A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead

Timmy Geithner said that there were bankers that had broken our financial laws but it would have been bad for economy to prosecute them.

I should be upset at someone stealing a beer when people were allowed to steal millions?

I should be upset at someone stealing a beer when people were allowed to steal millions?

So it is OK to wipe out small business because Omar and Rangel commit Tax Fraud?
The teen was wrong for stealing the beer but $2 was hardly going to put that murdering bastard out of business.

Apparantly you have no respect for islamic culture. Do you think all those muslims you democrats advocated for to be allowed to come to America should have left their culture behind? Do you want to eviscerate their religious beliefs as well as their culture?

Perhaps you in your naivete did not understand they would bring their religion and cultture with them? Now you want to execute or lock them away for practicing what they have practiced for thousands of years?

Are you actually favoring Sharia law over U.S. law?
Bwaaaaahhaaaaaaaa...Says the one who votes for the party who have people who want Sharia Law.. Stop feeding the idiots, they breed like "idiots".
As always, you prove to be stark raving mad. No Democrat has proposed Sharia laws in place of U.S. law.

Isn't it kind of early for you to be hitting the bottle?
I'm not talking about a court ruled death penalty. I'm talking about a vigilante imposed death penalty. Which is what this thread is about. I did mention lethal injection and electric chair, but that was meant as a metaphor for mowing down a beer thief.

"What we are talking about here, is when you are in the process of being victimized, and you pull a gun and order someone to stop... if that person refuses, I don't have any problem with you shooting them."

That's not what happened here. In this case, the beer thief was out the door in seconds. The store owner didn't try to stop him. In a fit of vindictive revenge, the store owner grabbed his gun and ran out of his own store to chase that kid down and shoot him. Which he did. Then didn't even bother to call 911 even though he knew he shit him. He's getting what he deserves.

Don't steal. That is my answer. Don't steal.
I'm on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on?
Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.

Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you were even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.
You're beyond rightarded. A) I never defended the teen for stealing. B) I've clearly pointed out that murder is neither an appropriate response, nor a legal response, for stealing a beer. And no, in no time in the history of this country has stealing a beer been a capitol offense. You lunatics claiming otherwise would be executed for the crimes you committed as teenagers.

It isn't murder. The guy did not just randomly get up and start shooting people. He was the victim of a crime.

Now are you on the side of the victim, or on the side of the criminal. The double speak where you can be on neither side, yet somehow condemn both, is more left-wing double talk nonsense.

Yeah, I am beyond your ability to understand, because I a morally better person than you whether you are capable of understanding it, or not.

Of course it's murder.

Clerk Convicted of Murder for Shooting Memphis Teenager Who Stole ‘$2 Beer’
Don't steal. That is my answer. Don't steal.
I'm on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on?
Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.

Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.

What should the punishment for multi million dollar fraud be?

Again, you are pointing to the amount of money, as if that matters.

If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response.

Fraud, where you voluntarily give your money to someone else, because you didn't double check if they were really a Nigerian prince......

Part of that is on you being stupid...

Nevertheless.... it all depends. Each case of fraud is different. I've always wondered why we don't do what the IRS does. It's true that sometimes the IRS puts people in prison. Absolutely.

However, most of the time the IRS wants to avoid sending someone to prison, because you can't get them to pay the $100,000 in taxes they owe.

So they try and get you to work, and have your wages garnished. I would think that would be a good solution, to have the person work a job, and pay back all the money they defrauded someone out of, plus a penalty, maybe 10% of the amount stolen.

Another option that I've always liked is, having prison labor. Instead of having people work in those hot foundries, maybe have people in prison work in the foundry. Have the money made from the foundry, pay back fraud victims.

I also like physical punishment over prison time. I would prefer we do what Singapore does. They cane people. You go defraud someone, and get 20 hits with the cane. I like that.

I hate fraud as much as anyone else, but the fact is, it simply isn't the same as theft. It isn't. Someone didn't break in your home, your living space, and run off with your stuff after ransacking the place, which is what happened to me.

Fraud at some level, requires that you voluntarily participate.

One of the things that always irritated me about the Bernie Madoff deal, was that all these people started crying big tears all over the place, and you go look it up, they were all wealthy people, that bought him telling them he could guarantee a 10% return per year. Dozens of experts in the field said that was crazy, that no investment can 'guarantee' a 10% return. The best investment on the Earth, can't guarantee a 10% return.

So when you have dozens of experienced long time investors, all warning you that no investment can make that much money, and you say "derp, he promised 10%!" and give him your money....

