A chance that Hillary Clinton will drop her Presidential bid!

The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.

Oh, but she is different. She's the chosen one after all and anyone who tries to prevent her from taking her rightful place in the white house is part of the vast rightwing conspiracy.

The only one who can match her ego is Trump but he's on the other side and he doesn't have the support of the establishment, wall street and the MIC.

And as for being despicable, that's almost a requirement if you want to get selected......


Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...

And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience
Are you smoking crack???

The only thing Hillary has extensive experience at is criminal behavior, and she's not very competent at that.
Thanks to Jackson, I was finally reminded of the 'lesser' reason we have a VP. The Vice President is the standard bearer of the administration. His job is to run for the office after the previous presidents two terms is up. Since the end of the Roosevelt administration(and before it), the VP usually ran for the high office. The rest of the party would rally behind him in support of his bids, except for issues candidates that are trying to get the VP to take their i concerns up onto his platform.

Thus we are led to a true dilemma for Democrats: What if Joe Biden run for president?

Wait, that was phrased wrong, given the historics. The real question is: What is the point behind a Clinton campaign? Why is she running? Is she running as a spoiler? Someone who is against the policies espoused by our current president? If so, which policies does she oppose?

Or is it possible that she is campaigning in case Joe is a no show? If this is the case, and Biden decides to run, what then?

Will the party rally around Ol' Joe? Or is Hillary too mesmerizing for Democrats to quit her?

There is a chance, albeit a slight one, that Hillary may throw support behind Biden and drop out!

Yeah, RIGHT!!

Oh yes, break out the popcorn. This maybe the most interesting national election yet!!
Clinton is running because she still has the best chance of winning despite the email server issue plus the fact that she is a lifelong politician who can't resist the challenge. Biden is a backup. If the Clinton campaign can't pull it together, Biden is the next likely choice and yes Clinton would support Biden if she did not run. Democrats would support either over any of the Republican candidate regardless of who it is. If the Republican candidate turned out to be Trump, either candidate would win with a large margin.
Biden is a life long politician. Clinton is a FORMER one term senator.
Hillary was a US Senator for 8 years, serving on 5 committees, 9 subcommittees, before serving as Secretary of State for 4 years. As Secretary of State she visited 112 countries and worked individually with more heads of state than any past Secretary of State. She was the first First Lady to seek and win and elected office. Time magazine named her as one of the top 25 most powerful women in the world. She was twice named one of the most influential lawyers in the country.

As First Lady for 8 years she took the lead in many of the administration's initiatives such as Healthcare Reform, Children's Health Insurance Program, Adoption and Safe Family Act, Foster Care and Independence Act.

A graduate of Yale, law she served as congressional counsel, First Lady of the State of Arkansas, First Legal Chair of Legal Services Corporation, chairwomen of the committee to reform the Arkansas Educational System, first female partner at Rose Law, co-founded the Arkansas Advocacy for Families and Children, and a board member of Walmart and a number of other corporations.

There is no candidate in the race that even comes close to Clinton's qualifications. She is literary on a first name basis with most of the world leaders as well as leaders in Congress.
She was a photo op senetor,used NY as a stepping stone,Chuck and.Clinton's replacment, have done way more real work for the state.if Rudy G hadn't had to fight off cancer she would be back in little Rock
Her experience?

18 years as First Lady.
(10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC)

carpet bagged to NY to run on her husbands name.

Awarded SoS as second prize in presidential election.

and came in second to a first term senator.
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...

And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience

LOL, after voting for Obama you showed that "experience" isn't a standard for you Comrade big guy. You like her because she's a Marxist, same reason you liked Comrade Barry

Merely citing a "single reason she should be president"

Try to keep up with the thread
Her experience?

18 years as First Lady.
(10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC)

carpet bagged to NY to run on her husbands name.

Awarded SoS as second prize in presidential election.

and came in second to a first term senator.

And Bush was elected on his daddy's name
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...

And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience
Are you smoking crack???

The only thing Hillary has extensive experience at is criminal behavior, and she's not very competent at that.

Seen it before

Of course no accomplishment from a liberal will ever count as one to a conservative

If conservatives were pleased, she would not be doing her job
Her experience?

18 years as First Lady.
(10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC)

carpet bagged to NY to run on her husbands name.

Awarded SoS as second prize in presidential election.

and came in second to a first term senator.

And Bush was elected on his daddy's name

I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.
Her experience?

18 years as First Lady.
(10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC)

carpet bagged to NY to run on her husbands name.

Awarded SoS as second prize in presidential election.

and came in second to a first term senator.

And Bush was elected on his daddy's name

I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.

History proved you wrong
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...

And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience

LOL, after voting for Obama you showed that "experience" isn't a standard for you Comrade big guy. You like her because she's a Marxist, same reason you liked Comrade Barry

Merely citing a "single reason she should be president"

Try to keep up with the thread

Actually, that isn't what the thread is about, Comrade Holmes, it's about whether she will drop her bid or not. Here's a clue, read the top of the page...

