A Challenge to Atheists

Atheists ridicule people of faith who dare to think that evolution alone may not be the answer to all the questions we may have.

But what could be a greater leap of FAITH than thinking that everything we see is the result of mindless, helter-skelter one-thing-becoming-another evolution, and not the result of design beyond out understanding?

But even conceding that atheists are correct, why do they have to be so obtuse, offensive and condescending?
But even conceding that atheists are correct, why do they have to be so obtuse, offensive and condescending?
That's your point on a thread that started because a guy calls all Atheists scum? He gets a pass from you I see.

And "we don't know so God did it" is just as childish as believing in Santa, Santa Christ in your case. It's no leap of faith to accept that we don't know, it just requires stones most can't muster, like you.

Isn't it a sin to cuss? I thought Christians were supposed to love their neighbor and we're all God's children.

$10,000? Dumbass had $362 on the table...

What do you care about sin you snarky sodomite? You're proud of your sin, that's the difference between sodomites and normal human beings, we sin but don't celebrate the sin(pride is another sin).

And lol at the 362 dollars comment. Only a nerdy sperg would notice something like that.

You couldn't hold a candle to Hyde in a debate and you know it. That is why you are ducking him you pathetic homo.

Your extraordinary hatefulness is noted.
It is your most consistent characteristic.
Why do you hate the bible?
Why do you turn your back on the teachings of Paul in Galatians?
He says that if your life was truly guided by the HS then you would display these characteristics.
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
The Fruits of the Spirit.
Why do you not display these things?
Why has the HS turned his back on you?
Or did you choose to reject him?
Atheists ridicule people of faith who dare to think that evolution alone may not be the answer to all the questions we may have.

But what could be a greater leap of FAITH than thinking that everything we see is the result of mindless, helter-skelter one-thing-becoming-another evolution, and not the result of design beyond out understanding?

But even conceding that atheists are correct, why do they have to be so obtuse, offensive and condescending?

To answer your questions.

If you think Evolution is helter-skelter, then like most religious types, you don't understand Darwin's theory. ANd if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand it.

Yes, if we are correct, we really need to be offensive and condescending to the Sky Fairy WOrshippers.
Atheists ridicule people of faith who dare to think that evolution alone may not be the answer to all the questions we may have.
I don't.

But what could be a greater leap of FAITH than thinking that everything we see is the result of mindless, helter-skelter one-thing-becoming-another evolution, and not the result of design beyond out understanding?

But even conceding that atheists are correct, why do they have to be so obtuse, offensive and condescending?
I'm not.
Atheists ridicule people of faith who dare to think that evolution alone may not be the answer to all the questions we may have.

But what could be a greater leap of FAITH than thinking that everything we see is the result of mindless, helter-skelter one-thing-becoming-another evolution, and not the result of design beyond out understanding?

But even conceding that atheists are correct, why do they have to be so obtuse, offensive and condescending?

Have you been reading Steinlights posts?
Where is your outrage at his abusive posts?
I'm in. The bet it's to convince him there is no God. I get these guys every time. Maybe I shouldn't do it but it's fun. (Does it count if I'm not atheist? ;))
If there is a God, why does he allow this guy to make Youtube videos?

You're going to hell, that's why. You can wrap up your degenerate atheism in whatever nerdy skepticism you want, but all it will do is destroy and semblance you have at a decent life and you will most likely recant on your atheism on the deathbed, hoping for salvation. Or you can take the Hitchens route and died a depressed, snobby, alcoholic, and petulant cancer ridden man and accept eternal damnation.

NOt that I think you are capable of a thoughful debate on this subject.

BUt what kind of God tortures people for all eternity for not believing in him and can still be considered "Good"?

I don't think that there is a God, but I don't spend much time worrying about whether there is.

I know that I've spent my life working hard, helping people, and have even taken personal hits rather than put someone else out.

A God who would torture me for all eternity over that isn't worth anyone's worship.

Atheists ridicule people of faith who dare to think that evolution alone may not be the answer to all the questions we may have.

But what could be a greater leap of FAITH than thinking that everything we see is the result of mindless, helter-skelter one-thing-becoming-another evolution, and not the result of design beyond out understanding?

But even conceding that atheists are correct, why do they have to be so obtuse, offensive and condescending?

1. Evolution isn't faith. It's the explanation of phenomena in our observable world that has been seen in experimentation over and over again. That's why it's a scientific theory.

2. Atheists aren't being obtuse, offensive and condescending. In fact, it's the people of faith using their dogma to thwart scientific education and advancement with the fear of eternal damnation. So yes, they get very defensive because they have learn from history about what organized religion does to people of science.
Atheists ridicule people of faith who dare to think that evolution alone may not be the answer to all the questions we may have.

But what could be a greater leap of FAITH than thinking that everything we see is the result of mindless, helter-skelter one-thing-becoming-another evolution, and not the result of design beyond out understanding?

But even conceding that atheists are correct, why do they have to be so obtuse, offensive and condescending?

To answer your questions.

If you think Evolution is helter-skelter, then like most religious types, you don't understand Darwin's theory. ANd if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand it.

Yes, if we are correct, we really need to be offensive and condescending to the Sky Fairy WOrshippers.
Oh, and self-aware reasoning life, arising from an astronomically improbable naturally occurring soup of amino acids, makes way far more sense.
Atheists ridicule people of faith who dare to think that evolution alone may not be the answer to all the questions we may have.

