A Better Subdivisioning of the Three-part Model will Provide Better Checks & Balances


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020

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Let us know when that Constitutional Convention is approved and where it's being held.
Otherwise, it's a beautiful diagram. I hope you didn't spend too much time on it.

Our government works fine the the way it is right now. It's just the people (specifically the current occupants and the "I wanna see smaller government crowd") that have messed it up.
Let us know when that Constitutional Convention is approved and where it's being held.
Otherwise, it's a beautiful diagram. I hope you didn't spend too much time on it.

Our government works fine the the way it is right now. It's just the people (specifically the current occupants and the "I wanna see smaller government crowd") that have messed it up.
It works best when it works least. You know that, but you want yo free chit.
I think if you did them in color they would be easier to look at,,you know how people like bright colors,,,
There is a color code, genius; but color is way too difficult for the beginner, because they are not used to it, and unfamiliar with the substantive aspects of the chart, and so, they do not know how to use the color coding, yet. It is merely a distraction. Why doesn't the current system have color code?

Screenshot from 2020-07-19 19-37-23.png
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Let us know when that Constitutional Convention is approved and where it's being held.
Otherwise, it's a beautiful diagram. I hope you didn't spend too much time on it.
You're damn fucking straight it's beautiful.
I spent a lot a time on it - probably about twenty hours. How about showing me what you have done? Have you ever rendered a chart from scratch? Show us.
Our government works fine the the way it is right now. It's just the people (specifically the current occupants and the "I wanna see smaller government crowd") that have messed it up.
Any ideas on how to get it straightened out so it works like how your third grade teacher told you it's supposed to work???
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Let us know when that Constitutional Convention is approved and where it's being held.
Otherwise, it's a beautiful diagram. I hope you didn't spend too much time on it.
I spent a lot a time on it - probably about twenty hours. how about showing me what you have done.
Our government works fine the the way it is right now. It's just the people (specifically the current occupants and the "I wanna see smaller government crowd") that have messed it up.
Any ideas on how to get it straightened out so it works like how your third grade teacher told you it's supposed to work???

Tell me first what you plan on accomplishing? Why do you think it needs reorganizing? What makes you think that 2/3 of the states will vote for a CC that will address your "concerns"?
I'm sorry, I have no easy answers for you. Short of a more-than-majority swing in either direction, the only way it gets straightened out is that the current crop of older Silent Generation
and Baby Boomers slowly retire from political life and die off. They are replaced by (like it or not) younger politicians who have fresh ideas..yeah sorry, AOC and her like.

Your charts are wonderful masturbation material, dreaming of a world that you and I probably won't live to see. I would rather vote out the current crop of do-nothingers..which I'm sorry, includes most of
the people on the right hand side of the aisle. We've suffered through almost four decades of conservative policy failures. And they've brought us to where we are now.
Tell me first what you plan on accomplishing? Why do you think it needs reorganizing?
The partisan theatrics and strategies trickle down causing the social chaos we endure. An orderly government guides society towards social orderliness. There is only one way to eliminate the claims of "systemic biases," and that is by the convening of a constitutional convention that allows the claimants the opportunity to safeguard the establishment of the social institutions from biases.

The three-part separation theory was improperly deployed, and the subsequent inefficiencies of that deployment are approaching the ultimate failure conditions; riots, statue toppling, perpetual misunderstanding, perpetual accusations of corruption, poor education, fucked-up neighbors, fucked-up coworkers, homelessness, it goes on and on.

What makes you think that 2/3 of the states will vote for a CC that will address your "concerns"?
I am expecting 100% of the states to validate a reordering of the entire three levels of government, because it is the only way to get it straightened-out. Modern sophisticated technology provides the tools necessary for ordering more reliable government organization, the approach to true justice, domestic tranquility, and world peace.

If nothing can pass the 2/3 test, then there is definitely something wrong with the racist white slave owners constitution - don't you think???

I'm sorry, I have no easy answers for you. Short of a more-than-majority swing in either direction, the only way it gets straightened out is that the current crop of older Silent Generation and Baby Boomers slowly retire from political life and die off. They are replaced by (like it or not) younger politicians who have fresh ideas..yeah sorry, AOC and her like.
A reordering of the charter system is a fresh idea, pal. How many people have you heard suggest it? How many of them had an actual rendering of a reorganization plan?

Because of the improper system, "fresh" legislative ideas are going to be countered by jealous legislators who have been elected by their constituents to fight for them. That is how the system was designed - it was for a very different society with a very different communications system.

