A case for term limits

term limits limit the choices that voters can make.

It is not leader of the free world we are talking here.

They are positions that are designed to represent a select group of Americans and NOT one with sweeping powers like the predisent has.

Having senators and reps beoing forcefully replaced subverts the will of the people.

Those who have the purse strings to the money have the power more sweeping than the power of the President.

Those who have that power inevitably get corrupted if they stay there too long. The longer, the more corrupted.
well thats your opinion, the polls say that most americans, 65% in the last one that I saw, want term limits for congress.

and go ahead and try for it and the American people willl fully discuss it and it will die as an idea before you can pass it

you sure about that? why do you want more Thurman's and Byrd's.

Or Rangels, Pelosis, McCains, Kerrys, Reids, Levins, Clyburns, etc. etc?
we can only hope that none of the conservative judges leave before 2016 to insure Obama can't run again. God help us please and give "The One" some competiton! aren't there any conservative democrats out there who will run in 2016?

It would take a lot more than a judicial appointment or two to open up a possible third term for Obama.

Or maybe just another executive order from Obama.
Term limits won't do much unless we ALSO reform campaign finanace

Which of course we now cannot do much thanks to the SCOTUS.
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

You do realize don't you that while Congress overall gets very low ratings, individual members rate fairly high at home......hence, why they are reelected.

Sure. Whoever brings the pork home get re-elected.

The FF never invisioned anyone making a living out of being in Govt. They were supposed to serve for a time and then go back to their regular jobs.

Hell. These guys get retirement after serving one term in office. Know anyone in the private sector who gets retirement after four years of service? They also get medical care for life which we and pay for. They also pay into their own SS system. You know. The one they don't rob blind when they need money like they do with our SS system.

Yep. Pretty cushy jobs for all the Clowns in DC. Cushy jobs with loads of vacation time and days off for all the holidays they enact. Of course we peons don't get all that but hey. We are paying for them for the rest of their lives.

They have voted perks for themselves and we taxpayer pay the freight for em for the rest of their lives.
Although Reagan's second term wound up in the early stages of a mild recession, as far as I recall, it wasn't his fault. I remember watching the news way back then, and hearing about how so many businesses were expanding, but it was to the extent where they couldn't find enough employees to run the show. Then they folded, and on top of that, most working Americans were piling up debt assuming the growing economy of 85/86/87 would never end. And sure enough, it all went down in the late 80's.They referred to it as "Paying For The Party We Had In The 80's". How come we didn't learn from that lesson? We did it again in 2008 !!!

1. Strict, short term limits
2. Balanced Budget Amendment
3. Publicly-funded elections

We're being used. Take the power out of the hands of those who abuse it the most.

(It's been at least a week or two since I posted that :tongue:)


Agree, we should also ban lobbying (er, bribery of congressmen).

Are the libs on this thread afraid that term limits would eliminate the left wing corruption that currently exists with people like pelosi, reid, rangel, etc?

There is no logical reason for congress to be a lifetime career, that is not what the founders envisioned---they thought serving in congress should be a short term sacrifice for your country, then you went back to the farm.

1. Strict, short term limits
2. Balanced Budget Amendment
3. Publicly-funded elections

We're being used. Take the power out of the hands of those who abuse it the most.

(It's been at least a week or two since I posted that :tongue:)


Agree, we should also ban lobbying (er, bribery of congressmen).

Are the libs on this thread afraid that term limits would eliminate the left wing corruption that currently exists with people like pelosi, reid, rangel, etc?

There is no logical reason for congress to be a lifetime career, that is not what the founders envisioned---they thought serving in congress should be a short term sacrifice for your country, then you went back to the farm.

Are you only proposing that terms be limited for Democratic representatives?

Then I don't see it as a partisan issue. Why would you try to turn it into one? Or try to lump everyone who disagrees with you into one shoebox?
I"m against term limits. I'm against them for Presidents, Senators, Representatives, Mayors, Dog Catchers, etc... Why on earth would you want to arbitrarily get rid of a good public servant. If you have a poor public servant and they continually get re-elected, that is the fault of the electorate.

We get the government we deserve.

Why on earth?

Barney Frank
Ron Paul

Thats why

A list of politicians you don't like isn't a valid reason to support term limits.

Part of being an adult is realizing that people are allowed to have opinions that are different from yours. If the voters in Michelle Bachmann's district want her as their representative for the rest of her life, that's their choice - not yours (unless you live in her district).

Part of being an adultvis realizing that not everyone has the same opinions. And YOU don't get to determine what is or is not valid to me.

Kindly fuck off
Why on earth?

Barney Frank
Ron Paul

Thats why

A list of politicians you don't like isn't a valid reason to support term limits.

