A bit more of your merciful god.

No where in the Bible does God say, "Obey every word I say or I will punish you!".

He said the opposite:
He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.

Romans 6:14 His grace is more powerful than our sin

The truth is He forgives us so quickly we are still committing the crime while He is doing the forgiving. That is your Father.
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That globe wiping flood made you like him better? Drowning children is a likable attribute? Unless, of course, Jesus is not god. Would this be the time to separate the triune for convenience’s sake?
Hollie, You need to pray for understanding. You keep saying the same thing over and over even after the whole thing has been explained to you ad nauseam. NEPHILIM drowned. The 8 people whose DNA and not was not corrupt were saved. IT IS THE ONLY REASON YOU ARE HERE. God saved mankind and you still bitch.
So, No children. Yes, Jesus is God.
It is simply beyond your scope of ability to understand DNA and the like. Otherwise you wouldn't keep circling back.
His ilk would be right if the hurricanes only effected gays. That being said, God uses the nature He created when He intervenes. He devastated Jezebel's army with hail. And will be throwing it down again on the armies that invade Israel in the near future.
Nobody is going to invade Israel. In the Bible Jesus talks about the collapse at Siloam.
Hollie, You need to pray for understanding. You keep saying the same thing over and over even after the whole thing has been explained to you ad nauseam. NEPHILIM drowned. The 8 people whose DNA and not was not corrupt were saved. IT IS THE ONLY REASON YOU ARE HERE. God saved mankind and you still bitch.
So, No children. Yes, Jesus is God.
It is simply beyond your scope of ability to understand DNA and the like. Otherwise you wouldn't keep circling back.
Why would I need to pray for understanding? I understand that mass slaughtering men, women and children, those who had never heard of Christian ideology is sociopathic.

I’m curious why anyone would say over and over that mass murder was a “blessing”.
This is a great step. Noah is silent. Does the author have him saying anything to anyone before the flood? While in the ark, even?

Isn't Noah silent throughout--about everything?
That’s horrible. Noah might be called a coward for not rejecting the whims of a sociopath and actively participating in such a horrible act.

Yeah, Noah’s refusal to take a principled stand is — about everything.
The Galatians were a bunch of basically nomadic tribesman etc who wandered around looking for a home.
Paul the apostle finally Christianised them with this magical powers he possessed and suddenly they were making bold predictions like above.
How coincidental and convenient was that. And not a god in sight.

That aside, its ironic how you quote god sets you free from slavery etc when you worship a god who watches you 24/7, commands you obey his every word or you get punishment of eternal fire.
Throw in some sins etc but keep in mind, you have freedom under god. Really? Its called a celestial dictatorship in real terms.
Good God your history ignorant
I didn't want to mention it because I thought your ego would deflate so fast you'd go into the bends.

Quote me another of your vast reservoir of Biblical facts.
So. You now want me to teach you and explain the three years I spent studying the christian bible?

I can't do it unless you have the holy spirit in you
No. I came up with it myself after watching atheists who can't just let people believe what they want to believe. What does such an atheist gain by being evangelical about it anyway? We know why Christians do it, they want as many as possible to know God, but there's no incentive for an atheist to do it.
Do you oppose same sex marriage or free choice? What are atheists forcing on you? Do you support book banning?
So. You now want me to teach you and explain the three years I spent studying the christian bible?

I can't do it unless you have the holy spirit in you
Here we go again.
No one can contact god unless you commit yourself entirely to the witch craft and lies. Then suddenly all is revealed.
What a load of crap.

And it took you 3 years to learn that shit and still don't know youve been conned.

That crap is what attracts criticism. No one believes you have unique access to anything because you believe in a ghost yet you call yourself an expert. Youre nuttier than a fruit cake. Brain dead delusional godbotherer.
Here we go again.
No one can contact god unless you commit yourself entirely to the witch craft and lies. Then suddenly all is revealed.
What a load of crap.

And it took you 3 years to learn that shit and still don't know youve been conned.

That crap is what attracts criticism. No one believes you have unique access to anything because you believe in a ghost yet you call yourself an expert. Youre nuttier than a fruit cake. Brain dead delusional godbotherer.
Don't even try me mother fucker, the beauty of it was in Jesus the asinine shit happened with Paul's description.
Here we go again.
No one can contact god unless you commit yourself entirely to the witch craft and lies. Then suddenly all is revealed.
What a load of crap.

And it took you 3 years to learn that shit and still don't know youve been conned.

That crap is what attracts criticism. No one believes you have unique access to anything because you believe in a ghost yet you call yourself an expert. Youre nuttier than a fruit cake. Brain dead delusional godbotherer.
James, Peter, Luke and senile John was right to a point

Paul was an intellectual but he never comprehended Jesus message
James, Peter, Luke and senile John was right to a point

Paul was an intellectual but he never comprehended Jesus message
Bit like you. You can't comprehend a lie from the truth.
Youre an idiot mate. Keep your silly god shit to yourself but feel free to test me again.

James, Peter, Luke and senile John was right to a point

Paul was an intellectual but he never comprehended Jesus message
Holy shit thank you


Never comprehended

Jesus message

That's it.. He never understood, that's why he went on and on on who will never enter the kingdom of heaven
Holy shit thank you


Never comprehended

Jesus message

That's it.. He never understood, that's why he went on and on on who will never enter the kingdom of heaven
That's why John wrote the beginnings of 8 ..

To show the world Paul was wrong .

Good god!

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