A bit more of your merciful god.

Thank you for that.
Jesus said unto him, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.
Again, just because it is said in the bible, the proof it happened is not there.
There was no jesus son of God. No immaculate conception. No resurrection or dead men walking. No walking on water. Its all bulkshit but you won't accept that because your brainwashed.
That certainly doesn't mean there is no proof, there's just is no proof that will satisfy you until you stick your finger in the holes where the nails went through...
And you have done that?
Youre getting desperate now.
I believe your book of lies and myths is the most dangerous book ever printed. Its got you believing some magical ghost performed numerous impossibilities we know for certain he couldn't have.

Of all the thousands of gods ever invented yours is the only one who could do those tricks. How coincidental. He never left a small area in the middle east his whole life. All the wonderful events and tricks were never exported any further. Strangely enough, it was all witnessed by people who believed in supernatural ghosts, were all nearly illiterate and it was documented about 60 years after your prophet jeaus was killed. Not only half of them would be dead but the accuracy would be doubtful also.

So you must admit you certainty is based on nothing but a cobbled together literny of supposed happenings by some very enterpenarial guy who had people eating from his hand. 2000 years later and you are still not questioning it and still financing the paedoohila ridden religions it protects.

You'll have to come up with something better than that son.
A question with a question?

Mmm k..

My life would be an Oscar winning movie if I wrote it...

But I am not dead yet and refuse to study the book of revelations...so there's that

You might want to stream a little Chuck Missler when you have a few minutes. He teaches. Start with Genesis and he'll explain everything from beginning to end. And pray for wisdom. < (oddly female). God likes it to be handed out in abundance. He will bring the whole picture together, and will leave you with no doubt.

There is a blessing attached to Revelation, < it is singular because it doesn't apply to the prophesies we are living through today, but the revealing of Christ, right back here on earth. As a lion this time. With His Christians warriors right behind Him, in a battle like this earth has never seen. And we humans are both pawn and prize.
I believe the blessing is knowing what to look for, recognizing the signs and preparing for it in advance, so you don't starve to death in the coming famine, or die of thirst during the drought. Just like God had Joseph store 7 years of grain to combat the 7 years of famine Egypt experienced.

Before you make up your mind shouldn't you avail yourself to both sides of the argument? It is a really big issue that will impact you. Don't you owe it to yourself to listen to both sides of the case before you form your opinion? If you were to write a book about something, would you only do half the research or only listen to half the witnesses?
Atheists got Christians beat by the murders they committed in world history
Actually, no. I’m not sure you’re giving Christianity, or religions in general their due credit.

More importantly, even if Christianity was simply “not as bad as” atheism, is that really a theme the religion wants to press?

Religionism overall “wins” the death count.

Let's see how well the numbers balance down the list, shall we?:

There is no question about Pol Pot - Commie/Authoritarian, no doubt about it.<-- Not religious (and not disputed!)

The Monguls were not Christians or Moslems. If anything their beliefs were more like your Eskimo religion.<-- Religious!

Manchu were possibly believers in Confucianism, but they were just as ruthless as Christians or Moslems.<-- Religious!

Taiping Rebellion was either Buddhism or Confucianism related.<-- RELIGIOUS!

While the Annihilation of the American Indians, might be attributed to Christian, it was in reality a clash of a "Stone Age" culture with one that was moving into the "Industrial Age". <-- NON RELIGIOUS!

Joe Stalin, Mao, a real Communist atheist.<-- Not religious and NOT DISPUTED!

The Mideast Slave trade was run by Moslems, and of course there were ideological perspectives involved as well as a mercantile motive.<-- RELIGIOUS!

The Atlantic Slave could clearly be laid on the hands of Christians.<-- RELIGIOUS!

Timur Lenk was a Turkish Mongul whose conquests rivaled Ghengis Khan. He was not a Christian or Moslem - merely killed lots of them!<-- Not religious, perhaps!

The Kaiser, Archduke Ferdinand, King George, Tsar, and the French were all Christian (but the Turks were Islamic). Although WWII was largely about power and control, Nazism was deeply rooted in christianity <-- Religious!

The Russian Civil War was the Whites (Christians) against the Reds (Atheistic Communist Bolsheviks). Flip a coin, but the Bolsheviks started it! The Czar instituted pogroms against the Jews, <-- Religious!

The Thuggee were a Hindhu cult.<--- Religious!

Rome falls to the pagan Barbarians!<-- "Pagans" had religious beliefs. So did Rome. --RELIGIOUS!

The Thirty Year War involved Christian Europe, again more about power than religion!<--Religious!

The Congo Free State included imperialism and colonialism attributed to a number of European Christian States. It wasn't entirely about religion, however.<-- Religious!

The Chinese Civil War involved atheistic Marxist under Mao, and Buddhists or Confucians under the Nationalist banner. <-- BOTH!

The Crusades<-- Religious!

Spanish-Catholic Conquistador rape of South America <-- Religious!