But what could be a greater leap of FAITH than thinking that everything we see is the result of mindless, helter-skelter one-thing-becoming-another evolution, and not the result of design beyond out understanding?

But even conceding that atheists are correct, why do they have to be so obtuse, offensive and condescending?

To answer your questions.

If you think Evolution is helter-skelter, then like most religious types, you don't understand Darwin's theory. ANd if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand it.

Yes, if we are correct, we really need to be offensive and condescending to the Sky Fairy WOrshippers.
Oh, and self-aware reasoning life, arising from an astronomically improbable naturally occurring soup of amino acids, makes way far more sense.

That's the point, we live in an astronomically impossible universe.

There are 400 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

and there are thousands of galaxies.

For all we know, we can be the ONLY plant in the whole universe where amino acids combined to form life.

Or to put it antoher way. Earth has existed for 5 billion years. Simple single celled Life probably only formed about 3.9 billion years ago. Multi[celled creatures only appeared 1.2 billion years ago. really complex ones only appear 500 million years ago.

So, yes, infinite numbers of worlds with cosmic amounts of time- yes, the improbable becomes probable.
That's the point, we live in an astronomically impossible universe.

There are 400 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

and there are thousands of galaxies.

For all we know, we can be the ONLY plant in the whole universe where amino acids combined to form life.

Or to put it antoher way. Earth has existed for 5 billion years. Simple single celled Life probably only formed about 3.9 billion years ago. Multi[celled creatures only appeared 1.2 billion years ago. really complex ones only appear 500 million years ago.

So, yes, infinite numbers of worlds with cosmic amounts of time- yes, the improbable becomes probable.
The point being that the improbable parables of the faithful are really no more improbable, than those who claim the mantle of man's science.

Agnosticism is easy, when you hold all in equal skepticism.
That's the point, we live in an astronomically impossible universe.

There are 400 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

and there are thousands of galaxies.

For all we know, we can be the ONLY planet in the whole universe where amino acids combined to form life.

Or to put it antoher way. Earth has existed for 5 billion years. Simple single celled Life probably only formed about 3.9 billion years ago. Multi[celled creatures only appeared 1.2 billion years ago. really complex ones only appear 500 million years ago.

So, yes, infinite numbers of worlds with cosmic amounts of time- yes, the improbable becomes probable.
The point being that the improbable parables of the faithful are really no more improbable, than those who claim the mantle of man's science.

Agnosticism is easy, when you hold all in equal skepticism.

No, not really.

We can and have done expiraments to validate at least some parts of evolution. We have fossils that prove many parts of the equation are true.

On the other hand, none of the miracles of the Bible can be scientifically verified, and some of them are quite impossible.
On the other hand, none of the miracles of the Bible can be scientifically verified, and some of them are quite impossible.

Well, this water to wine stunt was repeated by quite a few german and austrian wineries about 20 years ago to an extent that they could have easily inebriated whole Palestine.

The theologically astonishing thing was, people did not appreciate it very much. :lol:
That's the point, we live in an astronomically impossible universe.

There are 400 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

and there are thousands of galaxies.

For all we know, we can be the ONLY planet in the whole universe where amino acids combined to form life.

Or to put it antoher way. Earth has existed for 5 billion years. Simple single celled Life probably only formed about 3.9 billion years ago. Multi[celled creatures only appeared 1.2 billion years ago. really complex ones only appear 500 million years ago.

So, yes, infinite numbers of worlds with cosmic amounts of time- yes, the improbable becomes probable.
The point being that the improbable parables of the faithful are really no more improbable, than those who claim the mantle of man's science.

Agnosticism is easy, when you hold all in equal skepticism.

No, not really.

We can and have done expiraments to validate at least some parts of evolution. We have fossils that prove many parts of the equation are true.

On the other hand, none of the miracles of the Bible can be scientifically verified, and some of them are quite impossible.
Oh, I understand and agree that there is evolution. I simply see no evidence of the miracle claimed by science, that sentient reasoning life (i.e. homo sapiens) burst forth from a big kettle of primordial soup.
bring this god out for us to see.

Then we will believe!

You mean the one that created dimensions, told us they were there, and described their properties, a long long time ago, so you would know who He is? The one that told us history in advance so you'd know who He is?

You don't need to see as much as read with understanding.
For instance, what our esteemed scientists are just now discovering is that there are other dimensions. The Bible tells us that have been there all along, and how much you want to bet that when our best and brightest figure out what a dimension can do, it will line up perfectly with the Word. Bible readers know they can be rolled up, burnt up and torn. Wait till Hawking finds out!

Your Father promised that if you seek Him, you'll find Him. Demand that He "show" Himself gets a completely different reaction. And rightly so...

Matthew 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given.....
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The point being that the improbable parables of the faithful are really no more improbable, than those who claim the mantle of man's science.

Agnosticism is easy, when you hold all in equal skepticism.

No, not really.

We can and have done expiraments to validate at least some parts of evolution. We have fossils that prove many parts of the equation are true.

On the other hand, none of the miracles of the Bible can be scientifically verified, and some of them are quite impossible.
Oh, I understand and agree that there is evolution. I simply see no evidence of the miracle claimed by science, that sentient reasoning life (i.e. homo sapiens) burst forth from a big kettle of primordial soup.

The simple to complex rationale is pretty hard to swallow since the advent of the discovering of complex DNA in the simplest of life. The eye was never simple to complex either. If an eye worked it was complex even in the earliest form.

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