A bit more of your merciful god.

I'm sure you do and will right up until the time it happens. There will be a lot of, "Oh crap" moments for a lot of people.
I don;t believe that

And you have no proof that it will happen

If any god wants me to know it's out there then it will tell me
In the same way, if anyone wants to know God, He is there to be found. I am not kidding or exaggerating when I say I was a mere toddler when I developed a determination to find God.

Scripture tells us that blessed are those who believe without seeing/knowing. To know absolutely is often a heavy burden. Perhaps, instinctively, many know this and they are indeed blessed that their faith is enough (and often everything).

One has to want to find God, and that want must be greater than any other want. You shrug it off as, "Oh, well, if God wants me badly enough, He knows what to do."

Ever read or hear of the book, "A Child called It"? Given just the title, speculate on the amount of regard his mother had for him, that she would call and refer to any being as 'it'.
Do you not understand that preaching the genesis fable presumes that you’re preaching fables, as noted, “written by four authors and edited by many more. It was written and edited a couple of hundred years after Moses lived, about five or six thousand years ago, many thousands of years after the flood.”
I sometimes teach literature. At the middle school level. Any of my middle school students can tell you that Noah's Ark does not qualify as a fable.
written by authors unknown, edited by authors unknown, written hundreds of years after storytelling and legend building would have occurred and yet, you represent anyone is supposed to accept the account as literal history?
Again, you are not paying attention. I do not regard Noah's Ark as literal history.

Latest study shows that I am one of that seventy-six percent majority of US Christians who do not take the story as literal history. Instead, we focus on the lessons it teaches us about human nature and how we can best relate to God.

Twenty-four percent do take Noah's Ark as literal history, and I have no problem with that because they also absorb the lessons.

I do not know what percent you fall into: Apparently someone who holds no belief that Noah's flood ever happened, yet vehemently insists it is still literal history.
Gods don’t matter much to me.
Your words/actions don't confirm this. My experience is that you are even more adamant concerning God than the well-known Jehovah Witness proselytizers. He matters to you. I am simply asking how that came about.
Yet you spend great time and effort on here trying to convince them otherwise, belittling and insulting them and the source of their beliefs. And you act like it's a personal insult to you that they have faith.
It's been abused, no doubt.
Of course, it's not going to repeat. God promised it wouldn't, so it won't.

howabout - make up your mind -

hows (it) not going to repeat when the 1st century conclusion reversed the event attributed by the heavens of noah - their false religion of servitude 4th century christianity -

or you're saying allow evil to triumph and the extinction of humanity - because you do not want to hurt their feelings they themselves thrive on ...

you simply have no idea: the the mission of a&e - correction of noah, 1st century reversal, the conclusion of the heavens prescribed religion of antiquity and the final judgement.

other than - yes they, the heavens intend for it to be brought to a conclusion ... good luck.
As far as I can tell gods are nothing but ideas in the minds of people.
My testimony is that God is not 'idea'. Others, down through the ages, testify to a Being.

I see it as some people are content with the idea that God is an idea and look no further.
Do you read and forget; read and don't understand, or don't read at all?

1. All that scholars postulate is that Genesis--as we know it today--was written by four authors and edited by many more. It was written and edited a couple of hundred years after Moses lived, about five or six thousand years ago, many thousands of years after the flood.

2. Scholarly and rabbinical commentary take into account the languages, cultures, and histories of the time.

I have said--in this thread--all of the above before, some of it more than once.

A question for you: What has God, religion, society, parents--whomever--done to you that has prompted such hatred of God--so much hatred that you will not even both to ponder accounts and testimonies of God's great love for His people. You are determined to hate God. Why is that? One guess I have (and it is only a guess) that someone(s) of faith hurt you so badly you are determined to do all you can to strike back others of faith. You know you can hurt us by denigrating God whom we love. And you delight in this.

I have said before I am from a family of atheists. None of them will ever be found in a religion forum discussing the non-existence of God any more than they would be found in a forum discussing unicorns, leprechauns, or how to turn lead into gold. None of this--including God--matters to them. It is apparent that God matters to you--and matters a lot. Why is that?

One guess I have (and it is only a guess) that someone(s) of faith hurt you so badly you are determined to do all you can to strike back others of faith.
I have said before I am from a family of atheists. None of them will ever be found in a religion forum discussing the non-existence of God any more than they would be found in a forum discussing unicorns, leprechauns, or how to turn lead into gold.

dream world -


speaking up has seldom won accolades when most in need - in fact afterwards has seldom worked either ... meriweather.
Incensed? No, you would know if I was incensed, and I am far from that. I have little patience, however, with your preening and pretending that you're doing anything more significant than simple trolling. You have no intention of discussing anything, you ignore all explanation and education given you, you want to evangelize and you're not even very good at it. Did you even bother to try to find the verse I gave you for reference? You know, the one that's in the part of the Bible you don't read?
You're obviously incensed that anyone would dare question your ideology. Your tirade literally screams out that disagreement with your dogma is "trolling". This is a public message board. People will disagree with you. If you're not prepared for that, consider other options.
I sometimes teach literature. At the middle school level. Any of my middle school students can tell you that Noah's Ark does not qualify as a fable.
Well, as long as middle schoolers say so.

The Noah fable is literal history? The planet is 6,000 years old? Odd that there is no evidence you can present to support those claims.
The Noah fable is literal history?
Again, already covered. Noah is not a fable nor is it literal history. Might be best described as folklore. Myth would also be accurate for those who hold no belief in God.
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The planet is 6,000 years old?
Already covered. The story was written about eight thousand years ago about a flood that took place at least seventy-seven thousand years ago. The planet is about 4.55 billion years ago. (The latter is another fact that most middle school students would be able to share with you.)
I'm afraid they are. Russia and several countries with Russia. It will culminate in a peace treaty.
You must be a Scofield futurist. Russia wouldn't bother with Israel. Gog and Magog invaded in 638 BC. Some soldiers stayed behind and founded Scythiopolis.
Already covered. The story was written about eight thousand years ago about a flood that took place at least seventy-seven thousand years ago. The planet is about 4.55 billion years ago. (The latter is another fact that most middle school students would be able to share with you.)
Sumer says 2900 BC. Confirmed by the King's list, flood sediment and ancient texts.
Again, already covered. Noah is not a fable nor is it literal history. Might be best described as folklore. Myth would also be accurate for those who hold no belief in God.
I think you're offended by the term "myth". The synonyms you offered are, you know, synonyms.
Already covered. The story was written about eight thousand years ago about a flood that took place at least seventy-seven thousand years ago. The planet is about 4.55 billion years ago. (The latter is another fact that most middle school students would be able to share with you.)
I believe your time frames are drastically wrong. The last Ice Age ended about 15,000 years ago.
I think you're offended by the term "myth". The synonyms you offered are, you know, synonyms.
Hollie, you do realize you have not offended me once in this thread? As I said, I teach at the middle school level. I am simply pointing out the differences between fable, folklore, and myth, mostly for my own amusement. I am betting you will continue to use 'fable' which is the most inaccurate of three. Almost like you want to assert Aesop wrote scripture. ;)

ETA: Which incident in the story can be classified under the heading of a "Just So Story"?
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