A bit more of your merciful god.

In the fable of Noah, it was the Christian god who held the sentiment that mankind was too corrupt to continue. If, as you claim, people are today as they were thousands of years ago, should we expect another planet wiping tirade from that god?
If our story repeats Noah's, then what we can expect is a disaster so great it has mankind contemplating what we had and measure how much we had appreciated it (i.e., not nearly enough) and also how much we appreciated those we lost (we failed).
No. I came up with it myself after watching atheists who can't just let people believe what they want to believe. What does such an atheist gain by being evangelical about it anyway? We know why Christians do it, they want as many as possible to know God, but there's no incentive for an atheist to do it.
They just want to piss on you.

Pascals wager says we are right
You are free to believe anything you wish; that angels dance on the heads of pins, that dead people come back to life, that snakes talk, whatever. Just don't confuse "belief" with an extent reality where supernaturalism doesn't exist.

Why would I be wiser to believe that the planet is 6 000 years old, that humans lived to be 900 years old, etc.?

While you attach an entire worldview to what is written in a book you attached "holy" to a book is simply that, a book. Until there is a way to connect a supernatural being with the authorship of a book, it's safe to assume that the book is, in fact, merely written by men. That is precisely what we have with the.Bible. A book written during a superstitious age when people did believe falling off the edge of the planet was a literal danger. Believe in magical gardens, a flood that never happened, angry gods that wipe humanity from the planet, whatever you wish but don't presume that I am under any obligation to cower in fear and superstition before any human invention of god.

Again and I quote:
You however, are under no obligation to accept anything. You would be wiser, but under no obligation to accept the gift of the cross

There ya go. Your whole rant was unnecessary...
If our story repeats Noah's, then what we can expect is a disaster so great it has mankind contemplating what we had and measure how much we had appreciated it (i.e., not nearly enough) and also how much we appreciated those we lost (we failed).
I would reiterate that the Noah fable is exactly that, a fable, so a repeat is not going to happen.

You seem to have a very negative view of humanity, as though you hope for the worst so a father figure will come to rescue you. That people seek solace and comfort in their lives ending by way of a god-brought conflagration.

Treating others with kindness and respect, altruism, living a meaningful and fulfilling life is not the sole property of religion and clearly not Christianity. The wars, forced conversions, Crusades, converters of the heathen while mass murdering them by the millions is a long, lurid part of Christianity as well as other religions.
I would reiterate that the Noah fable is exactly that, a fable, so a repeat is not going to happen.

You seem to have a very negative view of humanity, as though you hope for the worst so a father figure will come to rescue you. That people seek solace and comfort in their lives ending by way of a god-brought conflagration.

Treating others with kindness and respect, altruism, living a meaningful and fulfilling life is not the sole property of religion and clearly not Christianity. The wars, forced conversions, Crusades, converters of the heathen while mass murdering them by the millions is a long, lurid part of Christianity as well as other religions.
Atheists got Christians beat by the murders they committed in world history
You however, are under no obligation to accept anything. You would be wiser, but under no obligation to accept the gift of the cross...

really -


ram, * not sure they would be so willing to meet your acquaintance, had they not had to.

- just a guess.
If you could prove me wrong, you would. Now you reply with an insipid capitulation you have nothing.
Not only do I require proof, you should also. Religion discourages curiosity and questioning but believing dogmatically that the bible knows everything in the universe. No question about it. God did it ay?
Good luck with that.

It's odd that you can't prove that God doesn't exist and yet you insist we prove He does.
What Guy said was neither insipid or capitulating.
Religion does not discourage curiosity and questioning. It's God's pleasure to hide something and have His children find it.
Belief and dogma are two entirely different things. Look up their definitions.
The Bible gives us a morsel of what God has created. He gave us what we needed to know to get through this basic training portion of our eternity...
God did every bit of it.
Luck never entered the picture. It was all by design...
Again and I quote:
You however, are under no obligation to accept anything. You would be wiser, but under no obligation to accept the gift of the cross

There ya go. Your whole rant was unnecessary...

Actually, it was necessary as an obvious rebuttal to your unsupported claim.

I am wiser, as is Mankind, for throwing off the shackles of fear and superstition that was imposed by the church during the Dark Ages. Not too many people being burned at the stake these days for witchcraft.

None of the human inventions of gods have ever made themselves known in a way that is rationally demonstrated with supportable evidence. History shows us that with time, every conception of gods have been swept away and looked upon as myth and curiosities of human fears and superstitions.
really -

View attachment 617955

ram, * not sure they would be so willing to meet your acquaintance, had they not had to.

