A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead

A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.
$2.00 can of beer...$.75 bullet...dead thief...priceless.
A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

We don't murder people over a $2 beer. If Harris had come at him in a threatening manner that would be a different story, but he didn't. Ghazali chased him out of the store and gunned him down. He was wrong.

Security video of the incident played in court shows that Ghazali, while behind the counter dealing with another customer, pulled out a handgun and pointed it at Harris. He then ran outside to follow the teen and fired several times.
That is just plain murder.
It’s called cleaning-up society. $2.00 beer today...your car tomorrow. Fuck that punk.
Of course if the stupid twit didnt steal the beer for his welfare parents or worse for himself, that twit would be alive today. Nope I dont feel sorry for idiots see picture about the man pulling the lions tail. You put yourself in a compromising situation, it just might kill ya.

The lion doesn't have a choice. The Store Clerk knows what the law is. He shot a kid in the back for a petty offense.

He needs to go to jail....

Yeah, they go through a shoplifting phase and when not caught or caught and not punished, they move to the next level of crime. Why else do shit fucks like worthless liberals have a rap sheet a mile long? A rabid dog needs to be put down, criminals fall into the rabid dog category. Most liberals are like rabid dogs in waiting.

Yeah, here's the difference. When white kids shoplift, they don't get arrested, they call their parents.
Cops come and ask what the perp looks like " He's the one with the really bad limp" is the answer!
...and leaving a trail of fresh blood, just follow the feral cats!

I can't believe the cops couldn't find this kid. They got dogs that can smell weed someone smoked in their car a month ago, But no "Blood hounds" They should have brought in "RED"!

Look here all you naive folks, the simple fact is most do not give a damn about street thugs and with good reason. They are like wild animals in the midst of civilization propped up and enabled by the msm and their supporters the clueless liberals.

Anyone who sympathizes with these thugs or supports them in any manner has blood on their hands.
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Of course if the stupid twit didnt steal the beer for his welfare parents or worse for himself, that twit would be alive today. Nope I dont feel sorry for idiots see picture about the man pulling the lions tail. You put yourself in a compromising situation, it just might kill ya.

The lion doesn't have a choice. The Store Clerk knows what the law is. He shot a kid in the back for a petty offense.

He needs to go to jail....

Yeah, they go through a shoplifting phase and when not caught or caught and not punished, they move to the next level of crime. Why else do shit fucks like worthless liberals have a rap sheet a mile long? A rabid dog needs to be put down, criminals fall into the rabid dog category. Most liberals are like rabid dogs in waiting.

Yeah, here's the difference. When white kids shoplift, they don't get arrested, they call their parents.

Sure and that is the way it should be--we support our own kind. If you want to run with the thugs go down on mlk blvd in any city in America and let them know you are with them.

If you are able to survive the encounter report back to us.
Then you end up with thieves. We're played this game your way, and look at society. Even in this countries history, if you even caught with horse thieves, you were hung with the horse thieves.

That's why my grand parents, and I wager your grand parents, never had locks on the doors.

Now we have people that feel like prisoners in their own homes. Had a woman telling me the reason she stayed over at work, was because she felt safer at work, than she did at home. How does that happen?

Answer: You. You are how that happens. When all you do is defend criminals, and send victims of criminals to prison, you are the reason our society is the way that it is.

Until we get back to the sense of absolute justice, and stop feeling pity for people who are harmed while they commit a crime, we will continue to have people killed by the criminals.

And as far as I'm concerned... you people should be held accountable for the blood of all the innocent people killed by those criminals you defend.

Don't tell me you are not defending them. If you say what this store clerk did was bad, you are defending the criminal. He would be alive and protected, if you had your way.... by your own words he would. So the blood of the innocent is on your head, not mine.

What should the punishment for multi million dollar fraud be?

Again, you are pointing to the amount of money, as if that matters.

If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response.

Fraud, where you voluntarily give your money to someone else, because you didn't double check if they were really a Nigerian prince......

Part of that is on you being stupid...

Nevertheless.... it all depends. Each case of fraud is different. I've always wondered why we don't do what the IRS does. It's true that sometimes the IRS puts people in prison. Absolutely.

However, most of the time the IRS wants to avoid sending someone to prison, because you can't get them to pay the $100,000 in taxes they owe.