Your charts are wonderful masturbation material, dreaming of a world that you and I probably won't live to see. I would rather vote out the current crop of do-nothingers..which I'm sorry, includes most of the people on the right hand side of the aisle. We've suffered through almost four decades of conservative policy failures. And they've brought us to where we are now.
You are the one with the wet dream, believing that things are going to change, just because different people are elected to the perpetually erroneous inadequate system of checks and balances. The American legends that have been devised to lead us to believe that true justice is possible cannot be achieved under the direction of the 18th century three-part model. The exercise of the 1787 federal Constitution successfully lead to the end of slavery in America, and that was about all it was good for. The design of the government is inherently flawed, and cannot meet the demands of diversity that the nation has evolved to, nor the expectations of a relatively more sophisticated citizenry than the people of the 18th century.

I know it must suck realizing that you were not smart enough to figure out how to fix it, but too bad. Get over your jealousies. It is better to get on my band wagon then going on the corruption tour again

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Tell me first what you plan on accomplishing? Why do you think it needs reorganizing?
The partisan theatrics and strategies trickle down causing the social chaos we endure. An orderly government guides society towards social orderliness. There is only one way to eliminate the claims of "systemic biases," and that is by the convening of a constitutional convention that allows the claimants the opportunity to safeguard the establishment of the social institutions from biases.

The three-part separation theory was improperly deployed, and the subsequent inefficiencies of that deployment are approaching the ultimate failure conditions; riots, statue toppling, perpetual misunderstanding, perpetual accusations of corruption, poor education, fucked-up neighbors, fucked-up coworkers, homelessness, it goes on and on.

What makes you think that 2/3 of the states will vote for a CC that will address your "concerns"?
I am expecting 100% of the states to validate a reordering of the entire three levels of government, because it is the only way to get it straightened-out. Modern sophisticated technology provides the tools necessary for ordering more reliable government organization, the approach to true justice, domestic tranquility, and world peace.

I'm sorry, I have no easy answers for you. Short of a more-than-majority swing in either direction, the only way it gets straightened out is that the current crop of older Silent Generation and Baby Boomers slowly retire from political life and die off. They are replaced by (like it or not) younger politicians who have fresh ideas..yeah sorry, AOC and her like.
I reordering of the charter system is a fresh idea, pal. How many people have you heard suggest it? How many of them had an actual rendering of a reorganization plan?

Because of the improper system, "fresh" legislative ideas are going to be countered by jealous legislators who have been elected by their constituents to fight for them.

Your charts are wonderful masturbation material, dreaming of a world that you and I probably won't live to see. I would rather vote out the current crop of do-nothingers..which I'm sorry, includes most of the people on the right hand side of the aisle. We've suffered through almost four decades of conservative policy failures. And they've brought us to where we are now.
You are the one with the wet dream, believing that things are going to change, just because different people are elected to the perpetually erroneous inadequate system of checks and balances. The American legends that have been devised to lead us to believe that true justice is possible cannot be achieved under the direction of the 18th century three-part model. The exercise of the 1787 federal Constitution successfully lead to the end of slavery in America, and that was about all it was good for. The design of the government is inherently flawed, and cannot meet the demands of diversity that the nation has evolved to, nor the expectations of a relatively more sophisticated citizenry than the people of the 18th century.

Nobody has suggested it. Except for you cerebral types who think they have all the answers. But honestly, people like you are just chronic masturbators. Sorry, you're not a member of the Continental Congress. The current system can meet the needs of the nation..if it is allowed to evolve naturally. And that's where the debate is. I severely doubt you would get even 1/3rd of the states to vote for a CC. This isn't the 18th century. There's no way the founding fathers could have foreseen what this country could have become. But the three part model is sound. I'm sorry, we have the Executive branch corrupting the Judicial branch and trying to strongarm the Legislative branch. Solve the problem by sweeping Trump and as many Republicans as possible from office this November. They are the primary reasons why our government is in chaos.
Let us know when that Constitutional Convention is approved and where it's being held.
Otherwise, it's a beautiful diagram. I hope you didn't spend too much time on it.

Our government works fine the the way it is right now. It's just the people (specifically the current occupants and the "I wanna see smaller government crowd") that have messed it up.
So no Repubs and continue the massive expenditure increases to make you happy.
Let Us Raise A Standard To Which The Wise And The Honest Can Repair; the event is in the hand of God. — George Washington

With all due respect to the reverence for the noble founding of the United States, it has become necessary to explain the relevance of the preceding anecdote attributed to George Washington during the early stages of the Philadelphia Convention to deliberate the United States Constitution.

