A 7-Day Workweek Could Soon Be Legal in Wisconsin

As an independent contractor in a field where working months at a time without a day off is both required and expected, I don't really care about this law, as long as they're paid overtime.
Independent contractors are not subject to laws mandating over time. That's one reason why businesses hire contractors.
Wisconsin’s GOP is trying to nix an existing law that requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period. Currently, for an employee to skip his or her weekly day off, an employer has to get approval from the state’s Department of Workforce Development. The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce association—a staunch advocate of the bill—suggests that the step is onerous and unnecessary, since the department has approved 733 such requests over the past five years, a number they imply means that the department is rubber-stamping the requests. Supporters also suggest that the plan ultimately helps employees who want to work more hours.
Will Wisconsin Have 7-Day Workweeks - The Atlantic

Yep. The GOP is awesome.


Yes, comrade, the bourgeoisie is oppressing the proletariat.

So why don't workers who don't like their hours just get a different job?

Isn't that the whole point, Kaz? Screw everybody as hard as you can get rid of channels to rectify a situation and then sit back and discuss choice? I'm almost excited that we can have the feudal society that you crave.

I don't know what you're smoking, but that's some pretty good shit based on how stoned you are. I support capitalism where we all get to make our own choices. You support big government and removal of choice, which is exactly what this is. This is all you, sweet heart. You're just tripping, girlfriend

Yes, Kaz. It just so happens then your brand of capitalism is like walking down the grocery aisle and believing that because all of the different "brands" signal choice when in reality 90% are owned by one company. The illusion of choice.
Why do you insist on holding people down, Ive worked many 80 hour weeks, you know what it got me, more money.

Yep, this looks fantastical. It hits factories and retail. Further, it's also going to gut the "living wage" law and take out the the process of taking your case to the Department of Workforce Development.

Budget amendment would allow 7-day workweeks

Moving the goal post already I see, the thread is on the 7 day week. But tell me, exactly what is a living wage in WI?

It's Wisconsin- which has in the last five years become synonymous with screwing the workers. It's ongoing. In fact, the article that I linked to also covers on demand work.Clearly you ignored that and/or the fact that it effects retail.

"Living wage" means compensation for labor paid, whether by time, piecework, or otherwise, sufficient to enable the employee receiving the compensation to maintain himself or herself under conditions consistent with his or her welfare."

Walker and Republicans have decided to strike that language to minimum wage which would end two lawsuits AND get rid of the process to contest it. You know, to take it to an outside force to analyze it.

But, do go on about your glory days.

Great abstract definition, now give me a number. In other words answer the freaking question, here it is again just in case your dementia doesn't allow you to remember. "exactly what is a living wage in WI?"

It is abstract and that's why there is a process in place so that it can be challenged.

A process to challenge what, you have yet to define what "it" is. Come on is "it" $1.00 or $500.00 an hour? You freaking commies like to throw out the abstract terms like "living wage" and "fair share" but you refuse to tie them to anything in reality. Care to try again?
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10

Government has no business mucking around in any of this, and it will achieve nothing beyond giving some twiddling bureaucrats more power.
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10

Government has no business mucking around in any of this, and it will achieve nothing beyond giving some twiddling bureaucrats more power.

So, you are against or for increasing the work week to 7 days?
In any case, you will have bureaucrats with relatively the same amount of power.

To remove them, the employee/employer need to sit down and come to an agreement about extra days/hours.
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10

Government has no business mucking around in any of this, and it will achieve nothing beyond giving some twiddling bureaucrats more power.

So, you are against or for increasing the work week to 7 days?
In any case, you will have bureaucrats with relatively the same amount of power.

To remove them, the employee/employer need to sit down and come to an agreement about extra days/hours.
I'm against government telling us how many hours a week we should work.
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

Well Rabbi, you're on USMB over 8 hours per day, seven days week. You should know what you're talking about. :thup:
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

Well Rabbi, you're on USMB over 8 hours per day, seven days week. You should know what you're talking about. :thup:
You need to post a graph so we can all see just how "smart" you are.
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10

Government has no business mucking around in any of this, and it will achieve nothing beyond giving some twiddling bureaucrats more power.

So, you are against or for increasing the work week to 7 days?
In any case, you will have bureaucrats with relatively the same amount of power.

To remove them, the employee/employer need to sit down and come to an agreement about extra days/hours.
I'm against government telling us how many hours a week we should work.

Do you know how we came up with the 5 day work week--or the 40 hour work week. It came about because labor and owners were at each others throats about how many hours to work. It was a forced compromise by the government to maintain order(which was a bit favoring the labor side)

The employer can set a 40 hour work week--if you can not meet that obligation, talk to your employer for lesser hours. If you want more hours, talk to your employer for more hours. That is how it suppose to work. You and your employer setting your schedule.

The number of hours you get is really a compromise between your employer and you.

The government is really an outsider and I find WI practice of issuing waivers for more hours troubling.
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.
And that is the spirit of this action.
It's not mandating a 7 day work week.
It's only allowing it to be attainable.

