A bit more of your merciful god.

That alone should give you pause. Do you think that God who judged previous generations won't do it again?
Jerry Falwell and his ilk often said hurricanes and other natural disasters we're punishment for gays.
the heavens will not intervene again to prevent the self destruction of humanity than being instrumental in its certainty when warranted.

the c bible fails to address the flood event in proper perspective - noah was all that prevented humanity from being stricken by the heavens as irredeemable, in the sense of doing so beforehand they gave humanity a second chance and relayed again the mission granted a&e for their own self determination for remission to paradise - of their own accord.

the same message as the 1st century events that were denied by the jews and latter substituted with servitude to a madeup messiah.
Good grief. Are we saying God was the author of the Holocaust? This crap just gets deeper and deeper.
They haven't come back from the dead. But Christ did.

no they did not -

or have you a relief, etching in stone or some other form depicting the event - the day that occurred, timely rendering - than in a book written 400 years past the event - something more than a 10 mile radios of the local gossip tabloid.
It's a poor analogy
We are not discussing analogies, poor or otherwise. The topic is God and/or the Bible.

ETA: If you wish to instruct me on analogies, perhaps send me a private message.
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Good grief. Are we saying God was the author of the Holocaust? This crap just gets deeper and deeper.
the same message as the 1st century events that were denied by the jews and latter substituted with servitude to a madeup messiah.

that's your corollary if it's what you are implying - or rather the desert religions as a whole - good luck in restitution for all of them.

have who crucified the religious itinerant and the many others from the 1st century to the 4th been brought to justice and those persecuted and victimized since that time to the present day - by the errant desert religions.

it's a broken record - why is that, christian. "the redeemer". in fact they knew on the cross - its futility.
We are not discussing analogies, poor or otherwise. The topic is God and/or the Bible.

The fact is that we make judgements about the validity of source material all the time and scholars do as well as they see some sources as superior to others.

So if the same idea is the subject of multiple books there will be those that are thought to be better than others.

So saying the Bible is lesser source for information on the subjects of ethics because it is not as clearly written and it adds too many mystical elements is a valid criticism of the bible as a a source for the study of ethics.

You seem to think that's the same thing as calling one brother a poor copy of another
Actually, no. I had no point to make. I was interested in your reasons for not wanting anything to do with God if His existence was proven to you.
I didn't say I wouldn't have anything to do with him I said I wouldn't worship him.

I just don't happen to think that any god, if one exists, would be very interested in us mere mortals.
So I would be forced to kneel?
When has God forced you to do anything? Like I said, your knees are smarter than you are...
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess.

^ You'd already know that if you had actually read the Bible over and over. Nonbelievers knees bend just like believers. And you've got 2, so...

As for where you spend eternity, 100% your choice...
They haven't come back from the dead. But Christ did.
I have no reason to accept that as true. As a Christian you need to believe that, else, the theology literally collapses as the alleged resurrection is a central theme to the religion.

In the rational, corporeal world, dead people stay dead, always, for indisputable reasons medical science can demonstrate.

I'm under no requirement to accept supernaturalism as a reason to give Christianity an exception.
Why would I worship him? ANd I had done nothing wrong when Jesus was died because I wasn't alive yet and I do not believe in original sin.

If gods exist they are just another part of the universe and I don;t worship any of those things

I know that the atoms that make up my body were made in the explosions billions of stars over billions of years and I do not worship stars because of that.

Reading the Bible over and over like you profess, you missed a lot! Jesus didn't just redeem those who were alive at the time. He did it once and for > all.
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I have no reason to accept that as true. As a Christian you need to believe that, else, the theology literally collapses as the alleged resurrection is a central theme to the religion.

In the rational, corporeal world, dead people stay dead, always, for indisputable reasons medical science can demonstrate.

I'm under no requirement to accept supernaturalism as a reason to give Christianity an exception.

I believe He came back and that makes me a Christian. And yes, the theology would have completely collapsed
had He not returned. Thank you for making that point. Had He not returned, His words would have lasted about a week.
And there would have been no one willing to die rather than rebuke Him. Throngs of them, hanging on crosses as far as the eye could see in some cases. They DID have a reason to believe.

You however, are under no obligation to accept anything. You would be wiser, but under no obligation to accept the gift of the cross...
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Jerry Falwell and his ilk often said hurricanes and other natural disasters we're punishment for gays.
His ilk would be right if the hurricanes only effected gays. That being said, God uses the nature He created when He intervenes. He devastated Jezebel's army with hail. And will be throwing it down again on the armies that invade Israel in the near future.
Jerry Falwell and his ilk often said hurricanes and other natural disasters we're punishment for gays.
I don't know if you realize this or not, but I'm no more Jerry Falwell than you are Calypso Louie.
His ilk would be right if the hurricanes only effected gays. That being said, God uses the nature He created when He intervenes. He devastated Jezebel's army with hail. And will be throwing it down again on the armies that invade Israel in the near future.
It will be interesting to see Ezekial come to life. Naturally, the usual suspects will do anything and everything to deny that God had anything to do with it.
One fascination I have for the story of Noah's Ark is how much the same people are today as they were thousands of years ago. In browsing through this forum, we see people who think that mankind has become so corrupt we must be in end times. In the story of Noah, there is that same sentiment about man being too corrupt for continued existence.

Once the disaster is over, we see a change in that philosophy. Mankind is certainly far from perfect, but still worth working with.

Who are we that God loves us so well?
When has God forced you to do anything? Like I said, your knees are smarter than you are...
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess.

^ You'd already know that if you had actually read the Bible over and over. Nonbelievers knees bend just like believers. And you've got 2, so...

As for where you spend eternity, 100% your choice...
My knees won;t bend unless they are forced to bend

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