There are inherent inadequacies in the original system, and there have been erroneous adjustments, along the way that skew the checks and balances that lead to the partisan chaos that trickles down causing the social disorderliness that we endure; and there is only one way to correct the problem - a complete overhaul of the system. Although, the anecdote indicates less than a complete overhaul, President Washington suggestion was made in an effort to motivate the composers of the Constitution who were frustrated by their self-conscious awareness of incomplete information necessary for designing an expandable government, and it would have been awkward and possibly counter-productive for him to have suggested that their work would have to be complete reworked. Never-the-less, the amendments, and congressional acts, that have been adopted to reorganize the operations, have been detrimental to the Founders’ ambition to organize a just federal government.

The ambition is not to eliminate any of the principles of the American Founding. The ambition is to gather the information that the evolution of the government and society has revealed to correctly organize the operations to properly deliver the principles. Ultimately, what was supposed to be the American Experiment has been forgotten in the wake of American Exceptionalism, which refers to the technological innovation outside of government, except for the founding; which was flawed and never correctly adjusted for its expansion of services. Contrary to American patriots assumptions about government services, the United States State Department is unable to assist developing societies construct reliable government, because the State Department is confined to the governing samples found in the United States; and would be misunderstood by patriots, if it were to introduce a system to a foreign nation that would exceed the American system.

All levels of government in the United States are flawed, because the deployment of the three-part separation theory is not sophisticated enough to supervise the expanded system that has been unfurled over the course of two hundred years. The subsisting system is an undeclared and unnoticed government start-up construction plan, and it is not designed to cease expansion and stabilize the government operations accordingly. The three-part separation theory is a valid scientific theory, but it is deployed in such a manner that it is merely reliable for revealing the government necessary for the economic union that the United States is. The system retains inadequate checks and balances that subsequently causes the political chaos that trickles down causing the social disorderliness we endure that then cycles back by the elections. The government is too big to fail, and caught in a vicious cycle that perpetuates the antics of politics that shrouds the ability to recognize the errors of the system.

“Politics” is proportional to the inadequacies and errors of the government operations. Political issues are inherently concerned about how the government is to deliver services. A better organized government not only provides better services it also reduces the political arguments, theatrics, strategies, obstructions, and gridlock. A perfectly designed government is apt to deliver its services without the politics. We unwittingly have the technology to order a perfect government - hypertext markup language. We just lack the information for fulfilling the details of the complex system of options that HTML enables compared to the formatting limitations of hand written directive systems of two hundred years ago. We are familiar with complex options in the formulation of the infamous taxation codes that the filthy rich limousine-liberals exploit.

Amendments to the charters will not achieve the ambition of a more efficient government, because correct adjustment of the organizational aspects of government is directly related to the order of the articles that comprise the charters, and it is an impossibility to alter the order of the articles by amendment. Everything else can probably be adjusted by amendment, but the only way to correctly order the articles, and subsequently correctly organize the government operations, is by a complete reordering of the charter, which requires a constitutional convention that implements a reliable format for organizing the articles.

The process will be a graduated series of conventions starting at the municipal level, and accommodating as many languages as possible. Such a process will allow all people the opportunity to participate and contribute ideas that otherwise might not be considered. Although, most people will not ascend to their state level convention, at the very least, we will be introduced to all of the ideas at the municipal conventions. Because of dogma, the average American citizen encounters considerable difficulty comprehending anything after the suggestion of a new constitution, and yet, reports indicate that they could care less about the reordering of their state and municipal charters. There is no law forbidding anyone from conceiving new ideas for organizing government and then publishing the guide for reordering the government charters.

The people that are most likely to be inclined, talented, and skilled, to order the better government chartering system will most likely be lawyers, scientists, engineers, and corporate directors; because they are practiced at comprehending new information that challenges their understanding and trust of systems that were adequately reliable for their needs. Such professionals are more inclined to consider that something new will provide improved services; and such professionals tend to be skilled, talented, and trusted at relating the information for the average person, as well.

Because of dogma, and fear mongering, even the most brilliant legal scholars are convinced that the corrupt, and inept, and naive politicians are the only persons authorized to appoint delegates to fix the problems that skew the approach to domestic tranquility - the ultimate diagnostic test of the almighty United States Constitution.
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What makes you think any gov't reorganization will be any better than the current system? The current system in this country is poorly administered and rampant fraud, waste, and abuse exists at every level, what makes you believe that will change no matter what changes you make? As long as people run it, any gov't model will have it's problems and failings.

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