A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead

A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

The store clerk absolutely should be found guilty. Second degree murder fits for sure. I never read where the clerk's life was in danger in any way shape or form. The proper course of action was to call the police and hopefully arrest the teen. But seriously? I can't believe anyone would condone this action. I agree the illegal who shot the girl in San Fran should be behind bars. But that doesn't mean we go shooting people for stealing a beer.
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.

Anwar Ghazali was convicted of second-degree murder after a four-day trial, Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich said Friday.

"This defendant took it upon himself to be the judge and jury and the executioner over a $2 beer," prosecutor Lora Fowler said, according to CNN affiliate WMC.

The shooting happened in March 2018, after Dorian Harris walked out of the Top Stop Shop with a beer without paying, Weirich said.

Security video of the incident played in court shows that Ghazali, while behind the counter dealing with another customer, pulled out a handgun and pointed it at Harris. He then ran outside to follow the teen and fired several times.

Afterward, he returned to the store and told a witness, "I think I shot him." He did not call the police, and neither did any other customer inside the store, WMC reported.

Harris was shot at least three times and was left to bleed out, Fowler said. His body was found two days later in a yard near the store with gunshots in the back of his thigh, Weirich said.

Ghazali's defense attorney, Blake Ballin, told CNN in an email that Ghazali maintains he acted recklessly that night but his intention was never to harm Harris.

He said they were pleased that the jury rejected the prosecution's argument that this was a calculated and premeditated murder motivated by the theft of a beer. That would have come with a potential life sentence.

Ghazali is expected to be sentenced on September 23.

Read more at msn.com


2 lessons learned here...Dorian will never steal another beer, nor will he ever taste a cold one again.....2nd lesson, I have found a new respect for the hard working Muslim man that tried to do the RIGHT THING and was fucked by the system....Years ago Anwar would have been given the citizen of the month award ..... what a shame!
And your point is ... what ... ? stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
How about you act like a black thug expect the worst from a righteous muslim....who wasn't afraid to confront a thief, nor worry about being called racist by a shit like you...I know, you didn't call him racist...but you would have if Anwar was white....so predictable
And the murderer is face 60 years in prison.

and you didn't answer the question... you think stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
Of course....you kill enough thieves your thief problem will disappear....logic, you seem to be missing it!
Hmmmm....so you support bringing back the death penalty for things like theft........Death Penalty for any theft of $2.00 or more?
Most teens go thru a shoplifting stage....and many college towns have issues with college kids grabbing beer and running out. Maybe when a few of our "law and order" posters have a teen that gets shot for either shoplifting a soda or the clerk just thinks they are shoplifting.........well, there is Karma.
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.

Anwar Ghazali was convicted of second-degree murder after a four-day trial, Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich said Friday.

"This defendant took it upon himself to be the judge and jury and the executioner over a $2 beer," prosecutor Lora Fowler said, according to CNN affiliate WMC.

The shooting happened in March 2018, after Dorian Harris walked out of the Top Stop Shop with a beer without paying, Weirich said.

Security video of the incident played in court shows that Ghazali, while behind the counter dealing with another customer, pulled out a handgun and pointed it at Harris. He then ran outside to follow the teen and fired several times.

Afterward, he returned to the store and told a witness, "I think I shot him." He did not call the police, and neither did any other customer inside the store, WMC reported.

Harris was shot at least three times and was left to bleed out, Fowler said. His body was found two days later in a yard near the store with gunshots in the back of his thigh, Weirich said.

Ghazali's defense attorney, Blake Ballin, told CNN in an email that Ghazali maintains he acted recklessly that night but his intention was never to harm Harris.

He said they were pleased that the jury rejected the prosecution's argument that this was a calculated and premeditated murder motivated by the theft of a beer. That would have come with a potential life sentence.

Ghazali is expected to be sentenced on September 23.

