A.C.L.U. Files Lawsuit Seeking to Stop the Collection of Domestic Phone Logs


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
What a strange time we are living in. Pigs are flying, hells freezing over, dogs and cats living together.

Yes it's true. The ACLU is suing the Obama Administration.


WASHINGTON — The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Obama administration on Tuesday over its “dragnet” collection of logs of domestic phone calls, contending that the once-secret program — whose existence was exposed last week by a former National Security Agency contractor — is illegal and asking a judge to stop it and order the records purged.

The lawsuit could set up an eventual Supreme Court test. It could also focus attention on this disclosure amid the larger heap of top secret surveillance matters revealed by Edward J. Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor who came forward Sunday to say he was their source.

The program “gives the government a comprehensive record of our associations and public movements, revealing a wealth of detail about our familial, political, professional, religious and intimate associations,” the complaint says, adding that it “is likely to have a chilling effect on whistle-blowers and others who would otherwise contact” the A.C.L.U. for legal assistance.

The Justice Department declined to comment on the suit.

More at link:

Fine, ACLU, I'll play along just this once. This doesn't change a thing, though. You guys are still jerks.
I don't know why. Everyone at the Boston Marathon was videoed for the entire day. Who they talked to. What they wore. What they ate. Where they went. If they picked their nose or scratched their butt, for the entire day. It's how they caught the bombers, that and "phone records".


I don't know why. Everyone at the Boston Marathon was videoed for the entire day. Who they talked to. What they wore. What they ate. Where they went. If they picked their nose or scratched their butt, for the entire day. It's how they caught the bombers, that and "phone records".



The FBI were tracking the one brother, let's call him Borat the elder. But they still couldn't stop the Boston bombing could they?

The authorities were tracking Major Hasan's communications with Awlaki but they still were unable to prevent Fort Hood, weren't they?

Maybe instead of tracking all the innocent people all of the time the authorities could zoom in on likely terrorists instead of monitoring Bob the dog catcher in Tonawanda or Missy the hairdresser in Paducah.
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We don't need no stinking Patriot Act, and we don't need to violate American's civil rights to stop terrorism. We DO need to stop letting fucking muslims into the country. Kick the bastards out and don't let any more in - EVER. Problem solved.
I don't know why. Everyone at the Boston Marathon was videoed for the entire day. Who they talked to. What they wore. What they ate. Where they went. If they picked their nose or scratched their butt, for the entire day. It's how they caught the bombers, that and "phone records".



The FBI were tracking the one brother, let's call him Borat the elder. But they still couldn't stop the Boston bombing could they?

The authorities were tracking Major Hasan's communications with Awlaki but they still were unable to prevent Fort Hood, weren't they?

Maybe instead of tracking all the innocent people all of the time the authorities could zoom in on likely terrorists instead of monitoring Bob the dog catcher in Tonawanda or Missy the hairdresser in Paducah.

You realize this kind of stuff is not really designed to STOP a criminal act from happening...it's designed to catch your suspect after the fact and accumulate evidence for a rock solid prosecution case.
I don't know why. Everyone at the Boston Marathon was videoed for the entire day. Who they talked to. What they wore. What they ate. Where they went. If they picked their nose or scratched their butt, for the entire day. It's how they caught the bombers, that and "phone records".



Yet all this surveillance is done in the name of keeping us safe and it didn't.
I would rather take on the terrorists in the streets myself than give up my freedom to rely on incompetent bureaucrats to look out for me.
Does anyone understand how many evil things have been done under the guise of "protecting" society from evil ? I'm sorry but tracking someone down after they have killed me doesn't do me a lot of good.
Fine, ACLU, I'll play along just this once. This doesn't change a thing, though. You guys are still jerks.

Ya....that damned commie organization. They sued to....

1) Stop the US from spying on us

2) To allow students to pray at school

3) To allow students to hold Bible studies at school.

4) On behalf of that pill popping druggie Rush Limbaugh

How much more communist can you get?
Not gonna happen. Good luck to them though.

They have to do something to try and save face. Then after the government gently tells them to go jump off a cliff, we can continue on to the Obama utopia.
We don't need no stinking Patriot Act, and we don't need to violate American's civil rights to stop terrorism. We DO need to stop letting fucking muslims into the country. Kick the bastards out and don't let any more in - EVER. Problem solved.

Agreed. In fact we should be vandalizing and firebombing their Mosques, gang up on the Muslim men and beat them to within an inch of their lives, and beat their women whenever we see them in a gas station or grocery store (and while they're down kick them in their towel heads). Then we should get our kids to organize their friends at school to beat the hell out of Muslim kids.

After a while they will get the idea that we hold ALL of them responsible for the actions of a few and that unless you pray to OUR God you will suffer the consequences.

Fine, ACLU, I'll play along just this once. This doesn't change a thing, though. You guys are still jerks.

I'm with you. This newest lawsuit surprises the hell out of me. I think the ACLU has done more to destroy civil liberties than it has ever done to protect civil liberties.
Fine, ACLU, I'll play along just this once. This doesn't change a thing, though. You guys are still jerks.

Ya....that damned commie organization. They sued to....

1) Stop the US from spying on us

2) To allow students to pray at school

3) To allow students to hold Bible studies at school.

4) On behalf of that pill popping druggie Rush Limbaugh

How much more communist can you get?

Fine, ACLU, I'll play along just this once. This doesn't change a thing, though. You guys are still jerks.

I'm with you. This newest lawsuit surprises the hell out of me. I think the ACLU has done more to destroy civil liberties than it has ever done to protect civil liberties.

Say again? Would you please explain? :confused:

The right is starting to understand that just because someone is called "liberal" doesn't mean they are wrong. Like I've always said, if you want a republican to do something...tell them liberals are doing the opposite and watch how quick they jump to the other side. No matter what it is.
The right is starting to understand that just because someone is called "liberal" doesn't mean they are wrong. Like I've always said, if you want a republican to do something...tell them liberals are doing the opposite and watch how quick they jump to the other side. No matter what it is.

You could say the exact same thing about Democrats.

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