A bit more of your merciful god.

The Jews were very divided. Essenes, zealots, Herodians, Saducees, Sicarri, Pharisees. They were fighting each other and the Romans. Herod's granddaughter was the mistress of Titus. The synagogues we're considered pharisaical. The Edomites called themselves Jews but we're not.
The Jews were very divided. Essenes, zealots, Herodians, Saducees, Sicarri, Pharisees. They were fighting each other and the Romans. Herod's granddaughter was the mistress of Titus. The synagogues we're considered pharisaical.
And the Pharisees won but the other groups always spring up in abundance.
And the Pharisees won but the other groups always spring up in abundance.
Yes. The current town called Nazareth is located on a flat plain, but one story has Jesus being led to a cliff in his home place. One hypothesis is that one of these other groups lived in the hills and were known as Nazarenes. It is thought 'Nazarene' may have been the name of a group, not the name of a place.
The Christian God is a sociopath.

If the flood tale is just a fable, what other parts of the Bible are mere fable and not historical record?

Yet again you prove that you aren't interested in an actual discussion, since your horribly twisted views have already been shown to be false numerous times, by at least 3 different people. Yet you ignore that and continue on with your blasphemy and trolling. How sad.

You never did reply to this post, here. Particularly the last two sentences.

Nowhere in your source is a claim that Jesus was a Pharisee, sorry. Jesus was such a good Pharisee that they forced Pilate to kill him eh? No most scholars do not think He was.
So, we agree there was a time that God told people to kill the infidels.
He told the children of Israel, His chosen people, to drive the Canaanites out of their homeland. It was a command for the nation to take action. Christ, however, did not tell modern day Christians to "kill infidels", which is where you're trying to go. I'm telling you that you'll get a whole lot more out of the Bible if you don't restrict yourself just to the parts of the Old Testament that your favorite web sites says means God is bloodthirsty and wants to kill everyone.
He told the children of Israel, His chosen people, to drive the Canaanites out of their homeland. It was a command for the nation to take action. Christ, however, did not tell modern day Christians to "kill infidels", which is where you're trying to go. I'm telling you that you'll get a whole lot more out of the Bible if you don't restrict yourself just to the parts of the Old Testament that your favorite web sites says means God is bloodthirsty and wants to kill everyone.

I did not say that Christ told him to "kill infidels", I said Ares did. You said this proved that Ares was not a real God, yet we both know that God did in fact tell people to "kill infidels".
He told the children of Israel, His chosen people, to drive the Canaanites out of their homeland. It was a command for the nation to take action. Christ, however, did not tell modern day Christians to "kill infidels", which is where you're trying to go. I'm telling you that you'll get a whole lot more out of the Bible if you don't restrict yourself just to the parts of the Old Testament that your favorite web sites says means God is bloodthirsty and wants to kill everyone.
The Canaanites we're successful, prosperous and well organized. The Jews didn't kill them or drive them out. Their cities, towns, mining operations were uninterrupted.
Yet again you prove that you aren't interested in an actual discussion, since your horribly twisted views have already been shown to be false numerous times, by at least 3 different people. Yet you ignore that and continue on with your blasphemy and trolling. How sad.

You never did reply to this post, here. Particularly the last two sentences.

I can see you’re angry and emotive, what “Horrible twisted views” cause you such angst?
The struggle with all the cruelty in the bible but we must remember. He loves them.

So, how about those Aztecs who cut the beating hearts out of children? Bet that doesn't bother you a bit.
Not the way you read the King James Version. The original Hebrew has nothing about a planet-wide flood. You said you don't believe in a planet-wide flood, and neither did one of your teachers. You are either arguing a planet-wide flood or not. Which is it?
It appears you dismiss the biblical description of the flood. What other parts of the Bible do you pick and choose to believe?

Had you studied your Bible’ology you would have discovered the Bible speaks to “I will blot out from the earth….”

What do you think that means?
I can see you’re angry and emotive, what “Horrible twisted views” cause you such angst?

You can see the post of yours I was replying to. But I'm talking about all your posts on the last few pages in your false portrayal of the flood. It doesn't cause me angst, but it is sad (and telling) to me that you have been corrected numerous times yet you persist with your blasphemous false statements.

You still didn't reply to that post I linked to you, again. I'll post it again, here, I think it would be the third time now, or fourth? Again, the last couple sentences are what I asked you to reply to: A bit more of your merciful god.
It appears you dismiss the biblical description of the flood. What other parts of the Bible do you pick and choose to believe?
It appears I went much further back in my study than King James. I always choose to pick the original languages, and those include Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and some Aramaic.

So far, you have gotten as far as the setting in the story of the flood. I think you were about to describe the main character and his attributes and contributions to the moral of the story? Or do you only go as far as the setting and dismiss the rest? ;)
You can see the post of yours I was replying to. But I'm talking about all your posts on the last few pages in your false portrayal of the flood. It doesn't cause me angst, but it is sad (and telling) to me that you have been corrected numerous times yet you persist with your blasphemous false statements.

You still didn't reply to that post I linked to you, again. I'll post it again, here, I think it would be the third time now, or fourth? Again, the last couple sentences are what I asked you to reply to: A bit more of your merciful god.
What false portrayal of the flood?

What have I been corrected on?

Theses tirades of yours are concerning.
It appears I went much further back in my study than King James. I always choose to pick the original languages, and those include Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and some Aramaic.

So far, you have gotten as far as the setting in the story of the flood. I think you were about to describe the main character and his attributes and contributions to the moral of the story? Or do you only go as far as the setting and dismiss the rest? ;)
I was hoping you could explain the contradiction of a supposed ankle-deep flood you assert is a translation from some scholars to the globe wiping flood clearly stated in the Bible. I never made any mention of a main character and his attributes.
The Canaanites we're successful, prosperous and well organized. The Jews didn't kill them or drive them out. Their cities, towns, mining operations were uninterrupted.
Oh, so the nation of Israel existed in a parallel dimension where they occupied the same physical space as the Canaanites but didn't interact with them at all?
Oh, so the nation of Israel existed in a parallel dimension where they occupied the same physical space as the Canaanites but didn't interact with them at all?
Of course they did. They had copper mines, metallurgy, pottery and other mining operations.

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