Like I said, it takes two, to engage in fraud. It's not like Madoff ran into your house, and forced you into his investment scheme.

I'll be far more angry over $20 stolen off my counter top, by some pond scum that broke into my house, than some guy that convinced me he has a sick child, and I gave a $200 for medicine.

And by the way, in some extent I was defrauded once (long story), but I was almost as mad at myself in the incident, as the other person. At least I had to give them credit for coming up with a good scheme to get me to give them money. But some guy just violating my home, or my business, and taking my stuff? Nah, those are rats. I can kill a rodent.
"If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response."

That's a non-sequitur as a different set of rules apply to entering a private residence as opposed to a public business.
So if you walk into a bank and rob the teller, the security guard isnt going to shoot the perp?
Don't steal. That is my answer. Don't steal.
I'm on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on?
Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.

Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you were even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.
You're beyond rightarded. A) I never defended the teen for stealing. B) I've clearly pointed out that murder is neither an appropriate response, nor a legal response, for stealing a beer. And no, in no time in the history of this country has stealing a beer been a capitol offense. You lunatics claiming otherwise would be executed for the crimes you committed as teenagers.

It isn't murder. The guy did not just randomly get up and start shooting people. He was the victim of a crime.

Now are you on the side of the victim, or on the side of the criminal. The double speak where you can be on neither side, yet somehow condemn both, is more left-wing double talk nonsense.

Yeah, I am beyond your ability to understand, because I a morally better person than you whether you are capable of understanding it, or not.

Of course it's murder.

Clerk Convicted of Murder for Shooting Memphis Teenager Who Stole ‘$2 Beer’
Ah yes, the ole reliable NY Times who was the one that said, President Trump Colluded with Russia. You like the good idiot you are, still believe that rag of a paper. Yep, proving that your IQ is below 30.
Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.

Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.

What should the punishment for multi million dollar fraud be?

Again, you are pointing to the amount of money, as if that matters.

If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response.

Fraud, where you voluntarily give your money to someone else, because you didn't double check if they were really a Nigerian prince......

Part of that is on you being stupid...

Nevertheless.... it all depends. Each case of fraud is different. I've always wondered why we don't do what the IRS does. It's true that sometimes the IRS puts people in prison. Absolutely.

However, most of the time the IRS wants to avoid sending someone to prison, because you can't get them to pay the $100,000 in taxes they owe.

So they try and get you to work, and have your wages garnished. I would think that would be a good solution, to have the person work a job, and pay back all the money they defrauded someone out of, plus a penalty, maybe 10% of the amount stolen.

Another option that I've always liked is, having prison labor. Instead of having people work in those hot foundries, maybe have people in prison work in the foundry. Have the money made from the foundry, pay back fraud victims.

I also like physical punishment over prison time. I would prefer we do what Singapore does. They cane people. You go defraud someone, and get 20 hits with the cane. I like that.

I hate fraud as much as anyone else, but the fact is, it simply isn't the same as theft. It isn't. Someone didn't break in your home, your living space, and run off with your stuff after ransacking the place, which is what happened to me.

Fraud at some level, requires that you voluntarily participate.

One of the things that always irritated me about the Bernie Madoff deal, was that all these people started crying big tears all over the place, and you go look it up, they were all wealthy people, that bought him telling them he could guarantee a 10% return per year. Dozens of experts in the field said that was crazy, that no investment can 'guarantee' a 10% return. The best investment on the Earth, can't guarantee a 10% return.

So when you have dozens of experienced long time investors, all warning you that no investment can make that much money, and you say "derp, he promised 10%!" and give him your money....

Like I said, it takes two, to engage in fraud. It's not like Madoff ran into your house, and forced you into his investment scheme.

I'll be far more angry over $20 stolen off my counter top, by some pond scum that broke into my house, than some guy that convinced me he has a sick child, and I gave a $200 for medicine.

And by the way, in some extent I was defrauded once (long story), but I was almost as mad at myself in the incident, as the other person. At least I had to give them credit for coming up with a good scheme to get me to give them money. But some guy just violating my home, or my business, and taking my stuff? Nah, those are rats. I can kill a rodent.
"If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response."

That's a non-sequitur as a different set of rules apply to entering a private residence as opposed to a public business.
So if you walk into a bank and rob the teller, the security guard isnt going to shoot the perp?
Dayam, you fucking rightarded. :ack-1:

That's not what happened in this case. Unlike your bank scenario, there's zero evidence the teen who stole the beer committed a felony or threatened anyone's lives.

Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.

Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you were even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.
You're beyond rightarded. A) I never defended the teen for stealing. B) I've clearly pointed out that murder is neither an appropriate response, nor a legal response, for stealing a beer. And no, in no time in the history of this country has stealing a beer been a capitol offense. You lunatics claiming otherwise would be executed for the crimes you committed as teenagers.

It isn't murder. The guy did not just randomly get up and start shooting people. He was the victim of a crime.

Now are you on the side of the victim, or on the side of the criminal. The double speak where you can be on neither side, yet somehow condemn both, is more left-wing double talk nonsense.

Yeah, I am beyond your ability to understand, because I a morally better person than you whether you are capable of understanding it, or not.

Of course it's murder.

Clerk Convicted of Murder for Shooting Memphis Teenager Who Stole ‘$2 Beer’
Ah yes, the ole reliable NY Times who was the one that said, President Trump Colluded with Russia. You like the good idiot you are, still believe that rag of a paper. Yep, proving that your IQ is below 30.
You flaming imbecile -- the NT Times was merely reporting in the verdict. You have to be brain damaged beyond all repair to attack the NY Times for reporting a court of law found the murderer guilty of murder.

Of course it all could of been avoided if the dumbass "black" teen didnt feel obligated to "STEAL" something that was illegal for him even to drink.
So? Stealing a beer still does not justify murder.
So you hate Muslims, right?
No. You're just crazy to think I do.
He is a known Islamaphobe...hiding as a unbigoted liberal piece of shit....Takes the THEIFS side over a decent working muslim....Depolrable!

You're crazy beyond repair, lunatic. That's why you can't actually quote me saying anything against Islam.
As you assholes know, you implied as much....You think everyone is as moronic as you are....
Depending on the circumstances you could wrestle them dow, pistol whip them in the back of the head/neck or put them in a sleeper hold.
Whats weird or funny about that, OldYeller? Cops do it all the time, lol.
And Cops Have Fight Training
Not The Schlubs At 7-11
1) not all cops can fight

2) Not everyone who works at a convenience store is a 'schlub' . Some are ex military, some are former wrestlers or boxers or MMA participants.

Your contempt for average men is illuminating.
If death is the proper penalty for stealing a beer, what should the penalty be for multi million dollar fraud?
Drawing and Quartering after a week of starvation in a cage where everyone can throw rocks at them.
I still haven't gotten an answer from my post about assault weapons and would like to know below which of these 2 weapons are assault rifles?

A. View attachment 275400 B. View attachment 275404

Since you are an expert knowing and protecting the 2nd amendment, please give the rest of US what you think?
Which of them can do full auto fire?

My guess is the Garand is still full auto and the AR15 is still only single shot, (without a big rubber band, anyway)
Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you were even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.
You're beyond rightarded. A) I never defended the teen for stealing. B) I've clearly pointed out that murder is neither an appropriate response, nor a legal response, for stealing a beer. And no, in no time in the history of this country has stealing a beer been a capitol offense. You lunatics claiming otherwise would be executed for the crimes you committed as teenagers.

It isn't murder. The guy did not just randomly get up and start shooting people. He was the victim of a crime.

Now are you on the side of the victim, or on the side of the criminal. The double speak where you can be on neither side, yet somehow condemn both, is more left-wing double talk nonsense.

Yeah, I am beyond your ability to understand, because I a morally better person than you whether you are capable of understanding it, or not.

Of course it's murder.

Clerk Convicted of Murder for Shooting Memphis Teenager Who Stole ‘$2 Beer’
Ah yes, the ole reliable NY Times who was the one that said, President Trump Colluded with Russia. You like the good idiot you are, still believe that rag of a paper. Yep, proving that your IQ is below 30.
You flaming imbecile -- the NT Times was merely reporting in the verdict. You have to be brain damaged beyond all repair to attack the NY Times for reporting a court of law found the murderer guilty of murder.


No, I'm saying the law is wrong. I am not saying the New York times did not report the wrong verdict by the wrong court.

I am on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on? Well we know. You are a criminal supporter. That's pretty sad.
Don't steal. That is my answer. Don't steal.
I'm on the side of the victim of a crime. Whose side are you on?
Of course, don't steal. And don't shoot people who do.

Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.

What should the punishment for multi million dollar fraud be?

Again, you are pointing to the amount of money, as if that matters.

If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response.

Fraud, where you voluntarily give your money to someone else, because you didn't double check if they were really a Nigerian prince......

Part of that is on you being stupid...

Nevertheless.... it all depends. Each case of fraud is different. I've always wondered why we don't do what the IRS does. It's true that sometimes the IRS puts people in prison. Absolutely.