Read more at msn.com


2 lessons learned here...Dorian will never steal another beer, nor will he ever taste a cold one again.....2nd lesson, I have found a new respect for the hard working Muslim man that tried to do the RIGHT THING and was fucked by the system....Years ago Anwar would have been given the citizen of the month award ..... what a shame!
And your point is ... what ... ? stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
How about you act like a black thug expect the worst from a righteous muslim....who wasn't afraid to confront a thief, nor worry about being called racist by a shit like you...I know, you didn't call him racist...but you would have if Anwar was white....so predictable
And the murderer is face 60 years in prison.

and you didn't answer the question... you think stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
Of course....you kill enough thieves your thief problem will disappear....logic, you seem to be missing it!
Hmmmm....so you support bringing back the death penalty for things like theft........Death Penalty for any theft of $2.00 or more?
I'd be happy with public flogging, but you'd cry over that.
I dont think it is very Christian of a teen who is under age to drink beer, steals a beer. Is that very Christian of him? Also is it Christian of an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times, shoots and kills a young girl who didnt rob anyone but dies in her fathers arms? Boy you guys are such fucking hypocrites.

Who’s “you guys”?

My point has zero to do with the faith or lack of faith by either the thief or the clerk.

It has to do with the people who support the murder of a person who is running away and not posing a threat to anyone.

What the clerk did was wrong. It was murder. It’s not debatable.
It has to do with people who think that because some person has something, the other person should be able to take it without any consequences. Again if the shit fuck criminal didnt steal the beer, he would be alive today.
I know people who think just that way. They post memes about not snitching on shoplifters on FB and everything. Totally immoral individuals who should be deported to the commie shitholes of their choice.

Timmy Geithner said that there were bankers that had broken our financial laws but it would have been bad for economy to prosecute them.

I should be upset at someone stealing a beer when people were allowed to steal millions?

I should be upset at someone stealing a beer when people were allowed to steal millions?

So it is OK to wipe out small business because Omar and Rangel commit Tax Fraud?
Don't forget 'Rev' Al Sharpton. That race whore/race pornographer owes the tax dept AKA YOU! over 3 million bucks.
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.

Anwar Ghazali was convicted of second-degree murder after a four-day trial, Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich said Friday.

"This defendant took it upon himself to be the judge and jury and the executioner over a $2 beer," prosecutor Lora Fowler said, according to CNN affiliate WMC.

The shooting happened in March 2018, after Dorian Harris walked out of the Top Stop Shop with a beer without paying, Weirich said.

Security video of the incident played in court shows that Ghazali, while behind the counter dealing with another customer, pulled out a handgun and pointed it at Harris. He then ran outside to follow the teen and fired several times.

Afterward, he returned to the store and told a witness, "I think I shot him." He did not call the police, and neither did any other customer inside the store, WMC reported.

Harris was shot at least three times and was left to bleed out, Fowler said. His body was found two days later in a yard near the store with gunshots in the back of his thigh, Weirich said.

Ghazali's defense attorney, Blake Ballin, told CNN in an email that Ghazali maintains he acted recklessly that night but his intention was never to harm Harris.

He said they were pleased that the jury rejected the prosecution's argument that this was a calculated and premeditated murder motivated by the theft of a beer. That would have come with a potential life sentence.

Ghazali is expected to be sentenced on September 23.

Read more at msn.com


2 lessons learned here...Dorian will never steal another beer, nor will he ever taste a cold one again.....2nd lesson, I have found a new respect for the hard working Muslim man that tried to do the RIGHT THING and was fucked by the system....Years ago Anwar would have been given the citizen of the month award ..... what a shame!
And your point is ... what ... ? stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
How about you act like a black thug expect the worst from a righteous muslim....who wasn't afraid to confront a thief, nor worry about being called racist by a shit like you...I know, you didn't call him racist...but you would have if Anwar was white....so predictable
And the murderer is face 60 years in prison.

