A bit more of your merciful god.

I believe your time frames are drastically wrong. The last Ice Age ended about 15,000 years ago.
I should have phrased it as I did in my first post "could have taken place" about 75,000 BC (about 77,000 years ago). This is based on changing sea levels. Another theory has to do with melting glacier from the ice age, which is where your time frame may fit. There are other theories for other areas and later times. There are plenty of floods from which to choose in deciding which one is Noah's.

The earliest theory of when Genesis was composed was about five or six thousand BC, a couple of hundred years after Moses. However, I also understand the age that is confirmed for a written copy is more on the order of 1400 BC (dating of a scrap if I am recalling this correctly).
In judges, chapter 11, jephthah made a deal with god if he was victorious over the Ammonites, he would sacrifice the first person to greet him on his return, by burning them alive.
He did indeed win and upon his return, was gleefully greeted by his daughter. Sadly the news was not goid. He cooked her a couple of months later to satisfy this ghost they believed in.
God never said a word apparently but when Abraham prepared his son to be barbecued as a sacrifice, at the very last minute, somehow Abraham got an email from God who suggested he spare him.

Its a shame your merciful god didn't show the same compassion for jephthats daughter as ge did for Isaac. This is the stuff you teach little kids.
How can you be part of such horrific and wicked teachings of your filthy god? Is that where you get your morals from?
Nope, wasn't God. It is fallen man that is wicked and evil. You're way way off.
Hollie, you do realize you have not offended me once in this thread? As I said, I teach at the middle school level. I am simply pointing out the differences between fable, folklore, and myth, mostly for my own amusement. I am betting you will continue to use 'fable' which is the most inaccurate of three. Almost like you want to assert Aesop wrote scripture. ;)

ETA: Which incident in the story can be classified under the heading of a "Just So Story"?
I see fable as an appropriate description. No different than a great many fables such as the Jesus becoming un-dead. Fables are often the result of hearsay testimony that is passed down from generation to generation and goes through revisions as the tales are retold.

You know Robin Hood didn't actually exist but is a fable as the result of hearsay testimony and legend building, right?
I see fable as an appropriate description. No different than a great many fables such as the Jesus becoming un-dead. Fables are often the result of hearsay testimony that is passed down from generation to generation and goes through revisions as the tales are retold.
You just described folklore. To a tee.
Myths are stories that include supernatural beings.
Fables are stories where animals have human personas.
Just So Stories give us a reason why snakes move on their bellies, why childbirth is painful, and how a rainbow came into being.

The story of the Eve and the Serpent classifies as fable. The part where the serpent crawls on its belly and Eve will give birth in pain classifies as Just So. Noah classifies as folklore and myth. Except the part about the rainbow. That classifies as a Just So Story.

As you see, you cannot offend me by identifying parts of a story. You can amuse me when you use the wrong designation, but then I am very easily entertained.
I should have phrased it as I did in my first post "could have taken place" about 75,000 BC (about 77,000 years ago). This is based on changing sea levels. Another theory has to do with melting glacier from the ice age, which is where your time frame may fit. There are other theories for other areas and later times. There are plenty of floods from which to choose in deciding which one is Noah's.

The earliest theory of when Genesis was composed was about five or six thousand BC, a couple of hundred years after Moses. However, I also understand the age that is confirmed for a written copy is more on the order of 1400 BC (dating of a scrap if I am recalling this correctly).
The problem with choosing which flood was Noah’s is the lack of evidence for such a thing.

The Chinese civilization, has no history of a flood that wiped their civilization from the planet. The Maya have no such history. Some fables have roots in events that were naturally occurring but expanded over time due to retelling.
You just described folklore. To a tee.
Myths are stories that include supernatural beings.
Fables are stories where animals have human personas.
Just So Stories give us a reason why snakes move on their bellies, why childbirth is painful, and how a rainbow came into being.

The story of the Eve and the Serpent classifies as fable. The part where the serpent crawls on its belly and Eve will give birth in pain classifies as Just So. Noah classifies as folklore and myth. Except the part about the rainbow. That classifies as a Just So Story.

As you see, you cannot offend me by identifying parts of a story. You can amuse me when you use the wrong designation, but then I am very easily entertained.
You described myth to a "T".

Other than by invoking supernaturalism, how does a human live to be 900 years old?
Even the most stubborn knee will bow...
I have a different take on this, more in line with what Blues Man is saying. I believe one of God's traits is that He honors free will.

In Biblical times, bended knee describes being in the presence of someone greater and usually held in high esteem--or at least the position he holds is held in high esteem.

