A Challenge to Atheists

10K eh? Ol' Sam Hyde has 602 dollars on the table. LMAO Last time he did this he swore he beat Stephen Hawking in a debate on M-theory and the Anthropic Principle. :lmao:

You know he is a comedian right Stienlight? Not sure how this belongs in Politics.
If there is a God, why does he allow this guy to make Youtube videos?

You're going to hell, that's why. You can wrap up your degenerate atheism in whatever nerdy skepticism you want, but all it will do is destroy and semblance you have at a decent life and you will most likely recant on your atheism on the deathbed, hoping for salvation. Or you can take the Hitchens route and died a depressed, snobby, alcoholic, and petulant cancer ridden man and accept eternal damnation.
CaféAuLait;9040857 said:
10K eh? Ol' Sam Hyde has 602 dollars on the table. LMAO Last time he did this he swore he beat Stephen Hawking in a debate on M-theory and the Anthropic Principle. :lmao:

You know he is a comedian right Stienlight? Not sure how this belongs in Politics.

It belongs in politics, the religious is the political, with secular attacks on faith through state power, spiritual and moral questions need to be addressed. Where better than at places of "higher learning"(higher, lol) like our fine universities?
If there is a God, why does he allow this guy to make Youtube videos?

You're going to hell, that's why. You can wrap up your degenerate atheism in whatever nerdy skepticism you want, but all it will do is destroy and semblance you have at a decent life and you will most likely recant on your atheism on the deathbed, hoping for salvation. Or you can take the Hitchens route and died a depressed, snobby, alcoholic, and petulant cancer ridden man and accept eternal damnation.

Umm... okay. :lol:

Isn't it a sin to cuss? I thought Christians were supposed to love their neighbor and we're all God's children.

$10,000? Dumbass had $362 on the table...

What do you care about sin you snarky sodomite? You're proud of your sin, that's the difference between sodomites and normal human beings, we sin but don't celebrate the sin(pride is another sin).

And lol at the 362 dollars comment. Only a nerdy sperg would notice something like that.

You couldn't hold a candle to Hyde in a debate and you know it. That is why you are ducking him you pathetic homo.

Isn't it a sin to cuss? I thought Christians were supposed to love their neighbor and we're all God's children.

$10,000? Dumbass had $362 on the table...

What do you care about sin you snarky sodomite? You're proud of your sin, that's the difference between sodomites and normal human beings, we sin but don't celebrate the sin(pride is another sin).

And lol at the 362 dollars comment. Only a nerdy sperg would notice something like that.

You couldn't hold a candle to Hyde in a debate and you know it. That is why you are ducking him you pathetic homo.


^^^Another hypocritical religious fruitcake hating while preaching God's love^^^^^

Really? You're so stupid, you thought that tiny pile of money was $10,000?

And the idiot making the video is so fucking high as a kite, he didn't even say what the debate was about. God or no God I presume. You'd think that would be his opening line. Instead he keeps showing a small pile of $20s and babbles on about $10,000. He's a dumbfuck and so are you for posting this horseshit.
Isn't it a sin to cuss? I thought Christians were supposed to love their neighbor and we're all God's children.

$10,000? Dumbass had $362 on the table...

What do you care about sin you snarky sodomite? You're proud of your sin, that's the difference between sodomites and normal human beings, we sin but don't celebrate the sin(pride is another sin).

And lol at the 362 dollars comment. Only a nerdy sperg would notice something like that.

You couldn't hold a candle to Hyde in a debate and you know it. That is why you are ducking him you pathetic homo.


^^^Another hypocritical religious fruitcake hating while preaching God's love^^^^^

Really? You're so stupid, you thought that tiny pile of money was $10,000?

And the idiot making the video is so fucking high as a kite, he didn't even say what the debate was about. God or no God I presume. You'd think that would be his opening line. Instead he keeps showing a small pile of $20s and babbles on about $10,000. He's a dumbfuck and so are you for posting this horseshit.
Fucking LOL with the arrows, calm down, your getting into a hateful rage towards like patient zero did before he gave a new person HIV.

ROFLMAO on how you keep talking about the twenty dollar bills, congratulations you can count creep, you obviously don't get it, and that makes this even funnier.

And the reason you dont want a God(you know there is one), is you don't want to have to answer for your sodomy.
What do you care about sin you snarky sodomite? You're proud of your sin, that's the difference between sodomites and normal human beings, we sin but don't celebrate the sin(pride is another sin).

And lol at the 362 dollars comment. Only a nerdy sperg would notice something like that.

You couldn't hold a candle to Hyde in a debate and you know it. That is why you are ducking him you pathetic homo.


^^^Another hypocritical religious fruitcake hating while preaching God's love^^^^^

Really? You're so stupid, you thought that tiny pile of money was $10,000?

And the idiot making the video is so fucking high as a kite, he didn't even say what the debate was about. God or no God I presume. You'd think that would be his opening line. Instead he keeps showing a small pile of $20s and babbles on about $10,000. He's a dumbfuck and so are you for posting this horseshit.
Fucking LOL with the arrows, calm down, your getting into a hateful rage towards like patient zero did before he gave a new person HIV.

ROFLMAO on how you keep talking about the twenty dollar bills, congratulations you can count creep, you obviously don't get it, and that makes this even funnier.

And the reason you dont want a God(you know there is one), is you don't want to have to answer for your sodomy.

Get what? What am I supposed to be getting here?

The only thing I'm taking away from this horseshit post of yours is: 1) you've posted a video showing a Christians who is a hypocritical idiot and 2) you're a homo-hating fucktard who probably thinks gay people are the only ones sodomizing each other. Have you looked at any straight porn sites lately? (probably not, since you're like novasteve, a sexually repressed homosexual) There's straight guys fucking women in the butt ALL OVER THE PLACE. Are they going to rot in your made up fairy-tale land of hell as well?

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