A bit more of your merciful god.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’" Matthew 7:21-23
Matthew 16: 19

mat-16-19-pixabay-9x-SP (1).jpg
Again, you're ignoring the context. You're making it into something it was not. It was not innocent people arbitrarily wiped out by God. The context was there was nothing but evil continually and rampant violence (again, look into the Nephilim, they had spread to all creation at that time), so again, should an authority deal with evil and injustice and violence, or just ignore it? You still haven't answered that question.

I don't know what you mean by Johnnys and Janeys, but even if there were any innocent human children at that time (it doesn't say that) babies and small children who die go straight to heaven. So they would be spared the wicked evil world of that time, and be taken to a place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering. Is that something a big old meanie God would do?

Someone pointed out once, and I thought it was so profound, that the same people who complain about God being a horrible monster who wiped out this group of people and commanded the destruction of that group of people are also the people who say, "Why does God allow evil to exist?" They demand that He put a stop to evil, and then kvetch and whine when He does.
WHat's that got to do with my knees becoming able to bend on their own?

And I already told you I won't kneel of my own free will so if my knees do bend it will; be by force.

And no god has ever saved my life. I do credit one man for saving my life when I was 16 and living on the streets and he became a dear friend and mentor to me but it wasn't any god.

If you are right, then Christ is a liar. I rather think, between the two of you that Christ knows more on the subject.
Nevertheless, when you see Him, tell Him of your pride and how you don't care to share eternity with Him. He'll leave you to it.
Problem solved...
Sell us all on becoming non-believers…show us a godless society that is safe, moral, prosperous, likeminded and thriving.
My guess is; all your godless societies are dangerous, disgusting, immoral filthy blue shitholes….am I right?


you're a confederate w/ clinton - gore on your battle flag ... that's the example of true religion.

for sure - a step up - from an atheist ...
If you are right, then Christ is a liar. I rather think, between the two of you that Christ knows more on the subject.
Nevertheless, when you see Him, tell Him of your pride and how you don't care to share eternity with Him. He'll leave you to it.
Problem solved...

really ram, that could not be a 4th century forgery ...

“'As surely as I live,' says the LORD, 'every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will declare allegiance to God.'”

the state religion of the roman empire ... if the above is your redeemer, what will they have saved you from.

- no such words were spoken in the 1st century.
Catholic was the original, Peter was the first pope
Simon Magus was your first pope.
The Sabbath keeping Church of God already existed when Simon tried to BUY an apostleship and was thrown out by Peter.

Simon began his own counterfeit church with the sorcery "miracles" he was able to do
Do I understand that Hollie is whining that the Bible, a book intended to provide a guide to living a Christian life to billions of very diverse people down through the history of the world, isn't written with the simplicity of a kindergartner's reading primer?

The Bible is the greatest work of literature ever to be written. Like all great literature, it is dense; it has layers; it has texture. Much of it actually is quite simple on the face of it, but all of it is intended to serve multiple duties, to provide a different enlightenment and guidance depending on who you are and what's happening in your life at the moment.
Hollie isn’t whining. Hollie is reading the whining of someone else.

The various Bibles are the greatest work of literature ever to be written? Because you say so?
I don't make judgements about how Christian someone is or not. Christians are far more concerned about the Christian'ness of Christians than I care to be.
I don't believe we are. You bring it up constantly though. And your disdain for a God that you don't even believe exists. Odd that. You are far more concerned about the Christian'ness of believers than we are of each other or ourselves. We know we sin. We know our redeemer, and that by His grace we are forgiven.
So, why spend so much time in a forum whose main character you don't even think is real? Aren't you wasting your time telling us there is no God over, and over, and over?
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Jesus sent him?

IfI had it my way I would of been dead 12 years ago holding my wife's hand when she was on the slab at the mortuary ..

But no Jesus keeps me alive just to slap common sense into people
Why is it people have to imagine some divine intervention whenever they survive a horrible event?
If you are right, then Christ is a liar. I rather think, between the two of you that Christ knows more on the subject.
Nevertheless, when you see Him, tell Him of your pride and how you don't care to share eternity with Him. He'll leave you to it.
Problem solved...
The promise of eternal life is the lie
I don't believe we are. You bring it up constantly though. And your disdain for a God that you don't even believe exists. Odd that. You are far more concerned about the Christian'ness of believers than we are of each other or ourselves. We know we sin. We know our redeemer, and that by His grace we are forgiven.
So, why spend so much time in a forum whose main character you don't even think is real? Aren't you wasting your time telling us there is no God over, and over, and over?
You're far too concerned with your tender sensibilities. Aren't you wasting your time in hand-wringing agony over what others think of your gods? Embrace your endtimes fables, look forward to the end of the world when your God comes back again to wipe humanity from the planet, even though the genesis fable claims he wouldn't do that.
I have a great imagination. I have also had the experience with God. How did you reach the conclusion I cannot tell the difference between imagination and an experience with God? You don't know me. You have not had a like experience. Yet you are the expert on me, on what I imagine and on my experiences?

Why is it so hard for you to accept what I describe?

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