A bit more of your merciful god.

Your “ question” was so absurd, I presumed you were kidding.

So they would be spared the wicked evil world of that time, and be taken to a place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering. Is that something a big old meanie God would do?

Understand what is clearly delineated in the Bible. Read the genesis fable.

Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth”

No children were spared. They died a slow, traumatic death like everyone else. Men, women and children across the globe who had never heard of the Christian god were killed. There is nothing in genesis that claims your god would whisk children away to a “…place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering”.

Noah was 601 years old when this took place? Fascinating.
The old testament had 40 authors over a thousand years and was redacted and amended many times. Israel and Judah had different creation stories that were cobbled together during the time of king omri.
I never asserted an "ankle deep flood". That was you. My contribution was in mentioning the original language did not encompass the entire planet. Somehow you decided that meant an "ankle deep flood". Shrug.
Yes, I used the ankle deep term in response to your “original language” version of the flood.

Genesis is unambiguous about the gods’s intent.

Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”

Not a lot of equivocation there about intent. So we seem to have a bit of a dilemma about which version of the events to accept. Some sprinkles covering dirt wouldn’t seem to warrant building a yacht. Enough godly rain to “wipe the face of the earth” seems to suggest more water than just a need for blow-up rafts.

Hmmmm. Decisions, decisions.
The old testament had 40 authors over a thousand years and was redacted and amended many times. Israel and Judah had different creation stories that were cobbled together during the time of king omri.
That’s a great point and we know the texts of the Bible were written by authors who are largely unknown and written, some of those texts, one hundred years and more after the death of Jesus.

“legend building” is a term that comes to mind.
Your “ question” was so absurd, I presumed you were kidding.

So they would be spared the wicked evil world of that time, and be taken to a place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering. Is that something a big old meanie God would do?

Understand what is clearly delineated in the Bible. Read the genesis fable.

Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth”

So, yes. That sounds like something a sociopath would do. Congrats on your hero worship.

No children were spared. They died a slow, traumatic death like everyone else. Men, women and children across the globe who had never heard of the Christian god were killed. There is nothing in genesis that claims your god would whisk children away to a “…place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering”.

Noah was 601 years old when this took place? Fascinating.

Wow, you completely ignored the point. Good job!

Let me state this again for you. The Bible doesn't say that there were any innocent people at that time, so this is totally hypothetical. My point is that even if there were any "Jonnys and Janeys" as you put it, babies and young children who die go straight to heaven. So instead of being in a place filled with violence and wickedness and evil, they would be taken to a place for eternity where there is no evil, no suffering, and no death. A perfect place of peace and harmony. Is THAT something a big old meanie God would do? Yes or no?

When you don't answer the actual question that is being asked but instead answer your own question in order to continue your false portrayal of it, that shows dishonesty on your part and what I have said all along - that you are not interested in a sincere discussion, but instead in merely bashing theism (particularly Christianity) and trolling.
That’s a great point and we know the texts of the Bible were written by authors who are largely unknown and written, some of those texts, one hundred years and more after the death of Jesus.

“legend building” is a term that comes to mind.
These are didactic literature not history.
Well, that's the point. There was no mass godly slaughter a mere 4,000 years ago.

Speaking of pick and choose, is the flood fable literal fact or not? If yes, how do you account for a young earth? If not, what other parts of the Bible do you hand-wave off as myth and legend?
None. I put it in perspective.
Yes, there was a flood.
No, there is no young earth. There is a remodeled one:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Period. Done. But there was an unnatural darkness over it. I think there was one hell of a war here when God shot Lucifer and his followers out of Heaven. I think the earth became void. Uninhabitable for humans. I believe it was reconditioned to support humans which came immediately after He was done with the overhaul.
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Wow, you completely ignored the point. Good job!

Let me state this again for you. The Bible doesn't say that there were any innocent people at that time, so this is totally hypothetical. My point is that even if there were any "Jonnys and Janeys" as you put it, babies and young children who die go straight to heaven. So instead of being in a place filled with violence and wickedness and evil, they would be taken to a place for eternity where there is no evil, no suffering, and no death. A perfect place of peace and harmony. Is THAT something a big old meanie God would do? Yes or no?

When you don't answer the actual question that is being asked but instead answer your own question in order to continue your false portrayal of it, that shows dishonesty on your part and what I have said all along - that you are not interested in a sincere discussion, but instead in merely bashing theism (particularly Christianity) and trolling.
Do you think God wrote the Torah?
None. I put it in perspective.
Yes, there was a flood.
No, there is no young earth. There is a remodeled one:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
. Period. Done. But there was an unnatural darkness over it. I think there was one hell of a war here when God shot Lucifer and his followers out of Heaven. I believe it was reconditioned to support humans immediately after He was done with the overhaul.
Lucifer means light bearer aka Venus.
agree hollie, but what was unique a God came down from heaven just to be tortured / humiliated

And then crucified
God coming down from heaven is a rather extraordinary claim when we first, have no credible evidence for god or heaven.

I can’t accept the assumption that god came down from heaven, by presuming there is a god in heaven.
There is nothing in genesis that claims your god would whisk children away to a “…place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering”.
See, this is where it shows you haven't read the whole bible. It says in other parts of the bible that innocent babies and children go to heaven. So, it doesn't have to say that it in every single chapter of every book when it is already a truth, based on the scriptures and the nature and character of God.

So you are either being purposely dishonest, in order to continue your hateful campaign against God. OR, you are speaking out of sincere ignorance. Which is it? I hope it's the latter.
Your “ question” was so absurd, I presumed you were kidding.

