A bit more of your merciful god.

For a bit of clarification, the fables suggest that the god won’t drown the world’s population again. There is a different genocide to be brought to humanity.

Gods are benevolent. They’ll mix it up some with their mass slaughters. The same ol’ flood thing just gets stale.
And there's the evangelical atheist coming out in you.
As you seem to represent you have some deep understanding of the author’s intent, share that. But first, identify how you know with certainty who the author is and the intent of the author.
Do you read and forget; read and don't understand, or don't read at all?

1. All that scholars postulate is that Genesis--as we know it today--was written by four authors and edited by many more. It was written and edited a couple of hundred years after Moses lived, about five or six thousand years ago, many thousands of years after the flood.

2. Scholarly and rabbinical commentary take into account the languages, cultures, and histories of the time.

I have said--in this thread--all of the above before, some of it more than once.

A question for you: What has God, religion, society, parents--whomever--done to you that has prompted such hatred of God--so much hatred that you will not even both to ponder accounts and testimonies of God's great love for His people. You are determined to hate God. Why is that? One guess I have (and it is only a guess) that someone(s) of faith hurt you so badly you are determined to do all you can to strike back others of faith. You know you can hurt us by denigrating God whom we love. And you delight in this.

I have said before I am from a family of atheists. None of them will ever be found in a religion forum discussing the non-existence of God any more than they would be found in a forum discussing unicorns, leprechauns, or how to turn lead into gold. None of this--including God--matters to them. It is apparent that God matters to you--and matters a lot. Why is that?
Of course, you do realize that "Christian ideology" came on the scene with Christ, right? So it's pointless to yell and scream about things done by the nation of Israel as being "Christian ideology", which means your focus on the Old Testament and total ignoring of the New isn't about "Christian ideology" at all.
Is the OT not a part of Christian ideology?
Never crossed my mind I could ask someone for love. Wonder if things would have been different for me had I stepped up and said, "Mom, will you love me?" Love is there, or it isn't, but love is found in unexpected times, given, unlooked for, by loving people. It is just there without ever asking for it. God's love is beyond even that. My prayer is that I can learn to love like that. Compared to the love of God, not one of us is loved as much as we merit by not even the ones who love us most. I know my ultimate best is insignificant of how any person deserves to be loved.

God's love is pure, overwhelming. And the truly great thing about it is knowing that He loves everyone just as much as He showed me He loves me. That is how I want to love others. Why? Because it is Healing. Motivating. Fusion. It brings wonder to even very dark places.
So then according to you I don't have to want a god's love in order to get it .

So then what does it matter if I worship or not?
Do you read and forget; read and don't understand, or don't read at all?

1. All that scholars postulate is that Genesis--as we know it today--was written by four authors and edited by many more. It was written and edited a couple of hundred years after Moses lived, about five or six thousand years ago, many thousands of years after the flood.

2. Scholarly and rabbinical commentary take into account the languages, cultures, and histories of the time.

I have said--in this thread--all of the above before, some of it more than once.

A question for you: What has God, religion, society, parents--whomever--done to you that has prompted such hatred of God--so much hatred that you will not even both to ponder accounts and testimonies of God's great love for His people. You are determined to hate God. Why is that? One guess I have (and it is only a guess) that someone(s) of faith hurt you so badly you are determined to do all you can to strike back others of faith. You know you can hurt us by denigrating God whom we love. And you delight in this.

I have said before I am from a family of atheists. None of them will ever be found in a religion forum discussing the non-existence of God any more than they would be found in a forum discussing unicorns, leprechauns, or how to turn lead into gold. None of this--including God--matters to them. It is apparent that God matters to you--and matters a lot. Why is that?
Do you not understand that preaching the genesis fable presumes that you’re preaching fables, as noted, “written by four authors and edited by many more. It was written and edited a couple of hundred years after Moses lived, about five or six thousand years ago, many thousands of years after the flood.”

So we agree, a fable written by authors unknown, edited by authors unknown, written hundreds of years after storytelling and legend building would have occurred and yet, you represent anyone is supposed to accept the account as literal history?

Gods don’t matter much to me. Gods seem to matter a great deal to those in proselytizing religions.
Is the OT not a part of Christian ideology?
Do you seriously have no comprehension of how the Early Church dealt with the Mosaic Law? Have you no comprehension at all how the Christian views the Law? Since you obviously don't, you need to educate yourself before opining and acting like an evangelical atheist. At this point, you've done nothing more than pull a few verses out, get all incensed about them, complain that you don't like God's judgements, and totally ignore every explanation and piece of education given you. Since you're not being serious about it, tell us why we should take you seriously?

