A big crisis coming.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2012
I can't believe the amount of people that still can't see what obama and his crew of democrats are doing to them, and to all of us. If they vote for these same career dem politicians again, you will see one huge crisis in your lives. Just wait and see.
And if you sign up for obamacare, you are opening the door to irs to be on your back for as much money as they can get out of you.
I wish the people would wake up.....voting for the same people over and over again is causing us all to suffer. All incubants need to be voted out. All the same darn people that have been there for years need to be replaced. God help us.
Forgive me if I don't pay attention to the predictions of Con posters on this board. If half the things they predicted came to fruition we'd be under President Romney right now, the Dow would be trying to recover from it's 10000 point freefall, and because we let the gays marry our kids would be uncontrollable cross dressers.
And, horror of horrors, the ACA may just turn out to be something that the American People like, in spite of all the efforts of the GOP to kill it.
this figures I had a feeling no one would think about what a said. I guess its going to take a brick wall to hit some people in the head to wake them up. I would think you people could already see the damage caused to us all and to our country, and more on its way, but i guess you don't see it yet. I guess Obamacare is going to have to drain your bank accts and cause you major survival somehow to wake you up. oh well
Well, ol' Ec, perhaps you will be disapointed again as our nation does just fine with the ACA, good enough that we decide to do it right, and institute Universal Single Payer. LOL

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