A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead

a double tragedy
One of the few stories where it could happen to anyone's kid out there trying to impress friends with their bravery and gain status by providing party goods.

I joked about it early in the thread, but it really is a sad situation.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is older he will not depart from it.

I have seen more than once a certain minority blatantly stealing. Not that long ago I witnessed a lady of that minority persuasion fill up a shopping cart with some very expensive items and just stroll away with it. The clerk just watched her go. Said nothing.

I think most now will not blame someone stealing food if they are hungry.

In October 1973, the Civil Rights Division filed a lawsuit against Trump Management Company, Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump, alleging that African-Americans and Puerto Ricans were systematically excluded from apartments.

Raise them right.

FBI releases files on Trump apartments' race discrimination probe in '70s
The store clerk absolutely should be found guilty. Second degree murder fits for sure. I never read where the clerk's life was in danger in any way shape or form. The proper course of action was to call the police and hopefully arrest the teen. But seriously? I can't believe anyone would condone this action. I agree the illegal who shot the girl in San Fran should be behind bars. But that doesn't mean we go shooting people for stealing a beer.
Yeah well..this is the Internet. So I would assume at least half of the tough talk you're reading is just trolling and hyperbole driven by a desire to never agree with those we have decided are "the other".

Aside from some real nutcases, nobody here actually believes shooting the guy was the right thing to do. They're looking to rustle jimmies.

Your analysis fails to understand what really drives the sympathy for store clerk.

Liberals simply do not get it.
I have sympathy for the clerk, maybe he has lost so much money from shoplifting it drove him to his breaking point...I am guessing that is what happened. Don't assume someone is a liberal because they don't toe the hard line you are toeing. As a human being, I believe shooting someone over a stolen beer is absolutely wrong. It's not a political matter to me. It's a humanity issue.

Most have no clue regarding how much a certain minority shoplifts. They feel they are entitled to do that.
Male college students....
Then the colleges are failing their students because of the Socialist agenda of those colleges. Next....
A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

The store clerk absolutely should be found guilty. Second degree murder fits for sure. I never read where the clerk's life was in danger in any way shape or form. The proper course of action was to call the police and hopefully arrest the teen. But seriously? I can't believe anyone would condone this action. I agree the illegal who shot the girl in San Fran should be behind bars. But that doesn't mean we go shooting people for stealing a beer.
Of course if the stupid twit didnt steal the beer for his welfare parents or worse for himself, that twit would be alive today. Nope I dont feel sorry for idiots see picture about the man pulling the lions tail. You put yourself in a compromising situation, it just might kill ya.

Anwar Ghazali was convicted of second-degree murder. Second degree murder in Tennessee is a Class A felony punishable by 15-60 years in prison and a fine not more than $50,000. Does Anwar think it was worth it now? I'm sure Big Bubba who might be sharing a cell with Anwar is happy about it. Who's pulling the Lion's tail in your analogy, the teen who got shot or Anwar?
So an illegal who shot and killed a US woman gets to walk free, while this Muslim gets to spend the rest of his life in jail. Talk about justice for all, with you islamophobes hating on a Muslim just trying to make a living.
The key lesson we should learn from this is multiculturalism is stupid and not a strength.

But nobody will learn.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

major difference. The undocumented immigrant who shot that lady did it by accident after someone else left a gun lying around.

This racist thug shot a child for a petty offense.

Hang him high!
So an incompetent government employee leaves his gun on the ground, an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times, who found the gun just happened to have it fire in his hand thus killing an innocent girl. I really hate you fuckers who allow such criminals to walk free, and a law abiding citizen now is going to be punished for shooting a criminal in the leg.

Illegal Alien, Deported 5 Times, Murders San Francisco Woman
On Friday, ICE revealed their records indicate the individual has been previously deported five times, most recently in 2009, and is from Mexico.

"His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges," ICE said in a statement.
Yeah, you liberals, sure do love your criminals, and then wonder why we normal people hate your fucking guts.

The store clerk committed murder, jackass!

NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice
There was premeditation. That was when he went chasing the teen down the block to shoot him.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

major difference. The undocumented immigrant who shot that lady did it by accident after someone else left a gun lying around.

This racist thug shot a child for a petty offense.

Hang him high!
So an incompetent government employee leaves his gun on the ground, an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times, who found the gun just happened to have it fire in his hand thus killing an innocent girl. I really hate you fuckers who allow such criminals to walk free, and a law abiding citizen now is going to be punished for shooting a criminal in the leg.

