A case for term limits

I"m against term limits. I'm against them for Presidents, Senators, Representatives, Mayors, Dog Catchers, etc... Why on earth would you want to arbitrarily get rid of a good public servant. If you have a poor public servant and they continually get re-elected, that is the fault of the electorate.

We get the government we deserve.

Why on earth?

Barney Frank
Ron Paul

Thats why

Apparently these representatives and Senator Reid serve their constituents well. Else, they wouldn't be re-elected over and over.

Why are you comfortable with the law telling you whom you can (or can't) vote for?

so you think its a good thing that they steal from the rest of us and give it to the people that vote them back in office?
with the way things have been going all week, u have to wonder if Barry is having second thoughts, so what are the chances he will resign cause of all the pressure/scandals/etc? 50% 47%. I will take Bin Biden over Barry any day. at least he wont be able to pass anything.

barry will never resign, he is the king of narcissism, he is never wrong, he is the kenyan messiah, the all-seeing, all-knowing savior of marxism.
with the way things have been going all week, u have to wonder if Barry is having second thoughts, so what are the chances he will resign cause of all the pressure/scandals/etc? 50% 47%. I will take Bin Biden over Barry any day. at least he wont be able to pass anything.

barry will never resign, he is the king of narcissism, he is never wrong, he is the kenyan messiah, the all-seeing, all-knowing savior of marxism.

well he does smoke, that might cut his term short.
with the way things have been going all week, u have to wonder if Barry is having second thoughts, so what are the chances he will resign cause of all the pressure/scandals/etc? 50% 47%. I will take Bin Biden over Barry any day. at least he wont be able to pass anything.

barry will never resign, he is the king of narcissism, he is never wrong, he is the kenyan messiah, the all-seeing, all-knowing savior of marxism.

well he does smoke, that might cut his term short.

does he inhale or smoke like a metrosexual girlyman? I am guessing girlyman.

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