I can give you a breakdown of how Christ's teachings relate to Mosaic Law, but you give no indication that you actually want to hear it. Matt 7:6. If you have trouble finding it, it's in the latter part of the Bible, you know, that part after the Old Testament ends that you can't seem to locate.

Let us know when you're ready to actually listen to something instead of trying to fight it to the bitter end.
Do you not understand that preaching the genesis fable presumes that you’re preaching fables, as noted, “written by four authors and edited by many more. It was written and edited a couple of hundred years after Moses lived, about five or six thousand years ago, many thousands of years after the flood.”

So we agree, a fable written by authors unknown, edited by authors unknown, written hundreds of years after storytelling and legend building would have occurred and yet, you represent anyone is supposed to accept the account as literal history?

Gods don’t matter much to me. Gods seem to matter a great deal to those in proselytizing religions.
No, your atheistic faith matters a great deal to you. to the point that you are personally insulted that others dare to have faith that you don't. I've noticed that you exclusively argue the Old Testament. Would you care to explain why that is?
Do you seriously have no comprehension of how the Early Church dealt with the Mosaic Law? Have you no comprehension at all how the Christian views the Law? Since you obviously don't, you need to educate yourself before opining and acting like an evangelical atheist. At this point, you've done nothing more than pull a few verses out, get all incensed about them, complain that you don't like God's judgements, and totally ignore every explanation and piece of education given you. Since you're not being serious about it, tell us why we should take you seriously?

I can give you a breakdown of how Christ's teachings relate to Mosaic Law, but you give no indication that you actually want to hear it. Matt 7:6. If you have trouble finding it, it's in the latter part of the Bible, you know, that part after the Old Testament ends that you can't seem to locate.

Let us know when you're ready to actually listen to something instead of trying to fight it to the bitter end.
Well, honestly. It’s the religionists who are getting incensed. Read what you wrote.
So then according to you I don't have to want a god's love in order to get it .
God is love. It is who He is.

So then what does it matter if I worship or not?
You never told me how you relate to 'worship'. I get the impression you simply associate it with 'rite' and it is nothing more to you.

Biblical 'worship' is more about setting priorities. It advises putting God first, above all else. Love Him first and then others as you love yourself. I may have told you. As a child I took this very seriously. I made a list of those I loved...and God was last. Clearly I had some work to do! :) Yes, God has moved up the list since then. For me, I don't think 'worship' has ever been a mere rite. It has always been an opportunity to learn and to build a relationship. It is interaction.

So, when you say even if it were proven to your satisfaction that God exists, I hear you want no interaction at all with a Being who loves and cares about you. God can be shunned because He absolutely honors free will; separation is a choice that will be honored.

I can easily reject gold and diamonds, but it is beyond me to reject God and His love that is present for everyone. Including me.
The perfect meme to make Colin norris look and feel like the ignorant fool he is.
LefTard Logic:
”A godless society is a better society.”
No, your atheistic faith matters a great deal to you. to the point that you are personally insulted that others dare to have faith that you don't. I've noticed that you exclusively argue the Old Testament. Would you care to explain why that is?
Atheism is not a faith. That’s a bit of a stereotypical dig used by religionists.

You have this sense you’re being persecuted yet you don’t understand that this forum is a part of a public discussion board. Did you assume every other participant would agree with you?
God is love. It is who He is.

You never told me how you relate to 'worship'. I get the impression you simply associate it with 'rite' and it is nothing more to you.

Biblical 'worship' is more about setting priorities. It advises putting God first, above all else. Love Him first and then others as you love yourself. I may have told you. As a child I took this very seriously. I made a list of those I loved...and God was last. Clearly I had some work to do! :) Yes, God has moved up the list since then. For me, I don't think 'worship' has ever been a mere rite. It has always been an opportunity to learn and to build a relationship. It is interaction.

So, when you say even if it were proven to your satisfaction that God exists, I hear you want no interaction at all with a Being who loves and cares about you. God can be shunned because He absolutely honors free will; separation is a choice that will be honored.

I can easily reject gold and diamonds, but it is beyond me to reject God and His love that is present for everyone. Including me.
You can't love an idea above all else.

As far as I can tell gods are nothing but ideas in the minds of people.
Well, honestly. It’s the religionists who are getting incensed. Read what you wrote.
Incensed? No, you would know if I was incensed, and I am far from that. I have little patience, however, with your preening and pretending that you're doing anything more significant than simple trolling. You have no intention of discussing anything, you ignore all explanation and education given you, you want to evangelize and you're not even very good at it. Did you even bother to try to find the verse I gave you for reference? You know, the one that's in the part of the Bible you don't read?

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