A bit more of your merciful god.

You do realize, don't you, that you have the ability to totally ignore this thread and everything that is said in it, right? If it brings you under conviction, however, you might want to think a little further.
What is realise is I am right and you cannot refute my claims. You are attempting to encourage me to leave to stop exposing the bullshit you peddle as fact.
If you were genuine in your beliefs, you would support your hideous claims with evidence. I know you can't and know that is terribly frustrating. So don't shoot the messenger. Admit your wrong and move on.
What is realise is I am right and you cannot refute my claims. You are attempting to encourage me to leave to stop exposing the bullshit you peddle as fact.
If you were genuine in your beliefs, you would support your hideous claims with evidence. I know you can't and know that is terribly frustrating. So don't shoot the messenger. Admit your wrong and move on.

The sad thing here is that really aren't a bright guy. Nobody has to prove anything to you.
The sad thing here is that really aren't a bright guy. Nobody has to prove anything to you.
If you could prove me wrong, you would. Now you reply with an insipid capitulation you have nothing.
Not only do I require proof, you should also. Religion discourages curiosity and questioning but believing dogmatically that the bible knows everything in the universe. No question about it. God did it ay?
Good luck with that.
Well since a god would be all knowing he wouldn't have to ever ask me anything about myself so what's the sense in having any type of discourse?
If you don't wish to know anything about Him and His support and love would mean nothing to you, then as you conclude, what is the sense....
If you could prove me wrong, you would. Now you reply with an insipid capitulation you have nothing.
Not only do I require proof, you should also. Religion discourages curiosity and questioning but believing dogmatically that the bible knows everything in the universe. No question about it. God did it ay?
Good luck with that.

I have no need to prove or disprove anything to you, you over estimate your worth son. I believe , you don't and that's that.
What is realise is I am right and you cannot refute my claims. You are attempting to encourage me to leave to stop exposing the bullshit you peddle as fact.
If you were genuine in your beliefs, you would support your hideous claims with evidence. I know you can't and know that is terribly frustrating. So don't shoot the messenger. Admit your wrong and move on.
Interesting. What do you think you're going to gain by continuing to lash out like you are doing? Those who have faith do not care what you think, so why do you care so desperately about what they think?
If you could prove me wrong, you would. Now you reply with an insipid capitulation you have nothing.
Not only do I require proof, you should also. Religion discourages curiosity and questioning but believing dogmatically that the bible knows everything in the universe. No question about it. God did it ay?
Good luck with that.
Why do I have to prove you wrong? You can't prove you're right, so why do you continue to holler and scream? Why do you want to argue when no one cares what you think?
I believe He came back and that makes me a Christian. And yes, the theology would have completely collapsed
had He not returned. Thank you for making that point. Had He not returned, His words would have lasted about a week.
And there would have been no one willing to die rather than rebuke Him. Throngs of them, hanging on crosses as far as the eye could see in some cases. They DID have a reason to believe.

You however, are under no obligation to accept anything. You would be wiser, but under no obligation to accept the gift of the cross...
You are free to believe anything you wish; that angels dance on the heads of pins, that dead people come back to life, that snakes talk, whatever. Just don't confuse "belief" with an extent reality where supernaturalism doesn't exist.

Why would I be wiser to believe that the planet is 6 000 years old, that humans lived to be 900 years old, etc.?

While you attach an entire worldview to what is written in a book you attached "holy" to a book is simply that, a book. Until there is a way to connect a supernatural being with the authorship of a book, it's safe to assume that the book is, in fact, merely written by men. That is precisely what we have with the.Bible. A book written during a superstitious age when people did believe falling off the edge of the planet was a literal danger. Believe in magical gardens, a flood that never happened, angry gods that wipe humanity from the planet, whatever you wish but don't presume that I am under any obligation to cower in fear and superstition before any human invention of gods.
You are free to believe anything you wish; that angels dance on the heads of pins, that dead people come back to life, that snakes talk, whatever. Just don't confuse "belief" with an extent reality where supernaturalism doesn't exist.

Why would I be wiser to believe that the planet is 6 000 years old, that humans lived to be 900 years old, etc.?