- just a guess.
I agree. How many mothers could hold their child in their arms, tied up in a fish net, and hung just high enough to be gored by the starved bull whose horns were sharpened to gore them with.
Romans could actually push a sharpened pole up through the entire body, following the spine, to the neck. Then coat the poor souls in oil and set them on fire to light the walkways.
Thing is, most didn't have to. Preachers, teachers, Peter, Paul didn't have much of a choice, and knew in advance their fate. But all most of the others had to do was renounce Jesus and swear allegiance to whatever ruler of the day.
They wouldn't deny Him.
If our story repeats Noah's, then what we can expect is a disaster so great it has mankind contemplating what we had and measure how much we had appreciated it (i.e., not nearly enough) and also how much we appreciated those we lost (we failed).
There is no story to repeat. You seem to be aching for another god-delivered, humanity wiping disaster. I see some really disturbing patterns of behavior from the very religious. They are often the most reactive, and want to see humanity end. They ache to see their god again msss slaughter humanity. They’re thrilled with the idea there is going to be suffering and that people will die in horrible ways, and this is all good. I would say it's tragic that people Barbour so much hate.
It's odd that you can't prove that God doesn't exist and yet you insist we prove He does.
What Guy said was neither insipid or capitulating.
Religion does not discourage curiosity and questioning. It's God's pleasure to hide something and have His children find it.
Belief and dogma are two entirely different things. Look up their definitions.
The Bible gives us a morsel of what God has created. He gave us what we needed to know to get through this basic training portion of our eternity...
God did every bit of it.
Luck never entered the picture. It was all by design...
God did nothing and youre relying on a 2000 year old book to prove it.
You have no proof of anything but blind faith.
Actually, it was necessary as an obvious rebuttal to your unsupported claim.

I am wiser, as is Mankind, for throwing off the shackles of fear and superstition that was imposed by the church during the Dark Ages. Not too many people being burned at the stake these days for witchcraft.

None of the human inventions of gods have ever made themselves known in a way that is rationally demonstrated with supportable evidence. History shows us that with time, every conception of gods have been swept away and looked upon as myth and curiosities of human fears and superstitions.
Yet your alive in the year 2022 for a purpose, did you figure it out yet?
Actually, it was necessary as an obvious rebuttal to your unsupported claim.

I am wiser, as is Mankind, for throwing off the shackles of fear and superstition that was imposed by the church during the Dark Ages. Not too many people being burned at the stake these days for witchcraft.

None of the human inventions of gods have ever made themselves known in a way that is rationally demonstrated with supportable evidence. History shows us that with time, every conception of gods have been swept away and looked upon as myth and curiosities of human fears and superstitions.

If I am wrong and I die, I lose nothing. If you are wrong and you die, you lose everything, for eternity. There are no if's about it. We are both going to die. So, one of us WILL be right, and one of us WILL NOT. One of us risked nothing, the other one risked everything. And you think you are the wise one??:nocknockHT:
Ok. Exactly what is the purpose of my life?
What's your purpose?

Don't reply if you think its to serve a ghost.
A question with a question?

Mmm k..

My life would be an Oscar winning movie if I wrote it...

But I am not dead yet and refuse to study the book of revelations...so there's that
I agree. How many mothers could hold their child in their arms, tied up in a fish net, and hung just high enough to be gored by the starved bull whose horns were sharpened to gore them with.
Romans could actually push a sharpened pole up through the entire body, following the spine, to the neck. Then coat the poor souls in oil and set them on fire to light the walkways.
Thing is, most didn't have to. Preachers, teachers, Peter, Paul didn't have much of a choice, and knew in advance their fate. But all most of the others had to do was renounce Jesus and swear allegiance to whatever ruler of the day.
They wouldn't deny Him.

to bad it took christianity 400 years to write the c bible after beginning 100 years earlier - 300 years after the 1st century events and the dark ages as depicted of persecution and victimization by the christian church and the three desert religions combined from that time to the present day through false religions of servitude not reflecting in any way the fate of the 1st century religious itinerant or the other innocent souls that chose the liberation theology, self determination the 1st century had given them.

where is one word written by the hand of the main character included in their document that hasn't a single verification for any of its attributes made for a false religion never mentioned during the time of the occurrence being described.
God did nothing and youre relying on a 2000 year old book to prove it.
You have no proof of anything but blind faith.

Thank you for that.
Jesus said unto him, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.

That certainly doesn't mean there is no proof, there's just is no proof that will satisfy you until you stick your finger in the holes where the nails went through...
If I am wrong and I die, I lose nothing. If you are wrong and you die, you lose everything, for eternity. There are no if's about it. We are both going to die. So, one of us WILL be right, and one of us WILL NOT. One of us risked nothing, the other one risked everything. And you think you are the wise one??:nocknockHT:

that is not true, the prescribed religion of antiquity, self determination is required for judgement for the deeds of the applicant - to earn their place in the Everlasting.

false religion not withstanding.

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