Illegal Alien, Deported 5 Times, Murders San Francisco Woman
On Friday, ICE revealed their records indicate the individual has been previously deported five times, most recently in 2009, and is from Mexico.

"His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges," ICE said in a statement.
Yeah, you liberals, sure do love your criminals, and then wonder why we normal people hate your fucking guts.

The store clerk committed murder, jackass!

NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice
There was premeditation. That was when he went chasing the teen down the block to shoot him.
Of course it all could of been avoided if the dumbass "black" teen didnt feel obligated to "STEAL" something that was illegal for him even to drink.
major difference. The undocumented immigrant who shot that lady did it by accident after someone else left a gun lying around.

This racist thug shot a child for a petty offense.

Hang him high!
So an incompetent government employee leaves his gun on the ground, an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times, who found the gun just happened to have it fire in his hand thus killing an innocent girl. I really hate you fuckers who allow such criminals to walk free, and a law abiding citizen now is going to be punished for shooting a criminal in the leg.

Illegal Alien, Deported 5 Times, Murders San Francisco Woman
On Friday, ICE revealed their records indicate the individual has been previously deported five times, most recently in 2009, and is from Mexico.

"His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges," ICE said in a statement.
Yeah, you liberals, sure do love your criminals, and then wonder why we normal people hate your fucking guts.

The store clerk committed murder, jackass!

NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice

Bottom line, asshole, is that a kid is dead as a result of an illegal act by the clerk.

Legal definitions aside, the motherfucker murdered someone over a beer.

Go fuck yourself for thinking that’s okay.

He was a thug plain and simple. Bleeding heart liberals created the reality that thugs feel like they are entitled to steal. You and your ilk have blood on your hands.

Not even to mention how you and your group promote allowing muslims to come here with their alien religion and cultural practices of punishing thieves in a very effective manner.

Bottom line a thug is dead and most could not care less.
"He was a thug plain and simple."

Oh? What other crimes did he commit?
major difference. The undocumented immigrant who shot that lady did it by accident after someone else left a gun lying around.

This racist thug shot a child for a petty offense.

Hang him high!
So an incompetent government employee leaves his gun on the ground, an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times, who found the gun just happened to have it fire in his hand thus killing an innocent girl. I really hate you fuckers who allow such criminals to walk free, and a law abiding citizen now is going to be punished for shooting a criminal in the leg.

Illegal Alien, Deported 5 Times, Murders San Francisco Woman
On Friday, ICE revealed their records indicate the individual has been previously deported five times, most recently in 2009, and is from Mexico.

"His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges," ICE said in a statement.
Yeah, you liberals, sure do love your criminals, and then wonder why we normal people hate your fucking guts.

The store clerk committed murder, jackass!

NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice
There was premeditation. That was when he went chasing the teen down the block to shoot him.
Of course it all could of been avoided if the dumbass "black" teen didnt feel obligated to "STEAL" something that was illegal for him even to drink.
So? Stealing a beer still does not justify murder.
If death is the proper penalty for stealing a beer, what should the penalty be for multi million dollar fraud?
Obama with his drone strikes on brown people.

But I digest...

The guy stole, it was wrong.
The shop owner killed the guy, it was wrong.

The shop owner faced justice.

This is a sad story and the whole thing could have been avoided had the thief not stolen in the first place.


Got it, Faun? Stop lying. It’s like you are autistic.
"Got it, Faun? Stop lying. It’s like you are autistic."

What have I said regarding this that you haven't?

You said the conservatives think it’s ok to get the death penalty for stealing a beer, or words to that effect.

You know what you posted. Now you are going to lie about that? :113:
I'm not lying -- you're just stupid. Here, found in just the first dozen pages...

I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party

9 righties agree

Want to live? Want to grow old enough to legally purchase alcohol? Don't Steal.

8 righties agree

Once again, actions have consequences, that teen who didnt get aborted will never get to move to the next step of crime which would be car theft, then rape, then murder. I am glad it stopped now

2 righties agree

Let the kid get away with it. He will be back. Then in fear for your life pop him right between the eyes instead of in the back.

1 rightie agrees

2 lessons learned here...Dorian will never steal another beer, nor will he ever taste a cold one again.....2nd lesson, I have found a new respect for the hard working Muslim man that tried to do the RIGHT THING and was fucked by the system....Years ago Anwar would have been given the citizen of the month award ..... what a shame!

