A case for term limits

why do you want your reps to be easy to roll right over by the monied interests?
Everyone always wants other people's representative to be term-limited, but they keep electing their own representative.

If you don't live in the district - you should have zero say in who they can or cannot elect to represent them.


Except that someone from YOUR district has influence over the laws in MY district. So excuse me if I say IT IS ENTIRELY MY BUSINESS

No it's not any of your business. That other district has every right to elect someone who doesn't represent the wishes of you or your district.

What if YOU weren't allowed to elect who you want to because some folks in another district told you no????
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

You do realize don't you that while Congress overall gets very low ratings, individual members rate fairly high at home......hence, why they are reelected.
We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

That one disapproves of how the voters utilize these term limits is not justification for taking from them their right to be represented by whomever they wish, for however long they wish.

On the contrary. I should not be subjected to the whims of an unethical c9ngressional rep because HIS/her people are too stupid to vote out someone who doesn't represent a person of high character.

These assholes get rich off the backs of American voters. Some people bitch about the rich fleecing America when YOUR OWN ELECTED LEADERS are the ones driving the country down.

And voters in other states feel the same way about the candidate whom you vote for – one man’s villain is another man’s hero.

Whatever your opinion of how other citizens vote, doesn’t justify your attempt to take from them that right.

Besides, with term limits there’s no guarantee one idiot simply won’t be replaced by another idiot.
Everyone always wants other people's representative to be term-limited, but they keep electing their own representative.

If you don't live in the district - you should have zero say in who they can or cannot elect to represent them.


Except that someone from YOUR district has influence over the laws in MY district. So excuse me if I say IT IS ENTIRELY MY BUSINESS

No it's not any of your business. That other district has every right to elect someone who doesn't represent the wishes of you or your district.

What if YOU weren't allowed to elect who you want to because some folks in another district told you no????

When did I say they couldnt elect whom ever they choose? I simply dont think they should be there for life.
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

You do realize don't you that while Congress overall gets very low ratings, individual members rate fairly high at home......hence, why they are reelected.

Everyone is blaming OTHER PEOPLE'S representatives - not their own.
And YOUR representative is the only one YOU should have a say in electing or not electing.
Except that someone from YOUR district has influence over the laws in MY district. So excuse me if I say IT IS ENTIRELY MY BUSINESS

No it's not any of your business. That other district has every right to elect someone who doesn't represent the wishes of you or your district.

What if YOU weren't allowed to elect who you want to because some folks in another district told you no????

When did I say they couldnt elect whom ever they choose? I simply dont think they should be there for life.

You are essentially telling another district who they can or cannot vote for.
You wanna limit YOUR guy - fine. Work against him, run against him, raise money for his opponent - whatever you want.

But you shouldn't have a say in another district's choices.

I see where you are coming from and I respect you and your opinion. My opinion is just different.
Except that someone from YOUR district has influence over the laws in MY district. So excuse me if I say IT IS ENTIRELY MY BUSINESS

No it's not any of your business. That other district has every right to elect someone who doesn't represent the wishes of you or your district.

What if YOU weren't allowed to elect who you want to because some folks in another district told you no????

When did I say they couldnt elect whom ever they choose? I simply dont think they should be there for life.

That’s dictating to voters whom they may vote for, by not allowing voters to vote for the incumbent when his term limit ends.
No it's not any of your business. That other district has every right to elect someone who doesn't represent the wishes of you or your district.

What if YOU weren't allowed to elect who you want to because some folks in another district told you no????

When did I say they couldnt elect whom ever they choose? I simply dont think they should be there for life.

That’s dictating to voters whom they may vote for, by not allowing voters to vote for the incumbent when his term limit ends.

Nonsense. Its no different than NOT being able to vote for Bush or Obama again.
we can only hope that none of the conservative judges leave before 2016 to insure Obama can't run again. God help us please and give "The One" some competiton! aren't there any conservative democrats out there who will run in 2016?
we can only hope that none of the conservative judges leave before 2016 to insure Obama can't run again. God help us please and give "The One" some competiton! aren't there any conservative democrats out there who will run in 2016?

It would take a lot more than a judicial appointment or two to open up a possible third term for Obama.
being in congress should not be a lifetime career. It should be a sacrifice for your country for a few years, they should not leave congress as multi millionaires with a huge govt pension and free medical care.

two 6 year terms for the senate and three 2 year terms for the house. no retirement benefits. Then they would actually be motivated to do whats right for the country, not to make themselves rich.

Congress would be much better off without clowns like Pelosi, Reid, McConnell, and McCain. anyone disagree?

Let's see, people needed extremely large sums of money to constantly run a name recognition campaign, lots and lots of negative advertising, the people who get elected being beholden to the people who paid for their campaign. I wonder who that would benefit the most? hhmmmm.......

Just when I thought one could only argue for not only keeping the flaws in they system but actually increasing them I see something new. Your either the one being manipulated or the manipulator. Which is it?
being in congress should not be a lifetime career. It should be a sacrifice for your country for a few years, they should not leave congress as multi millionaires with a huge govt pension and free medical care.

two 6 year terms for the senate and three 2 year terms for the house. no retirement benefits. Then they would actually be motivated to do whats right for the country, not to make themselves rich.

Congress would be much better off without clowns like Pelosi, Reid, McConnell, and McCain. anyone disagree?

This Pelosi? Is this what you are fighting against?

Pelosi: Republicans 'do not believe in government' [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

I"m against term limits. I'm against them for Presidents, Senators, Representatives, Mayors, Dog Catchers, etc... Why on earth would you want to arbitrarily get rid of a good public servant. If you have a poor public servant and they continually get re-elected, that is the fault of the electorate.

We get the government we deserve.
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

I"m against term limits. I'm against them for Presidents, Senators, Representatives, Mayors, Dog Catchers, etc... Why on earth would you want to arbitrarily get rid of a good public servant. If you have a poor public servant and they continually get re-elected, that is the fault of the electorate.

We get the government we deserve.

Why on earth?

Barney Frank
Ron Paul

Thats why
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

I"m against term limits. I'm against them for Presidents, Senators, Representatives, Mayors, Dog Catchers, etc... Why on earth would you want to arbitrarily get rid of a good public servant. If you have a poor public servant and they continually get re-elected, that is the fault of the electorate.

We get the government we deserve.

Why on earth?

Barney Frank
Ron Paul

Thats why

A list of politicians you don't like isn't a valid reason to support term limits.

Part of being an adult is realizing that people are allowed to have opinions that are different from yours. If the voters in Michelle Bachmann's district want her as their representative for the rest of her life, that's their choice - not yours (unless you live in her district).
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

A case for term limits

With those shitbirds you Republicans run, how about zero for their term limits?
As we all know the president is restricted by term limits. Question is why not congress? Most of the real power and money resides with them yet they have no limits placed upon them beyond running again. And what protection does that provide when they continually get reelected DESPITE ethics violations and other aggregious activities.

I"m against term limits. I'm against them for Presidents, Senators, Representatives, Mayors, Dog Catchers, etc... Why on earth would you want to arbitrarily get rid of a good public servant. If you have a poor public servant and they continually get re-elected, that is the fault of the electorate.

We get the government we deserve.

Why on earth?

Barney Frank
Ron Paul

Thats why

Morons, crooks and other characters of ill-repute do not predominate in either party, so that means adopting term limits ensures that sooner or later it must be YOUR baby that is thrown out with the bathwater.

The odds are against it working out over the long term.

Regards from Rosie

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