A bit more of your merciful god.

You're re-writing the text. Nowhere in the text does it say there were innocent people, it says the exact opposite. (As The Irish Ram and I have said many times, the Nephilim were the reason why the world was an evil violent mess at that time.) So my example about Johnnys and Janeys was purely hypothetical, but even THAT you ignored completely. As I said in post #650, it is established in other parts of the bible that babies and young children go straight to heaven. So my point stands, uncontested.

So in your post above you are speaking either out of dishonesty or sincere ignorance. Which is it?
Well, you may be right. Those vile, malevolent five year olds deserved to be drowned.

Otherwise, I congratulate you on your uncontested victory. How does it feel to win?

However, if your had studied your Bible’ology, you would have noticed that genesis comes along before “other parts of the Bible” and nowhere in genesis are Johnny’s and Janey’s promised any godly luxuries after being drowned.

Is your idea of good parenting one of drowning your children because they misbehaved but then feeling good about yourself because you gave them a lavish funeral?
Probably, yes. Jesus appears to have been a caring, empathetic person. He was probably charismatic and being the tortured soul, drew a lot of attention.

I do havre to note however, that my opinion is the authors of the Bible were the “Genesis” of Christianity. And there lies the problem.

First, religions, (and the inventors, for lack of a better term, of those religions), or are often portrayed as being commoners, peasants and / or “martyred” founders; it connects both to the huge masses of people who are by and large un- or undereducated, and it makes the religion seem "greater", that here a simple person has some connection to a supreme being. But as history (recent and otherwise) has shown us, these "messiahs" and "prophets" are not illiterate at all.

One cannot lull huge populations into complacent superstition without being pretty clever.

The man who invented Islam was illiterate; Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was also "illiterate". Jesus was an uneducated peasant. Abraham was a sheep tender, and so on. See a pattern here?
That makes sense, hollie

You kind of read my mind about Joseph Smith and Muhammad but Paul was well educated
A question for the Bible scholars:

Why are the Magi in the Christmas story?
I can’t say with certainty who wrote the verse. Neither can you.
But we do know...or at least scholars have been able to propose likely dates. Scholarly analysis identifies at least four groupings of authors of Genesis, together with a number of additional editors. They have named these sources, the Yahwist, the Elohist, the Deuteronomist and the Priestly. They also determined that the early books--in their present form--were from the fifth of sixth centuries BC, several hundred years after Moses. The flood may have occurred as early as ten thousand BC, probably no later than 7500 BC.

Clearly, the account was written after it occurred, not before. We have also determined it was written by men from their perspectives. These were a people that held the perspective that God was all good, and people could not measure up to that goodness. They saw any human calamity as a consequence brought about through the actions of mankind.

Note how they portray themselves--down to their children. They confess they are evil. Note how they portray God. Despite this evil, God stays with them, does not give up on them.

Again I ask you: What makes Noah different from others? How does the author portray Noah? What is there about the character of Noah the author wants people to notice, learn from, and emulate?
Well, you may be right. Those vile, malevolent five year olds deserved to be drowned.

Otherwise, I congratulate you on your uncontested victory. How does it feel to win?

However, if your had studied your Bible’ology, you would have noticed that genesis comes along before “other parts of the Bible” and nowhere in genesis are Johnny’s and Janey’s promised any godly luxuries after being drowned.

Is your idea of good parenting one of drowning your children because they misbehaved but then feeling good about yourself because you gave them a lavish funeral?

More blatant dishonesty. I keep hoping you will be like most of the others on this thread and try to have a genuine sincere discussion, but you consistently show the opposite. Putting words in people's mouths, purposely not answering questions, playing dumb, projection, twisting the text and completely ignoring the numerous times you've been corrected and your ideas refuted. So yeah, your dishonest debating and lack of goodwill sadly confirms what I said from the start, you're not here to have an actual discussion, but just to troll and attack.
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Those were stories written by humans with knowledge of humans not real Gods. If the Old Testament was about a God, it certainly wasn't my God.
But then came the New Testament a new kind o writing about a new kind of philosophy. The word of Jesus, man of God, was different and better
Don't be so silly.
We live in a time we know those ridiculous events didn't and couldn't happen.
Its only the word of your silly god when no one questions it. Suddenly you distance yourself when the difficult questions are asked.

The fact remains, none of you have any evidence of any god. Now you are choosing a different god when you know both testaments are about the same god. Dont insult my intelligence.
You don't know any gods Fullerton. Its delusions.
So, how about those Aztecs who cut the beating hearts out of children? Bet that doesn't bother you a bit.
Why would I accept the same cruelty as that?
The point being both those cases worshipped some silly hideous god.
That is the whole reason why I hate all religions.
Yet youre quite happy to accept your faith as the true faith when it is no different to the thousands if others. Its all bullshit.
Probably, yes. Jesus appears to have been a caring, empathetic person. He was probably charismatic and being the tortured soul, drew a lot of attention.