I am more of the mind that all those who come into God's presence will recognize a Being much greater than they are, and the love and regard He has for them will be reciprocated many times more than the love and regard they have for their most loved one on earth. They will radiate awe and reverence (bended knee).

On the other hand, those not in the presence of God will miss out on this. Note that Jesus never commanded Satan or demons to be on bended knee before him. He simply told them to depart. I think that is the choice before each one of us: The metaphorical bended knee (much better than an actual bended knee) or departure.

I am not claiming to be right--only presenting how I see it.
You described myth to a "T".
Of course I did. It is common knowledge. And accurate. However, people of all faiths, be it Hindu, Muslim, Judaism, or Christianity don't often use the term, because 'myth' also includes (but is not confined to) fiction.

I would never refer to Hindu Gods as myth because I respect those of the Hindu faith and all faiths.

I am aware that atheists who wish to annoy people of faith and care nothing of respect, taunt those of faith with the word 'myth'. People can't help but be who they are. (Everyone else is taken. ;) )
In the same way, if anyone wants to know God, He is there to be found. I am not kidding or exaggerating when I say I was a mere toddler when I developed a determination to find God.

Scripture tells us that blessed are those who believe without seeing/knowing. To know absolutely is often a heavy burden. Perhaps, instinctively, many know this and they are indeed blessed that their faith is enough (and often everything).

One has to want to find God, and that want must be greater than any other want. You shrug it off as, "Oh, well, if God wants me badly enough, He knows what to do."

Ever read or hear of the book, "A Child called It"? Given just the title, speculate on the amount of regard his mother had for him, that she would call and refer to any being as 'it'.

I don't have a need in my life for gods which is why I say I wouldn't worship any gods even if their existence was irrefutable.
I do believe it and you have no proof it won't (see how that works?). It's a warning and it's up to you how you will handle it.
I don't need to prove a negative.

You stated that everyone's knees will bend regardless of the will of the person.

But didn't your god grant free will to people?

If a god forces knees to bend then he is robbing people of free will.

And tell me does that apply to people who have had their knees replaced with mechanical parts?
My testimony is that God is not 'idea'. Others, down through the ages, testify to a Being.

I see it as some people are content with the idea that God is an idea and look no further.
A being no one has ever seen and no evidence of its existence other than the words of men has been provided.

So all we have there is an idea.
Of course they can. Do you force your heart to beat? Have you ever tried to keep your eyes open when you sneeze? Do you tell each foot to follow the other? Even the most stubborn knee will bow...
My heart beats via signals from the autonomous nervous system and I can actually control my heart rate to a degree my meditating.

The knee is not part of that autonomic system and they just don't bend on their own if they did you'd have no control over where you walk.

So my knee will not bend of its own volition and if my knee bends at the order of a god then that god has also revoked the free will he supposedly gave people
I believe your time frames are drastically wrong. The last Ice Age ended about 15,000 years ago.
It ended very slowly about 10.000 years ago.. Arabia was a savanna with shallow lakes and rivers.
Of course I did. It is common knowledge. And accurate. However, people of all faiths, be it Hindu, Muslim, Judaism, or Christianity don't often use the term, because 'myth' also includes (but is not confined to) fiction.

I would never refer to Hindu Gods as myth because I respect those of the Hindu faith and all faiths.

I am aware that atheists who wish to annoy people of faith and care nothing of respect, taunt those of faith with the word 'myth'. People can't help but be who they are. (Everyone else is taken. ;) )
I think you have a bit of the persecution thing going on. Your view of being persecuted because you're annoyed at terms and definitions. (Myth, fitting the description of 900 year old men), pales in comparison to being fed to the lions. Persecution used to mean something, ya'?
It ended very slowly about 10.000 years ago.. Arabia was a savanna with shallow lakes and rivers.
Which would be a rational explanation for floods along geologic timefrsmes. No requirement for supernaturalism.
I don't have a need in my life for gods which is why I say I wouldn't worship any gods even if their existence was irrefutable.
I get it. You will ignore all Gods because you are self-sufficient. And God will leave you to it. I wish you well for all your existence, however long that may be.
Your view of being persecuted
I am not being persecuted. Never have been. That is one Beatitude that does not apply to me. (Blessed are those of you who are persecuted....)

Who do you see persecuting me? Maybe I can check off that Beatitude after all!
I get it. You will ignore all Gods because you are self-sufficient. And God will leave you to it. I wish you well for all your existence, however long that may be.
About as long as the average human I'm sure. Just like every other human on the planet

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