A bit more of your merciful god.

I never started, I am patiently waiting for something from you that has meat on it
You posted your silly Galatians pic. I busted it.
I'm patiently waiting for an unparalleled display of your vast knowledge you say you studied for 3 years to achieve. What a waste.
The flood footprint is 150 miles wide and 350 miles south to the Persian Gulf. So basically it was their whole world. You're welcome.
I already knew that but the Chinese flood that happened around the time period makes me wonder
Here we go again.
What happened to that brilliant mind cultivated by religion and the best youve got is sone silly pic as evidence of your sky daddy. Youre out of ammo son.
Sell us all on becoming non-believers…show us a godless society that is safe, moral, prosperous, likeminded and thriving.
My guess is; all your godless societies are dangerous, disgusting, immoral filthy blue shitholes….am I right?
Sell us all on becoming non-believers…show us a godless society that is safe, moral, prosperous, likeminded and thriving.
My guess is; all your godless societies are dangerous, disgusting, immoral filthy blue shitholes….am I right?
Killing one another doesn't equal love?
Sell us all on becoming non-believers…show us a godless society that is safe, moral, prosperous, likeminded and thriving.
My guess is; all your godless societies are dangerous, disgusting, immoral filthy blue shitholes….am I right?
No. Statistics show different and those attributes are not unique to democrats.
If you want to shut me up, you'll have to do better than that but feel free to butt it again. I'll mince you like the other idiot
No. Statistics show different and those attributes are not unique to democrats.
If you want to shut me up, you'll have to do better than that but feel free to butt it again. I'll mince you like the other idiot
Hahaha…of course it’s unique to Democrats in the U.S….No real conservative is atheist.
Aren’t we talking about Protestant Christianity…show us an atheist society that is as safe and prosperous as a Christian society…you can’t so you won’t.
This thread reeks of disingenuous bullshit… Colin norris have you disguised this thread as something it’s not…are you really just pissed at how retaliatory good real American Christians have become?

“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’, the suckers we could easily bully by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbasses to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting degenerate, filthy fucks as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
If you were about to be shot to death and a man jumped in front of you and saved your life, would you appreciate him or would you treat him with indignation?

Your own free will, will endeavor to get those mechanical parts to bend when you realize it's all true.
WHat's that got to do with my knees becoming able to bend on their own?

And I already told you I won't kneel of my own free will so if my knees do bend it will; be by force.

And no god has ever saved my life. I do credit one man for saving my life when I was 16 and living on the streets and he became a dear friend and mentor to me but it wasn't any god.
Man tends to layer a bunch of stuff on top of the very simple, very clear message of salvation that Christ gave us.

Do I understand that Hollie is whining that the Bible, a book intended to provide a guide to living a Christian life to billions of very diverse people down through the history of the world, isn't written with the simplicity of a kindergartner's reading primer?

The Bible is the greatest work of literature ever to be written. Like all great literature, it is dense; it has layers; it has texture. Much of it actually is quite simple on the face of it, but all of it is intended to serve multiple duties, to provide a different enlightenment and guidance depending on who you are and what's happening in your life at the moment.
Do I understand that Hollie is whining that the Bible, a book intended to provide a guide to living a Christian life to billions of very diverse people down through the history of the world, isn't written with the simplicity of a kindergartner's reading primer?

The Bible is the greatest work of literature ever to be written. Like all great literature, it is dense; it has layers; it has texture. Much of it actually is quite simple on the face of it, but all of it is intended to serve multiple duties, to provide a different enlightenment and guidance depending on who you are and what's happening in your life at the moment.
Try studying it
Do you have scripture where Jesus said that claiming one is a Christian doesn't mean it's true.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’" Matthew 7:21-23
WHat's that got to do with my knees becoming able to bend on their own?

And I already told you I won't kneel of my own free will so if my knees do bend it will; be by force.

And no god has ever saved my life. I do credit one man for saving my life when I was 16 and living on the streets and he became a dear friend and mentor to me but it wasn't any god.
Jesus sent him?

IfI had it my way I would of been dead 12 years ago holding my wife's hand when she was on the slab at the mortuary ..

But no Jesus keeps me alive just to slap common sense into people

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