A Challenge to Atheists


^^^Another hypocritical religious fruitcake hating while preaching God's love^^^^^

Really? You're so stupid, you thought that tiny pile of money was $10,000?

And the idiot making the video is so fucking high as a kite, he didn't even say what the debate was about. God or no God I presume. You'd think that would be his opening line. Instead he keeps showing a small pile of $20s and babbles on about $10,000. He's a dumbfuck and so are you for posting this horseshit.
Fucking LOL with the arrows, calm down, your getting into a hateful rage towards like patient zero did before he gave a new person HIV.

ROFLMAO on how you keep talking about the twenty dollar bills, congratulations you can count creep, you obviously don't get it, and that makes this even funnier.

And the reason you dont want a God(you know there is one), is you don't want to have to answer for your sodomy.

Get what? What am I supposed to be getting here?

The only thing I'm taking away from this horseshit post of yours is: 1) you've posted a video showing a Christians who is a hypocritical idiot and 2) you're a homo-hating fucktard who probably thinks gay people are the only ones sodomizing each other. Have you looked at any straight porn sites lately? (probably not, since you're like novasteve, a sexually repressed homosexual) There's straight guys fucking women in the butt ALL OVER THE PLACE. Are they going to rot in your made up fairy-tale land of hell as well?


Two funny things here.

1. Your line of attack is, you better support homosexuality you faggot, it's hilarious. Don't know if most of our retarded society sees the irony there, I do. Keep the poz up in that regard.

2. Trying to convey homosexuals as normal people just oppressed by the evils of religion, than launch into a tirade on butt sex. Great job their chief, thanks for the late night laughs.
bring this god out for us to see.

Then we will believe!

Prove he doesn't exist.

You can't prove a God exists in our realm. However, it's a logical fallacy to believe that because there is no proof that a god doesn't exist doesn't mean a God must exist.

You use a lot of fancy big words. You must be one a them educated liberal snobs. Not even the community colleges would accept me, and I'm proud of it. I wouldn't wanna turn out like you.
bring this god out for us to see.

Then we will believe!

Prove he doesn't exist.

You can't prove a God exists in our realm. However, it's a logical fallacy to believe that because there is no proof that a god doesn't exist doesn't mean a God must exist.
*Puts down labtop, a smug look consumes his face as he just pwns another neurotypical fundie fucktard breeder, goes to watch neil tyson's Cosmos
Prove he doesn't exist.

You can't prove a God exists in our realm. However, it's a logical fallacy to believe that because there is no proof that a god doesn't exist doesn't mean a God must exist.

You use a lot of fancy big words. You must be one a them educated liberal snobs. Not even the community colleges would accept me, and I'm proud of it. I wouldn't wanna turn out like you.

Not sure if serious........
Prove he doesn't exist.

You can't prove a God exists in our realm. However, it's a logical fallacy to believe that because there is no proof that a god doesn't exist doesn't mean a God must exist.
*Puts down labtop, a smug look consumes his face as he just pwns another neurotypical fundie fucktard breeder, goes to watch neil tyson's Cosmos

Ha! No. The Cosmos is on later tonight. But I am going to begin reading Descartes' Meditation on First Philosophy. You should probably read it too.
If there is a God, why does he allow this guy to make Youtube videos?

You're going to hell, that's why. You can wrap up your degenerate atheism in whatever nerdy skepticism you want, but all it will do is destroy and semblance you have at a decent life and you will most likely recant on your atheism on the deathbed, hoping for salvation. Or you can take the Hitchens route and died a depressed, snobby, alcoholic, and petulant cancer ridden man and accept eternal damnation.

Sounds more like you are the person going to hell.
You can't prove a God exists in our realm. However, it's a logical fallacy to believe that because there is no proof that a god doesn't exist doesn't mean a God must exist.
*Puts down labtop, a smug look consumes his face as he just pwns another neurotypical fundie fucktard breeder, goes to watch neil tyson's Cosmos

Ha! No. The Cosmos is on later tonight. But I am going to begin reading Descartes' Meditation on First Philosophy. You should probably read it too.
*Finds out Dad sold Descartes book and all his comic books to make even on his rent for the month due to the fact he quit job at Gamestop to take one graphic design class at community college(FUCK YOU DAD those were priceless collectibles, only 200 dollars wtf?).

He absconds to his basement layer, turns on the Tivo, only to find out Cosmos was taped over by dad's football game(ugh, I hate jock proles). That smug look is replaced by a look of disgust, his teeth, yellow after years of binge drinking the Dew from longs night of LARPing at WOW, seething, and his flabby arms shaking in rage. Goes back to labtop to make shitlib posts on message boards.
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If there is a God, why does he allow this guy to make Youtube videos?

You're going to hell, that's why. You can wrap up your degenerate atheism in whatever nerdy skepticism you want, but all it will do is destroy and semblance you have at a decent life and you will most likely recant on your atheism on the deathbed, hoping for salvation. Or you can take the Hitchens route and died a depressed, snobby, alcoholic, and petulant cancer ridden man and accept eternal damnation.

See you there, old boy.
If there is a God, why does he allow this guy to make Youtube videos?

You're going to hell, that's why. You can wrap up your degenerate atheism in whatever nerdy skepticism you want, but all it will do is destroy and semblance you have at a decent life and you will most likely recant on your atheism on the deathbed, hoping for salvation. Or you can take the Hitchens route and died a depressed, snobby, alcoholic, and petulant cancer ridden man and accept eternal damnation.

Millions of true believers die of cancer every year. How do you explain that?
If there is a God, why does he allow this guy to make Youtube videos?

You're going to hell, that's why. You can wrap up your degenerate atheism in whatever nerdy skepticism you want, but all it will do is destroy and semblance you have at a decent life and you will most likely recant on your atheism on the deathbed, hoping for salvation. Or you can take the Hitchens route and died a depressed, snobby, alcoholic, and petulant cancer ridden man and accept eternal damnation.

NOt that I think you are capable of a thoughful debate on this subject.

BUt what kind of God tortures people for all eternity for not believing in him and can still be considered "Good"?

I don't think that there is a God, but I don't spend much time worrying about whether there is.

I know that I've spent my life working hard, helping people, and have even taken personal hits rather than put someone else out.

A God who would torture me for all eternity over that isn't worth anyone's worship.
Atheists are Morons just like Theists, although this guy is a Cocky and Not So Bright Moron.

God is unknown. Anyone who says differently is an idiot. Let's mush on.

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