I might be scheduled 6 days, but Jim only wants 5 days.
Now there's no law preventing my boss from giving me that extra day
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants

Thanks for saying that because you have made my point. Increasing the work week does not give the laborer the choice of working 7 days--he is forced to or fired(He can refuse to quit, Horty. What will the employer do then? Fire the worker). Also note, that depending on skill, he will find other employers trying to exercise the 7 day week--so he has to leave the state if he wants a 5 day week.

No choice--thank you Big Government Republican for sticking your nose into a 'problem' that does not exist!

I seriously doubt many employers would want this law passed since they are able to accommodate without it for decades. So I think the law is really pro-capitalist/anti-corporatist bullshit. The corporatist entities involved(employers, laborer) are not clamoring for this. It is the ideological capitalists that are.
I get the impression that no one on the left has ever actually held a job.

When I was working hourly, I would have killed for double overtime.
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.
And that is the spirit of this action.
It's not mandating a 7 day work week.
It's only allowing it to be attainable.

I might be scheduled 6 days, but Jim only wants 5 days.
Now there's no law preventing my boss from giving me that extra day
I get the impression that no one on the left has ever actually held a job.

When I was working hourly, I would have killed for double overtime.

You got overtime due to the 5day/40 hour work week and talking to your Boss for the extra hours yes?

How many hours of overtime would you have if it is a 7 day work week?
Remember, you work 8 hour days.
Wisconsin’s GOP is trying to nix an existing law that requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period. Currently, for an employee to skip his or her weekly day off, an employer has to get approval from the state’s Department of Workforce Development. The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce association—a staunch advocate of the bill—suggests that the step is onerous and unnecessary, since the department has approved 733 such requests over the past five years, a number they imply means that the department is rubber-stamping the requests. Supporters also suggest that the plan ultimately helps employees who want to work more hours.
Will Wisconsin Have 7-Day Workweeks - The Atlantic

Yep. The GOP is awesome.


So, what you really mean to say is that you want to eliminate the freedom for individuals who may wish to work seven days a week for their own personal reasons.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Wait a sec

The government is increasing the work week, it is not allowing the workers to decide between a 5 day, 6 day or 7 day work week!

There is no choice here by the worker. If the employer assign you a 5 day work week, you work that schedule and then can ask for extra hours

If the employer assign you a 7 day work week, you work those 7 days without choice. You risked termination if you "chose" to work 6 days or less.

Keep in mind, not every worker is asking for 7 days of work. Some will, others won't. The Bill forces everyone onto a 7 day week at the employers discretion.(If it is a 7 day week by law, is there any overtime? Overtime comes into play when you work beyond the alloted time, hence a 7 day work week will not have over time unless you stay longer each day!)

To allow "choice" you keep the 5 day work week and create an employee/employer worker agreement about extra hours/days.

See, this is why Unions came into being. A 7 day work week by State Law will only give incentives for the rise of Unions.

P.S. WI minimum wage is currently 7.25. There is a movement to increase it to 10.10
That's wrong.
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants. Not every employer will want to run 7 days. But currently if someone wants to work 7 days he cannot. That is unfair.

If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants

Thanks for saying that because you have made my point. Increasing the work week does not give the laborer the choice of working 7 days--he is forced to or fired(He can refuse to quit, Horty. What will the employer do then? Fire the worker). Also note, that depending on skill, he will find other employers trying to exercise the 7 day week--so he has to leave the state if he wants a 5 day week.

No choice--thank you Big Government Republican for sticking your nose into a 'problem' that does not exist!

I seriously doubt many employers would want this law passed since they are able to accommodate without it for decades. So I think the law is really pro-capitalist/anti-corporatist bullshit. The corporatist entities involved(employers, laborer) are not clamoring for this. It is the ideological capitalists that are.


The "no choice" was on the part of the government when they mandated Joe's boss to tell him he couldn't pick up hours when Jim had to call in sick....."Sorry, Joe. I got no CHOICE. You can't work more than 5 days"

Florida is a "work at will" state.
I schedule my people based on their ability and availability.
Some are only scheduled 3-4 days. Some 5, some 6. No one is ever scheduled seven. But if Willie calls in sick, I know JC will come in on day number 7 and pick up the shift. If he can't or doesn't want to, that's his choice....no repercussions.
And that's how it should be,
Keep your Nanny Uncle Sam away from my schedule
If an employee doesnt want to work 7 days he can quit and find a job that will allow him to work whatever he wants

Thanks for saying that because you have made my point. Increasing the work week does not give the laborer the choice of working 7 days--he is forced to or fired.
Threatening to fire someone doesn't force them to do anything.

I seriously doubt many employers would want this law passed since they are able to accommodate without it for decades. So I think the law is really pro-capitalist/anti-corporatist bullshit. The corporatist entities involved(employers, laborer) are not clamoring for this. It is the ideological capitalists that are.

And this is EXACTLY the point. Corporatism is the single most insidious threat to individual freedom.

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