A bit more of your merciful god.

God's judgement is not arbitrary or random when you take into account how long He tolerates the peoples' wickedness. There will be many Americans who will be stunned and wonder why God is so mad at them when He judges the US.
Exactly. That is what they don't get. But it's because they've probably never read the whole bible, understanding proper context (instead picking out specific verses out of context). And I absolutely agree with what you said about the U.S.
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The Bible refutes, “God is love, and God is merciful and cares about the weak, vulnerable and innocent.”

Do you choose to ignore the actions of the “god of love”?

You didn't answer my question, and you ignored most of my post. I'll repeat it, but this time read it and answer the question. I'll even make it easy for you and bold the question:

The bible says that God is slow to anger. What God doesn't like is evil and injustice. And at that time, the entire world was filled with evil and violence. Also, part of the equation which was going on at that time that most people leave out is the Nephilim. I know this will sound crazy and hard to believe (I've learned that truth is often stranger than fiction) but the Nephilim were not entirely human, they were the result fallen angels who mixed with humans, and that is something else that just about every ancient culture around the world speaks about.

So at that time, everyone was corrupted and there was nothing but violence and killing and evil. Do you disagree with an authority dealing with injustice? Do you think evil, violence and injustice should just be ignored?
Rabbis who read Hebrew (the language of the original story) will tell you that those who know Hebrew are aware that the flood covered earth (dirt on the ground); it did not mention that it covered the planet. This is a classic case where the original Hebrews understood 'earth' as dirt on the ground and modern English readers jumped to the conclusion since it said 'earth' it meant the entire planet.

I suppose Rabbi’s should require a revision to the Bible.

If only Noah and his immediate family survived the flood, does that mean the rest of the planet’s population drowned in ankle deep flood waters?
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And even if a god appeared to me and millions of other people at the same time ( if it was just me I would question my own mental state) to prove to all of us that he did indeed exist I would have to agree that a god did indeed exist but I would not worship it.

Then your knees are smarter than you are:

for it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me,
You didn't answer my question, and you ignored most of my post. I'll repeat it, but this time read it and answer the question. I'll even make it easy for you and bold the question:

The bible says that God is slow to anger. What God doesn't like is evil and injustice. And at that time, the entire world was filled with evil and violence. Also, part of the equation which was going on at that time that most people leave out is the Nephilim. I know this will sound crazy and hard to believe (I've learned that truth is often stranger than fiction) but the Nephilim were not entirely human, they were the result fallen angels who mixed with humans, and that is something else that just about every ancient culture around the world speaks about.

So at that time, everyone was corrupted and there was nothing but violence and killing and evil. Do you disagree with an authority dealing with injustice? Do you think evil, violence and injustice should just be ignored?
Justice in biblical terms - mass slaughter, eternal torture is not everyone’s idea of justice.

What justice was served by your god drowning all those little Johnny’s and Janey’s?
There are lots of competing gods to look for. What separates yours from the others?
I believe in one God. If you are uncertain, you might try returning to how ancients called God. For example, God of Isaac, Jacob, Abraham. Try addressing "God of Hollie" if you think there are a multitude.

Jesus called God, "Abba" which is why it is my preference.
why did the jews crucify the religious itinerant ... especially if they did not believe in "original" sin, seems the motive would belie the c bible. for both.

They didn't understand most of what Jesus spoke to them. The motive was fear of the groundswell of people that followed Him. He was anti pharisee. They wanted to nip that shit in the bud.
I suppose Rabbi’s should require a revision to the Bible.
Why would Rabbis wish to bother with King James or Christianity for that matter? They study Tanakh, Torah, and other Hebrew writings. King James was content with the flood covering the planet.
Justice in biblical terms - mass slaughter, eternal torture is not everyone’s idea of justice.

What justice was served by your god drowning all those little Johnny’s and Janey’s?

Again, you're ignoring the context. You're making it into something it was not. It was not innocent people arbitrarily wiped out by God. The context was there was nothing but evil continually and rampant violence (again, look into the Nephilim, they had spread to all creation at that time), so again, should an authority deal with evil and injustice and violence, or just ignore it? You still haven't answered that question.

I don't know what you mean by Johnnys and Janeys, but even if there were any innocent human children at that time (it doesn't say that) babies and small children who die go straight to heaven. So they would be spared the wicked evil world of that time, and be taken to a place where there is no death, no evil, no suffering. Is that something a big old meanie God would do?
Justice in biblical terms - mass slaughter, eternal torture is not everyone’s idea of justice.

What justice was served by your god drowning all those little Johnny’s and Janey’s?