The moslem rape of the Indian Subcontinent stands as one of the greatest genocides in human history. Some 80 million people may have been killed. It’s still called the Hindu Kush, (slaughter of the Indians) <== RELIGIOUS

The moslem conquest of Europe shortly after the death of the islams man-god: muhammud, is impossible to calculate. <-- RELIGIOUS!

Any fair tallying of the numbers will put your communist-Marxist ideology in the running for really "evil" category! HOWEVER Marxism, which defines a political ideology, was the prime motivator for Lenin, Stalin Mao, Pol Pot and Kim Jong. Atheism was not a motivating factor in their atrocities.

So tally the score. Religion, overall, wins.

What’s important to understand though is that the above is not an end-all to the score. Christianity can still be proud to announce, “hey, we’re not as bad as atheism”.

Can I get a Hallelujah brotha’s and sista’s
that is not true, the prescribed religion of antiquity, self determination is required for judgement for the deeds of the applicant - to earn their place in the Everlasting.

false religion not withstanding.

Love ya Breez, but you have a completely different religion in your mind than anything I have ever heard and it's hard to address...
If I am wrong and I die, I lose nothing. If you are wrong and you die, you lose everything, for eternity. There are no if's about it. We are both going to die. So, one of us WILL be right, and one of us WILL NOT. One of us risked nothing, the other one risked everything. And you think you are the wise one??:nocknockHT:

Ah, yes. The classic example of Pascal's Wager-- the underlying threat of the theistic argument-- "Gamble that there is a god on the chance he will not send you to an eternity of torture."

Betting there is a god on the chance that you will thus get to live forever is egotism unleashed into infinity -- you get to live FOREVER!. That's pretty egotistical and self centered, honestly. So "betting" might be viewed by this god(s) as an act of cowardice. Maybe he is testing you to face reality without crutches and be fully responsible for the world you contribute to making.

Is that heavenly party in the clouds giving to be less fun if your sparking ego doesn’t attend?
Actually, no. I’m not sure you’re giving Christianity, or religions in general their due credit.

More importantly, even if Christianity was simply “not as bad as” atheism, is that really a theme the religion wants to press?

Religionism overall “wins” the death count.

Let's see how well the numbers balance down the list, shall we?:

There is no question about Pol Pot - Commie/Authoritarian, no doubt about it.<-- Not religious (and not disputed!)

The Monguls were not Christians or Moslems. If anything their beliefs were more like your Eskimo religion.<-- Religious!

Manchu were possibly believers in Confucianism, but they were just as ruthless as Christians or Moslems.<-- Religious!

Taiping Rebellion was either Buddhism or Confucianism related.<-- RELIGIOUS!

While the Annihilation of the American Indians, might be attributed to Christian, it was in reality a clash of a "Stone Age" culture with one that was moving into the "Industrial Age". <-- NON RELIGIOUS!

Joe Stalin, Mao, a real Communist atheist.<-- Not religious and NOT DISPUTED!

The Mideast Slave trade was run by Moslems, and of course there were ideological perspectives involved as well as a mercantile motive.<-- RELIGIOUS!

The Atlantic Slave could clearly be laid on the hands of Christians.<-- RELIGIOUS!

Timur Lenk was a Turkish Mongul whose conquests rivaled Ghengis Khan. He was not a Christian or Moslem - merely killed lots of them!<-- Not religious, perhaps!

The Kaiser, Archduke Ferdinand, King George, Tsar, and the French were all Christian (but the Turks were Islamic). Although WWII was largely about power and control, Nazism was deeply rooted in christianity <-- Religious!

The Russian Civil War was the Whites (Christians) against the Reds (Atheistic Communist Bolsheviks). Flip a coin, but the Bolsheviks started it! The Czar instituted pogroms against the Jews, <-- Religious!

The Thuggee were a Hindhu cult.<--- Religious!

Rome falls to the pagan Barbarians!<-- "Pagans" had religious beliefs. So did Rome. --RELIGIOUS!

The Thirty Year War involved Christian Europe, again more about power than religion!<--Religious!

The Congo Free State included imperialism and colonialism attributed to a number of European Christian States. It wasn't entirely about religion, however.<-- Religious!

The Chinese Civil War involved atheistic Marxist under Mao, and Buddhists or Confucians under the Nationalist banner. <-- BOTH!

The Crusades<-- Religious!

Spanish-Catholic Conquistador rape of South America <-- Religious!

The moslem rape of the Indian Subcontinent stands as one of the greatest genocides in human history. Some 80 million people may have been killed. It’s still called the Hindu Kush, (slaughter of the Indians) <== RELIGIOUS

The moslem conquest of Europe shortly after the death of the islams man-god: muhammud, is impossible to calculate. <-- RELIGIOUS!

Any fair tallying of the numbers will put your communist-Marxist ideology in the running for really "evil" category! HOWEVER Marxism, which defines a political ideology, was the prime motivator for Lenin, Stalin Mao, Pol Pot and Kim Jong. Atheism was not a motivating factor in their atrocities.

So tally the score. Religion, overall, wins.

