational person.
An employee can leave any time for a better job. And they do it all the time.
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Can you be more specific?
What legal rights are employees in At Will states are being denied?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.
I can use italics and underscore too.

What legal rights are they not being allowed to exercise?
You may want to read up on the legal concept of employment at will.

Here is the Cliff Notes version: The legal concept we are discussing is employment at (the) will (of either party).
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That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.
And that is the spirit of this action.
It's not mandating a 7 day work week.
It's only allowing it to be attainable.

I might be scheduled 6 days, but Jim only wants 5 days.
Now there's no law preventing my boss from giving me that extra day
I get the impression that no one on the left has ever actually held a job.

When I was working hourly, I would have killed for double overtime.

You got overtime due to the 5day/40 hour work week and talking to your Boss for the extra hours yes?

How many hours of overtime would you have if it is a 7 day work week?
Remember, you work 8 hour days.

Anything over 40 hours is time and half, so two eight hour days would be the equivalent of being paid for eight days work, but only working seven days.

My last hourly job paid $13 an hour, $520 a week. If I only worked the weekend...that would be an extra $312 in my pocket.

Do you think you could find something to do with an extra half a weeks check?

I know that when I was struggling, I sure could have.

That is the calculatin for a 5 day/40 hour work week
If you like that, keep the 5 day work week!!

There is no indication of change in hours during the 7 day work week. So it is best to assume a 56 hour work wk without over time unless stated. Also, it can still force workers to work days they may not wish to.

For the employer
Simply give the extra hours to those who want them. Hire temps if you need them. Don't force your employee hands because you will lose your best employees from this.
No one has advocated forcing the workers to work 7 days.
The repeal makes it so people CAN work more then 5

People could work more than 5 days and/or above 40 hours already upon negotiations with their employers.

Plus, the employers already know several methods on how to get around over time if needed.

If anything, it addressed an issue involving the WI govt waivers which should be inhoused and negotiated between employee and employer.
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Can you be more specific?
What legal rights are employees in At Will states are being denied?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Your post is not consonent with the Rule of 72 and therefore invalid.

What does that have to do with official at will poverty or state mandated bong hits?
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Your post is not consonent with the Rule of 72 and therefore invalid.

What does that have to do with official at will poverty or state mandated bong hits?
It would be obvious if you had only studied the history of legal Zoroastrianism in pre-revolutionary Tibet.
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Your post is not consonent with the Rule of 72 and therefore invalid.

What does that have to do with official at will poverty or state mandated bong hits?
It would be obvious if you had only studied the history of legal Zoroastrianism in pre-revolutionary Tibet.
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Can you be more specific?
What legal rights are employees in At Will states are being denied?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.
if you get fired you can claim UE under many situations

if you just quit, well tough shit for not finding another job before you quit
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Can you be more specific?
What legal rights are employees in At Will states are being denied?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.


you would know if really hot HR chics insisted on interviewing you and giving you an impromptu examination on your diversity, gender relations, and stress management in a team oriented environment skills.
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Your post is not consonent with the Rule of 72 and therefore invalid.

What does that have to do with official at will poverty or state mandated bong hits?
it causes an increase in demand for supply (side economics).
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants

Thanks for saying that because you have made my point. Increasing the work week does not give the laborer the choice of working 7 days--he is forced to or fired(He can refuse to quit, Horty. What will the employer do then? Fire the worker). Also note, that depending on skill, he will find other employers trying to exercise the 7 day week--so he has to leave the state if he wants a 5 day week.

No choice--thank you Big Government Republican for sticking your nose into a 'problem' that does not exist!

I seriously doubt many employers would want this law passed since they are able to accommodate without it for decades. So I think the law is really pro-capitalist/anti-corporatist bullshit. The corporatist entities involved(employers, laborer) are not clamoring for this. It is the ideological capitalists that are.
You clearly dont know what you are talking about.
The Big Government is the one that mandated 6 day work weeks to begin with. Other states have no such requirement. Do you think everyone in those other states is working 7 days a week?

The state of WI is trying to pass a 7 day work week. That is the issue.

If you wish to work 7 days, then that issue should be between you and your employer. I think people can work 7 days in a row in many states if the employer allows it. I doubt everyone wants to work 6 or 7 days in a row, which is why I am against a 7 day work week.
You may want to read up on the legal concept of employment at will.

Here is the Cliff Notes version: The legal concept we are discussing is employment at (the) will (of either party).
I ain't reading up on shit.

You made a claim.
Support it
Ok. Let us start with a legal concept that states employment is at the will of either party--An employment, having no specified term, may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other.