2 righties agree

you think stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
Of course....you kill enough thieves your thief problem will disappear....logic, you seem to be missing it!

1 rightie agrees

And you are a coward and racist with Islamophobia against that poor Muslim man doing the right thing!

0 righties agree

The clerk will get time served and probation...........and the 'Employee Of The Month' award.........if I owned the store.

1 rightie agrees

The clerk did exactly what he should have. Incarceration does not work as either punishment or deterrent for future acts.

0 righties agree​

You are saying two different things. When you say 'death penalty', you are talking about a judgement in the court of law. I have no interest in changing the laws, so that taking a pack of bubble gum, results in a guillotine.

What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them.

And here is the real irony between us on the right, and you people on the left. Between the two of us, we care more about lives, than you do.

Image for a moment, a world where as long as you are running away, no one can touch you. Where you can commit any crime at all, and as long as you are fleeing, you are effectively untouchable by the world.

Crime would be rampant in such a world. Murder would be common. Deaths at the hands of the police would happen all the time, because criminals would be openly willing to confront police, when they believe they have the right to resist arrest without consequences.

But of course we don't have to imagine such a world... we're living in it right now, with some of the highest murder rates in a 1st world country, where criminal die at the hand of police all the time.

You know what country follows our system? Singapore. Did you know that in a city of 5.6 Million people, that they only recorded 2 murders last year?

Why? Because capital punishment is heavily enforced, including drug offenses.

The result is, far fewer people die, because they simply don't murder, rape, or engage in the drug culture. That's fewer criminals to, because the criminals do not resist police.

By the way, we used to have that too in our country. You go back to the 1930s, and if a police officer caught you, you just surrendered.

So between you and me.... you are the one that wants more dead people, with your bad policies. Not me.
I'm not talking about a court ruled death penalty. I'm talking about a vigilante imposed death penalty. Which is what this thread is about. I did mention lethal injection and electric chair, but that was meant as a metaphor for mowing down a beer thief.

"What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them."

That's not what happened here. In this case, the beer thief was out the door in seconds. The store owner didn't try to stop him. In a fit of vindictive revenge, the store owner grabbed his gun and ran out of his own store to chase that kid down and shoot him. Which he did. Then didn't even bother to call 911 even though he knew he shit him. He's getting what he deserves.

Don't steal. That is my answer. Don't steal.
I'm on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on?
So an incompetent government employee leaves his gun on the ground, an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times, who found the gun just happened to have it fire in his hand thus killing an innocent girl. I really hate you fuckers who allow such criminals to walk free, and a law abiding citizen now is going to be punished for shooting a criminal in the leg.

Illegal Alien, Deported 5 Times, Murders San Francisco Woman Yeah, you liberals, sure do love your criminals, and then wonder why we normal people hate your fucking guts.

The store clerk committed murder, jackass!

NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice
There was premeditation. That was when he went chasing the teen down the block to shoot him.
Of course it all could of been avoided if the dumbass "black" teen didnt feel obligated to "STEAL" something that was illegal for him even to drink.
So? Stealing a beer still does not justify murder.

It's not murder to stop a crime.

You are acting like what he stole matters. It does not. The crime is theft, and yes, if you are in the process of being victimized and you tell someone to stop, and they don't... then I have no sympathy. Don't steal.

I'm on the side of the victims of a crime. Whose side are you on?
So an incompetent government employee leaves his gun on the ground, an illegal alien who has been deported 5 times, who found the gun just happened to have it fire in his hand thus killing an innocent girl. I really hate you fuckers who allow such criminals to walk free, and a law abiding citizen now is going to be punished for shooting a criminal in the leg.

Illegal Alien, Deported 5 Times, Murders San Francisco Woman Yeah, you liberals, sure do love your criminals, and then wonder why we normal people hate your fucking guts.

The store clerk committed murder, jackass!

NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice
There was premeditation. That was when he went chasing the teen down the block to shoot him.
Of course it all could of been avoided if the dumbass "black" teen didnt feel obligated to "STEAL" something that was illegal for him even to drink.
So? Stealing a beer still does not justify murder.
So you hate Muslims, right?
"Got it, Faun? Stop lying. It’s like you are autistic."

What have I said regarding this that you haven't?

You said the conservatives think it’s ok to get the death penalty for stealing a beer, or words to that effect.

You know what you posted. Now you are going to lie about that? :113:
I'm not lying -- you're just stupid. Here, found in just the first dozen pages...