What’s important to understand though is that the above is not an end-all to the score. Christianity can still be proud to announce, “hey, we’re not as bad as atheism”.

Can I get a Hallelujah brotha’s and sista’s
I appreciate the well thought out and searched post

But the flaw remains you don't know what religion is, do you?

The definition of a true religion is in the Christian bible book of James.
How many people did Jesus kill Hollie? That's why we like Him more than your run of the mill human...
That globe wiping flood made you like him better? Drowning children is a likable attribute? Unless, of course, Jesus is not god. Would this be the time to separate the triune for convenience’s sake?
You seem to have a very negative view of humanity, as though you hope for the worst so a father figure will come to rescue you. That people seek solace and comfort in their lives ending by way of a god-brought conflagration.
You don't remember what we talked about yesterday? I said a human being wrote the story of Noah, after-the-fact. It was humans who reflected back on their own behavior. The person who wrote the story may have projected those feelings onto God as part of the setting.

A father figure to my rescue? Now that's funny.

Note the change that occurred after the flood. The second assessment was, Yes, people aren't all they can be, they don't live up to their potential, but they and their lives are worthy of forgiveness and still another chance. Once again, it was a person writing this story, who may have been projecting what people were thinking/saying onto God's thinking/words.

It may be just me, but I bet I am not the only one who strips away supernatural to study a more natural likelihood.
What a pathetic rebuttal. As if you do.
I could fill an encyclopaedia with what you don't know.
You could probably jack off and have a useless million sperm to your man's butt hole and do the same.

Dude I am a theologian, I know the bible more than Lutheran ministers , catholic priest

I am that fucking smart
I appreciate the well thought out and searched post

But the flaw remains you don't know what religion is, do you?

The definition of a true religion is in the Christian bible book of James.
It’s not for me to decide. I have to note that Christians will disagree. Those of competing religions will offer material from their religious texts in disagreement.
You could probably jack off and have a useless million sperm to your man's butt hole and do the same.

Dude I am a theologian, I know the bible more than Lutheran ministers , catholic priest

I am that fucking smart
You're fuck all but another delusional godbotherer.
You come on here spraying your god shit and don't expect to be challenged. Now you're beaten you insert the dark side of why you like religion but assimilate it to me. God must be proud of you.

While you on the subject of sperm, you should have been sprayed on the sheets and your parents immediately apply for your retrospective abortion.

Had enough yet dickhead? Have another go.
I appreciate the well thought out and searched post

But the flaw remains you don't know what religion is, do you?

The definition of a true religion is in the Christian bible book of James.
Isn't that convenient when Muslims believe the same about their religion.

Suddenly you elevated yourself to now being an expert on religion. Youre not. You only think you are.
Don't be so silly.
We live in a time we know those ridiculous events didn't and couldn't happen.
Its only the word of your silly god when no one questions it. Suddenly you distance yourself when the difficult questions are asked.

The fact remains, none of you have any evidence of any god. Now you are choosing a different god when you know both testaments are about the same god. Dont insult my intelligence.
You don't know any gods Fullerton. Its delusions.
If you don't want your intelligence insulted use some tact. Respect is NOT a one way street. As I said, the word of Jesus whether man or God was some damn good stuff
You seem to be aching for another god-delivered, humanity wiping disaster.
Hollie, here is yet another example where you are not listening. I do not believe in "End Times". I do not believe God sends natural disasters.

Read through the Bible. Read through the centuries, playing particular attention to the 1300s. Each generation has gone through, or lives in the memory, of disastrous, "End Time" events.

One of my favorite songs:

Pay particular to the ending lyrics. That is my belief.

There'll be peace
Across the great unbroken void
All benign
In your time

You'll be fine
In your time
You're fuck all but another delusional godbotherer.
You come on here spraying your god shit and don't expect to be challenged. Now you're beaten you insert the dark side of why you like religion but assimilate it to me. God must be proud of you.

While you on the subject of sperm, you should have been sprayed on the sheets and your parents immediately apply for your retrospective abortion.

Had enough yet dickhead? Have another go.
You have not challenged me yet you atheist cock sucker..

I will eat you for lunch here and on a street corner and I don't need a fucking bible in my hand to quote not only the KJV , not only the NIV , not only the NLT .. I am that fucking knowledgeable
If you don't want your intelligence insulted use some tact.
there's not a godbotherer on earth can insult me. Youre the one who's feeling the heat comrade.
Respect is NOT a one way street.
I have the respect for religion as a dog has for a wheel.
As I said, the word of Jesus whether man or God was some damn good stuff
I've always said it was a nice novel that mills and boon could never have written. My point is its all bullshit and you cannot prove otherwise. Youre all brainwashed.
Was God Jesus?

Jesus was called Emanuel, God with us. He said, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father".
We watched science clone a sheep. The sheep was her mother, but a separate entity. The Trinity is nothing more than 3 aspects of God, in 3 different entities, in three different roles. Father, Redeemer, Power-pack. And they work in perfect harmony. :)

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