Are you still with me, so far?
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants

Thanks for saying that because you have made my point. Increasing the work week does not give the laborer the choice of working 7 days--he is forced to or fired(He can refuse to quit, Horty. What will the employer do then? Fire the worker). Also note, that depending on skill, he will find other employers trying to exercise the 7 day week--so he has to leave the state if he wants a 5 day week.

No choice--thank you Big Government Republican for sticking your nose into a 'problem' that does not exist!

I seriously doubt many employers would want this law passed since they are able to accommodate without it for decades. So I think the law is really pro-capitalist/anti-corporatist bullshit. The corporatist entities involved(employers, laborer) are not clamoring for this. It is the ideological capitalists that are.
You clearly dont know what you are talking about.
The Big Government is the one that mandated 6 day work weeks to begin with. Other states have no such requirement. Do you think everyone in those other states is working 7 days a week?

The state of WI is trying to pass a 7 day work week. That is the issue.

If you wish to work 7 days, then that issue should be between you and your employer. I think people can work 7 days in a row in many states if the employer allows it. I doubt everyone wants to work 6 or 7 days in a row, which is why I am against a 7 day work week.
They're currently mandating a 5 day work week.
They're repealing that mandate.
Not mandating a 7 day work week
Further confirmation of the right’s contempt for working Americans.

This is one of many examples of failed conservative dogma, the errant notion that the employer/employee relationship can be returned to a pre-Lochner paradigm where workers are at ‘liberty to contract,’ this is reactionary idiocy, unfounded, devoid of merit, and harmful to working Americans.
It is libs who have contempt for working Americans, thinking they are too stupid to do anything without help from Big Daddy Government. Why do you oppose giving people a choice?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.

Why does the right, as if by custom and habit until it is ingrained as a moral, prefer to bear false witness to our own laws on an Institutional basis and claim poverty is an Individual problem?
Can you be more specific?
What legal rights are employees in At Will states are being denied?
How much choice does labor get when exercising their legal rights regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in any at-will employment State.
if you get fired you can claim UE under many situations

if you just quit, well tough shit for not finding another job before you quit
Why is labor as the least wealthy under our form of Capitalism but not Socialism, denied and disparaged equal application of the law regarding employment at will and unemployment compensation on that same, at-will basis in any at-will employment State?
You may want to read up on the legal concept of employment at will.

Here is the Cliff Notes version: The legal concept we are discussing is employment at (the) will (of either party).
I ain't reading up on shit.

You made a claim.
Support it
Ok. Let us start with a legal concept that states employment is at the will of either party--An employment, having no specified term, may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other.

Are you still with me, so far?
Yes, in that I'm not one of your bumbling bong-hitting friends.

No, in that I think I fired your Crazy ass a few years back.

But, please continue to teach me "at will" law.

Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants

Thanks for saying that because you have made my point. Increasing the work week does not give the laborer the choice of working 7 days--he is forced to or fired(He can refuse to quit, Horty. What will the employer do then? Fire the worker). Also note, that depending on skill, he will find other employers trying to exercise the 7 day week--so he has to leave the state if he wants a 5 day week.

No choice--thank you Big Government Republican for sticking your nose into a 'problem' that does not exist!

I seriously doubt many employers would want this law passed since they are able to accommodate without it for decades. So I think the law is really pro-capitalist/anti-corporatist bullshit. The corporatist entities involved(employers, laborer) are not clamoring for this. It is the ideological capitalists that are.
You clearly dont know what you are talking about.
The Big Government is the one that mandated 6 day work weeks to begin with. Other states have no such requirement. Do you think everyone in those other states is working 7 days a week?

The state of WI is trying to pass a 7 day work week. That is the issue.

If you wish to work 7 days, then that issue should be between you and your employer. I think people can work 7 days in a row in many states if the employer allows it. I doubt everyone wants to work 6 or 7 days in a row, which is why I am against a 7 day work week.
They're currently mandating a 5 day work week.
They're repealing that mandate.
Not mandating a 7 day work week

So the number of days scheduled is totally negotiable between employee and employer? That is probably the best option for the labor side--but a hell of a headache on the management side.
You may want to read up on the legal concept of employment at will.

Here is the Cliff Notes version: The legal concept we are discussing is employment at (the) will (of either party).
I ain't reading up on shit.

You made a claim.
Support it
Ok. Let us start with a legal concept that states employment is at the will of either party--An employment, having no specified term, may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other.

Are you still with me, so far?
Yes, in that I'm not one of your bumbling bong-hitting friends.

No, in that I think I fired your Crazy ass a few years back.

But, please continue to teach me "at will" law.

So what; i can claim i got fired, "fair and square" on an at-will basis regardless of any other issues.

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