and you didn't answer the question... you think stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
Of course....you kill enough thieves your thief problem will disappear....logic, you seem to be missing it!
Hmmmm....so you support bringing back the death penalty for things like theft........Death Penalty for any theft of $2.00 or more?
$2 or $2 million...theft is theft!....Dont want to die do nothing wrong....easy lesson except for liberals to learn!
A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

The store clerk absolutely should be found guilty. Second degree murder fits for sure. I never read where the clerk's life was in danger in any way shape or form. The proper course of action was to call the police and hopefully arrest the teen. But seriously? I can't believe anyone would condone this action. I agree the illegal who shot the girl in San Fran should be behind bars. But that doesn't mean we go shooting people for stealing a beer.
Of course if the stupid twit didnt steal the beer for his welfare parents or worse for himself, that twit would be alive today. Nope I dont feel sorry for idiots see picture about the man pulling the lions tail. You put yourself in a compromising situation, it just might kill ya.
Most teens go thru a shoplifting stage....and many college towns have issues with college kids grabbing beer and running out. Maybe when a few of our "law and order" posters have a teen that gets shot for either shoplifting a soda or the clerk just thinks they are shoplifting.........well, there is Karma.
Yeah, they go through a shoplifting phase and when not caught or caught and not punished, they move to the next level of crime. Why else do shit fucks like worthless liberals have a rap sheet a mile long? A rabid dog needs to be put down, criminals fall into the rabid dog category. Most liberals are like rabid dogs in waiting.
A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

The store clerk absolutely should be found guilty. Second degree murder fits for sure. I never read where the clerk's life was in danger in any way shape or form. The proper course of action was to call the police and hopefully arrest the teen. But seriously? I can't believe anyone would condone this action. I agree the illegal who shot the girl in San Fran should be behind bars. But that doesn't mean we go shooting people for stealing a beer.
Of course if the stupid twit didnt steal the beer for his welfare parents or worse for himself, that twit would be alive today. Nope I dont feel sorry for idiots see picture about the man pulling the lions tail. You put yourself in a compromising situation, it just might kill ya.

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I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

major difference. The undocumented immigrant who shot that lady did it by accident after someone else left a gun lying around.

This racist thug shot a child for a petty offense.

Hang him high!
So an incompetent government employee leaves his gun on the ground, an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times, who found the gun just happened to have it fire in his hand thus killing an innocent girl. I really hate you fuckers who allow such criminals to walk free, and a law abiding citizen now is going to be punished for shooting a criminal in the leg.

Illegal Alien, Deported 5 Times, Murders San Francisco Woman
On Friday, ICE revealed their records indicate the individual has been previously deported five times, most recently in 2009, and is from Mexico.

"His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges," ICE said in a statement.
Yeah, you liberals, sure do love your criminals, and then wonder why we normal people hate your fucking guts.

The store clerk committed murder, jackass!
Most teens go thru a shoplifting stage....and many college towns have issues with college kids grabbing beer and running out. Maybe when a few of our "law and order" posters have a teen that gets shot for either shoplifting a soda or the clerk just thinks they are shoplifting.........well, there is Karma.
I agree with most of this, exception being the "most teens" claim. Many, a large minority, most definitel yes....but not most.
A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

The store clerk absolutely should be found guilty. Second degree murder fits for sure. I never read where the clerk's life was in danger in any way shape or form. The proper course of action was to call the police and hopefully arrest the teen. But seriously? I can't believe anyone would condone this action. I agree the illegal who shot the girl in San Fran should be behind bars. But that doesn't mean we go shooting people for stealing a beer.
Yeah well..this is the Internet. So I would assume at least half of the tough talk you're reading is just trolling and hyperbole driven by a desire to never agree with those we have decided are "the other".