I do havre to note however, that my opinion is the authors of the Bible were the “Genesis” of Christianity. And there lies the problem.

First, religions, (and the inventors, for lack of a better term, of those religions), or are often portrayed as being commoners, peasants and / or “martyred” founders; it connects both to the huge masses of people who are by and large un- or undereducated, and it makes the religion seem "greater", that here a simple person has some connection to a supreme being. But as history (recent and otherwise) has shown us, these "messiahs" and "prophets" are not illiterate at all.

One cannot lull huge populations into complacent superstition without being pretty clever.

The man who invented Islam was illiterate; Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was also "illiterate". Jesus was an uneducated peasant. Abraham was a sheep tender, and so on. See a pattern here?

Jesus read, wrote, taught and preached....
Well, you may be right. Those vile, malevolent five year olds deserved to be drowned.

Otherwise, I congratulate you on your uncontested victory. How does it feel to win?

However, if your had studied your Bible’ology, you would have noticed that genesis comes along before “other parts of the Bible” and nowhere in genesis are Johnny’s and Janey’s promised any godly luxuries after being drowned.

Is your idea of good parenting one of drowning your children because they misbehaved but then feeling good about yourself because you gave them a lavish funeral?

Vile malevolent five year olds grow into vile malevolent adults...
He saved mankind and you bitch about it. Good Lord.:slap:
Why would I accept the same cruelty as that?
The point being both those cases worshipped some silly hideous god.
That is the whole reason why I hate all religions.
Yet youre quite happy to accept your faith as the true faith when it is no different to the thousands if others. Its all bullshit.

There is one difference. One came back from the dead.
Had He not, you would have never heard His name. There was a Messiah du jour back then and we don't remember them because they died and that was that. For a hundred years after Christ died the attempt to wipe out Christianity saw Christians murdered in brutal fashion, en masse. Men, women, children. The followers wouldn't deny the fact that He was who He said He was, because they knew He came back from the dead and what He said about our Father was true.

It wasn't His dying that caught people's attention, it was His coming back that made them believers.
As hard as the powerful tried to erase Him, He was right when He prophesied this:
Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.
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There is one difference. One came back from the dead.
Had He not, you would have never known His name. There was a Messiah du jour back then and we don't remember them because they died and that was that. For a hundred years after Christ died the attempt to wipe out Christianity saw Christians murdered in brutal fashion, en masse. Men, women, children. They simply wouldn't deny the fact that He was who He said He was, because they knew He came back from the dead. It wasn't His dying that caught people's attention, it was His coming back that made them believers.
He was right when He prophesied this:
Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.
Oh how nostalgic. I'm beginning to tear up.
If you believe that shit, little wonder you believe in immaculate conceptions etc.
Tell your bullshit to some innocent gullible kids.
I'll tell it to whomever has ears to hear and eyes to see. There may come a time when what you've read might become useful...
Well don't belch your crap at me. Youre problem is you think your beliefs should be forced to be believed. Its bullshit. ..

Dont issue your childish veiled threats I might one day regret not listening because of the threat of hell . Dont make me vomit.
You have nothing but delusions. Grow up.
I didn't threaten you, you nut job. And if your sensitive stomach can't take a debate about religion, maybe your time would be better served in the craft or cooking forum...
If you can't take the heat, feel free to put me on ignore...
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More blatant dishonesty. I keep hoping you will be like most of the others on this thread and try to have a genuine sincere discussion, but you consistently show the opposite. Putting words in people's mouths, purposely not answering questions, playing dumb, projection, twisting the text and completely ignoring the numerous times you've been corrected and your ideas refuted. So yeah, your dishonest debating and lack of goodwill sadly confirms what I said from the start, you're not here to have an actual discussion, but just to troll and attack.
Where is the dishonesty? I addressed your question. You didn’t like the answer so you launched yourself on a tirade to attack me.

I can’t be held responsible for answers that are contrary to your religious views.
Vile malevolent five year olds grow into vile malevolent adults...
He saved mankind and you bitch about it. Good Lord.:slap:
He saved mankind by destroying mankind? It what ways is mankind better behaved today vs. 2,000 years ago?
Blues, Jesus came here to fulfill a promise made between Abraham and God. He came here to pay for the sins of the Jews. He was their kinsman redeemer. He didn't come to tell them something, He came to die in their place.
I don't believe that.

Nothing I have read or experienced has provided any proof of that statement

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