A bit more of your merciful god.

On the contrary. The fact that just about every ancient culture has a big flood story indicates that it was an actual event that occurred, which gives weight to the bible being true, not the other way around.

Also, many of these flood stories from different cultures around the world have some overlapping details which is pretty amazing, and is more evidence that it actually occurred.
So tell me does any work of fiction that incorporates an actual natural event become true simply because of that?

And why is it so strange tart flood stories exist in all cultures when we know that around 5000 BC there the ice age was at its end and glciers all over the world were melting.

It had nothing to do with any god.
You're re-writing the text. Nowhere in the text does it say there were innocent people, it says the exact opposite. (As The Irish Ram and I have said many times, the Nephilim were the reason why the world was an evil violent mess at that time.) So my example about Johnnys and Janeys was purely hypothetical, but even THAT you ignored completely. As I said in post #650, it is established in other parts of the bible that babies and young children go straight to heaven. So my point stands, uncontested.

So in your post above you are speaking either out of dishonesty or sincere ignorance. Which is it?
These are morally tales.. teaching narratives for Bronze Age people. The message in the flood story is redemption. We're supposed to ignore the issue of the death of everyone except Noah's family. Every epic story is about redemption.
Interesting. So, if you saw Jesus with your own two eyes, you still wouldn't worship Him, even though He loved you so much that He laid down his own life to pay the price for every wrong thing you ever did, if you simply put your trust in Him? Think of a parent who would take a bullet for their child, so that their child would live. That is basically what God did, He gave His life for you so that you can have reconciliation with God and live in eternity, in the true world where God reigns. (This world is just a shadow, and it is temporary.)
Why would I worship him? ANd I had done nothing wrong when Jesus was died because I wasn't alive yet and I do not believe in original sin.

If gods exist they are just another part of the universe and I don;t worship any of those things

I know that the atoms that make up my body were made in the explosions billions of stars over billions of years and I do not worship stars because of that.
These are morally tales.. teaching narratives for Bronze Age people. The message in the flood story is redemption. We're supposed to ignore the issue of the death of everyone except Noah's family. Every epic story is about redemption.
I can agree that some of the writers who contributed to the Bible intended their writings to convey a moral code. I think the part about Noah and his immediate family being left to repopulate the planet, familial / incestuous relations.... Record Scratch sound affect... oops
Vile malevolent five year olds grow into vile malevolent adults...
He saved mankind and you bitch about it. Good Lord.:slap:
So.... all those five year old Johnnys and Janeys across the planet drowned in the food are better dead because your God knew with certainty they would have grown into malevolent adults?

I can't imagine harboring such an attitude toward children.

Shouldn't the god do the same planet wiping now, before too much time goes by? Are 5 year old Johnnys and Janeys that much different now vs. 2 000 years ago?

Kill'em all, eh?
I see no reason to worship anything. If gods exist they are simply another part of the universe.
What is 'worship' to you? The etymology of worship stems from recognizing and acknowledging worthiness and merit. To not recognize or acknowledge someone is a snub, a dismissal, a treatment of contempt. Do you treat those dear to you like this, simply dismissing them as another part of the universe?
What is 'worship' to you? The etymology of worship stems from recognizing and acknowledging worthiness and merit. To not recognize or acknowledge someone is a snub, a dismissal, a treatment of contempt. Do you treat those dear to you like this, simply dismissing them as another part of the universe?

IF that god was actually proven to exist beyond any doubt I would have to acknowledge that fact.

There is no contempt in not worshiping something as divine nor is it a snub I would respectfully refuse to do so just like I respectfully refuse to do lots of other things.
I can agree that some of the writers who contributed to the Bible intended their writings to convey a moral code. I think the part about Noah and his immediate family being left to repopulate the planet, familial / incestuous relations.... Record Scratch sound affect... oops
If you can agree that the writers were contributing guidance and instruction with their accounts, that is a step forward. Here is an analogy for you: When visiting a beautiful garden, do all you see is the dirt. Are you unable to see flowers, shrubs, design of a place of beauty because it comes from dirt--and all you can focus on is the dirt?

What code was Noah following that made him different? The people of the time would have picked up on it. What did the author want us to learn from Noah? What trait did he want people to emulate? What did he want them to beware of?
In the first version flood myth the humans were annoying the gods because they were noisy and too numerous.
If you can agree that the writers were contributing guidance and instruction with their accounts, that is a step forward. Here is an analogy for you: When visiting a beautiful garden, do all you see is the dirt. Are you unable to see flowers, shrubs, design of a place of beauty because it comes from dirt--and all you can focus on is the dirt?

What code was Noah following that made him different? The people of the time would have picked up on it. What did the author want us to learn from Noah? What trait did he want people to emulate? What did he want them to beware of?
There in nothing that is in the bible that cannot be found from other historical sources so the advice is nothing new and quite frankly that advice is written in a clearer manner than it is in the bible.
Well don't belch your crap at me. Youre problem is you think your beliefs should be forced to be believed. Its bullshit. ..

Dont issue your childish veiled threats I might one day regret not listening because of the threat of hell . Dont make me vomit.
You have nothing but delusions. Grow up.
You do realize, don't you, that you have the ability to totally ignore this thread and everything that is said in it, right? If it brings you under conviction, however, you might want to think a little further.
He saved mankind by destroying mankind? It what ways is mankind better behaved today vs. 2,000 years ago?
That alone should give you pause. Do you think that God who judged previous generations won't do it again?

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