Funny how you pick and choose what you believe. If there was no God, then how did he slaughter anyone? You can't have it both ways.
And again, to your inability to understand, you have Johnny and Janey confused with Goliath and Goliath. If God didn't wipe out the Nephilim, then there would be no humans today...

(Johnny's and Janey's what? You have them showing possession with that ' ) :)
God does not punish those who repent and seek Him. A great Biblical scholar such as yourself will remember Jonah, who got ticked off because he went through so much drama and trauma, only to see the people he preached to repent and be spared God's judgement. He wanted to see fireworks destroy a wicked people and got nothing. Obviously, no one at the time of the flood was interested in repentance, and the Bible described them as such.

Haha, so true! Jonah was actually mad because in his mind God was TOO merciful and didn't give Ninevah the judgement he felt they deserved.

In fact, what a lot of people ignore is that God's mercy was not only for the people of Ninevah but the animals as well. I love that story and I think it's funny when humans think they know better than God, and btw that is exactly what we see here on this thread in a few of the posters.
I believe in one God. If you are uncertain, you might try returning to how ancients called God. For example, God of Isaac, Jacob, Abraham. Try addressing "God of Hollie" if you think there are a multitude.

Jesus called God, "Abba" which is why it is my preference.
You may believe in one God but there are thousands of conceptions of gods. Not just by coincidence, your God is the geographically, culturally appropriate God for this portion of the globe. Other portions have similarly geographically, culturally appropriate gods.

Shirley, just a coincidence.
Funny how you pick and choose what you believe. If there was no God, then how did he slaughter anyone? You can't have it both ways.
And again, to your inability to understand, you have Johnny and Janey confused with Goliath and Goliath. If God didn't wipe out the Nephilim, then there would be no humans today...

(Johnny's and Janey's what? You have them showing possession with that ' ) :)

THANK YOU!!!! Ah, finally, someone putting things into perspective.
Exactly. That is what they don't get. But it's probably because they've probably never read the whole bible, understanding proper context (instead picking out specific verses out of context). And I absolutely agree with what you said about the U.S.
I'm astounded at how often my own pre-conceived opinions are altered when I look at the bigger picture. There's a whole story about the Wise Men in the Christmas story I never considered until it was pointed out to me. I would love to share it, but don't want to divert too far from the thread.
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Funny how you pick and choose what you believe. If there was no God, then how did he slaughter anyone? You can't have it both ways.
And again, to your inability to understand, you have Johnny and Janey confused with Goliath and Goliath. If God didn't wipe out the Nephilim, then there would be no humans today...

(Johnny's and Janey's what? You have them showing possession with that ' ) :)
Well, that's the point. There was no mass godly slaughter a mere 4,000 years ago.

Speaking of pick and choose, is the flood fable literal fact or not? If yes, how do you account for a young earth? If not, what other parts of the Bible do you hand-wave off as myth and legend?
Haha, so true! Jonah was actually mad because in his mind God was TOO merciful and didn't give Ninevah the judgement he felt they deserved.

In fact, what a lot of people ignore is that God's mercy was not only for the people of Ninevah but the animals as well. I love that story and I think it's funny when humans think they know better than God, and btw that is exactly what we see here on this thread in a few of the posters.
Consider as well that most of the same people self-righteously condemning God for passing judgement on people after decades or centuries of evil have no problem with the US and other nations utterly destroying countries, killing millions of civilians, including children, in order to stop evil that had been in action for what, 5 years? And that happened less than 100 years ago. Somehow, we see that as righteous while finding God's judgement to be less than righteous. What we fail to take into account is how evil those being judged really were. If modern Nazis were evil enough to justify the Dresden bombing and the nuking of Japan, why do we find God's judgement to be unjustified?
Okay, so how often do you pray to Zig Ziglar and spend time meditating on and with him?

None at all, but I did put a guy in the Marine Corps that worshiped Ares, so does that make Ares a real god?
Why would Rabbis wish to bother with King James or Christianity for that matter? They study Tanakh, Torah, and other Hebrew writings. King James was content with the flood covering the planet.
So then yes? Most ot the planet's population, most of that population never being aware of Christian ideology and unaware of the impending godly flood drowned in ankle deep water?
Consider as well that most of the same people self-righteously condemning God for passing judgement on people after decades or centuries of evil have no problem with the US and other nations utterly destroying countries, killing millions of civilians, including children, in order to stop evil that had been in action for what, 5 years? And that happened less than 100 years ago. Somehow, we see that as righteous while finding God's judgement to be less than righteous. What we fail to take into account is how evil those being judged really were.

Most people like to think that a being worthy of worship is held to higher standards than us mere mortals

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