I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party

9 righties agree

Want to live? Want to grow old enough to legally purchase alcohol? Don't Steal.

8 righties agree

Once again, actions have consequences, that teen who didnt get aborted will never get to move to the next step of crime which would be car theft, then rape, then murder. I am glad it stopped now

2 righties agree

Let the kid get away with it. He will be back. Then in fear for your life pop him right between the eyes instead of in the back.

1 rightie agrees

2 lessons learned here...Dorian will never steal another beer, nor will he ever taste a cold one again.....2nd lesson, I have found a new respect for the hard working Muslim man that tried to do the RIGHT THING and was fucked by the system....Years ago Anwar would have been given the citizen of the month award ..... what a shame!

2 righties agree

you think stealing a beer should result in a death penalty?
Of course....you kill enough thieves your thief problem will disappear....logic, you seem to be missing it!

1 rightie agrees

And you are a coward and racist with Islamophobia against that poor Muslim man doing the right thing!

0 righties agree

The clerk will get time served and probation...........and the 'Employee Of The Month' award.........if I owned the store.

1 rightie agrees

The clerk did exactly what he should have. Incarceration does not work as either punishment or deterrent for future acts.

0 righties agree​

You are saying two different things. When you say 'death penalty', you are talking about a judgement in the court of law. I have no interest in changing the laws, so that taking a pack of bubble gum, results in a guillotine.

What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them.

And here is the real irony between us on the right, and you people on the left. Between the two of us, we care more about lives, than you do.

Image for a moment, a world where as long as you are running away, no one can touch you. Where you can commit any crime at all, and as long as you are fleeing, you are effectively untouchable by the world.

Crime would be rampant in such a world. Murder would be common. Deaths at the hands of the police would happen all the time, because criminals would be openly willing to confront police, when they believe they have the right to resist arrest without consequences.

But of course we don't have to imagine such a world... we're living in it right now, with some of the highest murder rates in a 1st world country, where criminal die at the hand of police all the time.

You know what country follows our system? Singapore. Did you know that in a city of 5.6 Million people, that they only recorded 2 murders last year?

Why? Because capital punishment is heavily enforced, including drug offenses.

The result is, far fewer people die, because they simply don't murder, rape, or engage in the drug culture. That's fewer criminals to, because the criminals do not resist police.

By the way, we used to have that too in our country. You go back to the 1930s, and if a police officer caught you, you just surrendered.

So between you and me.... you are the one that wants more dead people, with your bad policies. Not me.
I'm not talking about a court ruled death penalty. I'm talking about a vigilante imposed death penalty. Which is what this thread is about. I did mention lethal injection and electric chair, but that was meant as a metaphor for mowing down a beer thief.

"What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them."

That's not what happened here. In this case, the beer thief was out the door in seconds. The store owner didn't try to stop him. In a fit of vindictive revenge, the store owner grabbed his gun and ran out of his own store to chase that kid down and shoot him. Which he did. Then didn't even bother to call 911 even though he knew he shit him. He's getting what he deserves.

Don't steal. That is my answer. Don't steal.
I'm on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on?
Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.
The store clerk committed murder, jackass!

NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice
There was premeditation. That was when he went chasing the teen down the block to shoot him.
Of course it all could of been avoided if the dumbass "black" teen didnt feel obligated to "STEAL" something that was illegal for him even to drink.
So? Stealing a beer still does not justify murder.
So you hate Muslims, right?
No. You're just crazy to think I do.
Yeah well..this is the Internet. So I would assume at least half of the tough talk you're reading is just trolling and hyperbole driven by a desire to never agree with those we have decided are "the other".

Aside from some real nutcases, nobody here actually believes shooting the guy was the right thing to do. They're looking to rustle jimmies.

Your analysis fails to understand what really drives the sympathy for store clerk.

Liberals simply do not get it.
I have sympathy for the clerk, maybe he has lost so much money from shoplifting it drove him to his breaking point...I am guessing that is what happened. Don't assume someone is a liberal because they don't toe the hard line you are toeing. As a human being, I believe shooting someone over a stolen beer is absolutely wrong. It's not a political matter to me. It's a humanity issue.

Most have no clue regarding how much a certain minority shoplifts. They feel they are entitled to do that.
Male college students....
Then the colleges are failing their students because of the Socialist agenda of those colleges. Next....
Just the spoiled attitude of today's young male......they like beer........for free.
The store clerk committed murder, jackass!

NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice
There was premeditation. That was when he went chasing the teen down the block to shoot him.
Of course it all could of been avoided if the dumbass "black" teen didnt feel obligated to "STEAL" something that was illegal for him even to drink.
So? Stealing a beer still does not justify murder.

It's not murder to stop a crime.

You are acting like what he stole matters. It does not. The crime is theft, and yes, if you are in the process of being victimized and you tell someone to stop, and they don't... then I have no sympathy. Don't steal.

I'm on the side of the victims of a crime. Whose side are you on?
First of all, the amount one steals does matter in general most states have a dollar amount threshold to differentiate theft from grand theft.

That aside, depending on the state, it's not murder to stop certain crimes, such as a forcible felony. It IS murder in all fifty states to kill someone who's only cri.e is stealing something worth only $2.
You said the conservatives think it’s ok to get the death penalty for stealing a beer, or words to that effect.

You know what you posted. Now you are going to lie about that? :113:
I'm not lying -- you're just stupid. Here, found in just the first dozen pages...

I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party

9 righties agree

Want to live? Want to grow old enough to legally purchase alcohol? Don't Steal.

8 righties agree

Once again, actions have consequences, that teen who didnt get aborted will never get to move to the next step of crime which would be car theft, then rape, then murder. I am glad it stopped now

2 righties agree

Let the kid get away with it. He will be back. Then in fear for your life pop him right between the eyes instead of in the back.

1 rightie agrees

2 lessons learned here...Dorian will never steal another beer, nor will he ever taste a cold one again.....2nd lesson, I have found a new respect for the hard working Muslim man that tried to do the RIGHT THING and was fucked by the system....Years ago Anwar would have been given the citizen of the month award ..... what a shame!

2 righties agree

Of course....you kill enough thieves your thief problem will disappear....logic, you seem to be missing it!

1 rightie agrees

And you are a coward and racist with Islamophobia against that poor Muslim man doing the right thing!

0 righties agree

The clerk will get time served and probation...........and the 'Employee Of The Month' award.........if I owned the store.

1 rightie agrees

The clerk did exactly what he should have. Incarceration does not work as either punishment or deterrent for future acts.

0 righties agree​

You are saying two different things. When you say 'death penalty', you are talking about a judgement in the court of law. I have no interest in changing the laws, so that taking a pack of bubble gum, results in a guillotine.

What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them.

And here is the real irony between us on the right, and you people on the left. Between the two of us, we care more about lives, than you do.

Image for a moment, a world where as long as you are running away, no one can touch you. Where you can commit any crime at all, and as long as you are fleeing, you are effectively untouchable by the world.

Crime would be rampant in such a world. Murder would be common. Deaths at the hands of the police would happen all the time, because criminals would be openly willing to confront police, when they believe they have the right to resist arrest without consequences.

But of course we don't have to imagine such a world... we're living in it right now, with some of the highest murder rates in a 1st world country, where criminal die at the hand of police all the time.

You know what country follows our system? Singapore. Did you know that in a city of 5.6 Million people, that they only recorded 2 murders last year?

Why? Because capital punishment is heavily enforced, including drug offenses.

The result is, far fewer people die, because they simply don't murder, rape, or engage in the drug culture. That's fewer criminals to, because the criminals do not resist police.

By the way, we used to have that too in our country. You go back to the 1930s, and if a police officer caught you, you just surrendered.

So between you and me.... you are the one that wants more dead people, with your bad policies. Not me.
I'm not talking about a court ruled death penalty. I'm talking about a vigilante imposed death penalty. Which is what this thread is about. I did mention lethal injection and electric chair, but that was meant as a metaphor for mowing down a beer thief.

"What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them."

That's not what happened here. In this case, the beer thief was out the door in seconds. The store owner didn't try to stop him. In a fit of vindictive revenge, the store owner grabbed his gun and ran out of his own store to chase that kid down and shoot him. Which he did. Then didn't even bother to call 911 even though he knew he shit him. He's getting what he deserves.

Don't steal. That is my answer. Don't steal.
I'm on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on?
Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.

Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you were even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.
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I'm not lying -- you're just stupid. Here, found in just the first dozen pages...

9 righties agree

8 righties agree

2 righties agree

1 rightie agrees

2 righties agree

1 rightie agrees

0 righties agree

1 rightie agrees

0 righties agree​

You are saying two different things. When you say 'death penalty', you are talking about a judgement in the court of law. I have no interest in changing the laws, so that taking a pack of bubble gum, results in a guillotine.