So they try and get you to work, and have your wages garnished. I would think that would be a good solution, to have the person work a job, and pay back all the money they defrauded someone out of, plus a penalty, maybe 10% of the amount stolen.

Another option that I've always liked is, having prison labor. Instead of having people work in those hot foundries, maybe have people in prison work in the foundry. Have the money made from the foundry, pay back fraud victims.

I also like physical punishment over prison time. I would prefer we do what Singapore does. They cane people. You go defraud someone, and get 20 hits with the cane. I like that.

I hate fraud as much as anyone else, but the fact is, it simply isn't the same as theft. It isn't. Someone didn't break in your home, your living space, and run off with your stuff after ransacking the place, which is what happened to me.

Fraud at some level, requires that you voluntarily participate.

One of the things that always irritated me about the Bernie Madoff deal, was that all these people started crying big tears all over the place, and you go look it up, they were all wealthy people, that bought him telling them he could guarantee a 10% return per year. Dozens of experts in the field said that was crazy, that no investment can 'guarantee' a 10% return. The best investment on the Earth, can't guarantee a 10% return.

So when you have dozens of experienced long time investors, all warning you that no investment can make that much money, and you say "derp, he promised 10%!" and give him your money....

Like I said, it takes two, to engage in fraud. It's not like Madoff ran into your house, and forced you into his investment scheme.

I'll be far more angry over $20 stolen off my counter top, by some pond scum that broke into my house, than some guy that convinced me he has a sick child, and I gave a $200 for medicine.

And by the way, in some extent I was defrauded once (long story), but I was almost as mad at myself in the incident, as the other person. At least I had to give them credit for coming up with a good scheme to get me to give them money. But some guy just violating my home, or my business, and taking my stuff? Nah, those are rats. I can kill a rodent.
"If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response."

That's a non-sequitur as a different set of rules apply to entering a private residence as opposed to a public business.
So if you walk into a bank and rob the teller, the security guard isnt going to shoot the perp?
Dayam, you fucking rightarded. :ack-1:

That's not what happened in this case. Unlike your bank scenario, there's zero evidence the teen who stole the beer committed a felony or threatened anyone's lives.

Why do you hate the Muslim so much, he didnt shoot the robber in the back, but in the leg. Negligent homicide should be the charge. Oh yeah, it was that the Muslim used a gun.
A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

We don't murder people over a $2 beer. If Harris had come at him in a threatening manner that would be a different story, but he didn't. Ghazali chased him out of the store and gunned him down. He was wrong.

Security video of the incident played in court shows that Ghazali, while behind the counter dealing with another customer, pulled out a handgun and pointed it at Harris. He then ran outside to follow the teen and fired several times.
That is just plain murder.
It’s called cleaning-up society. $2.00 beer today...your car tomorrow. Fuck that punk.

Yes, and all decent folk would agree with you black or white. These thugs prey on good black folk also.
I still haven't gotten an answer from my post about assault weapons and would like to know below which of these 2 weapons are assault rifles?

A. View attachment 275400 B. View attachment 275404

Since you are an expert knowing and protecting the 2nd amendment, please give the rest of US what you think?
Which of them can do full auto fire?

My guess is the Garand is still full auto and the AR15 is still only single shot, (without a big rubber band, anyway)
They are both Ruger 10/22s just one got a 100 dollar facejob by the Arch Angle group. .22 caliber both single shot semi, just one looks scarier to a liberal, because they DONT know what an assault rifle is.
What should the punishment for multi million dollar fraud be?

Again, you are pointing to the amount of money, as if that matters.

If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response.

Fraud, where you voluntarily give your money to someone else, because you didn't double check if they were really a Nigerian prince......

Part of that is on you being stupid...

Nevertheless.... it all depends. Each case of fraud is different. I've always wondered why we don't do what the IRS does. It's true that sometimes the IRS puts people in prison. Absolutely.

However, most of the time the IRS wants to avoid sending someone to prison, because you can't get them to pay the $100,000 in taxes they owe.

So they try and get you to work, and have your wages garnished. I would think that would be a good solution, to have the person work a job, and pay back all the money they defrauded someone out of, plus a penalty, maybe 10% of the amount stolen.

Another option that I've always liked is, having prison labor. Instead of having people work in those hot foundries, maybe have people in prison work in the foundry. Have the money made from the foundry, pay back fraud victims.