Aside from some real nutcases, nobody here actually believes shooting the guy was the right thing to do. They're looking to rustle jimmies.
I used to do beer runs with friends as a teen. Rule number one was always hit supermarkets, not convenience stores...especially the family owned kind. Not because we cared about small businesses over large corporations, but because those dudes had guns or some kind of weapon and skin in the game....some worker bee at Fry's or Safeway doesn't get paid enough to chase you over it. They definitely don't have guns.

Kids nowadays have no guidance in anything, even when it comes to committing crimes.
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And your point is ... what ... ? stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
How about you act like a black thug expect the worst from a righteous muslim....who wasn't afraid to confront a thief, nor worry about being called racist by a shit like you...I know, you didn't call him racist...but you would have if Anwar was white....so predictable
And the murderer is face 60 years in prison.

and you didn't answer the question... you think stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
Of course....you kill enough thieves your thief problem will disappear....logic, you seem to be missing it!
Hmmmm....so you support bringing back the death penalty for things like theft........Death Penalty for any theft of $2.00 or more?
I'd be happy with public flogging, but you'd cry over that.
So CRCs can get "off" on watching someone getting whipped? Kinky!
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

major difference. The undocumented immigrant who shot that lady did it by accident after someone else left a gun lying around.

This racist thug shot a child for a petty offense.

Hang him high!
So an incompetent government employee leaves his gun on the ground, an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times, who found the gun just happened to have it fire in his hand thus killing an innocent girl. I really hate you fuckers who allow such criminals to walk free, and a law abiding citizen now is going to be punished for shooting a criminal in the leg.

Illegal Alien, Deported 5 Times, Murders San Francisco Woman
On Friday, ICE revealed their records indicate the individual has been previously deported five times, most recently in 2009, and is from Mexico.

"His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges," ICE said in a statement.
Yeah, you liberals, sure do love your criminals, and then wonder why we normal people hate your fucking guts.

The store clerk committed murder, jackass!

NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice
I used to do beer runs with friends as a teen. Rule number one was always hit supermarkets, not convenience stores...especially the family owned kind. Not because we cared about small businesses over large corporations, but because those dudes had guns or some kind of weapon and skin in the game....some worker bee at Fry's or Safeway doesn't get paid enough to chase you over it.

Kids nowadays have no guidance in anything, even when it comes to committing crimes.
I remember standing Girl Scout cookie duty with my daughter's troop back in the day at a grocery store near the local college....I don't know how many times we'd watch some young (19-21 year old) guy come running out with a six pack....without paying. I always wished I was faster on the mark and could stick a leg out.
A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

The store clerk absolutely should be found guilty. Second degree murder fits for sure. I never read where the clerk's life was in danger in any way shape or form. The proper course of action was to call the police and hopefully arrest the teen. But seriously? I can't believe anyone would condone this action. I agree the illegal who shot the girl in San Fran should be behind bars. But that doesn't mean we go shooting people for stealing a beer.
Yeah well..this is the Internet. So I would assume at least half of the tough talk you're reading is just trolling and hyperbole driven by a desire to never agree with those we have decided are "the other".

Aside from some real nutcases, nobody here actually believes shooting the guy was the right thing to do. They're looking to rustle jimmies.
Don't be so sure....we've had at least 3 confirmed members here who committed shootings (abortion clinic in Colorado, the Holocaust Museum in D.C. and another one I can't remember atm)....and who knows if any of those 4 arrested this last week posted here....would not surprise me.
I used to do beer runs with friends as a teen. Rule number one was always hit supermarkets, not convenience stores...especially the family owned kind. Not because we cared about small businesses over large corporations, but because those dudes had guns or some kind of weapon and skin in the game....some worker bee at Fry's or Safeway doesn't get paid enough to chase you over it.

Kids nowadays have no guidance in anything, even when it comes to committing crimes.
I remember standing Girl Scout cookie duty with my daughter's troop back in the day at a grocery store near the local college....I don't know how many times we'd watch some young (19-21 year old) guy come running out with a six pack....without paying. I always wished I was faster on the mark and could stick a leg out.
I would have deserved it.

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