A bit more of your merciful god.

Thought you and I agreed that the flood was local, not planet-wide?
The Bible identifies nothing of a local flood. A local flood would not have left the planet depopulated with Noah and his cabal to repopulate the planet.
When Jesus railed at the Pharasees he was railing against the Edomites who were forcibly converted by John Hyrcanus
the Bible identifies nothing of a local flood.
Not the way you read the King James Version. The original Hebrew has nothing about a planet-wide flood. You said you don't believe in a planet-wide flood, and neither did one of your teachers. You are either arguing a planet-wide flood or not. Which is it?
Most scholars think he was a Pharasee although there are a few who think he was an Essene. I posted a link.

Nowhere in your source is a claim that Jesus was a Pharisee, sorry. Jesus was such a good Pharisee that they forced Pilate to kill him eh? No most scholars do not think He was.
If the flood tale is just a fable, what other parts of the Bible are mere fable and not historical record?
Now you are saying there was no flood at all?

Let's go back to the beginning. The author has a story to tell, a lesson to teach. The story's setting is a flood. Tell me about the main character, Noah.
Nowhere in your source is a claim that Jesus was a Pharisee, sorry. Jesus was such a good Pharisee that they forced Pilate to kill him eh?
Herod Antipas was indifferent. Jesus was safe in the north around Galilee. Pilate was a low level Roman prelate. He just wanted the Jews to behave and quit fighting each other and the Romans.
Herod Antipas was indifferent. Jesus was safe in the north around Galilee. Pilate was a low level Roman prelate. He just wanted the Jews to behave and quit fighting each other and the Romans.

Which has nothing to with Jesus being a Pharisee. Try again.
Pharisees went to the synagogue instead of the temple and we're reformers.https://www.britannica.com/topic/Pharisee
When the Temples stood and people lived far away they needed local synagogues to congregate.

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