While you attach an entire worldview to what is written in a book you attached "holy" to a book is simply that, a book. Until there is a way to connect a supernatural being with the authorship of a book, it's safe to assume that the book is, in fact, merely written by men. That is precisely what we have with the.Bible. A book written during a superstitious age when people did believe falling off the edge of the planet was a literal danger. Believe in magical gardens, a flood that never happened, angry gods that wipe humanity from the planet, whatever you wish but don't presume that I am under any obligation to cower in fear and superstition before any human invention of gods.
It's interesting when an evangelical atheist deigns to give permission for others to think the way they want to think in a thread that was created to excoriate them for doing so.
If you don't wish to know anything about Him and His support and love would mean nothing to you, then as you conclude, what is the sense....

I don't see how being loved by a god will change my life in any way and I don't think a mere mortal can really understand the mind and motivations of a god much like my dog cannot understand my mind and motivations

The path I follow is one of not wanting or desiring specific outcomes. That desire creates conflict and conflict creates pain.

So why would i ask for a person's or a gods love?
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The sad thing here is that really aren't a bright guy. Nobody has to prove anything to you.
You don;t have to prove anything to me

All I want is for any gods to prove to me they actually exist. I don;t want second third and 5000then hand accounts of people who tell me gods exist I want it right from the horse's mouth
It's interesting when an evangelical atheist deigns to give permission for others to think the way they want to think in a thread that was created to excoriate them for doing so.
“Evangelical atheist”?

You read that at the AIG website and thought you would copy and paste it here, right?
If you could prove me wrong, you would. Now you reply with an insipid capitulation you have nothing.
Not only do I require proof, you should also. Religion discourages curiosity and questioning but believing dogmatically that the bible knows everything in the universe. No question about it. God did it ay?
Good luck with that.
You don't even know what religion is
“Evangelical atheist”?

You read that at the AIG website and thought you would copy and paste it here, right?
No. I came up with it myself after watching atheists who can't just let people believe what they want to believe. What does such an atheist gain by being evangelical about it anyway? We know why Christians do it, they want as many as possible to know God, but there's no incentive for an atheist to do it.
I noticed the bible says that people can be sold into slavery and that a son that dishonors their parents are to be killed, which are both barbaric practices.
One fascination I have for the story of Noah's Ark is how much the same people are today as they were thousands of years ago. In browsing through this forum, we see people who think that mankind has become so corrupt we must be in end times. In the story of Noah, there is that same sentiment about man being too corrupt for continued existence.

Once the disaster is over, we see a change in that philosophy. Mankind is certainly far from perfect, but still worth working with.

Who are we that God loves us so well?
In the fable of Noah, it was the Christian god who held the sentiment that mankind was too corrupt to continue. If, as you claim, people are today as they were thousands of years ago, should we expect another planet wiping tirade from that god?

The obvious problem with the Endtimers (they seem to consistently be of identifiable religions), is they want to see people die in horrible ways to satiate some really twisted view of their gods returning to punish humanity. I would much rather that people operate under the precepts of reason and rationality as opposed to religious Endtimers who have a death wish geared toward heralding in the destruction of the planet.

He loves you so well he will slaughter you, your family, and everyone else.

Tough love is one thing, but sociopath love is something else.
No. I came up with it myself after watching atheists who can't just let people believe what they want to believe. What does such an atheist gain by being evangelical about it anyway? We know why Christians do it, they want as many as possible to know God, but there's no incentive for an atheist to do it.
Do you want a tee shirt emblazoned with big red letters spelling out, “help me, I’m being persecuted”?

I’m not aware of a single poster in this thread who has said you can’t believe what you want to believe.
So why would i ask for a person's or a gods love?
Never crossed my mind I could ask someone for love. Wonder if things would have been different for me had I stepped up and said, "Mom, will you love me?" Love is there, or it isn't, but love is found in unexpected times, given, unlooked for, by loving people. It is just there without ever asking for it. God's love is beyond even that. My prayer is that I can learn to love like that. Compared to the love of God, not one of us is loved as much as we merit by not even the ones who love us most. I know my ultimate best is insignificant of how any person deserves to be loved.

God's love is pure, overwhelming. And the truly great thing about it is knowing that He loves everyone just as much as He showed me He loves me. That is how I want to love others. Why? Because it is Healing. Motivating. Fusion. It brings wonder to even very dark places.
No. I came up with it myself after watching atheists who can't just let people believe what they want to believe. What does such an atheist gain by being evangelical about it anyway? We know why Christians do it, they want as many as possible to know God, but there's no incentive for an atheist to do it.

in the name of to be subservient to -


their madeup religion - or else ...

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