However, most of the time the IRS wants to avoid sending someone to prison, because you can't get them to pay the $100,000 in taxes they owe.

So they try and get you to work, and have your wages garnished. I would think that would be a good solution, to have the person work a job, and pay back all the money they defrauded someone out of, plus a penalty, maybe 10% of the amount stolen.

Another option that I've always liked is, having prison labor. Instead of having people work in those hot foundries, maybe have people in prison work in the foundry. Have the money made from the foundry, pay back fraud victims.

I also like physical punishment over prison time. I would prefer we do what Singapore does. They cane people. You go defraud someone, and get 20 hits with the cane. I like that.

I hate fraud as much as anyone else, but the fact is, it simply isn't the same as theft. It isn't. Someone didn't break in your home, your living space, and run off with your stuff after ransacking the place, which is what happened to me.

Fraud at some level, requires that you voluntarily participate.

One of the things that always irritated me about the Bernie Madoff deal, was that all these people started crying big tears all over the place, and you go look it up, they were all wealthy people, that bought him telling them he could guarantee a 10% return per year. Dozens of experts in the field said that was crazy, that no investment can 'guarantee' a 10% return. The best investment on the Earth, can't guarantee a 10% return.

So when you have dozens of experienced long time investors, all warning you that no investment can make that much money, and you say "derp, he promised 10%!" and give him your money....

Like I said, it takes two, to engage in fraud. It's not like Madoff ran into your house, and forced you into his investment scheme.

I'll be far more angry over $20 stolen off my counter top, by some pond scum that broke into my house, than some guy that convinced me he has a sick child, and I gave a $200 for medicine.

And by the way, in some extent I was defrauded once (long story), but I was almost as mad at myself in the incident, as the other person. At least I had to give them credit for coming up with a good scheme to get me to give them money. But some guy just violating my home, or my business, and taking my stuff? Nah, those are rats. I can kill a rodent.
"If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response."

That's a non-sequitur as a different set of rules apply to entering a private residence as opposed to a public business.

If I own that business..... you are robbing my home. I don't care that you want to call it "a public business" or not.
I still haven't gotten an answer from my post about assault weapons and would like to know below which of these 2 weapons are assault rifles?

A. View attachment 275400 B. View attachment 275404

Since you are an expert knowing and protecting the 2nd amendment, please give the rest of US what you think?

They are both assault rifles if they are used to assault something or somebody! Even If you get beaten with it after the assaulter runs out of bullets.:5_1_12024:
So it is OK to wipe out small business because Omar and Rangel commit Tax Fraud?
The teen was wrong for stealing the beer but $2 was hardly going to put that murdering bastard out of business.

Apparantly you have no respect for islamic culture. Do you think all those muslims you democrats advocated for to be allowed to come to America should have left their culture behind? Do you want to eviscerate their religious beliefs as well as their culture?

Perhaps you in your naivete did not understand they would bring their religion and cultture with them? Now you want to execute or lock them away for practicing what they have practiced for thousands of years?

Again I will note that nowhere does it state he was a Muslim but even if so, there are many, many Muslim business owners here that do not shoot people over a petty theft.

Why do you try and deny the obvious? How weak and pathetic your are.

Memphis Muslim Store Owner Shoots 17-Year-Old Boy in the Back Over an Allegedly Stolen Beer

Read it twice. No mention of him being Muslim in the article.
So it is OK to wipe out small business because Omar and Rangel commit Tax Fraud?
The teen was wrong for stealing the beer but $2 was hardly going to put that murdering bastard out of business.

Apparantly you have no respect for islamic culture. Do you think all those muslims you democrats advocated for to be allowed to come to America should have left their culture behind? Do you want to eviscerate their religious beliefs as well as their culture?

Perhaps you in your naivete did not understand they would bring their religion and cultture with them? Now you want to execute or lock them away for practicing what they have practiced for thousands of years?

Again I will note that nowhere does it state he was a Muslim but even if so, there are many, many Muslim business owners here that do not shoot people over a petty theft.

Why do you try and deny the obvious? How weak and pathetic your are.

Memphis Muslim Store Owner Shoots 17-Year-Old Boy in the Back Over an Allegedly Stolen Beer

Read it twice. No mention of him being Muslim in the article.

Why are you so ridiculously naive? Arab Store Clerk Shoots, Kills Teen For Stealing Beer
The thief is culpable for initiating and participating in his own demise
Boo hoo that as much as you want-It’s Fact
It's hard to understand why black youth are seemingly always at the center of unfortunate situations such as this one.

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