Part of being an adult is realizing that people are allowed to have opinions that are different from yours. If the voters in Michelle Bachmann's district want her as their representative for the rest of her life, that's their choice - not yours (unless you live in her district).

Part of being an adultvis realizing that not everyone has the same opinions. And YOU don't get to determine what is or is not valid to me.

Kindly fuck off

Relax. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But your opinion about who should be representing a district you don't live in might be valid in your eyes - but it shouldn't count.
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

"For every complex problem there is a conservative's wet dream of an answer, an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

"For every complex problem there is a conservative's wet dream of an answer, an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Getting rid of corrupt politicians is only complex for the left.

See how that game works?

As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

I"m against term limits. I'm against them for Presidents, Senators, Representatives, Mayors, Dog Catchers, etc... Why on earth would you want to arbitrarily get rid of a good public servant. If you have a poor public servant and they continually get re-elected, that is the fault of the electorate.

We get the government we deserve.

Why on earth?

Barney Frank
Ron Paul

Thats why

Apparently these representatives and Senator Reid serve their constituents well. Else, they wouldn't be re-elected over and over.

Why are you comfortable with the law telling you whom you can (or can't) vote for?
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

You do realize don't you that while Congress overall gets very low ratings, individual members rate fairly high at home......hence, why they are reelected.

Sure. Whoever brings the pork home get re-elected.

The FF never invisioned anyone making a living out of being in Govt. They were supposed to serve for a time and then go back to their regular jobs.

Hell. These guys get retirement after serving one term in office. Know anyone in the private sector who gets retirement after four years of service? They also get medical care for life which we and pay for. They also pay into their own SS system. You know. The one they don't rob blind when they need money like they do with our SS system.

Yep. Pretty cushy jobs for all the Clowns in DC. Cushy jobs with loads of vacation time and days off for all the holidays they enact. Of course we peons don't get all that but hey. We are paying for them for the rest of their lives.

They have voted perks for themselves and we taxpayer pay the freight for em for the rest of their lives.

Gee, another class warfare post. Why do you people hate the rich?


I think we should have age limits, not term limits. If you want to talk about the FF, their reality was that the average life expectancy was much lower than it was today so the possibility of people like Ginsburg, Thurmond, Byrd, etc... serving until they are drooling into a cup was practically non-existent.

Lets say you can't serve past the age of 75. That goes for courts also.
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

"For every complex problem there is a conservative's wet dream of an answer, an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Getting rid of corrupt politicians is only complex for the left.

See how that game works?


Texas Court Issues Arrest Warrant for DeLay
I'd rather have a Senator who ran for office because he couldn't get on at Starbucks ?????

But yes, I do agree that they should live under the same system they impose on us.
Imagine if Barack Obama had spent the past two years totally focused on running the country instead of running for re-election...
Is it time we limited presidents to one six-year term?
May 16, 2013 - It's been a rough week for the Obama administration.
It started with new allegations by whistle-blowers at the State Department that top officials failed to respond in an honest and timely manner to the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in which four Americans were killed. Then there was the shocking admission by the IRS that two years ago they targeted conservative political groups, particularly those affiliated with the Tea Party, in order to challenge their tax-exempt status. Finally, two days ago it was announced that last year the Department of Justice secretly obtained phone records from the offices, homes and cellphones of potentially 100 or more Associated Press journalists in an apparent effort to uncover the source of a leak about a foiled terrorist plot in Yemen.

If Republicans are perhaps too quick to shout "Watergate" at times like this, many Democrats seem to believe that what happened during Watergate was wrong only because Republicans were doing it. Using the IRS against political enemies didn't start with Richard Nixon; the Kennedy administration ordered tax audits of steel industry officials when their companies raised prices back in 1962. The main difference is that the Nixon and Obama administrations first denied and then repudiated their transgressions; John F. Kennedy's minions bragged about his. History shows that our freedoms are never more at risk than when they are being trampled upon to popular applause.

Not all reactions to political scandals are purely partisan. I was a college student during the Watergate era, and I remember writing a paper inspired by those events in which I argued for a constitutional amendment limiting the president to a single six-year term. It is an old idea that's been debated periodically since the Constitutional Convention in 1787. What appealed to me at the time was the fact that so many of the Watergate abuses could be traced to Nixon's obsession with getting re-elected, as well as the fact that those excesses undermined the electoral mandate that should have resulted from Nixon's re-election.

More Jack Roberts: Is it time we limited presidents to one six-year term? | OregonLive.com
with the way things have been going all week, u have to wonder if Barry is having second thoughts, so what are the chances he will resign cause of all the pressure/scandals/etc? 50% 47%. I will take Bin Biden over Barry any day. at least he wont be able to pass anything.

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