A bit more of your merciful god.

Already addressed.

But how about one more time? You can count to three.

Where? I specifically wanted to hear your answer to the last couple sentences, preferably with a yes or no. I haven't seen that reply, but if I missed it, I will apologize, please link to it or give a post #.

And if you don't want to answer it, then pls just say so and I won't ask you anymore.

THANK YOU, that's exactly what she's been doing, and what I have pointed out to her, but she decided to feign ignorance and project rather than have an actual discussion.
You’re really angry and emotive and refuse to address why a sociopath is worthy of unconditional worship. If you’re uncomfortable with the question, just write that out.
I would of love to live back then when you could just walk around and find gold, copper, silver just by stumbling on it
They had active mines up thru Solomon's time. The Canaanites lived in Jordan, the Levant, parts of Syria and the Sinai.
You’re really angry and emotive and refuse to address why a sociopath is worthy of unconditional worship. If you’re uncomfortable with the question, just write that out.

More projection. I'm not the one using words like "sociopath" and continually ignoring what people are saying in order to persist in a hateful tirade against God.

I already answered your question pages back, and I feel like a broken record at this point, but you keep ignoring the post I've linked to you, at least 5 or 6 times now.

How about this.... until you answer the questions in the last part of that post (here's the link again) or simply say you don't want to answer it, I'm not going to continue this conversation, because we're clearly not getting anywhere.
In judges, chapter 11, jephthah made a deal with god if he was victorious over the Ammonites, he would sacrifice the first person to greet him on his return, by burning them alive.
He did indeed win and upon his return, was gleefully greeted by his daughter. Sadly the news was not goid. He cooked her a couple of months later to satisfy this ghost they believed in.
God never said a word apparently but when Abraham prepared his son to be barbecued as a sacrifice, at the very last minute, somehow Abraham got an email from God who suggested he spare him.

Its a shame your merciful god didn't show the same compassion for jephthats daughter as ge did for Isaac. This is the stuff you teach little kids.
How can you be part of such horrific and wicked teachings of your filthy god? Is that where you get your morals from?
Those were stories written by humans with knowledge of humans not real Gods. If the Old Testament was about a God, it certainly wasn't my God.
But then came the New Testament a new kind o writing about a new kind of philosophy. The word of Jesus, man of God, was different and better
More projection. I'm not the one using words like "sociopath" and continually ignoring what people are saying in order to persist in a hateful tirade against God.

I already answered your question pages back, and I feel like a broken record at this point, but you keep ignoring the post I've linked to you, at least 5 or 6 times now.

How about this.... until you answer the questions in the last part of that post (here's the link again) or simply say you don't want to answer it, I'm not going to continue this conversation, because we're clearly not getting anywhere.
Quitting before you’re fired is probably a good tactic.

let’s be honest and not let your hurt feelings color your comments. I suggest you read your Bibles and at least try to come to some objective assessments of what the Bible portrays your gods to be.

Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though[g] every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood.”

Yeah, that sounds a bit like the ravings of a sociopath.
Quitting before you’re fired is probably a good tactic.

let’s be honest and not let your hurt feelings color your comments. I suggest you read your Bibles and at least try to come to some objective assessments of what the Bible portrays your gods to be.

Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though[g] every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood.”

Yeah, that sounds a bit like the ravings of a sociopath.
The Christian God is not many but one, the Christian God was ridiculed and crucified ..it was unique in human history
Quitting before you’re fired is probably a good tactic.

let’s be honest and not let your hurt feelings color your comments. I suggest you read your Bibles and at least try to come to some objective assessments of what the Bible portrays your gods to be.

Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though[g] every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood.”

Yeah, that sounds a bit like the ravings of a sociopath.

Still no answer to the question or post# to where you answered it? Sorry, but that means YOU are the one quitting before you're fired, not me.

I am a very patient person, but I keep asking you to answer that question and I've made it as easy as possible for you by re-posting the link like 6 times... and I think any reasonable person would agree that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
The Christian God is not many but one, the Christian God was ridiculed and crucified ..it was unique in human history
Crucifixion was not at all unique in human history and Jesus being a god is hardly a defendable claim.
Still no answer to the question or post# to where you answered it? Sorry, but that means YOU are the one quitting before you're fired, not me.

I am a very patient person, but I keep asking you to answer that question and I've made it as easy as possible for you by re-posting the link like 6 times... and I think any reasonable person would agree that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
What question has not been answered for you?
Crucifixion was not at all unique in human history and Jesus being a god is hardly a defendable claim.
agree hollie, but what was unique a God came down from heaven just to be tortured / humiliated

And then crucified
I was hoping you could explain the contradiction of a supposed ankle-deep flood you assert
I never asserted an "ankle deep flood". That was you. My contribution was in mentioning the original language did not encompass the entire planet. Somehow you decided that meant an "ankle deep flood". Shrug.
The Catholic church disagrees with you. Rome is also the birthplace of the Catholic Church so it Peter was never there, then he for sure was not the first Pope
catholic means universal

Universal was the church started by jesus
What question has not been answered for you?

I said several times that it was the last couple sentences. I'll make it easier and just re-post it here:

I don't know what you mean by Johnnys and Janeys, but even if there were any innocent human children at that time (it doesn't say that) babies and small children who die go straight to heaven. So they would have been spared the wicked evil world of that time, and be taken to a place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering. Is that something a big old meanie God would do?​

Please answer with a yes or no.
agree hollie, but what was unique a God came down from heaven just to be tortured / humiliated

And then crucified
Still no answer to the question or post# to where you answered it? Sorry, but that means YOU are the one quitting before you're fired, not me.

I am a very patient person, but I keep asking you to answer that question and I've made it as easy as possible for you by re-posting the link like 6 times... and I think any reasonable person would agree that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
Your “ question” was so absurd, I presumed you were kidding.

So they would be spared the wicked evil world of that time, and be taken to a place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering. Is that something a big old meanie God would do?

Understand what is clearly delineated in the Bible. Read the genesis fable.

Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth”

So, yes. That sounds like something a sociopath would do. Congrats on your hero worship.

No children were spared. They died a slow, traumatic death like everyone else. Men, women and children across the globe who had never heard of the Christian god were killed. There is nothing in genesis that claims your god would whisk children away to a “…place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering”.

Noah was 601 years old when this took place? Fascinating.

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