I also like physical punishment over prison time. I would prefer we do what Singapore does. They cane people. You go defraud someone, and get 20 hits with the cane. I like that.

I hate fraud as much as anyone else, but the fact is, it simply isn't the same as theft. It isn't. Someone didn't break in your home, your living space, and run off with your stuff after ransacking the place, which is what happened to me.

Fraud at some level, requires that you voluntarily participate.

One of the things that always irritated me about the Bernie Madoff deal, was that all these people started crying big tears all over the place, and you go look it up, they were all wealthy people, that bought him telling them he could guarantee a 10% return per year. Dozens of experts in the field said that was crazy, that no investment can 'guarantee' a 10% return. The best investment on the Earth, can't guarantee a 10% return.

So when you have dozens of experienced long time investors, all warning you that no investment can make that much money, and you say "derp, he promised 10%!" and give him your money....

Like I said, it takes two, to engage in fraud. It's not like Madoff ran into your house, and forced you into his investment scheme.

I'll be far more angry over $20 stolen off my counter top, by some pond scum that broke into my house, than some guy that convinced me he has a sick child, and I gave a $200 for medicine.

And by the way, in some extent I was defrauded once (long story), but I was almost as mad at myself in the incident, as the other person. At least I had to give them credit for coming up with a good scheme to get me to give them money. But some guy just violating my home, or my business, and taking my stuff? Nah, those are rats. I can kill a rodent.
"If you are in my house, and grab something in front of me, that's going to cause a response."

That's a non-sequitur as a different set of rules apply to entering a private residence as opposed to a public business.
So if you walk into a bank and rob the teller, the security guard isnt going to shoot the perp?
Dayam, you fucking rightarded. :ack-1:

That's not what happened in this case. Unlike your bank scenario, there's zero evidence the teen who stole the beer committed a felony or threatened anyone's lives.

Why do you hate the Muslim so much, he didnt shoot the robber in the back, but in the leg. Negligent homicide should be the charge. Oh yeah, it was that the Muslim used a gun.

He was just trying to scare the thug and got lucky. Someone should start a go fund me account for him to make sure he understands most appreciate what he did.
A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

We don't murder people over a $2 beer. If Harris had come at him in a threatening manner that would be a different story, but he didn't. Ghazali chased him out of the store and gunned him down. He was wrong.

Security video of the incident played in court shows that Ghazali, while behind the counter dealing with another customer, pulled out a handgun and pointed it at Harris. He then ran outside to follow the teen and fired several times.
That is just plain murder.
It’s called cleaning-up society. $2.00 beer today...your car tomorrow. Fuck that punk.

Yes, and all decent folk would agree with you black or white. These thugs prey on good black folk also.
Exactly! This thug was going to grow into bigger and more violent crimes. Store owner did society a favor.
If I own that business..... you are robbing my home. I don't care that you want to call it "a public business" or not.
Dumbfuck, a public business is not a private residence. I don't care how stupidconservative you are. :eusa_doh:

You have the right to your opinion. I don't care about your opinion. If I own a business, that business is as much a part of my life, as my house is.

I take it you have never run a business before, have you?

Dumbfuck ... if you have a business and you kill someone for petty theft, you could end up being bunk mates with Ghazali. be sure to bring a lifetime supply of condoms with you. :lmao:
He's disagreeing for the sake of disagreement. Guaranteed he would not shoot someone if he were in the same situation.

I really doubt most folks would chase a teenager out of a store and shoot him in the back over a $2 can of beer.

This is because our culture is different as in not that long ago most white folk would do the same, unfortunately political correctness has taken hold and justice is denied.

The muslim store owner being of a different culture that still in a lot of ways demands justice just did what come naturally to a muslim---they have no sympathy or tolerance for thieves. That is deeply ingrained in their culture....and how funny it is the liberals are the ones that supported bringing folks like this muslim store owner into America.

Now they want to whine like they had no idea what the muslim culture is like. If they want everyone to behave like white folk--why do they support bringing in folks that have a different culture with a radical religious mind set???
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A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.

We don't murder people over a $2 beer. If Harris had come at him in a threatening manner that would be a different story, but he didn't. Ghazali chased him out of the store and gunned him down. He was wrong.

Security video of the incident played in court shows that Ghazali, while behind the counter dealing with another customer, pulled out a handgun and pointed it at Harris. He then ran outside to follow the teen and fired several times.
That is just plain murder.
It’s called cleaning-up society. $2.00 beer today...your car tomorrow. Fuck that punk.

