A bit more of your merciful god.

I did not say that Christ told him to "kill infidels", I said Ares did. You said this proved that Ares was not a real God, yet we both know that God did in fact tell people to "kill infidels".
See, here's where it pays to really pay detailed attention to what someone actually writes instead of what you want them to have written because your version supports a point you're trying to make. Let's review what I actually said, shall we? I said:

"Then whatever he was listening to wasn't God Himself."

From that you got, "You said this proved that Ares was not a real God". That's not what I said. There is but one God, but there are plenty of supernatural beings who could be chatting with the guy. We know that A Christ follower is not going to obey a voice that tells him to "kill infidels" because he knows what Christ said about how to live our lives, and killing infidels is not part of that. The being that this guy calls Ares could have been his own mind, in which case the military should have caught it and not let him sign up. Or it could have some other supernatural being out to do as much damage through this guy as possible. It would have been interesting to see how he would have reacted when he was in the presence of a Spirit filled Christian.
Of course they did. They had copper mines, metallurgy, pottery and other mining operations.
And yet the nation of Israel was planted on their land and grew very prosperous. How did they do that if they did not drive out the usurpers?
I was hoping you could explain the contradiction of a supposed ankle-deep flood you assert is a translation from some scholars to the globe wiping flood clearly stated in the Bible. I never made any mention of a main character and his attributes.
Of course, you didn't, because, like most evangelical atheists you want to argue scientific points instead of what the Word is trying to teach you. You want to avoid that at all costs.
What false portrayal of the flood?

What have I been corrected on?

Theses tirades of yours are concerning.

Lol. Wow. Was that not you that Irish Ram and I have had several exchanges with about the flood? Did someone else sign on to your account? :) I'm sorry, but I'm not going to re-write the last several pages of this thread.

But I have been giving you the link to my last post on that topic, at least 3 or 4 times, and you keep ignoring it. This may be the 5th time now, but I'll try one more time, since you're playing innocent. Here you go, it's the last couple sentences of this post that I was hoping you would reply to, with a yes or no answer. Thanks.

And here it is again for you: A bit more of your merciful god.
And yet the nation of Israel was planted on their land and grew very prosperous. How did they do that if they did not drive out the usurpers?
Israel was prosperous.
Judah was not. Israel was also more powerful than Judah.
Lol. Wow. Was that not you that Irish Ram and I have had several exchanges with about the flood? Did someone else sign on to your account? :) I'm sorry, but I'm not going to re-write the last several pages of this thread.

But I have been giving you the link to my last post on that topic, at least 3 or 4 times, and you keep ignoring it. This may be the 5th time now, but I'll try one more time, since you're playing innocent. Here you go, it's the last couple sentences of this post that I was hoping you would reply to, with a yes or no answer. Thanks.

And here it is again for you: A bit more of your merciful god.
I’m not clear why you presume an angry god who mass slaughters most of humanity is worthy of unconditional worship?

You seem intent on not addressing multiple responses to your earlier posts yet sidestep further questions in a series of my earlier posts.
I’m not clear why you presume an angry god who mass slaughters most of humanity is worthy of unconditional worship?

You seem intent on not addressing multiple responses and further questions to a series of my earlier posts.
And yet again you refuse to even contemplate that humanity can become very, very evil. Again I put it to you. If you justify and even celebrate the US's actions in WWII that devastated entire countries and indiscriminately killed untold millions of men, women, and children to stop an evil that had sprung up in a few years, why do you criticize God's judgement on evil that had flourished for generations? You seem to be unable to think beyond the moment of judgement and keep pretending God just randomly decided one day to wipe out a bunch of people for no reason at all, and you persist in this belief in spite of being properly educated on the subject. Even Sodom and Gomorrah would have been spared if a handful of righteous people had been found. They weren't.
And yet the nation of Israel was planted on their land and grew very prosperous. How did they do that if they did not drive out the usurpers?
The Canaanites were there long before the Hebrews. In fact most scholars think they were Canaanites. Abraham was from Urfa near Haran in SE Syria. There was no Ur of the Chaldeans at the time. They have found thousands of tablets in Ras Shamra called Ugarit. Israeli scholars are studying them because they help translate early Hebrew and are the source of many Psalms.
The Canaanites were there long before the Hebrews. In fact most scholars think they were Canaanites. Abraham was from Urfa near Haran in SE Syria. There was no Ur of the Chaldeans at the time. They have found thousands of tablets in Ras Shamra called Ugarit. Israeli scholars are studying them because they help translate early Hebrew and are the source of many Psalms.
Irrelevant. The Jews kicked them out so they could create their own land and thrived there for a long time. The Canaanites were not very powerful in the region.
I’m not clear why you presume an angry god who mass slaughters most of humanity is worthy of unconditional worship?

You seem intent on not addressing multiple responses to your earlier posts yet sidestep further questions in a series of my earlier posts.

I answered that earlier, and now you are projecting. You are the one who keeps ignoring the post I keep linking to you, like 5 times now. And now you're saying I haven't addressed you, when I already did, or at least started to, and you are the one who refuses to click on the link I keep giving you and answering the question.

Here it is one more time: A bit more of your merciful god.
I answered that earlier, and now you are projecting. You are the one who keeps ignoring the post I keep linking to you, like 5 times now. And now you're saying I haven't addressed you, when I already did, or at least started to, and you are the one who refuses to click on the link I keep giving you and answering the question.

Here it is one more time: A bit more of your merciful god.
Already addressed.

But how about one more time? You can count to three.
and keep pretending God just randomly decided one day to wipe out a bunch of people for no reason at all, and you persist in this belief in spite of being properly educated on the subject.


THANK YOU, that's exactly what she's been doing, and what I have pointed out to her, but she decided to feign ignorance and project rather than have an actual discussion.
Of course they did. They had copper mines, metallurgy, pottery and other mining operations.
I would of love to live back then when you could just walk around and find gold, copper, silver just by stumbling on it

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