A Biblical Marriage Lasts

Marriage is really hard. You have to be with the same person every day, you have to have dinner together, you have to sleep in the same bed even. Then you have kids and things get even harder.

See I read this and I know it is true. For a lot of people. And I know I must be really blessed. My husband is my favorite person on planet earth. There is no "have to" be with him--"have to" have dinner with him, etc. We had some hard years when our kids were young and we were both working full time. We have no family in the area, so we were really busy. But we made it work. So not every marriage is "really hard".....(I say this realizing anything could happen today, making it become "really hard". health challenges, financial challenges, etc)

I think one key is: try not to marry someone whose personal habits and/or just personality really bug you. Marry someone who you find easy to be with. Because otherwise it would just wear you down I think. Hubby and I are just extremely easy in one another's company....

Second, make a habit of positive interaction. A HABIT of this. Do not come home and unload on the regular. Say good, affirming things to your spouse. Etc. Not contempt. IOW just be a good person to your spouse; save your best for him/her.

I don't know. That's what I've got.
Marriage is really hard. You have to be with the same person every day, you have to have dinner together, you have to sleep in the same bed even. Then you have kids and things get even harder.

I disagree. Marriage is really WORK, but ultimately, I haven't found it hard. I GET to be with him every day, and have dinner with him, and share a bed with him. And sharing my life with my kids, and my kids with my husband, has made it easier to not only survive life, but to actually enjoy it.
Marriage is really hard. You have to be with the same person every day, you have to have dinner together, you have to sleep in the same bed even. Then you have kids and things get even harder.

See I read this and I know it is true. For a lot of people. And I know I must be really blessed. My husband is my favorite person on planet earth. There is no "have to" be with him--"have to" have dinner with him, etc. We had some hard years when our kids were young and we were both working full time. We have no family in the area, so we were really busy. But we made it work. So not every marriage is "really hard".....(I say this realizing anything could happen today, making it become "really hard". health challenges, financial challenges, etc)

I think one key is: try not to marry someone whose personal habits and/or just personality really bug you. Marry someone who you find easy to be with. Because otherwise it would just wear you down I think. Hubby and I are just extremely easy in one another's company....

Second, make a habit of positive interaction. A HABIT of this. Do not come home and unload on the regular. Say good, affirming things to your spouse. Etc. Not contempt. IOW just be a good person to your spouse; save your best for him/her.

I don't know. That's what I've got.

I've done the "really hard" challenges you mention, and my experience was that, rather than making my marriage harder, my marriage made those challenges easier. Not that they weren't still horrible, but I can't even imagine what it would have been like if I hadn't had the other half of my team working with me, and the solid rock of knowing I wasn't alone to hold onto.

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