But on that point, experience would not ever change your vote, so it isn't a reason to you
Her experience?

18 years as First Lady.
(10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC)

carpet bagged to NY to run on her husbands name.

Awarded SoS as second prize in presidential election.

and came in second to a first term senator.

And Bush was elected on his daddy's name

I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.

History proved you wrong


Was Gore a better president when he held the office?

Was Kerry?
Her experience?

18 years as First Lady.
(10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC)

carpet bagged to NY to run on her husbands name.

Awarded SoS as second prize in presidential election.

and came in second to a first term senator.

And Bush was elected on his daddy's name

I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.

History proved you wrong

Yes, I agree. Gore and Kerry would not gotten all the spending through the Republicans that W got. That's why I would vote for any of the Democrats over Jeb. The Bush cabal has to go, they've done enough damage
Hillary is the bookies favourite.

She is winning the RCP average on every candidate in the field...

The best hope the GOP right now is she gives up because the numbers are all on her side...

They have continuously tried to claim she is a criminal without citing the law she broke or the court that convicted...

And yet she will not ever be president.

Hillay has an issue with citing a single reason she should be President... No honestly, that has been an issue for her and it in fact has hurt her in her own party. No evil vile mindless, racist, white, old, rich Republicans needed... In fact most of Hillary's problems are purely self induced, trust issues, wiping the server, not likable, no accomplishments and then there is the fact that she is old rich and white... christian... married to someone only for political gains... Not a lot to look up to for most people.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate in the entire field. She has more foreign policy experience and more executive branch experience
Are you smoking crack???

The only thing Hillary has extensive experience at is criminal behavior, and she's not very competent at that.

Seen it before

Of course no accomplishment from a liberal will ever count as one to a conservative

If conservatives were pleased, she would not be doing her job
So the only job requirements for a Democrat Is to irritate everyone by being an incompetent ass???

Believable, considering the Magic Negro's record....
The point being that Hillary isn't much different from anyone else. But people try and make out she is. She's a despicable as the rest of them.

Oh, but she is different. She's the chosen one after all and anyone who tries to prevent her from taking her rightful place in the white house is part of the vast rightwing conspiracy.

The only one who can match her ego is Trump but he's on the other side and he doesn't have the support of the establishment, wall street and the MIC.

And as for being despicable, that's almost a requirement if you want to get selected......



Well at least you think she's special. Ahhhh, how cute.
Former Republican Senator Tom Coburn Praises A Clinton 2016 Ticket

Former Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, infamously dubbed as “Dr. No” on Capitol Hill due to his extreme small-government positions, is shockingly throwing his praise on a potential Clinton 2016 ticket, saying:

“I think Hillary’s experience would make her a very effective president, I think, if she were to win. First of all, she’s been on the inside of politics for a long time, so she knows the inside game inside and out. She also knows the relationship game. Her husband was great at it.”

But the praise didn’t stop on the personal level. Coburn, who worked with Clinton when she was a United States Senator, also praised her for her time in the upper chamber, saying:

“She was a good senator. She worked across the aisle. She kept her word. She became knowledgeable about a lot of issues while she was a senator. So she did that job well.”

While Republicans are using her time in the State Department to disqualify her for the presidency – namely by bringing up Benghazi and her handling of the Arab Spring – Coburn defended her tenure as Secretary of State, saying that while she had a couple of “blips” during her tenure, she was no doubt better than the current Secretary, John Kerry:

“I think history overall will probably show that she did a more than adequate job, with a couple of blips, as secretary of state. Better than the secretary of state we have now, for sure. So there’s nothing wrong with her qualifications.”

and then there is this from lindsey graham:

In Debate, Lindsey Graham Changes His Tune on Hillary Clinton

Graham and Clinton worked together on legislation to expand health care benefits for members of the armed forces. "Senator Clinton and I have been fortunate to have very good allies in this effort and Congress has stepped up to the plate to meet the health care needs of our Guard and Reserves,” Graham said in a press release, one of a series of favorable comments about his former Senate colleague compiled by the pro-Clinton super-PAC Correct the Record. In 2011, he commended President Barack Obama's decision to make her a member of his Cabinet. "Secretary Clinton is a great choice to be our secretary of state," he said, telling the New York Times, "I think she’s represented our nation well."

and then there is her experience as a Senator of which she was REELECTED, so NOT on her husband's coat tails but voted in by the people for her excellent job done as their senator.

Clinton served on five Senate committees with nine subcommittee assignments:

EXPERIENCE in the Senate:

She was also a Commissioner of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe[6] (2001-2009).[7]

She also held two leadership positions in the Senate Democratic Caucus:

  1. Chairwoman of Steering and Outreach Committee (2003–2006)[8][9]
  2. Vice Chairwoman of Committee Outreach (2007–2009)[10]
Her experience?

18 years as First Lady.
(10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC)

carpet bagged to NY to run on her husbands name.

Awarded SoS as second prize in presidential election.

and came in second to a first term senator.