So they would be spared the wicked evil world of that time, and be taken to a place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering. Is that something a big old meanie God would do?

Understand what is clearly delineated in the Bible. Read the genesis fable.

Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth”

So, yes. That sounds like something a sociopath would do. Congrats on your hero worship.

No children were spared. They died a slow, traumatic death like everyone else. Men, women and children across the globe who had never heard of the Christian god were killed. There is nothing in genesis that claims your god would whisk children away to a “…place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering”.

Noah was 601 years old when this took place? Fascinating.
I thought liberals want to teach 1st graders about gay sex ?
God coming down from heaven is a rather extraordinary claim when we first, have no credible evidence for god or heaven.

I can’t accept the assumption that god came down from heaven, by presuming there is a god in heaven.
well can we agree on one thing?

This Jesus guy was kind of smart and had compassion for others and people are still talking about him two thousand years plus latter
Genesis is unambiguous about the gods’s intent.

Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”
When was Genesis written, and by whom? Was it written before or after the flood?
They didn't understand most of what Jesus spoke to them. The motive was fear of the groundswell of people that followed Him. He was anti pharisee. They wanted to nip that shit in the bud.

and those were not who wrote the christian bible ...

the 1st cemetery events were more, a liberation theology, self determination that encompassed whoever might be pure of heart not the select few - paterfamilias that has always ruled the desert religions that is their primary distinction that separated the itinerant and the prevailing religions.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is a pharisee - without accreditation as their entire 10000 page book without a single word written by who their document is meant to represent.
Had you studied your Bible’ology you would have discovered the Bible speaks to “I will blot out from the earth….”
Once again: Who wrote that verse? Was it written before or after the flood?
Wow, you completely ignored the point. Good job!

Let me state this again for you. The Bible doesn't say that there were any innocent people at that time, so this is totally hypothetical. My point is that even if there were any "Jonnys and Janeys" as you put it, babies and young children who die go straight to heaven. So instead of being in a place filled with violence and wickedness and evil, they would be taken to a place for eternity where there is no evil, no suffering, and no death. A perfect place of peace and harmony. Is THAT something a big old meanie God would do? Yes or no?

When you don't answer the actual question that is being asked but instead answer your own question in order to continue your false portrayal of it, that shows dishonesty on your part and what I have said all along - that you are not interested in a sincere discussion, but instead in merely bashing theism (particularly Christianity) and trolling.
No. It’s not a matter of “even if there were any "Jonnys and Janeys".

There were Johnny’s and Janey’s killed. Possibly millions of Johnny’s and Janey’s killed. Once again, nowhere in genesis is there any mention of those drowned by god being “taken to a place for eternity where there is no evil, no suffering, and no death”.

Let’s understand that you read in a book, a book of no real authority other than a label of “Holyness” given by a minority of holy book worshippers, that all those who died a slow, tortuous death would be “taken to a place for eternity where there is no evil, no suffering, and no death”.

That place they were taken to would occur after their death, caused by a sociopath who slaughtered them because they were a disappointment to him.

Yeah. You don’t see it but there’s a contradiction and huge, gaping hole of absurdity in all of that.
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Once again: Who wrote that verse? Was it written before or after the flood?
I can’t say with certainty who wrote the verse. Neither can you.

There is very little credible evidence of who the authors of the Bible were. Supposedly, only two of the claimed authors met Jesus.

What evidence can you offer to support the biblical flood?
No. It’s not a matter of “even if there were any "Jonnys and Janeys".

There were Johnny’s and Janey’s killed. Possibly millions of Johnny’s and Janey’s killed. Once again, nowhere in genesis is there any mention of those drowned by god being “taken to a place for eternity where there is no evil, no suffering, and no death”.

Let’s understand that you read in a book, a book of no real authority other than a label of “Holyness” given by a minority of holr book worshippers, that all those who died a slow, tortuous death would be “taken to a place for eternity where there is no evil, no suffering, and no death”.

That place they were taken to would occur after their death, caused by a sociopath who slaughtered them because they were a disappointment to him.

Yeah. You don’t see it but there’s a contradiction and huge, gaping hole of absurdity in all of that.

You're re-writing the text. Nowhere in the text does it say there were innocent people, it says the exact opposite. (As The Irish Ram and I have said many times, the Nephilim were the reason why the world was an evil violent mess at that time.) So my example about Johnnys and Janeys was purely hypothetical, but even THAT you ignored completely. As I said in post #650, it is established in other parts of the bible that babies and young children go straight to heaven. So my point stands, uncontested.

So in your post above you are speaking either out of dishonesty or sincere ignorance. Which is it?
I thought liberals want to teach 1st graders about gay sex ?

well can we agree on one thing?

This Jesus guy was kind of smart and had compassion for others and people are still talking about him two thousand years plus latter
Probably, yes. Jesus appears to have been a caring, empathetic person. He was probably charismatic and being the tortured soul, drew a lot of attention.

I do havre to note however, that my opinion is the authors of the Bible were the “Genesis” of Christianity. And there lies the problem.

First, religions, (and the inventors, for lack of a better term, of those religions), or are often portrayed as being commoners, peasants and / or “martyred” founders; it connects both to the huge masses of people who are by and large un- or undereducated, and it makes the religion seem "greater", that here a simple person has some connection to a supreme being. But as history (recent and otherwise) has shown us, these "messiahs" and "prophets" are not illiterate at all.

One cannot lull huge populations into complacent superstition without being pretty clever.

The man who invented Islam was illiterate; Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was also "illiterate". Jesus was an uneducated peasant. Abraham was a sheep tender, and so on. See a pattern here?

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