A bit more of your merciful god.

Pascals's wager

Bet me
Thats interesting. You wouldn't dare not believe in God because of pascalls wager but when it come to the vaccine, you didn't follow the same scenario.
Oh no. It was against god will. They were trying to poison you.
Thats interesting. You wouldn't dare not believe in God because of pascalls wager but when it come to the vaccine, you didn't follow the same scenario.
Oh no. It was against god will. They were trying to poison you.
I got the shot probably before you, I am an ex drug addict after all and nothing bothers me
Christian Jews were telling the Galatians they had to be circumcized and follow Jewish laws and rituals first. I think Paul's letter is clarifying that.
You little bitch I am the one who brought it up.
( being nice)
John wrote 8 after Paul was killed..
So James wrote his book then Paul wrote Galatians to try to upstage James

Then Peter wrote his books to imply Paul was an idiot

Then John wrote his books to say yes Paul didn't get Jesus
That’s horrible. Noah might be called a coward for not rejecting the whims of a sociopath and actively participating in such a horrible act.
One of the reasons Judaism considers Abraham greater than Noah is Abraham pleaded for the lives of the righteous. Noah remained silent. Why did the author portray Noah as not saying a word?
Do you want a tee shirt emblazoned with big red letters spelling out, “help me, I’m being persecuted”?

I’m not aware of a single poster in this thread who has said you can’t believe what you want to believe.
Yet you spend great time and effort on here trying to convince them otherwise, belittling and insulting them and the source of their beliefs. And you act like it's a personal insult to you that they have faith.
I would reiterate that the Noah fable is exactly that, a fable, so a repeat is not going to happen.

You seem to have a very negative view of humanity, as though you hope for the worst so a father figure will come to rescue you. That people seek solace and comfort in their lives ending by way of a god-brought conflagration.

Treating others with kindness and respect, altruism, living a meaningful and fulfilling life is not the sole property of religion and clearly not Christianity. The wars, forced conversions, Crusades, converters of the heathen while mass murdering them by the millions is a long, lurid part of Christianity as well as other religions.
Of course, it's not going to repeat. God promised it wouldn't, so it won't.
One of the reasons Judaism considers Abraham greater than Noah is Abraham pleaded for the lives of the righteous. Noah remained silent. Why did the author portray Noah as not saying a word?
As you seem to represent you have some deep understanding of the author’s intent, share that. But first, identify how you know with certainty who the author is and the intent of the author.
Of course, it's not going to repeat. God promised it wouldn't, so it won't.
For a bit of clarification, the fables suggest that the god won’t drown the world’s population again. There is a different genocide to be brought to humanity.

Gods are benevolent. They’ll mix it up some with their mass slaughters. The same ol’ flood thing just gets stale.
For a bit of clarification, the fables suggest that the god won’t drown the world’s population again. There is a different genocide to be brought to humanity.

Gods are benevolent. They’ll mix it up some with their mass slaughters. The same ol’ flood thing just gets stale.
The word in Genesis 7:20 is "Erets". It doesn't mean the whole earth. The story also claimed that the flood was higher than 22 cubits above the mountains.
The word in Genesis 7:20 is "Erets". It doesn't mean the whole earth. The story also claimed that the flood was higher than 22 cubits above the mountains.
It seems there was a lack of proofreading. The mountains were covered but the whole earth wasn’t?
It seems there was a lack of proofreading. The mountains were covered but the whole earth wasn’t?
Israel and Judah had different creation stories that were cobbled together during the reign of king Omri.. so that could account for it.
Why would I need to pray for understanding? I understand that mass slaughtering men, women and children, those who had never heard of Christian ideology is sociopathic.

I’m curious why anyone would say over and over that mass murder was a “blessing”.
Of course, you do realize that "Christian ideology" came on the scene with Christ, right? So it's pointless to yell and scream about things done by the nation of Israel as being "Christian ideology", which means your focus on the Old Testament and total ignoring of the New isn't about "Christian ideology" at all.

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