Yes, and all decent folk would agree with you black or white. These thugs prey on good black folk also.
Exactly! This thug was going to grow into bigger and more violent crimes. Store owner did society a favor.

Absolutely and I think we should set up all the new muslim immigrants into housing in our ghettoes. They have the answer for the ghetto problems.
If I own that business..... you are robbing my home. I don't care that you want to call it "a public business" or not.
Dumbfuck, a public business is not a private residence. I don't care how stupidconservative you are. :eusa_doh:

You have the right to your opinion. I don't care about your opinion. If I own a business, that business is as much a part of my life, as my house is.

I take it you have never run a business before, have you?

Dumbfuck ... if you have a business and you kill someone for petty theft, you could end up being bunk mates with Ghazali. be sure to bring a lifetime supply of condoms with you. :lmao:
He's disagreeing for the sake of disagreement. Guaranteed he would not shoot someone if he were in the same situation.

I really doubt most folks would chase a teenager out of a store and shoot him in the back over a $2 can of beer.

First of all he just shot him in the leg. It was just a lucky shot.

It is true most Ameicans would not have taken the shot....being so duped by political correctdness.....yet the muslim did and a lot of other muslims if not most of them would do the same.

It is their religion and culture that demands no tolereance for thieves. Evan a black muslim would very likely do the same though they are not as steeped in the culture of islam as most middle eastern muslims are.

All you liberals and pc types need to suck it up and if you do not want to see more of this train up your kids in the way they should go.
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A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.
$2.00 can of beer...$.75 bullet...dead thief...priceless.

Yes and I think this might be the beginning of something--most are tired of these thugs running on our streets.
A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead
A jury found a grocery clerk guilty of killing a 17-year-old boy who ran out of the store with a beer he didn't pay for in Memphis, Tennessee, in a case that had sparked protests, authorities said.
I am sick and tired of people thinking that they can do whatever they want to illegally, and have no repercussions for their actions. The parents of the teen need to be slapped upside their heads for allowing their idiot son to go and rob a convenience store especially when it is alcohol the teen isnt supposed to take. I am just sorry that the clerk has now got to face the full force of the Democrat Party, because when an illegal shoots a young girl who dies in her fathers arms, the illegal is let go, this clerk will be made an example of. Fuck you all liberals, I hate your stinking guts.
$2.00 can of beer...$.75 bullet...dead thief...priceless.

Yes and I think this might be the beginning of something--most are tired of these thugs running on our streets.
Especially now that so many useless sorry DA's won't even file charges for thefts under 750.00.
Anwar Ghazali?

Apparently, immigrant western Asian Muslims don't like our Blacks much, either.

I do not think it is so much about their race as it is about their behavior. The problem with liberals is that they want to make everything about race and being such racists they overlook behavior and concentrate on race. Outragous hypocrisy.
It was only 2 dollars worth of beer. Next time how much? The time after it would have been the cash drawer using a stolen hand gun.Then what?
At what point did the 'tree dweller' decide to murder a store clerk just for fun?
The clerk did everyone a favor.
Dumbfuck, a public business is not a private residence. I don't care how stupidconservative you are. :eusa_doh:

You have the right to your opinion. I don't care about your opinion. If I own a business, that business is as much a part of my life, as my house is.

I take it you have never run a business before, have you?

Dumbfuck ... if you have a business and you kill someone for petty theft, you could end up being bunk mates with Ghazali. be sure to bring a lifetime supply of condoms with you. :lmao:
He's disagreeing for the sake of disagreement. Guaranteed he would not shoot someone if he were in the same situation.

I really doubt most folks would chase a teenager out of a store and shoot him in the back over a $2 can of beer.

This is because our culture is different as in not that long ago most white folk would do the same, unfortunately political correctness has taken hold and justice is denied.

The muslim store owner being of a different culture that still in a lot of ways demands justice just did what come naturally to a muslim---they have no sympathy or tolerance for thieves. That is deeply ingrained in their culture....and how funny it is the liberals are the ones that supported bringing folks like this muslim store owner into America.

Now they want to whine like they had no idea what the muslim culture is like. If they want everyone to behave like white folk--why do they support bringing in folks that have a different culture with a radical religious mind set???

That is a crock of shit.

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