And Bush was elected on his daddy's name

I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.

History proved you wrong

Yes, I agree. Gore and Kerry would not gotten all the spending through the Republicans that W got. That's why I would vote for any of the Democrats over Jeb. The Bush cabal has to go, they've done enough damage

i would not vote for jeb ever

but i sure as hell would not vote for one of these democrats either


i will stick to my local and state elections if it comes to that
Her experience?

18 years as First Lady.
(10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC)

carpet bagged to NY to run on her husbands name.

Awarded SoS as second prize in presidential election.

and came in second to a first term senator.

And Bush was elected on his daddy's name

I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.

History proved you wrong

Yes, I agree. Gore and Kerry would not gotten all the spending through the Republicans that W got. That's why I would vote for any of the Democrats over Jeb. The Bush cabal has to go, they've done enough damage

i would not vote for jeb ever

but i sure as hell would not vote for one of these democrats either


i will stick to my local and state elections if it comes to that

The only possible way I would vote for JEB, is if he is facing Hillary on election day.

From what I've seen of the candidates on both sides, I will likely stay home.

none of them are worth my vote
Former Republican Senator Tom Coburn Praises A Clinton 2016 Ticket

Former Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, infamously dubbed as “Dr. No” on Capitol Hill due to his extreme small-government positions, is shockingly throwing his praise on a potential Clinton 2016 ticket, saying:

“I think Hillary’s experience would make her a very effective president, I think, if she were to win. First of all, she’s been on the inside of politics for a long time, so she knows the inside game inside and out. She also knows the relationship game. Her husband was great at it.”

But the praise didn’t stop on the personal level. Coburn, who worked with Clinton when she was a United States Senator, also praised her for her time in the upper chamber, saying:

“She was a good senator. She worked across the aisle. She kept her word. She became knowledgeable about a lot of issues while she was a senator. So she did that job well.”

While Republicans are using her time in the State Department to disqualify her for the presidency – namely by bringing up Benghazi and her handling of the Arab Spring – Coburn defended her tenure as Secretary of State, saying that while she had a couple of “blips” during her tenure, she was no doubt better than the current Secretary, John Kerry:

“I think history overall will probably show that she did a more than adequate job, with a couple of blips, as secretary of state. Better than the secretary of state we have now, for sure. So there’s nothing wrong with her qualifications.”

and then there is this from lindsey graham:

In Debate, Lindsey Graham Changes His Tune on Hillary Clinton

Graham and Clinton worked together on legislation to expand health care benefits for members of the armed forces. "Senator Clinton and I have been fortunate to have very good allies in this effort and Congress has stepped up to the plate to meet the health care needs of our Guard and Reserves,” Graham said in a press release, one of a series of favorable comments about his former Senate colleague compiled by the pro-Clinton super-PAC Correct the Record. In 2011, he commended President Barack Obama's decision to make her a member of his Cabinet. "Secretary Clinton is a great choice to be our secretary of state," he said, telling the New York Times, "I think she’s represented our nation well."

and then there is her experience as a Senator of which she was REELECTED, so NOT on her husband's coat tails but voted in by the people for her excellent job done as their senator.

Clinton served on five Senate committees with nine subcommittee assignments:

EXPERIENCE in the Senate:

She was also a Commissioner of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe[6] (2001-2009).[7]

She also held two leadership positions in the Senate Democratic Caucus:

  1. Chairwoman of Steering and Outreach Committee (2003–2006)[8][9]
  2. Vice Chairwoman of Committee Outreach (2007–2009)[10]


And Bush was elected on his daddy's name

I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.

History proved you wrong

Yes, I agree. Gore and Kerry would not gotten all the spending through the Republicans that W got. That's why I would vote for any of the Democrats over Jeb. The Bush cabal has to go, they've done enough damage

i would not vote for jeb ever

but i sure as hell would not vote for one of these democrats either


i will stick to my local and state elections if it comes to that

The only possible way I would vote for JEB, is if he is facing Hillary on election day.

From what I've seen of the candidates on both sides, I will likely stay home.

none of them are worth my vote

hopefully it doesnt come to that
Her experience?

18 years as First Lady.
(10 in Arkansas, 8 in DC)

carpet bagged to NY to run on her husbands name.

Awarded SoS as second prize in presidential election.

and came in second to a first term senator.

And Bush was elected on his daddy's name

I'd rather have seen McCain take the nomination.

But GW was still a better choice than Gore, and later Kerry.

not much better, but better.

History proved you wrong

Yes, I agree. Gore and Kerry would not gotten all the spending through the Republicans that W got. That's why I would vote for any of the Democrats over Jeb. The Bush cabal has to go, they've done enough damage

i would not vote for jeb ever

but i sure as hell would not vote for one of these democrats either


i will stick to my local and state elections if it comes to that

Well, it depends who the Libertarians run for me as well. If they break their two elections streak of attention whoring and actually nominate a libertarian then I'd probably go with that. However, look at everything W got through that Gore couldn't have dreamed of. I'd rather have a Democrat than that

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