What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them.

And here is the real irony between us on the right, and you people on the left. Between the two of us, we care more about lives, than you do.

Image for a moment, a world where as long as you are running away, no one can touch you. Where you can commit any crime at all, and as long as you are fleeing, you are effectively untouchable by the world.

Crime would be rampant in such a world. Murder would be common. Deaths at the hands of the police would happen all the time, because criminals would be openly willing to confront police, when they believe they have the right to resist arrest without consequences.

But of course we don't have to imagine such a world... we're living in it right now, with some of the highest murder rates in a 1st world country, where criminal die at the hand of police all the time.

You know what country follows our system? Singapore. Did you know that in a city of 5.6 Million people, that they only recorded 2 murders last year?

Why? Because capital punishment is heavily enforced, including drug offenses.

The result is, far fewer people die, because they simply don't murder, rape, or engage in the drug culture. That's fewer criminals to, because the criminals do not resist police.

By the way, we used to have that too in our country. You go back to the 1930s, and if a police officer caught you, you just surrendered.

So between you and me.... you are the one that wants more dead people, with your bad policies. Not me.
I'm not talking about a court ruled death penalty. I'm talking about a vigilante imposed death penalty. Which is what this thread is about. I did mention lethal injection and electric chair, but that was meant as a metaphor for mowing down a beer thief.

"What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them."

That's not what happened here. In this case, the beer thief was out the door in seconds. The store owner didn't try to stop him. In a fit of vindictive revenge, the store owner grabbed his gun and ran out of his own store to chase that kid down and shoot him. Which he did. Then didn't even bother to call 911 even though he knew he shit him. He's getting what he deserves.

Don't steal. That is my answer. Don't steal.
I'm on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on?
Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.

Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.

What should the punishment for multi million dollar fraud be?
NO dumbass. There would have to be premediation for the legal label of murder to be applicable.

murdered; murdering\ ˈmər-d(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of murder (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice
There was premeditation. That was when he went chasing the teen down the block to shoot him.
Of course it all could of been avoided if the dumbass "black" teen didnt feel obligated to "STEAL" something that was illegal for him even to drink.
So? Stealing a beer still does not justify murder.
So you hate Muslims, right?
No. You're just crazy to think I do.
He is a known Islamaphobe...hiding as a unbigoted liberal piece of shit....Takes the THEIFS side over a decent working muslim....Depolrable!
You are saying two different things. When you say 'death penalty', you are talking about a judgement in the court of law. I have no interest in changing the laws, so that taking a pack of bubble gum, results in a guillotine.

What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them.

And here is the real irony between us on the right, and you people on the left. Between the two of us, we care more about lives, than you do.

Image for a moment, a world where as long as you are running away, no one can touch you. Where you can commit any crime at all, and as long as you are fleeing, you are effectively untouchable by the world.

Crime would be rampant in such a world. Murder would be common. Deaths at the hands of the police would happen all the time, because criminals would be openly willing to confront police, when they believe they have the right to resist arrest without consequences.

But of course we don't have to imagine such a world... we're living in it right now, with some of the highest murder rates in a 1st world country, where criminal die at the hand of police all the time.

You know what country follows our system? Singapore. Did you know that in a city of 5.6 Million people, that they only recorded 2 murders last year?

Why? Because capital punishment is heavily enforced, including drug offenses.

The result is, far fewer people die, because they simply don't murder, rape, or engage in the drug culture. That's fewer criminals to, because the criminals do not resist police.

By the way, we used to have that too in our country. You go back to the 1930s, and if a police officer caught you, you just surrendered.

So between you and me.... you are the one that wants more dead people, with your bad policies. Not me.
I'm not talking about a court ruled death penalty. I'm talking about a vigilante imposed death penalty. Which is what this thread is about. I did mention lethal injection and electric chair, but that was meant as a metaphor for mowing down a beer thief.

"What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them."

That's not what happened here. In this case, the beer thief was out the door in seconds. The store owner didn't try to stop him. In a fit of vindictive revenge, the store owner grabbed his gun and ran out of his own store to chase that kid down and shoot him. Which he did. Then didn't even bother to call 911 even though he knew he shit him. He's getting what he deserves.

Don't steal. That is my answer. Don't steal.
I'm on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on?
Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.

Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.

What should the punishment for multi million dollar fraud be?
Just like rape and assault...death if you did it!

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